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黄晨 《规划师》2008,24(10):57-61
当前城市规划主流思想认为城市总体规划应更具宏观战略性、政策性和目标性,从传统的以物质规划为主转向侧重非物质规划,从而导致规划的内容和深度大大超出了建设部门的事权范围,有必要跳出建设部门的圈子从更高层次、角度思考规划体系问题。从政府各部门的事权和规划内容对应的角度看,应完善现有城市规划体系,理顺各部门事权与城市规划的关系,明确发展和改革委员会、建设部门和其他相关部门在城市规划工作中的地位和职责,整合行政资源和各部门的规划力量,使规划体系更趋清晰和合理。  相似文献   

曹春霞  辜元 《重庆建筑》2015,(10):17-22
城市社区是构成整个城市及其管理的基础单元,对于展现城市文脉与特色具有不可替代的作用。反思大拆大建的粗放模式造成的城市邻里冷漠、社区环境不协调、社区管理不到位等突出问题,城市社区整治与社区规划正逐步成为解决社区建设的关键手段。论文以重庆市渝中区社区整治实践为例,从整治管理机制、社区规划编制方法与内容、居民公众参与、整治资金来源渠道方面总结了经验与启示。  相似文献   

针对在城市规划进程中,对城市规划与公共政策属性认识、界定模糊的现象进行讨论,分别论述了城市规划的社会内涵、现代城市规划行政的特点和地方公共政策体系在西方规划历史上的变化。结合中国现有社会经济发展现状对我国城市规划进行了一些反思,对部分观点进行了辩证探讨,并引申讨论了城市规划变革的若干转向。  相似文献   

鉴于气候变化和极端天气事件频发对我国的影响,本文介绍了应对气候变化事件的适应性规划研究及其对我国的借鉴意义。首先,总结了国外尤其是美国气候变化适应性规划研究的现状及其政府规划部门采取的适应性规划和措施。其次,讨论了适应性规划研究的内容和整体框架,概括了国外适应性规划的理论和研究方法。同时,从理论方法、方案实施和法律规章等方面分析了适应性规划遇到的问题和挑战。本文旨在探讨气候变化的适应性规划研究的必要性和研究框架,以引起学术、政府和民间对适应性规划研究的重视,为我国更好地应对未来气候变化的影响打下基础。  相似文献   

推进公众参与城市规划的制度建设   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
公众参与城市规划有助于提高城市规划决策的科学性和实施的可操作性.已经获得了社会广泛的认同,国家的相关法律法规也已作出了相应的规定。但在现实中.公众难以真正有效地参与,制度化的公众参与要么流于形式.要么难以达成最终的结论,产生这些现象的原因是多方面的。本文从制度建设的角度针对这些提出相应的对策.意图通过完善公众参与的具体制度.保证公众更加有效地参与到城市规划过程之中。  相似文献   

Trust is a central element of planning practice because the profession is positioned at the nexus of public and private interests, has a crucial role in the contested management of space, and seeks to promote democratic governance and public participation in local decision making. While trust (social and interpersonal) is often cited as a central factor contributing to the success or failure of participatory planning processes and of plan implementation, its role in planning has not been fully conceptualized. Building on the literature on trust in governance, this paper highlights key characteristics and paradoxes of trust, discusses the importance of trust for cooperation and planning, and presents the factors that hinder and promote trust. This discussion provides the bases for planning practice and research aimed at effective trust building.  相似文献   

Public infrastructure projects must comply with the divergent and even conflicting demands of multiple institutional logics causing institutional complexity. Despite the increasing interest in different forms of complexities in projects, we lack empirical illustrations and rigorous theorizing of mechanisms for responding to institutional complexity. This paper demonstrates how public buyers of a tunnel construction project formed a hybrid organization of a multi-party project alliance to respond to institutional complexity. We delineate a process of temporary hybridization through which the competing logics of a bureaucratic state, corporate market, and multiple professions were combined within the temporary project alliance organization. Such temporary hybridization not only focused on selective coupling with external demands but also mitigated internal tensions. Our findings emphasize a blended organizational structure, jointly formed governance and incentive systems, and the facilitation of social interaction to build a temporary yet sustainable hybrid organization capable of combining conflicting institutional logics.  相似文献   

