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Planning theory is increasingly concerned with how urban planning is engaged in the management of cultural difference and diversity. But there is a need to consider the conditions by which difference is ‘allowed’ in processes of planning and urban development. This paper explores the conditions under which the Roma is admitted into the image of Jungbusch, Mannheim, as a ‘diverse’ neighbourhood, and thereby into the category of diversity in the local discourse of planning. We argue that cultural differences are allowed in the category of diversity to the degree that they contribute to the economic and normative aims of managed diversity.  相似文献   

The Appalachian Trail traverses 3300 km (2050 miles) of the Appalachian Mountains from Maine to Georgia in the eastern USA. Except for the Cumberland Valley (the Great Valley of the Ridge and Valley region of the Appalachian Mountains) in Pennsylvania, and a few other valley crossings, the Trail passes primarily along forested ridges. The Cumberland Valley is the longest valley crossing of the Trail—26 km (16 miles) of intensively cultivated prime farmland undergoing residential and commercial development. To secure public ownership of the Trail through this urbanizing landscape, the US Department of the Interior, through the National Park Service, acquired a 600 ha (1500 acre) corridor through the Cumberland Valley to be managed and maintained by the volunteers of the Appalachian Trail Conference. This study was developed by a project team from the Department of Landscape Architecture of The Pennsylvania State University, for the Appalachian Trail Conference, as a set of planning, design, and management recommendations for the newly acquired trail corridor. The method of study involves developing (1) an understanding of the Trail, its history, and its users; (2) a general understanding of the natural and cultural conditions of the region; (3) a more specific inventory, analysis, and assessment of the natural and cultural elements of the trail corridor. This process reveals a corridor landscape containing the interpretable evidence of 250 years of agrarian landscape history and a diverse set of physical environments and biotic communities that have been fragmented by that land use.The two central ideas explored in this paper that underlie the planning and design of the Trail greenway across the Cumberland Valley are, first, the conservation and interpretation of the cultural landscape, and, second, the reduction of habitat fragmentation and enhancement of biological diversity. The product of the planning and design of the corridor land is a set of recommendations intended to direct future actions within the valley corridor. The cultural landscape recommendations focus on maintaining the fabric and interrelationships of the cultural landscape by including a complete representation of both the structural and biotic cultural resources. The ecological recommendations focus on protection of existing natural resources, establishment of forest habitat linkages, and restoration of native plant communities. Finally, two examples of the corridor planning, design, and management study are presented as a case study in greenway planning and design in response to cultural landscape conservation and landscape ecology.  相似文献   

整个人类文化不是唯一模式,不同民族的文化各有不同。但是,由于人类文化的多元性,在建筑文化中也呈现着多元化的特点。许多有着优秀文化传统的国家和地区,已不满足于现代建筑的单一文化模式,而纷纷提出对本国、本地区文化的再认识。本文介绍了日本在发展现代化建筑的同时,如何实现不失其文化特点的经验和教训。  相似文献   

This paper seeks to correct prevailing assumptions about Bangladesh’s susceptibility to floods, tropical cyclones and drought, and the extent to which global warming has already affected the country’s climate. Analysis of 50 years of the country’s climate and hydrological data showed no evidence that rainfall amounts have changed or that floods, tropical cyclones and droughts have increased in frequency or severity. The extent to which global warming might have affected temperatures is made uncertain by the probably greater impact on temperatures at recording stations of widespread changes in land use and the heat-island effect resulting from urban expansion around the stations. The paper reviews both the diversity of environments in Bangladesh’s coastal area exposed to sea-level rise and the possible mitigation methods. Two major conclusions are drawn: that population increase and rapid urbanisation pose more serious immediate problems for development planning in Bangladesh than climate change; and that education at all levels needs to include practical field studies that could provide all students with a better understanding of the country’s diverse and locally complex environments.  相似文献   

