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The Manchester Driver Behaviour Questionnaire: a cross-cultural study   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The aim of the present study was to investigate if the original factorial structure of the Manchester Driver Behaviour Questionnaire (DBQ) was replicated in Finland and The Netherlands. A postal questionnaire survey of drivers was carried out in Britain, Finland and The Netherlands. Exploratory factor analysis together with target (Procrustes) rotation and factorial agreement indexes were calculated to investigate the applicability of Finnish and Dutch versions of DBQ. Results of the factor comparisons showed that the DBQ four-factor structures found in Finland and The Netherlands were congruent but not perfect with the target structure found in Britain. Reliabilities of the scales were around the same level as in the British data. In addition to the four first-order factors, two second-order factors (deliberate violations and unintentional errors) were found in all three countries which supports the original structure by Reason et al. Issues related to cross-cultural use of traffic behaviour questionnaires are discussed.  相似文献   

Manchester Driver Behaviour Questionnaire (DBQ) is one of the most widely used instruments for measuring self-reported driving style and investigating the relationship between driving behaviour and accident involvement. In spite of the fact that Arab Gulf countries have a higher road accident fatality rate compared to European countries and USA, the DBQ has not been used in Arab countries so far. The aim of the present study was to investigate the factor structure of the DBQ, then to examine the relationships between the factors of the DBQ and accident involvement, and finally to compare DBQ scores between the two gulf countries: Qatar and United Arab Emirates (UAE). In this study, 1110 Qatari (263 females and 847 males) and 1286 UAE drivers (294 females and 992 males) filled a survey questionnaire including the DBQ and background information. The results showed that UAE drivers scored higher on almost all DBQ items than Qatari drivers. Surprisingly, only very small differences between men and women on the DBQ item scores were found in UAE. Factor analysis resulted in four factors, which were named as errors, pushing-speeding violations, lapses, and aggression-speeding violations. However, there were a number of differences in the factor structure of the DBQ in UAE and Qatar when compared to the theoretical four-factor structure of the DBQ. Reliabilities of some subscales were also questionably lower than in the original British data. Logistic regression analyses showed that errors, lapses, and aggression-speeding violations predicted accident involvement in Qatar but not in UAE after controlling the effect of the demographic variables (age, sex, and annual mileage).  相似文献   

Risk factors for fatal road traffic accidents in Udine, Italy.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
In the Province of Udine, Northeast Italy, mortality from road accidents is 37% higher than in the country as a whole. To identify the major risk factors for fatal crashes in this area, we analyzed the Police reports of 10,320 road traffic accidents that occurred from 1991 to 1996. Logistic regression was used to evaluate the association of characteristics of drivers and accidents with accident severity. The risk of involvement in fatal rather than non-fatal accidents was lower among females than among males (odds ratio (OR) = 0.65; 95% confidence interval (95% CI), 0.53-0.80). Compared with subjects < 30 years of age, subjects aged > or = 65 had a significantly increased risk of fatal injury as pedestrians (OR = 10.87; 95% CI, 4.45-26.54), car drivers (OR = 1.85; 95% CI, 1.08-3.18), moped riders (OR = 3.53; 95% CI, 1.42-8.78), and bicycle riders (OR = 7.72; 95% CI, 2.56-23.29). In accidents that occurred from 1:00 to 5:00 h the risk of death was higher than from 6:00 to 11:00 h among pedestrians (OR = 8.88; 95% CI, 2.58-30.52), car drivers (OR = 4.95; 95% CI, 3.09-7.95), motorcycle riders (OR = 13.44; 95%CI, 2.54-71.05) and moped riders (OR = 8.76; 95% CI, 2.42-31.69). Risk of death among pedestrians, car drivers, moped, and bicycle riders was also significantly increased on roads outside the urban center. Driver's injury was strongly associated with lack of use of seat belts (OR = 13.27; 95% CI, 9.39-18.74, for fatal injury; OR = 2.49; 95% CI, 2.17-2.86, for non-fatal injury). Simple interventions focused on protecting the weakest road users and based on law enforcement, behavioral change and environmental modification might result in reducing the significant excess of road traffic accident mortality found in the study area.  相似文献   

