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Reactive distillation, simultaneous reaction and separation within a single unit, represents an exciting alternative to conventional processes, leading to significantly reduced in capital and operating costs. Process design for reactive distillation is facilitated by fast and effective methods for synthesis and conceptual design that take into account reactions that do not instantaneously reach equilibrium. This work presents a new methodology for synthesis and design of single-feed kinetically controlled reactive distillation columns. The design method allows rapid and relatively simple screening of different reactive distillation column configurations. Feasibility is assessed and operating conditions are determined using an extension of boundary-value methods. The approach is limited to systems with four or fewer chemical species. Both fully reactive and hybrid columns are considered. The methodology is illustrated for a metathesis reaction and for MTBE production.  相似文献   

Owing to the combination between the reaction operation and the separation operation involved, it is extremely difficult to determine in advance the optimum configuration of a reactive distillation column and this makes process synthesis and design a great challenging task. Currently, no easy-to-use and yet effective methods are available to guide process synthesis and design, restricting considerably the applications and therefore the impacts of reactive distillation columns to the chemical process industry. In this paper, a generalized method is proposed for the synthesis and design of reactive distillation columns in terms of the insights from process intensification. The method is initiated from a simple process design with all feeds of reactants at the middle of the process and all stages as reactive ones. In terms of an economical objective function, it can be evolved into the optimum process design via sequential structure adjustments, including reactive section arrangement, feed stage relocation, feed splitting, and catalyst redistribution. The generalized method proposed is characterized by great simplicity in principle, the capability to tap the full potentials of process intensification, and the high robustness to the initial guess of process configuration as well as the thermodynamic properties of the reacting mixtures separated. Four example systems are employed to evaluate the generalized method proposed and the obtained outcomes demonstrate its effectiveness and applicability to the synthesis and design of various reactive distillation columns.  相似文献   

A generalized disjunctive programming formulation is presented for the optimal design of reactive distillation columns using tray-by-tray, phase equilibrium and kinetic based models. The proposed formulation uses disjunctions for conditional trays to apply the MESH and reaction kinetics equations for only the selected trays in order to reduce the size of the nonlinear programming subproblems. Solution of the model yields the optimal feed tray locations, number of trays, reaction zones, and operating and design parameters. The disjunctive program is solved using a logic-based outer-approximation algorithm where the MILP master problem is based on the big-M formulation of disjunctions, and where a special initialization scheme is used to reduce the number of initial NLP subproblems that need to be solved. Two examples are presented that include reactive distillation for the metathesis reaction of 2-pentene and for the production of ethylene glycol. The results show that the proposed method can effectively handle these difficult nonlinear optimization problems.  相似文献   

In this work,the impact of internal heat integration upon process dynamics and controllability by superposing reactive section onto stripping section,relocating feed locations,and redistributing catalyst within the reactive section is explored based on a hypothetical ideal reactive distillation system containing an exothermic reaction:A + B ←→ C + D.Steady state operation analysis and closed-loop controllability evaluation are carried out by comparing the process designs with and without the consideration of internal heat integration,For superposing reactive section onto stripping section,favorable effect is aroused due to its low sensitivities to the changes in operating condition,For ascending the lower feed stage,somewhat detrimental effect occurs because of the accompanied adverse internal heat integration and strong sensitivity to the changes in operating condition.For descending the upper feed stage,serious detrimental effect happens because of the introduced adverse internal heat integration and strong sensitivity to the changes in operating condition.For redistributing catalyst in the reactive section,fairly small negative influence is aroused by the sensitivity to the changes in operating condition.When reinforcing internal heat integration with a combinatorial use of these three strategies,the decent of the upper feed stage should be avoided in process development.Although the conclusions are derived based on the hypothetical ideal reactive distillation column studied,they are considered to be of general significance to the design and operation of other reactive distillation columns.  相似文献   