总体规划作为城市规划体系中重要的一环,其任务之一就是保护历史文化资源,延续城市历史文脉,为保护文化遗产提供法律依据。在广东省的城市总体规划编制、审批和实践过程中发现,各城市总体规划中文化遗产保护专题编制深度不一,提出的保护内容和有关措施也存在巨大差异,操作性不强,规划得不到具体落实。此外,作为城市总体规划补充部分的历史文化名城和文物等各类保护规划编制工作相对滞后,导致我省文化遗产保护往往在出现问题后才提出补救措施,使文化遗产保护工作产生被动局面。因此,通过把城市总体规划中文化遗产保护规划专题模块化,为我省城市总体规划中文化遗产保护编制工作者提供思路;也希望城市总体规划中文化遗产保护规划得到落实,为文化遗产保护提供法律依据。  相似文献   

Despite a growth in the number of cities currently planning with an eye toward countering climate change and its effects, few actually promote a comprehensive planning approach aiming at countering climate change impacts. The aim of this paper is to assess and to gain insight from the emerging approach to planning that aims at countering climate change. This paper analyses and draws insight from the recent plan of New York City (NYC), PlaNYC 2030, through a thorough examination and analysis of the major components of the plan. This paper concludes that planning has a strong role to play in countering the impacts of climate change at the city level. Apparently, climate change and its resulting uncertainties challenge the concepts, procedures, and scope of conventional approaches to planning, and create a need to rethink and revise current planning methods. PlaNYC, an economic development and infrastructure-oriented plan, has deficient and inadequate adaptation measures. Therefore, it failed in its contribution to protect NYC and its communities in facing Hurricane Sandy in October 2012. Since the plan did not have adequate public participation, PlaNYC failed in understanding the urban-community vulnerability map of NYC and in addressing the critical needs of various communities in facing Sandy. Eventually, planners should take on a leadership role and assume more control in fighting climate change on the city level. Planning has the power to protect cities and save lives of people.  相似文献   

孙翔 《规划师》2008,24(12):71-75
通过对历史文化保护区保护规划相关概念的明晰,提出保护规划编制的重点是“控制线”的划定。在规划内容上,建筑保护图则与环境要素保护图则是历史文化保护区保护规划的重要内容,在规划实施上,只有将保护规划编制与规划管理相结合才能真正发挥保护规划的重要作用。  相似文献   

区域性文物保护规划对文物保护工作的开展至关重要,但我国的区域性文物保护规划编制,在内容、体例等主要方面尚处于探索阶段。本文结合工作实际,分别对规划的名称、规划的对象、规划的编写体例、规划的目标、保护区划的界划及规划重点等方面的问题,进行了有益的探讨。  相似文献   

Integrally designed suburban shopping centers are among the elements of the comprehensive plan that are most difficult to treat conceptually. There is not yet a common statutory definition and operational understanding as to what the comprehensive plan is. In addition potential shopping center locations cannot be adequately described by a generalized comprehensive plan drawing. This paper presents various possible alternative courses of action for private developers of these centers, with their probable consequences in terms of various forms of control, and suggests a public utility type of regulation. It reports recent experience with this form of control and discusses the changing role of the planning commission under the circumstances.  相似文献   

全球化的时代大背景,导致城市地域特征与文化多元性不断弱化甚至丧失,景观趋同现象尤为严重,世界各国的城市都面临着不同程度的景观危机。特别是我国经济社会飞速发展,在外来文化的冲击下,城市景观变得越来越特色缺失、千景一面,其根本原因在于,城市景观规划忽略了本地的文化内涵和地域特征。本文以杭州市余杭创新基地生态核心区景观规划为例,以"自然生态"和"科技创新"为切入点,促使两者有机生长,从基地文化脉络与地域特征两个层面入手,旨在通过具体的表现手法和方案特点的总结,探讨城市景观规划的一些基本方法和途径。  相似文献   

