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CHM-Ⅰ型催化剂主要成分为 CuO 40.2%、ZnO36.2%、Al_2O_34.7%(Wt),活性组分为 Cu~+/ZnO相。哈尔滨气化厂甲醇装置采用 ICI 法低温低压甲醇合成技术,引进原苏联成套设备和 CHM-Ⅰ型三元铜系催化剂。CHM-Ⅰ型催化剂具有选择性好、活性高、活性温度低,适于低压操作等诸多优点,但在实际生产中还存在一定的缺陷,如耐热性、抗毒性 相似文献
铜系甲醇合成催化剂失活动力学模型 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
通过考察铜系催化剂在甲醇生产中的活性状况,研究了甲醇合成催化剂的失活因素,建立了相应的动力学模型。结果表明,该类催化剂的失活是硫中毒,形态结构变化与活化规程不良三因素的协同效应。 相似文献
研制了一种新型甲醇催化剂,它由分解类孔雀石(ML)相和FC型化合物组成的母体而制得。实验结果证明制备方法和组分配比对母体结构有重要的影响,由ML和FC双相结合母体制得的催化剂合成甲醇活性优良。 相似文献
铜基甲醇合成催化剂的TPR研究 总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6
采用并流共沉淀法制备了一系列具有不同Cu/Zn的甲醇合成催化剂。通过活性测试可知,并流法所制备的催化剂最佳Cu/Zn大约为5/4。催化剂TPR研究表明 , 当铝含量固定时,具有最佳Cu/Zn(即5/4)的铜基催化剂,其主还原温度最低。考察了在不同pH值时进行并流共沉淀所制备的催化剂的TPR,表明沉淀时的pH值对催化剂的结构有很大影响,并对其本质原因进行了深入探讨。另外,考察了铝含量对催化剂还原行为的影响以及在不同升温速率下催化剂TPR的差异。 相似文献
以合成气合成甲醇催化剂及其进展 总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8
本文概念了甲醇合成催化剂以及新型催化剂的研究开发状况,介绍了各类甲醇合成催化剂,锌铬催化剂,铜基催化剂,耐硫催化以及目前国际上研究最热的液相甲醇合成催化剂,并论述了常用催化剂优缺点。 相似文献
Binary Cu/ZnO and Cu/Al2O3 as well as ternary Cu/ZnO/Al2O3 catalysts were investigated with respect to their catalytic activity and stability in methanol synthesis. In a rapid aging test, activity measurements were carried out in combination with the determination of the specific Cu surface area. A close correlation between the loss of catalytic activity and the decrease in specific Cu surface area was found due to sintering of the Cu particles. Differences in the deactivation behavior and the area-activity relationship of each catalyst system imply that the catalysts should be grouped in different classes. 相似文献
Deactivation of Copper Metal Catalysts for Methanol Decomposition, Methanol Steam Reforming and Methanol Synthesis 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
Laboratory and industrial results are reviewed to elucidate the general features of the deactivation of supported copper metal catalysts in various reactions involving methanol as reactant or product. Most catalyst types are based on Cu/ZnO formulations that contain stabilisers and promoters such as alumina, alkaline earth oxides and other oxides. These additional materials have several roles, including the inhibition of sintering and absorption of catalyst poisons. All copper catalysts are susceptible to thermal sintering via a surface migration process, and this is markedly accelerated by the presence of even traces of chloride. Care must be taken, therefore, to eliminate halides from copper catalysts during manufacture, and from reactants during use. Operating temperatures must be restricted, usually to below 300°C.In methanol synthesis involving modern promoted Cu/ZnO/Al2 O3 catalysts neither poisoning nor coking is normally a significant source of deactivation; thermal sintering is the main cause of deactivation. In contrast, catalyst poisoning and coking have been observed in methanol decomposition and methanol steam reforming reactions. 相似文献
Catalytic activity of copper supported on cerium oxide (Cu/CeO2) in methanol synthesis from carbon monoxide and hydrogen at 473 K is similar to that of ceria-supported palladium (Pd/CeO2). Both catalysts contain 0.3 mmol g-1 of the active metals and the activities on a mole basis of the active metals are significantly higher than that of a commercial copper catalyst. Analyses bt EXAFS suggest that the particle size of copper in Cu/CeO2 is similar to that of palladium in Pd/CeO2. The activity of copper supported on silica is very low even at 523 K although the particle size of copper is close to that in Cu/CeO2. Hence, cerium oxide promotes the activity of copper as can be seen in Pd/CeO2. 相似文献
低压合成甲醇CuO-ZnO-ZrO_2催化剂的活性测定和红外光谱研究 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
以硝酸铜、硝酸锌、氯氧化锆为原料,碳酸钠为沉淀剂,通过共沉淀、洗涤、干燥和300°C下焙烧制备了一系列含锆合成甲醇催化剂。活性测定结果表明:在210~270°C、4.0MPa下单组分CuO、ZnO及双组分CuO-ZrO2没有活性,双组分CuO-ZnO具有一定活性,再添加ZrO2则能显著增加这种催化活性。红外光谱考察表明:CuO、ZnO组分间具有较强的相互作用,添加锆组分能增强这种相互作用。分析认为,这种相互作用正是该种催化剂合成甲醇的活性来源。 相似文献
二氧化碳加氢合成甲醇研究的催化剂体系有多种,包括铜基催化剂、贵金属为主要活性组分的负载型催化剂以及其他类型催化剂。其中,对铜基催化剂的研究较多,其催化性能也较好。目前选用的铜基催化剂以Cu—Zn系催化剂为主,综述了包括CuO—ZnO—Al2O3、CuO—ZnO—ZrO2、CuO—ZnO—SiO2等典型的催化剂。 相似文献
为了提高甲醇裂解制氢的气体收率,减少液相副产物的生成量,采用共沉淀法制备MgO改性CuZnAl催化剂,通过BET、XRD、SEM、H_2-TPR、CO2-TPD对催化剂结构和物化性能进行表征分析,固定床中考察MgO改性CuZnAl催化剂对甲醇裂解制氢催化性能。结果表明,引入适量的MgO可提高催化剂比表面积和CuO的分散度,改善催化剂氧化还原性,提高催化剂活性和选择性。得到优化的催化剂CuZnAlMg_2,其组分质量比为m(CuO)∶m(ZnO)∶m(Al_2O_3)∶m(MgO)=16∶13∶3∶2。在反应温度280℃、反应压力1.0MPa和空速0.6h-1条件下,CuZnAlMg_2催化剂上甲醇裂解转化率为99.1%,气体收率为97.0%。对液相产物进行分析表明,加入适量MgO提高催化剂碱性,能有效抑制液相副产物生成,提高气体收率。 相似文献