Until now, few studies have proposed analytical short-cut methods for reliably designing multicomponent reactive distillation columns. Therefore, in this study we have improved and extended a design methodology for the design of RD columns of multicomponent systems. We have developed a graphical design method, based on distillation lines and tray-by-tray calculations defined in terms of reaction-invariant composition variables, to determine RD design parameters such as the number of theoretical stages, operating reflux ratio, the feed tray location and the top or bottom flow. In this note, we report our extended and improved method, which is analytical and useful for reliably determining the design parameters of multicomponent RD systems. We study the synthesis of TAME with inert components (with different feed thermal conditions) as case of study to show the effectiveness of the proposed strategy. Results obtained with our strategy show a significant agreement with those obtained using a rigorous model of commercial simulator AspenONE Aspen Plus®.  相似文献   

In this work, we present a methodology for the global optimization of reactive distillation (RD) networks, through the Infinite DimEnsionAl State-space (IDEAS) approach. Within the IDEAS framework, network synthesis is formulated as an infinite dimensional linear optimization problem. The IDEAS conceptual framework is realized through solution of a series of finite dimensional linear programs whose optimum values converge to the infinite program’s infimum. The proposed optimal design methodology is demonstrated on a case study involving reactive distillation-based synthesis of methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) from isobutene and methanol.  相似文献   

In this contribution, balance of design and control is investigated through reactive section distribution in an olefin metathesis reactive distillation column. Four designs with different strategies for reactive section distribution are studied and these include one with all stages as reactive ones (design-I), one with the distribution of reactive section according to the principle of internal mass integration (design-II), and ones with the extension of the reactive section of the design-II by five stages to either the stripping section (design-III) or the rectifying and stripping sections simultaneously (design-IV). The design-II appears to be more thermodynamically efficient than the design-I but with considerable degradation in process controllability. The design-III and design-IV retain most of the economical advantages of the design-II with only slight deterioration in controllability as compared with the design-I. This outcome demonstrates the fact that the strategy for reactive section distribution could be an effective decision variable for the balance of design and control in the development of reactive distillation columns.  相似文献   

In this work,the dynamics and operation of the totally reboiled reactive distillation columns are visualized in terms of transfer function based process models.This kind of processes is found to be characterized by underdamped step responses due to the special topological configuration and the intricate interplay between the reaction operation and the separation operation involved.The under-dampness can be substantially alleviated through the tight inventory control of bottom reboiler and this presents beneficial effects to process dynamics and operation.Two totally reboiled reactive distillation columns,separating,respectively,a hypothetical synthesis reaction from reactants A and B to product C,and a real decomposition reaction from 1,4-butanediol to tetrahydrofuran and water,are employed to demonstrate these uncommon behaviors.The results obtained give full support to the above qualitative interpretation.Despite the strong influences of reaction kinetics and thermodynamic properties of the reacting mixtures,the totally reboiled reactive distillation columns am generally considered to present such unique behaviors and require tight inventory control of bottom reboiler to facilitate their control system development.  相似文献   

A fundamental principle is developed for process intensification through internal mass and energy integration in reactive distillation columns and three systematic procedures are devised for process synthesis and design. For reactive distillation columns involving reactions with highly thermal effect, process intensification can be achieved with an exclusive consideration of internal energy integration between the reaction operation and separation operation involved. However, in the case of a highly endothermic reaction with an extremely low reaction rate and/or small chemical equilibrium constant, internal mass integration has also to be considered between the reactive section and stripping section. For reactive distillation columns involving reactions with negligibly or no thermal effect, process intensification can be performed with an exclusive consideration of internal mass integration. For reactive distillation columns involving reactions with moderately thermal effect, process intensification must be conducted with a careful trade-off between internal mass and energy integration. Five hypothetical and two real reactive distillation systems are employed to evaluate the principle and procedures proposed. It is demonstrated that intensifying internal mass and energy integration is really effective for process intensification. Not only can the thermodynamic efficiency be improved substantially, but also the capital investment can be further reduced.  相似文献   