Diversity is a hot topic in geography and planning. Though a few studies have considered diversity in evaluating accessibility, diversity and the love of diversity have not been simultaneously included in one indicator. This study proposes a method to tackle this challenge, incorporating the constant-elasticity-of-substitution function, with a parameter on the preference for diversity (ρ), into the accessibility indicator of the two-step floating catchment area method (2SFCA). This new method (AC) is implemented to measure Beijing's job accessibility at the jiedao scale which is the basic administrative level in Chinese cities, and compared with the 2SFCA method (AG) and the 2SFCA method with an entropy component for job diversity (AE). All three indicators reveal a similar overall spatial pattern of job accessibility. However, measured by rank of accessibility score, there are some differences between them. Most jiedaos' ranks change when the AE method is used instead of the AG method, though most changes are within a small range. In contrast, when the AC method is used with the ρ-value close to 1, meaning that diversity is almost not valued at all, only a few jiedaos' ranks change. Sensitivity analysis indicates that the accessibility scores' absolute values with the AC method are highly sensitive to the ρ-value, but the overall spatial patterns seem not to be. However, with AC, a small decrease in ρ changes the jiedaos' ranks significantly. Overall, the results indicate that the AC method provides better understanding of accessibility for regions with different preferences on diversity of opportunities.  相似文献   

Most Chinese municipal governments and urban planners have attempted to conserve and create urban greenspace in response to rapid urbanization. It is a major task for urban landscape planners to construct an effective and harmonious urban ecological network and maintain a sustainable urban development environment. In this paper, the present situation and a recent greenway augment plan of Xiamen Island were assessed using a series of landscape metrics. The results showed that the recent greenway augment plan could improve the present greenway system considerably. The improvements were indicated by decrease in patch density, and increase in total class area and edge density on the patch level, landscape diversity, landscape evenness and landscape connectivity on the landscape level. On the basis of these analyses, a number of alternative planning scenarios were designed by using network analysis methods for improving the ecological network of Xiamen Island. An alternative planning scenario was proposed to decrease the degree of landscape fragmentation, increase the shape complexity of greenway patches and enhance the landscape connectivity. The results indicated that methods which integrate landscape metrics with network analyses could not only quantitatively assess the present situation and the rationality of planning for urban greenway systems, but also facilitate the design of planning scenarios for urban ecological networks, enabling them to meet the principles of conformity, harmony, circulation, safety, diversity and sustainability. The principles and methods of landscape ecology, and the greenway concepts that have originated in the West can be useful for Chinese landscape planning and can be applied to greenway development in China.  相似文献   

县(市)域城乡统筹规划的实施方案探讨   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:13  
张伟  徐海贤 《城市规划》2005,29(11):75-79,85
分析了当前城乡统筹规划中面临的问题,总结了过去10年城乡整体性规划的实践,提出了三套解决方案,认为方案一从传统城市总体规划的理念出发,将工作范围扩展到整个县(市),实施的难度相当大,实施效果并不理想;方案二结合我国《城乡规划法》的修改与调整的方向,提出完整的新规划体系,是可以进行尝试的改革创新之举;方案三从当前急需要解决的问题出发,直面规划中的不足之处,提出当前城市总体规划与乡镇总体规划中需要完善与调整的内容,是较为务实的选择。  相似文献   

In spite of the existence of an extensive debate on cultural policies on the one hand, and on local diversity policies on the other hand, there are still few studies dealing directly with this nexus. This emerging research trend will be discussed in the context of Barcelona and through the analysis of a specific cultural policy field: the planning of permanent festivities.After overviewing its migration history and after presenting the theoretical framework and methodology, this article frames Barcelona’s general cultural policy and intercultural policy patterns, arguing that the Catalan capital is really at a very initial stage of connecting diversity with cultural policy. After that, I will defend the argument that, in spite of recognising diversity, the analysis of Barcelona’s permanent festivities shows that there are also some limits to the development of this connection, due primarily to a lack of democratization of culture. Interviews and a discussion group confirm this empirical diagnosis. The argument I want to put forward is that this lack of participation of immigrants in cultural planning and diversity promotion is probably due to the fact that the two departments in the city represent, indeed, two approaches toward the question of how to promote the nexus between culture and diversity, and thus they are still working separately. The department of culture still has an elitist focus, centred on a culture of excellence, while the immigration department has a more social focus on cultural diversity.  相似文献   