Winter weather can be a significant cause of road traffic accidents. This paper uses UKCIP climate change scenarios and a temporal analogue to investigate the relationship between temperature and severe road accidents in the West Midlands, UK. This approach also allows quantification of the changes in the severity of the winter season over the next century in the region. It is demonstrated that the predicted reduction in the number of frost days should in turn reduce the number of road accidents caused due to slipperiness by approximately 50%. However, the paper concludes by warning against complacency in winter maintenance regimes. A warmer climate may result in budget cuts for highway maintenance which in turn may well reverse declining accident trends.  相似文献   

A case–control study was conducted on 204 drivers fatally injured in road traffic accidents in south-eastern Norway during the period 2003–2008. Cases from single vehicle accidents (N = 68) were assessed separately. As controls, 10 540 drivers selected in a roadside survey in the same geographical area during 2005–2006 were used. Blood samples were collected from the cases and oral fluid (saliva) samples from the controls. Samples were analysed for alcohol, amphetamines, cannabis, cocaine, opioid analgesics, hypnotics, sedatives and a muscle relaxant; altogether 22 psychoactive substances. Equivalent cutoff concentrations for blood and oral fluid were used. The risk for fatal injury in a road traffic accident was estimated using logistic regression adjusting for gender, age, season of the year, and time of the week. The odds for involvement in fatal road traffic accidents for different substances or combination of substances were in increasing order: single drug < multiple drugs < alcohol only < alcohol + drugs. For single substance use: medicinal drug or THC < amphetamine/methamphetamine < alcohol. For most substances, higher ORs were found when studying drivers involved in single vehicle accidents than for those involved in multiple vehicle accidents, but confidence intervals were wider.  相似文献   

STUDY OBJECTIVE: We conducted a longitudinal investigation of the impact of self-reported life events and medical conditions on changes in road mobility on the wheel between 2000 and 2002 in order to assess whether these changes would affect the risk of road traffic accident (RTA). METHODS: Data are from a cohort of workers and retirees from the French national gas and electricity companies (the Gazel cohort). In the present study, 10,483 participants were included (7843 men aged 51-61 years and 2640 women aged 46-61 years, in 2000). The link between mobility and the risk of RTA was approximated using data on RTA number during lifetime and reported mobility in 2000. We then compared changes in road mobility between 2000 and 2002 resulting from life events and medical conditions reported to have occurred in the year 2001 or changed when compared to year 2000. We also compared road mobilities in 2000 in order to assess any pre-existing differences before life events and medical conditions. This led to estimation of the effect of road mobility changes on the risk of RTA. RESULTS: Changes in road mobility associated with life events and medical conditions were only found among men. These changes in road mobility were minimal. Ensuing changes in the risk of RTA were estimated to be small (odds-ratios ranged from 0.94 to 1.01). The only life events found to be associated with increased road mobility was an important purchase. Hospitalization, serious RTA, and retiring were associated with reduced road mobility. Concerning medical conditions, men who reported cataract, angina pectoris, diabetes, anxiety and stress, sleep disorder, and depression decreased their road mobility. CONCLUSION: We found no or moderate changes in road mobility resulting from life events and medical conditions, suggesting that results from previous published studies that assessed the impact of life events or medical conditions on RTA were not jeopardized by improper adjustment for road mobility.  相似文献   

This study aimed to investigate the amount of consolation compensation that road accident perpetrators were willing to pay victims. It used 2010 statistics for general road accidents from Taiwan's National Police Agency (NPA) for further sampling and to mail questionnaires. In investigating consolation compensation, the framework of the contingent valuation method was used, and the data were collected through the design of different scenarios. In this study, five injury levels were designed to further analyse the consolation compensation price the perpetrators were willing to pay: minor injury, moderate injury, serious injury, disability, and death. The results revealed the price that many perpetrators were willing to pay was zero; however, we overcame this issue by using the Spike model. The estimated results showed that road accident perpetrators were willing to pay more consolation compensation with increased injury severity.  相似文献   

