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Dutch national planning has acquired an international reputation because it provides strong planning guidance while simultaneously being responsive to the particular spatial and political circumstances of different regions and areas. Spatial concepts, like the Randstad, are important vehicles for sustaining this approach. Such concepts incorporate select spatial planning rationales that justify operational decisions. Concepts can, however, also be ambiguous, and this can allow for different interpretations and deliberations about how guidance should take effect in different situations. In this paper we assess the degree of ambiguity contained in concepts outlined in Dutch national plans between 1988 and 2012. By focusing on the dimensions of spatial concepts, and the room for interpretation these create, we demonstrate how concepts were modified to accommodate a shifting appreciation of deliberation and, as a result, collaboration and governance. On a theoretical level, we propose a method that analyses in detail the ambiguity (“fuzzyness” or “softness”) of spatial concepts. We argue that such sophisticated understandings contribute to explaining the variety of governance responses that these geographies produce in practice. On an empirical level we seek to increase understanding of change in recent Dutch national planning.  相似文献   

高速公路走廊带规划与沿线景观协调性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
汤振兴  梁爱学 《山西建筑》2009,35(10):277-278
通过对高速公路走廊带规划阶段沿线景观调查内容的分析,探讨了高速公路走廊带规划主要考虑的景观环境因素,提出高速公路走廊带规划与相关规划协调的同时,要选择对沿线景观环境影响小的路线方案,为后期景观设计创造了条件。  相似文献   

The debate between proponents of collaborative planning theory and their critics on the dynamics of power in planning highlights a discrepancy between the norms and the practices of democratic planning. According to the norm of democratic planning, all participants should have an equal opportunity to influence and to realise a plan's objectives, but practice has shown that power is unequally divided between people, privileging some and excluding others. This raises the important issue of how normative aspirations of deliberative planning can be reconciled with actual planning practices. This article discusses this question, exploring the power relationships and institutional transformations that influence planning using two case studies about conflicts over Dutch rural land use.  相似文献   


Urban developments steered by major events have a long history. Already from the second half of the nineteenth century, World Expositions were mobilized as opportunities for urban upgrading. This article highlights the spatial effects of three Chinese major expositions on their host cities in the early twentieth century (1906–1929). It will in particular highlight the impact on urban development and planning, such as the construction of modern public complexes, the promotion of new urban districts, and the catalysis of structural urban transitions. Considering the significant historical, political, and social analogies, we argue in this article that expositions were adopted under the influence of foreign examples as a model of planning interventions to prompt the modernization of the host cities in China. However, while there was an important transfer of spatial concepts and models, we contend that Chinese authorities played a leading role in importing and exploiting these expositions as strategic instruments. They did so by actively and consciously mobilizing multiple urban actors such as social elites, but also civil society leaders and merchants. This article based on archival research on three expositions, provides novel insights into the urban history of the host cities during the exposition period.  相似文献   

The concept of territoriality and its relationship to the focus and substance of spatial planning is the subject of much interest at the present time and this paper seeks to contribute to the debate by stepping into the sea. The first part of the paper establishes a framework for considering the spatial planning implications of changing conceptions of territoriality, outlining key sources of territorial innovation and their implications in terms of the development of new units and styles of governance, new challenges for planning practice, and the potential for feedback informing the development of planning theory. The application of the framework is then illustrated in the second part of the paper with reference to the emerging field of maritime spatial planning and in particular to the pioneering work that is being undertaken in Europe. This work is testing established notions of territoriality by highlighting the strong and growing connections between the land and the sea. Here some of the key implications for future spatial planning practice are identified. These indicate that there is a growing recognition of the need for innovation in the territorial units of governance in maritime regions and in the themes, processes and methods of spatial planning in these areas. The paper concludes with some observations on the implications of these findings for the theory of spatial planning.  相似文献   

The relationship between landscape and planning system in the Netherlands is discussed, using the Green Heart as an example. The Green Heart is the relatively open, agricultural area in the heart of the most densely populated urban area of the country, widely known as the Randstad Holland. Its preservation has always been a key objective in the national planning system. Since changes to this system are imminent, changes to the Green Heart policy are inevitable.  相似文献   

Han L  rzing 《Landscape Research》2004,29(4):357-369
The relationship between landscape and planning system in the Netherlands is discussed, using the Green Heart as an example. The Green Heart is the relatively open, agricultural area in the heart of the most densely populated urban area of the country, widely known as the Randstad Holland. Its preservation has always been a key objective in the national planning system. Since changes to this system are imminent, changes to the Green Heart policy are inevitable.  相似文献   

