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Participation has become integral to the delivery of public services, as governments attempt to involve citizens in decision making through processes of consultation and engagement. This paper addresses the issue of community participation in the context of the English planning system, which has recently been restructured to focus more sharply on integrating communities in the planning process. It presents findings of research into the workings of the reformed planning system, in particular in relation to the objective of public participation, using the case of the Planning Aid service. The paper sets the discussion in the context of two different forms of democracy (representative and deliberative democracy) and associated strategies for participation. It then outlines the recent reforms in the planning system, highlighting the different approaches to participation that are being applied. The paper then examines the case of Planning Aid, a service that aims to involve disadvantaged groups in the planning system. The paper concludes that the outcomes from recent experiences of participation in planning are in part due to the “hybrid” approaches that are emerging within the system. While this provides the potential for more inclusive planning, it is argued that this “hybridity” needs to be acknowledged by policy makers and practitioners if strategies and mechanisms are to be put in place that respond to the demands of different forms of democracy.  相似文献   

雷诚  罗震东 《城市规划》2019,43(8):41-52
大都市区中心和外围空间一体化演化过程中,社区空间和人口结构急剧变化,社区公共服务设施供给面临挑战。本文从设施供给全过程,构建了以“建控用”为核心,“三阶段贯通,三条线协同”的“三三制”大都市区社区服务设施供给体系,强调“全覆盖供给、全环节管控、全周期运营”框架。结合常州新北区进行实证校验,探讨都市区社区服务设施供给体系的转型。供给环节应结合居民需求,明确分类设施供给标准、供给主体和空间模式,保障设施供给的公平性;管控环节要优化专项规划和控规规划编制,加强实旅过程的环节控制,保障空间供给的有效性;运营环节推进社区规划和社区规划师制度建设,建构监管与沟通并重的运营管理机制,提高社区设施供需匹配效率。  相似文献   

本文从村庄公共空间规划存在的普遍问题入手,在分析村庄公共空间与城市公共空间本质区别的基础上,提出由"造物"走向"还原"的村庄公共空间规划设计思路,并探究了还原式的村庄公共空间规划方法,旨在使传统乡土人文魅力在公共空间中得以延续。  相似文献   

The name “social planning” has been bestowed on the remedial patch-up of unplanned social consequences of public and private programs, to the neglect of other aspects of social planning. An analysis of social planning must distinguish societal planning, programming for selected social goals, and the deliberate introduction of social values into economic or political processes. The relation of the planner to his client spotlights the conflict between social goals and program requirements, and leads to various formulations of social planning. These versions cannot avoid the choice of social ideology, which guides social plans and relates them to societal plans.  相似文献   

This paper explores social interaction in local ‘public’ social spaces such as local shops, pubs, cafés, and community centres in deprived neighbourhoods. More specifically, it examines the importance, role and function of these places, which have been described by Oldenberg and Brissett (Qual Sociol 5(4):265–284, 1982), Oldenburg (Urban design reader. Architectural Place, Oxford, 2007) as being “third places” of social interaction after the home (first) and workplace (second). It does so by drawing on data gleaned from in-depth interviews with 180 residents in six deprived areas neighbourhoods across Great Britain, conducted as part of a study of the links between poverty and place funded by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation. The paper notes that local third places are an important medium for social interaction in these areas, although their importance appears to vary by population group. It notes that shops appear to be a particularly important social space. It also identifies some of the barriers to social interaction within third places and concludes by highlighting some of the key implications for policy to emerge from the research.  相似文献   

透过对“阳光权”案件的分析,剖析了“阳光权”矛盾的实质,进而探讨在规划实践中政府、法院与社会组织结构中的普遍问题。这种研究对探讨城市规划的本质、政府的角色以及中国城市规划体系的调整与完善都有着重要的启示。  相似文献   


English planning system reforms can be understood as part of a broader reorganisation of public services involving private sector providers supplying new markets and taking on functions previously delivered by public servants. While planning activity has long featured a number of different actors, there has been limited discussion of the role that private sector actors play in an increasingly fragmented, and task-oriented system which requires knowledge and skills-sets which local planning authorities (LPAs) typically do not possess. Thus the paper discusses how a ‘fragmentary planning’ has emerged in England, and the implications for governance and research in this area.  相似文献   