This study aims to identify factors which influence and cause errors in traffic accidents and to use these as a basis for information to guide the application and design of driver assistance systems. A total of 474 accidents were examined in depth for this study by means of a psychological survey, data from accident reports, and technical reconstruction information. An error analysis was subsequently carried out, taking into account the driver, environment, and vehicle sub-systems. Results showed that all accidents were influenced by errors as a consequence of distraction and reduced activity. For crossroad accidents, there were further errors resulting from sight obstruction, masked stimuli, focus errors, and law infringements. Lane departure crashes were additionally caused by errors as a result of masked stimuli, law infringements, expectation errors as well as objective and action slips, while same direction accidents occurred additionally because of focus errors, expectation errors, and objective and action slips. Most accidents were influenced by multiple factors. There is a safety potential for Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS), which support the driver in information assimilation and help to avoid distraction and reduced activity. The design of the ADAS is dependent on the specific influencing factors of the accident type.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of post-licence driver education for preventing road traffic crashes was quantified using a systematic review and meta-analyses of randomised controlled trials. Searches of appropriate electronic databases, the Internet and reference lists of relevant papers were conducted. The searches were not restricted by language or publication status. Data were pooled from 21 randomised controlled trials, including over 300,000 full licence-holding drivers of all ages. Nineteen trials reported subsequent traffic offences, with a pooled relative risk of 0.96 (95% confidence interval 0.94, 0.98). Fifteen trials reported traffic crashes with a pooled relative risk of 0.98 (0.96, 1.01). Four trials reported injury crashes with a pooled relative risk of 1.12 (0.88, 1.41). The results provide no evidence that post-licence driver education is effective in preventing road injuries or crashes. Although the results are compatible with a small reduction in the occurrence of traffic crashes, this may be due to selection biases or bias in the included trials.  相似文献   



This study sets out to identify risk factors for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) after a road traffic accident with a view to improving prevention.


The study used a prospective cohort of road traffic accident casualties. All subjects over 15 years of age were recruited in the course of an interview conducted while they were receiving care in a hospital of the Rhône area administrative département. Six months after their accident, they answered a self-administered postal questionnaire that included the Post-traumatic Check-List Scale (PCLS) in order to evaluate PTSD. Multivariate logistic regression analysis was conducted to compare those subjects with a PCLS score of 44 or over with those with a lower score, in order to identify factors that might be associated with PTSD.


592 subjects (out of 1168) returned the 6-month questionnaire and 541 completed the PCLS test. One hundred subjects had a PCLS score ≥44, suggesting PTSD, and 441 subjects did not. The factors associated with PTSD were initial injury severity, post-traumatic amnesia, the feeling of not being responsible for their accident and persistent pain 6 months after it. A lower odds-ratio was associated with users of two-wheel than four-wheel motor vehicles (OR = 0.4; 0.2–0.9).


Besides predictive factors for PTSD (injury severity, post-traumatic amnesia and the feeling of not being responsible for their accident), our study suggested a reduced risk of PTSD among two-wheel motor vehicle users.  相似文献   

When or whether elderly drivers stop driving is concerning not only to the drivers themselves but also to their family members. Therefore, it is important for family members to take the initiative if they wish to obtain information on the likelihood of the drivers’ involvement in crashes. On the basis of the older drivers’ Everyday Behavior Questionnaire (EBQ) developed in this paper, we attempt to predict drivers’ involvement in crashes using the responses given by their family members. The results revealed that this 14-item questionnaire has a sufficient level of internal consistency as well as a significant correlation (r = 0.29) with the experience of involvement in crashes in the last three years (p < 0.01). Although the EBQ is a proxy-reported questionnaire and does not include items directly related to driving behaviors, the correlation between the EBQ and crash involvement is stronger than that of the self-reported Driver Behavior Questionnaire reported in deWinter and Dodou (2010), who conducted a meta-analysis and estimated the overall correlation among samples of earlier studies. In addition, logistic regression analysis showed that the EBQ score and the exposure to driving risks, measured by the frequency of driving, are significant predictors of involvement in crashes.  相似文献   