Floris Peters 《Housing Studies》2020,35(7):1239-1268

This article pioneers in investigating a citizenship premium for homeownership of first-generation immigrants, using Dutch register data from Statistics Netherlands (N?=?106,187). I hypothesize that naturalization favourably influences the risk-calculation of lenders through positive signalling among employed migrants, who are likely to meet the basic financial criteria for credit. Results confirm that, all else constant, employed immigrants who have naturalized are 26% more likely to be homeowner. Additional analyses specifically designed to isolate endogeneity bias show that the effect is smaller, but still reveal an increase in the probability of homeownership after naturalization. Citizenship acquisition matters less for migrants with a native-born partner, suggesting that legal status discrimination may be an underlying mechanism. I find no evidence that the relevance of citizenship is conditioned by cultural distance of the origin country or the post-2008 economic crisis. I conclude that naturalization matters in the housing market, but that its relevance cannot be generalized to all migrant groups.  相似文献   


In a context where European integration is put into question, under the weight of external (migration, safety issues, economic) and centrifugal forces (Brexit, growing Euroscepticism), European spatial planning has been somewhat sidelined in the debates on the European Union’s goals, cohesion and future. This special issue aims to contribute to a deeper understanding of these dynamics by revisiting the history of European spatial planning – from its origins, gradual institutionalization to its current rolling back – by exploring it both at the European and the national level, stressing its difficulties and idiosyncrasies.

The conceptual framework of historical institutionalism is used across the papers in an attempt to shed more light on this processes, through the analysis of critical junctures and path dependency of planning and cohesion agendas, transnational networks as well as changes to the national institutions and planning systems.

This tightly woven collection of papers touches upon not only the underlying arguments for European cohesion, but also the questions about the future of European spatial planning as an ‘EU microcosm’ in light of current discussions concerning democratic credentials and legitimacy of the EU project as a whole.  相似文献   

Worldwide the Netherlands has the broadest experience with organizing voluntary euthanasia and assisted suicide. Roughly, three phases may be distinguished: in 1968–1985 euthanasia was vividly debated but, as it was illegal, it was at best tolerated. Since 1985, beginning with a verdict of the Supreme Court, euthanasia became officially tolerated and gradually legalized in 2002, after which the numbers stabilized until 2006. The onset of the third phase was in 2007. Since that year, the numbers tripled, new pathologies were accepted as a reason for euthanasia, the number of people with a long life expectancy increased, and mobile euthanizing teams were established that provide euthanasia without a prior doctor-patient relationship. These developments were made possible by a combination of cultural developments, the absence of restrictive legal norms, and a far reaching mandate of the Review Committees.  相似文献   

褚冬竹 《建筑师》2018,(1):81-89
荷兰作为建筑设计及创意产业强国,已形成了长期的世界性影响。这一切与荷兰的自然地理与社会历史有着密切的关联。在21世纪之初荷兰建筑被誉为超级荷兰之后,荷兰建筑与建筑师在近20年时间里不断调整变化,以更为广泛的介入性延展至社会与自然中的多个领域。  相似文献   

王秀兴 《山西建筑》2009,35(14):6-8
以广义建筑学的视角并综合借鉴规划学、建筑学、景观生态学等领域的知识及相关理论,建立合理的规划设计构架,从宏观、中观及微观三个层面给予了规划控制和设计引导,以期共同探究出有关“旅游走廊”景观规划设计的方法。  相似文献   

Since the sixties of the twentieth century, thepolicy of the Dutch government on urban renewalhas been subject to three approaches, each onedifferent from the others. Up until thebeginning of the seventies, the accent was onthe expansion of the function of the largercities as economic centers. The expansion ofthe inner city for that purpose proceeded atthe expense of the residential function of thebuilt-up area. Later, the main goal was justthe opposite; attention was turned to thequantitative and qualitative reinforcement ofthe urban residential function of the citycenter and its surrounding urban residentialneighborhoods. Under that approach, the accentwas placed on improving the housing conditionsof the `sitting' residents. Accordingly, theconstruction program consisted for the mostpart of social housing that was extrainexpensive. In the course of the nineties,this so-called classic urban renewal approachwas displaced by urban revitalization. The newapproach placed the accent on strengthening thecompetitive position of cities as locations forpromising economic sectors and households withhigher incomes. This article attempts to characterize these`shifts' in policy on the grounds of a methodderived from discourse theory, which is brieflyexplained in the second section. The thirdsection typifies the policy philosophy of eachof the approaches and attempts to characterizethe changes in the policy discourse in relationto the continually changing combinations ofsocietal events and situations that, from theperspective of the policy sector, were eithernot foreseen or difficult to influence.Looking at the way policy has developed over alonger period, it seems to be less of arational learning process than a`merry-go-round' of fixed themes, visions, andsolutions that jostle for priority and keepcoming back only to disappear again. Furthermore, the logical consistency of apolicy philosophy – for instance, betweennormative and causal assumptions and measures proves to be more the exception than therule.  相似文献   