Widely assumed in planning practice and theory is the “instrumental” view that planning can and must be limited to the “value-free” consideration of alternative public policy means. However, value-free planning is impossible in principle because planning is essentially political. In addition, attempts to deal with planning's “ethical” issues by pragmatic politics and claims to professionalism have been in adequate. More fundamentally, the work of contemporary philosophers suggests that, contrary to the “logical-positivist” position of the instrumental view, ethical decisions can be rationally justified in ways similar to those of the empirical sciences. This position provides the intellectual foundation for normative planning as the rational evaluation of both the means and ends of public policy.  相似文献   

城市公共空间是城市社会生活的“发生器”,在其物质表象下是活动人群社会关系特征的反映,呈现出如类聚、排斥甚至冲突等特征,其形成和重塑过程也是空间生产的社会过程。基于社会属性的视角,城市公共空间规划设计应从公平原则出发来完善其规划布局,注重城市公共空间类型的多样化以服务不同的社会人群,应注重公共空间的认知性来提升场所的特色和记忆,以增强社区归属感,并且应发挥法定规划特别是控制性详细规划编制的制度作用。城市公共空间的品质保障是促进城市社会生活更为健康和谐的重要基础。  相似文献   

随着"城乡等值"逐步成为新时期城乡发展的新导向,大都市地区村庄的内涵发生改变。传统的"单村独建"出现了产业同质、设施低效、建设破碎等诸多困境,阻碍其可持续发展和品牌打造。广州从化米埗乡村群规划从产业共荣、设施共享、空间共建、社会共治四个方面探索大都市地区村庄"群落化"规划策略,以期探索乡村振兴背景下村庄规划的创新模式,为广州乡村振兴提供一种长效机制和实施路径。  相似文献   

This paper explores what can be lost, both theoretically and pedagogically, if we reduce “planning” to “plan-making.” Under conditions of political conflict and plurality, complexity and connectedness, a subject-centered theory of reflective practice should give way to a situated and relational, inter-subjective and learning-oriented deliberative practice. By exploring diverse planners’ practices in Italy, based on 31 grounded, practice-focused oral histories, this paper represents an innovation, in terms of method and theory, in assessments of contemporary Italian urban and regional planning. The innovation is in identifying significant issues such as relationship-building, joining expertise with political power, integrating top-down and bottom-up approaches, refining participatory intelligence systems, and assuring public accountability in the conduct of planning for further analysis, and it identifies topics, strategies and skills that planning educators can and should address as well. Throughout, we explore not formal legal issues but informal social and political characteristics of critically pragmatic and interactive, deliberative practices that will be resonant with experiences of readers and practitioners in many contexts.  相似文献   

Urban renewal is an important objective of public policies in France and in the Netherlands. In both countries, central government involvement in urban renewal is evolving from direct intervention through sectoral subsidies, towards a “territorialized” policy. Funding for urban renewal is made available for local planning authorities in contracts with central government. These contracts are based on territorial strategies elaborated at the local level. This takes place in a context where the role of the public sector is changing. Local planning authorities become more autonomous and depend to a lesser extent on central government. At the same time, they develop a more businesslike approach towards co-operation with private bodies. In this article, the evolution of urban renewal policies in France and the Netherlands is examined within this context. It appears that in both countries, a territorialized approach towards urban renewal is found to be adequate. However, important questions remain unanswered regarding the appropriate level of public intervention, its legitimacy, the division of risks and rewards among partners in urban renewal projects, and the capacity of local planning authorities.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the planning implications of a dual governance system in Durban, where just over a third of municipal land is under the governance of both the traditional authority and the eThekwini Municipality. These challenges are common in many African cities where western administrative governance and planning systems overlay traditional systems. Under traditional governance, access to land, economic opportunities and “rural lifestyles” have resulted in the rapid densification of large areas of the periphery of Durban. Here, local traditional leaders allocate land based on the traditional land tenure system. eThekwini Municipality is mandated to provide services and facilities to all its residents, to develop spatial development plans and land use schemes, and to protect its ecological infrastructure. However, in traditional authority areas, the municipality struggles to fulfil these mandates, as it does not have control over land allocation and management. This paper reflects on the learning process that is taking place as the municipality begins to shift its approach to planning to address the complexities of planning in dual governance areas. The paper argues that new hybrid forms of governance and planning can help to address these challenges and ensure sustainable development in areas under dual governance.  相似文献   