Road traffic crashes are globally a leading cause of death. The current study tests the effect of traffic tickets issued to drivers on subsequent crashes, using a unique dataset that overcomes some shortcomings of previous studies. The study takes advantage of a national longitudinal dataset at the individual level that merges Israeli census data with data on traffic tickets issued by the police and official data on involvement in road traffic crashes over seven years. The results show that the estimated probability of involvement in a subsequent fatal or severe crash was more than eleven times higher for drivers with six traffic tickets per year compared to those with one ticket per year, while controlling for various confounders. However, the majority of fatal and severe crashes involved the larger population of drivers who received up to one ticket on average per year. The current findings indicate that reducing traffic violations may contribute significantly to crash and injury reduction. In addition, mass random enforcement programs may be more effective in reducing fatal and severe crashes than targeting high-risk recidivist drivers.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to investigate the psychosocial consequences and coping strategies among accident victims in South Africa. Participants (138 drivers and 141 passengers) who had been involved in a road traffic accident were approached and interviewed in public places. In both groups the median age group was between 25 years and 34 years. In 34 accidents (12.2%) a family member was killed, in 68 accidents (24.4%) a non-family member was killed in the accident. In 272 accidents 197 (72.4%) persons (both drivers and passengers) were injured and 168 (61.7%) were hospitalized. Eighty-seven drivers (63%) did not perceive themselves at fault and 51 (37%) did. Following the road traffic accident both drivers and passengers showed a significant decline of their well-being. Drivers who perceived themselves to be at fault did not cope better than those not perceiving themselves at fault. Passengers related to the drivers showed more decline in their well-being than those not related. Path analysis for drivers found that holding oneself responsible had a direct, and mediated by self-blame, guilt and family distress, negative effect on personal well-being. In the passengers group, holding the driver or others responsible led, mediated by increased self-blame, feelings of guilt, and family distress, to lower psychological well-being (PWB). Findings have relevant implications for the development of coping strategies to aid victims of road traffic accidents in dealing with their trauma in this African context, which may differ to those in Western societies.  相似文献   

The Driver Behavior Questionnaire (DBQ) is one of the most widely used instruments for measuring self-reported driving behaviors. Despite the popularity of the DBQ, the applicability of the DBQ in different driver groups has remained mostly unexamined. The present study measured aberrant driving behavior using the original DBQ (Reason, J.T., Manstead, A., Stradling, S.G., Baxter, J., Campbell, K., 1990. Errors and violations on the road – a real distinction. Ergonomics, 33 (10/11), 1315–1332) to test the factorial validity and reliability of the instrument across different subgroups of Danish drivers. The survey was conducted among 11,004 Danish driving license holders of whom 2250 male and 2190 female drivers completed the questionnaire containing background variables and the DBQ. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis showed that the original three-factor solution, a four-factor solution and a two-factor solution had acceptable fit when using the whole sample. However, fit indices of these solutions varied across subgroups. The presents study illustrates that both the original DBQ and a Danish four-factor DBQ structure is relatively stable across subgroups, indicating factorial validity and reliability of the DBQ. However, as the Danish DBQ structure has an overall better fit, the present study highlights the importance of performing an explorative analysis when applying the DBQ in order to assess the problem areas within a driving population.  相似文献   

The reliability over time of a method for measuring driver acceleration behavior was tested on bus drivers in regular traffic. Also, a replication of an earlier finding of a correlation between driver acceleration behavior and accident frequency for the individual drivers was made. It was found that the split-half correlation is probably around 0.50 for the mean (of accelerations) of a 30-min drive, and similar for the test-retest of 2.5h measured about a month apart. With such reliability, the sample was probably too small to reliably determine any association with accidents, but some significant correlations were found. Some ways of holding constant the differences in exposure and driving environment were tried with mixed success. Alternate ways of analyzing the data and several methodological problems were briefly discussed. It was concluded that the measurements of acceleration behavior, for bus drivers, are fairly reliable over at least a few months. However, some strange discrepancies between samples make all interpretations concerning the link to accidents tentative.  相似文献   

在参照NCAP(新车评估规程)的基础上,结合动力学理论,从车身侵入量、平均碰撞速度、胸部T12处碰撞力及力矩和骨盆碰撞力4个主要影响因素出发,通过碰撞试验测试和结果分析,得出两门轿车在车身设计中保护驾乘人员安全需注意的关键机构.  相似文献   