The design optimization of reactive distillation columns (RDC) is characterized by complex nonlinear constraints, nonlinear cost functions, and the presence of many local optima. The standard approach is to use MINLP solvers that work on a superstructure formulation where structural decisions are represented by discrete variables and lead to an exponential increase in the computational effort. The mathematical programming (MP) methods which solve the continuous sub-problems provide only one local optimum which depends strongly on the initialization. In this contribution a memetic algorithm (MA) is introduced and applied to the global optimization of four different formulations of a computational demanding real-world design problem. An evolution strategy addresses the global optimization of the design decisions, while continuous sub-problems are efficiently solved by a robust MP solver. The MA is compared to MINLP techniques. It is the only algorithm that finds the global solution in reasonable times for all model formulations.  相似文献   

A general framework for analyzing and understanding the dynamics of reactive separation processes is developed. The theory is based on the assumption of simultaneous phase and reaction equilibrium. It makes use of transformed concentration variables, which were first introduced by Doherty and co-workers for the steady state design of reactive distillation processes (Proc. Roy. Soc. London A 413 (1987a) 459). It is shown that these transformed variables can be directly generalized to the dynamic problem considered here. Further, they can also be applied to other reactive separation processes like fixed bed as well as countercurrent chromatographic reactors, for example. They provide profound insight into the dynamic behavior of these processes and reveal bounds of feasible operation caused by reactive azeotropy. It is shown that reactive azeotropy, which is a well-known phenomenon in reactive distillation (Proc. Roy. Soc. London A 413 (1987b) 443) may also rise under very similar conditions in other reactive separation processes like chromatographic reactors for example.  相似文献   

规整填料精馏塔的设计计算   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过大量的文献调研,比较了规整填料精馏塔和板式塔的优缺点,对规整填料精馏塔内压降、传质及液泛时压降的计算公式进行了比较,总结出设计计算规整填料精馏塔的步骤与方法,为规整填料精馏塔的应用提供了基础。  相似文献   

R. Baur  R. Taylor  R. Krishna   《Catalysis Today》2001,66(2-4):225-232
We compare the performance of an MTBE synthesis column using two different hardware configurations: (1) a sieve tray column in which the catalyst particles, encased inside wire gauze envelopes, placed along the liquid flow path; (2) a column filled with catalytically active packing of Raschig ring shape. The columns simulations are performed using a rigorous nonequilibrium model. Using the bottoms flow rate of MTBE as continuation parameter it is shown that the two different hardware configurations exhibit significantly different bifurcation diagrams. The sensitivity of this bifurcation diagram has been studied with varying (a) methanol feed, (b) iso-butene feed, (c) inert feed and (d) reflux ratio. We show that the cross-flow contacting on the sieve tray configuration is beneficial to conversion.  相似文献   

A new methodology for design and analysis of reactive distillation has been developed. In this work, the element-based approach, coupled with a driving force diagram, has been extended and applied to the design of a reactive distillation column involving multielement (multicomponent) systems. The transformation of ordinary systems to element-based ones and the aggregation of non-key elements allow the important design parameters, such as the number of stages, feed stage and minimum reflux ratio, to be determined by using simple diagrams similar to those regularly employed for non-reactive systems consisting of two components. Based on this methodology, an optimal design configuration is identified using the equivalent binary-element-driving force diagram. Two case studies of methyl acetate (MeOAc) synthesis and methyl-tert-butyl ether (MTBE) synthesis have been considered to demonstrate the successful applications of the methodology. Moreover, energy requirements for various column configurations corresponding to different feed locations are determined to verify whether the optimal design can be identified by following the proposed methodology.  相似文献   

李萍  黄克谨  蔺权权 《现代化工》2011,31(Z1):372-376,378
反应精馏是反应过程和分离过程耦合为一体的单元操作,已成为当今研究的重要领域。然而,到目前为止并没有一套通用简便的方法去指导反应精馏过程的综合与设计,严重限制了它的广泛应用。本文在过程强化原理的基础上提出了一种反应蒸馏塔通用的综合与设计方法,并利用2种反应蒸馏系统来评价所提出的设计策略。结果表明,该综合设计方法可以简便高效地搜索出反应蒸馏塔的最优结构,适用于不同类型的反应蒸馏塔的综合与设计。  相似文献   