上海近代城市规划及其制度背景与城市空间形态特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于上海多样拼贴的城市形态特征,分析了公共租界城市规划意识从无到有的历程以及法租界和1927年后上海市政府的城市规划,讨论重点是规划中对城市形态规定的差异及其不同实现途径和制度背景,找到不同城市形态的成因、显性特征和隐藏秩序.  相似文献   

【目的】市级国土空间规划编制指南对生态空间的高效配置提出了新的要求。如何解决生态系统服务失衡、生态要素缺乏统筹以及与国土空间规划衔接不当的问题,是当前规划学界普遍关注的理论研究热点。【方法】以契合国土空间规划体系及生态系统服务多目标协同为导向,应用景观生态学原理、城乡规划学理论及系统协同的决策方法。【结果】提出了协同“过程-格局-尺度-功能”的规划理论架构,并从“体系—流程—关系”3个维度建构了协同生态系统服务目标的绿色基础设施(GI)规划技术框架,厘清了GI规划编制流程,提出了刚弹结合的管控措施,完善了功能协同与供需平衡的GI规划逻辑。【结论】该研究成果将对国土空间规划理论体系的建立起到一定的启迪作用,并可作为市级GI专项规划编制的技术依据,因而具有理论借鉴研究及规划设计实践参考的双重价值。  相似文献   

从结构规划走向空间管治——非建设用地规划回顾与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过梳理国内外非建设用地规划发展实践,将其归纳为生态空间结构型规划分类控制型规划城市增长边界型规划、禁限建区规划、综合空间管制型规划等5种类型,提出非建设用地规划3个转向:规划模式从理想蓝图转向务实操作,规划方法从单一要素转向多元综合,规划实施从注重形态转向公共政策。结合当前存在的主要问题,最后提出非建设用地规划的研究发展方向  相似文献   

Emerging shortages of community sporting facilities in Australian cities have led to calls for increased provision of playing fields through public park and open space planning processes. Drawing on a broad literature review and a specific case study of metropolitan Perth, this paper evaluates the value of organised sport as a function of contemporary public parks before proposing policy and practice to ensure that such an increase complements broader urban planning agendas. An analysis of the evolution of public park planning shows that, while the provision of organised sport was the primary function of public parks in the middle of the twentieth century, contemporary park planning is characterised by the embrace of broader ecological planning concepts such as green infrastructure and ecosystem services. These broader concepts are then applied to understand the value of organised sport held within public parks, including its unique benefits and notable limitations when considered alongside other forms of outdoor recreation. With these limitations in mind, this paper concludes by identifying existing and future policy and practice that can help to ensure that demand for community sporting facilities in new residential areas can be met in a manner that complements this ecological role for local parks.  相似文献   

新型城镇化与城市规划思变   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在全面把握创建资源节约型和环境友好型社会、建设社会主义新农村和构建和谐社会的时代背景下,本文系统阐述了新型城镇化的内涵与特征以及传统城镇化与新型城镇化的关系,提出了在此形势下城市规划如何变革以应对。  相似文献   

应对气候变化已成为全球共识,国家公园和自然保护地既是应对气候变化的重要阵地,也是受气候变化影响的敏感区域,但中国目前的研究和实践均还较薄弱,亟须借鉴域外经验。系统梳理了美国国家公园体系中,气候变化对自然、文化和社区的影响,概述了美国国家公园管理局的气候变化应对行动,指出情景规划是重要的气候变化应对工具。总结了美国国家公园在气候变化中开展情景规划的流程,提炼其规划特征,并以魔鬼塔国家纪念区为案例,详析其情景规划实践过程。在此基础上,总结了中国国家公园及体制试点区可能面临的气候变化风险,对比了情景规划与传统规划的区别,明确目前推广条件的欠缺,指出应逐步推广情景规划,并从实现科研储备、奠定实践基础、建立规划体系三方面提出可能的路径,对中国开展国家公园和自然保护地应对气候变化的相关工作具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Trust is vital in participatory planning. To explore the complex relationships between participation and various dimensions of trust and mistrust, this article develops a framework of analysis distinguishing between specific and diffuse forms of institutional trust and mistrust, and illustrates its relevance via two case studies of urban and transport planning in Finland and Sweden. We explore the dynamic coexistence of mistrust towards the specific planning organisations in charge of the projects with the strong ‘diffuse’ trust in the generic institutions of representative democracy and Nordic planning. The proposed approach can help harness mistrustful civic vigilance for deliberative purposes.  相似文献   