The unique office of Co-ordinator-General of Public Works was created by the government of the State of Queensland, Australia, in 1938 in line with a contemporary trend towards the coordination principle in public administration throughout much of the western world. Its function was to coordinate the development and planning of public works across the State. Through this role, supplemented by the various changes in function which have occurred over the years, it has been a very influential agency in the planning and development of the State. However, it has never been fully connected to the standard land use planning system. The paper explores the changing roles of the agency between 1938 and 1999 and discusses the influence of a planning agency which is not part of traditional ‘planning.’  相似文献   

《城乡规划法》确立了城乡规划公开原则,建立了公众参与制度。本文通过对城乡规划编制过程中公众参与的目的、参与阶段、参与模式的探讨,得出公众参与的经验,总结了城乡规划编制过程中公众参与的重要性。  相似文献   

以健康生活导向视角追溯西方发达国家城市公共空间发展历程,基于各自不同历史背景、医学模式、公共空间类别及健康生活实现方式,将其归纳为3个重要阶段:神圣敬畏的"公共园林"启蒙期、改善公共健康的城市公共空间发展期、开启多元健康的生活方式成熟期;由此揭示健康生活导向下西方城市公共空间呈现从"单一维度"到"多维融合"、从"消极被动补给"到"积极主动引导"、从"公共"到"共享"的3个发展转变趋势。旨在推动我国以人民健康幸福生活为导向的公园城市建设健康有序发展。  相似文献   

通过建立“多规合一”服务体系,构建“多规合一”信息平台,依据“一本规划、一张蓝图”,利用项目生成、辅助选址、合规性审查等功能服务实现涵盖项目策划、用地条件、规划审批、竣工核查等各个阶段的建设项目全过程管理,进而解决经济社会发展规划、城乡规划和土地规划等之间的矛盾,提高建设项目审批效率、提升规划决策水平,推进审批体制改革和机制创新,打造高效政务服务体系,提升社会治理能力。  相似文献   

段汉明 《城市规划》2007,31(1):21-25,32
简要探讨了《易》之道,对《周礼·考工记》和《管子》中古代城市规划理论及哲学渊源进行了分析,认为二者在城市建设哲学理念上具有同源性,并以夏、商、周城市遗址为例,印证传统哲学理念对早期城市中轴、方位和型制的影响。认为中国传统哲学对现代城市规划具有深刻的启迪作用,现代城市规划应当以“象天法地、师法自然”为经,以“昭彰人伦、弘扬礼法”为纬,力求与自然、生态环境相协调,内秉传承,外图创新,不断探索新的理论和方法。  相似文献   

作为国土空间规划中的核心指标,地区生产总值(GDP)的预测与分析结果直接影响着地区各项专项规划和未来经济社会的发展,本文依据云南省昆明市历年GDP发展水平、社会状况及昆明市“十四五”时期经济社会发展纲要指标要求,采用非线性预测中的多项式预测与指数函数预测,对昆明市“十四五”时期经济社会发展主要指标中的GDP指标进行预测与分析,在对GDP指标预测的基础上,对预测结果进行修正,实现对昆明市“十四五”时期经济社会发展GDP指标的准确控制及优化,并将最终分析结果和市政府下达的指标进行验证,契合度较高,可见本文采取的方法有较高的可执行性,对正在开展的昆明市“十四五”时期经济社会发展各项主要指标预测与分析有较强的指导和借鉴作用。  相似文献   

Editor's Note: Within the family of welfare-oriented practice-professions city planning and social work are close relatives. This provocative article is a treatise on the relationship between the social work profession and the social sciences, but the concepts presented have wider implication for the relationships between the larger family of professions and the sciences. If the reader will substitute “city planning” where he reads “social work,” he may interpret Professor Greenwood to be saying that social science and city planning are distinctly separate kinds of activities and that city planning is dependent upon the sciences. It is through practice-oriented research that scientific theory is translated to yield practice-theory-a body of practice-principles that can guide the activities of the practitioner.  相似文献   

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