In the first three papers of this series, it has been shown that strengthening internal heat integration within a reactive distillation column involving reactions with high thermal effect is really effective for the reduction of utility consumption and capital investment besides the improvement in process dynamics and operation. One important issue that remains unstudied so far is the influences of reaction selectivity upon the reinforcement of internal heat integration, since the reaction operation is often accompanied by side-reactions and the maintenance of a high selectivity is extremely necessary in process synthesis and design. A reactive distillation column synthesizing high-purity ethylene glycol through the hydration of ethylene oxide is chosen and studied in this work. Because of the unfavorable physicochemical properties of the reacting mixture separated (e.g., the fairly large volatility between the reactants and the existence of a consecutive side-reaction), the process represents a challenging problem for the reinforcement of internal heat integration. Intensive comparison is conducted between the process designs with and without the consideration of further internal heat integration between the reaction operation and the separation operation involved, and it has been found that seeking further internal heat integration still leads to a substantial reduction of energy requirement, in addition to a further abatement in capital investment. Moreover, a favorable effect is again observed upon the process dynamics and operability. These striking outcomes manifest evidently that seeking further internal heat integration should be considered in process synthesis and design irrespective of what a reaction selectivity has been assigned.  相似文献   

In this contribution, a rigorous process model to simulate the start-up of a cold and empty reactive distillation (RD) column is developed and experimentally validated with a transesterification process. Strategies for time optimal start-up of an RD column are presented. The mostly used strategy for conventional distillation of total reflux for RD is only recommendable with limitations. New, alternative strategies, like the recycling of the off-spec bottom and top product or the initial charging with product, to minimize the necessary start-up time are presented. Suitable strategies can save up to 82% of the needed time for the column start-up.  相似文献   

An innovative entrainer-enhanced reactive distillation (RD) process is presented, which aims to the production of high-purity butyl cellosolve acetate from butyl cellosolve and acetic acid via an esterification reaction. This entrainer-enhanced RD process can procure technical advantages from both heterogeneous azeotropic distillation and RD. Solvents such as cyclohexane, ethylene dichloride, toluene, and octane are considered as candidates in this esterification RD process. The function of entrainers is to simplify the separation between water and acetic acid. For this purpose, the proper entrainer to use is thus evaluated based on its mutual solubility with water in two liquid phases. Simulation results reveal that total annual cost can be substantially reduced when cyclohexane, toluene, and octane are used as entrainers in the RD column. The octane-enhanced RD provides the most economical design in this studied case.  相似文献   

An approximate design procedure for fully thermally coupled distillation columns (FTCDCs) is proposed and applied to example ternary systems. The procedure gives a fast solution of structural and operation design for a preliminary study of the FTCDC. The structural information resolves the design difficulty, caused from the interlinking streams of the column, which is encountered when a conventional design procedure is implemented. The design outcome explains that how the thermodynamic efficiency of the FTCDC is higher than that of a conventional two-column system and how the system of a separate prefractionator is different from a dividing wall structure. From the design result of three example systems with three different feed compositions, the useful performance of the proposed scheme is proved. In addition, the structural design of the FTCDC gives better understanding of the system and leads to high efficiency design of the column.  相似文献   

In this paper, a novel reactive distillation column with double reactive sections (RDC-DRS) is proposed for the separations of two-stage consecutive reversible reactions. The arrangement of two reactive sections not only allows the careful coordination of the two reaction operations involved, but also provides additional degrees of freedom for the reinforcement of internal mass integration and/or internal energy integration between the reaction operations and the separation operation involved, which could facilitate the RDC-DRS to be more advantageous than the conventional reactive distillation column with a single reactive section (RDC-SRS) in operating cost and capital investment. A representative hypothetical and real two-stage consecutive reversible reactions are chosen to evaluate the steady-state performance of the RDC-DRS. With the constraints of the same total number of stages and the same total number of reactive stages, the RDC-DRS is demonstrated to require less utility consumption than the RDC-SRS and this outcome indicates that the former could be a competitive alternative to the latter in the separations of the two-stage consecutive reversible reactions. The number of reactive sections should therefore be viewed as an important decision variable for the synthesis and design of reactive distillation columns especially in the separations of complicated reacting mixtures involving multiple reversible reactions.  相似文献   

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