2010年我国经济总量已经超过日本跃居世界第二位,我国各大城市发展欣欣向荣,但此时的城乡差距依然是我国面临的紧迫问题。规划作为空间资源优化配置的工具,在缩小城乡差距,改变城乡二元结构问题中发挥着关键作用。因此,从改革开放伊始,我国部分地区就开始探索城乡统筹规划之路。求真路上的艰辛和挫折为我国真正实现城乡一体奠定了坚实的基础,才有了后来《城乡规划法》的颁布。该文梳理了我国改革开放以来大量的城乡规划成果,通过对各类城乡规划内容的分析,归纳各类规划的共同点和不同规划的创新点或偏重点,从而判断城乡规划编制内容的趋势,不仅希望为学者展示我国城乡规划的成果,也希望为将来的各类城乡规划导则研究提出建议。  相似文献   

气候变化、碳排放与低碳城市规划研究进展   总被引:56,自引:3,他引:56  
气候变化涉及的科学问题已越来越关注人类活动的影响,碳排放成为影响全球气候增温的主要因素.国内外研究发现,碳排放与城市化过程相交织,低碳城市遂成为遏制全球增温的首要选择.我国正处在经济快速增长、城市化加速、碳排放日益增加和向社会主义市场经济转型的时期,低碳城市规划则是我国低碳城市发展的关键技术之一.笔者论述了气候变化、碳排放与城市化的关系,从理论研究、行动计划两方面进行低碳城市规划研究进展的综述.  相似文献   

This study investigates the factors that constrain and enable adaptation planning for increasing flood risk in Canada. It uses a multiple-methods, multi-scalar approach to identify interconnected barriers and drivers that operate across municipal, provincial, and federal levels of government in Vancouver and Surrey, British Columbia. Through a policy content analysis (n = 54) and in-depth interviews with planners and other practitioners (n = 31), the study finds five major barriers to the mainstreaming of climate change adaptation: inadequate collaboration, absence of senior level political leadership, lack of public awareness, insufficient financial and staff capacity, and misalignment of policies within and between levels of government.  相似文献   

The debate between proponents of collaborative planning theory and their critics on the dynamics of power in planning highlights a discrepancy between the norms and the practices of democratic planning. According to the norm of democratic planning, all participants should have an equal opportunity to influence and to realise a plan's objectives, but practice has shown that power is unequally divided between people, privileging some and excluding others. This raises the important issue of how normative aspirations of deliberative planning can be reconciled with actual planning practices. This article discusses this question, exploring the power relationships and institutional transformations that influence planning using two case studies about conflicts over Dutch rural land use.  相似文献   

近期空气污染、水质变坏、禽流感和流行病等引起人们对公共健康问题的普遍关注.城乡规划与公共健康紧密联系,规划师应积极开展公共健康与城乡规划的跨学科研究,为提升公共健康水平做出贡献.健康影响评估为规划师将健康问题纳入到城乡规划过程和日常工作提供了潜在框架和工具.首先对健康影响评估的发展、方法和程序进行阐述,然后对城乡规划中健康影响评估发展及工具(包括健康发展测度工具和“为健康设计”健康影响评估工具)进行剖析,最后针对我国现状指出应积极发展适合城乡规划的健康影响评估工具,并就关键问题和挑战进行简要分析.  相似文献   

State-level growth management legislation involves a complex constellation of political support and opposition. This article uses narrative policy analysis techniques to examine the politics behind Iowa's late-1990s effort at such legislation, identifying a model of factors participants use in determining political support for a bill. While much of the debate in Iowa focused explicitly on the technical issues, at heart the issue was the redistribution of power the proposed policy entailed, along with its fit to a largely rural state culture. Passing growth management legislation will require greater attention by planners to both of these topics.  相似文献   

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