当前,我国大城市总体规划进入新一轮修编期,规划编制思路和方法均需转型,作为城市总体规划重要组成的市政基础设施规划编制也需转型.基于作者团队已开展的实证研究,借鉴了自2010年以来编制的16个国际大城市总体规划中市政基础设施规划特征,剖析了我国大城市总体规划中市政基础设施规划存在的主要问题,把握市政基础设施规划编制转型要求,提出市政基础设施规划编制策略、理念、方法转型等建议,以期对新一轮大城市总体规划编制工作提供参考.  相似文献   

台州市位于浙江沿海中部、上海经济区的最南翼,南邻温州,北接宁波.全市陆地面积9411平方公里,海洋面积8万平方公里,人口560万.1994年,台州撤地设市,市政府由原地区行署驻地临海迁建椒江,市区由椒江、黄岩、路桥三区组成.通过十多年的时间,台州建成了一座典型的现代化城市.为了在激烈的城市竞争中得到更好的发展,台州市委、市政府从战略高度提出了建设"文化大市"的工作思路.在城市规划建设的过程中,如何运用城市规划提升城市形象,使台州的城市建设由满足一般实用功能,转向注重城市形象的塑造,丰富城市的文化内涵,是规划管理中需要着重思考的问题.台州城市框架已基本形成,城市规划通过城市雕塑、公共艺术、建筑风貌和色彩、广告设置、夜景灯光等的专项规划和建设引导,从城市公共空间细节的完善入手,塑造和谐的城市形象.  相似文献   

城乡规划、土地利用规划、国民经济和社会发展规划在我国不同经济社会发展阶段都发挥了重要的作用,但"三规"在具体实施进程中存在规划标准不统一、规划内容交叉、规划布局难以有效融合等问题。研究从促进规划实施的角度,提出了现实条件下促进"三规"有机衔接的原则、目标、机制框架及有关政策措施建议。  相似文献   

长期以来,我国城市规划的理论研究偏重物质形态和技术方案,经济学研究相对较少。大量的城市规划试图采用理论上或图纸上的最优空间方案解决复杂的现实问题,往往造成方案无法实施,或是实施后效果不好的问题。面对市场经济环境,重构城市规划理论的经济学基础十分必要而迫切。从产权概念出发,介绍了以新制度经济学及产权方法为理论基础的新视角,来重新解读一些城市规划问题。但对于新制度经济学的一些基本观点,应采取批判的态度,将其作为研究方法加以应用,而不是全盘接收。  相似文献   

J. Carnell  MSc  BSc  MBA  CEng  MICE  FSS  J. D. Lawson  MA  CEng  FICE  P. H. von  Lany  MA  MSc  CEng  MICE  MORS R. M. J. Scarrott  MSc  BEng 《Water and Environment Journal》1999,13(6):413-419
This paper reports on research into the development of a standard procedure for calculating headroom. Headroom is a legitimate planning allowance to account for uncertainties in the supply/demand balance in a water-resource plan. Prior to this research, the UK water industry did not have an agreed method for calculating headroom, which resulted in inconsistencies in regulatory submissions. The research built on previous studies to define an approach that would be practical and easy to apply. A pragmatic methodology using a series of forms with clear guidelines was developed. The methodology has been applied in the 1998 supply/demand balance submissions to the regulatory authorities as part of the Asset Management Plan 3 periodic review.  相似文献   

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