This study examined spatial dependence in neighborhood change between 1990 and 2010 in the largest 100 metropolitan areas in the U.S. By analyzing neighborhood housing value change, this study found that there is considerable spatial autocorrelation in neighborhood change. Neighborhoods form spatial clusters in neighborhood housing value and its change. The spatial analysis also showed that there was a persistent spatial inequality between the city and suburbs but that this spatial inequality has declined over time. Finally, this study suggests that coordinating community development efforts with surrounding neighborhoods rather than taking isolated actions can result in more successful outcomes.  相似文献   

This contribution explores the relationship between housing policy, which is the responsibility of national governments, and competition policy, including the decision on the legitimacy of state support, which is the responsibility of the European Commission (EC). The paper paints a general picture of EU policy on competition and state support and describes the Dutch social housing system. Attention then turns to the recent intervention by the European Commission in the governance of Dutch social housing and it is asked whether the factors that prompted the intervention exist in other EU member states as well. The analysis shows that this is indeed the case. It is concluded that the intervention of the EC in the Netherlands could become a precedent for other European countries, particularly for those countries that opt against a residualised social rented sector and for a competitive role of social housing providers on the housing market.  相似文献   

采用时程分析的模拟计算方法,以竖向振动加速度峰值作为评价标准,对那曲地区藏北高原商业生态长廊建设项目钢连廊竖向振动加速度进行分析与控制.根据人群密度,考虑五种不同时程工况,对布置TMD前后的钢连廊分别进行时程分析,较为全面地揭示了钢连廊的竖向振动.分析结果表明,在1.95Hz的人群荷载激励下,钢连廊产生了非常明显的共振...  相似文献   

In the last few decades, new governance processes have been put in place throughout the Western world. In practice, unfortunately, cooperation in the networks does not always work as expected. In this paper, we identify the factors that contribute to success and failure with respect to network working in urban restructuring and the lessons that can be learnt. A Dutch case study exemplifies these processes. The perceptions of local stakeholders about satisfying or dissatisfying processes and results were used to elicit the information. Our main conclusion is that changed institutional conditions affecting the local authorities and housing associations and economic developments strongly intervene in the processes. Consequently, the functioning of a network cannot be explained by the quality of network management alone. These findings indicate that there is a gap between the suggested importance of the instruments in network theory and their relative usefulness in everyday practice. Dealing with all kinds of constraints in the management of networks will be an ongoing process of trial and error.  相似文献   

从借鉴荷兰经验、丰富我国医疗设施建设思路出发,围绕荷兰卫生保健提供体系及当代荷兰医疗建筑呈现的通用化、日常化和分散化特点等内容对荷兰医疗建筑田野考察实例进行解读.  相似文献   


This paper proposes approaching the emergence and evolution of the Europeanization of national planning using conceptual frameworks from historical institutionalism in order to shed light on the mechanisms and trajectories of domestic change arising from the influence of EU strategic planning. It seeks in particular to examine Europeanization in terms of the extent to which EU spatial planning has become a driving force for institutional changes in very different national planning systems. Returning to the changes that occurred in the Italian and English planning systems in the last two decades, the author provides insight into the attempts to insert and transpose EU spatial planning concepts and instruments into domestic systems, dealing with path dependency and European influence. By reading these processes from a historical institutionalist perspective, the paper aims to enhance understanding of the relative influence of European spatial planning on national planning systems, identifying mechanisms and trajectories of domestic change in different planning systems. Key findings concern the diverse modes and degree of institutionalization of EU strategic spatial planning, examining tendencies to replace the status quo through displacements in England and to progress through a path-dependent trajectory in Italy.  相似文献   

许文静 《山西建筑》2009,35(33):42-43
描述了目前宁波市发展建设中存在的问题,对其现状及产生原因进行了分析,并提出相应的建议与措施,以改善和提升城市经济走廊环境景观,使其成为集功能性、经济性、观赏性、游览性为一体的综合体系。  相似文献   

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