Young drivers (18–24) both in Greece and elsewhere appear to have high rates of road traffic accidents. Many factors contribute to the creation of these high road traffic accidents rates. It has been suggested that lifestyle is an important one. The main objective of this study is to find out and clarify the (potential) relationship between young drivers’ lifestyle and the road traffic accident risk they face. Moreover, to examine if all the youngsters have the same elevated risk on the road or not. The sample consisted of 241 young Greek drivers of both sexes. The statistical analysis included factor analysis and logistic regression analysis. Through the principal component analysis a ten factor scale was created which included the basic lifestyle traits of young Greek drivers. The logistic regression analysis showed that the young drivers whose dominant lifestyle trait is alcohol consumption or drive without destination have high accident risk, while these whose dominant lifestyle trait is culture, face low accident risk. Furthermore, young drivers who are religious in one way or another seem to have low accident risk. Finally, some preliminary observations on how health promotion should be put into practice are discussed.  相似文献   

Linking hospital discharge and police traffic crash records has been used to provide information on causes and outcomes for hospitalised traffic crash cases. Motorcyclists are particularly vulnerable to injury in a traffic crash, but no published linkage studies have reported in detail on this road user group. The present study examined motorcycle traffic crash injury cases in New Zealand in 2000–2004 by probabilistically linking national hospital discharge records with police traffic crash reports. Injury cases had to have spent at least one night in hospital before being discharged and were defined as serious or moderate based on their International Classification of Disease Injury Severity Scores (ICISS). Despite a robust linkage process, only 46% of cases could be linked to a police record; 60% of the serious injuries and 41% of the moderate. The low linkage was most likely due to under-reporting of crashes to or by the police. While moderate injury cases were expected to be under-reported, the level of under-reporting of cases with serious threat-to-life injuries is concerning. To assess whether the linked dataset could provide valid information on the crash circumstances and injury outcomes of hospitalised motorcycle crash cases, the characteristics of the linked and unlinked hospital discharge cases were compared using chi-square tests and multivariate logistic regression. Serious injury cases were less likely to be linked if only one vehicle was involved, or the injured riders and passengers were younger than 20 years or spent less than one week in hospital. For moderate injury cases, there were also differences in linkage by injured body region and crash month. While these discrepancies need to taken into consideration when interpreting results, the linked hospital-police dataset has the potential to provide insights into motorcycle crash circumstances and outcomes not otherwise obtainable.  相似文献   

There is no consensus on whether the risk of road traffic injury is higher among men or among women. Comparison between studies is difficult mainly due to the different exposure measures used to estimate the risk. The measures of exposure to the risk of road traffic injury should be people's mobility measures, but frequently authors use other measures such population or vehicles mobility. We compare road traffic injury risk in men and women, by age, mode of transport and severity, using the time people spend travelling as the exposure measure, in Catalonia for the period 2004–2008. This is a cross-sectional study including all residents aged over 3 years. The road traffic injury rate was calculated using the number of people injured, from the Register of Accidents and Victims of the National Traffic Authority as numerator, and the person-hours travelled, from the 2006 Daily Mobility Survey carried out by the Catalan regional government, as denominator. Sex and age specific rates by mode of transport and severity were calculated, and Poisson regression models were fitted. Among child pedestrians and young drivers, males present higher risk of slight and severe injury, and in the oldest groups women present higher risk. The death rate is always higher in men. There exists interaction between sex and age in road traffic injury risk. Therefore, injury risk is higher among men in some age groups, and among women in other groups, but these age groups vary depending on mode of transport and severity.  相似文献   

The number of pedestrians who have died as a result of being hit by vehicles has increased in recent years, in addition to vehicle passenger deaths. Many pedestrians who were involved in road traffic accident died as a result of the driver leaving the pedestrian who was struck unattended at the scene of the accident. This paper seeks to determine the effect of road and environmental characteristics on pedestrian hit-and-run accidents in Ghana. Using pedestrian accident data extracted from the National Road Traffic Accident Database at the Building and Road Research Institute (BRRI) of the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), Ghana, a binary logit model was employed in the analysis. The results from the estimated model indicate that fatal accidents, unclear weather, nighttime conditions, and straight and flat road sections without medians and junctions significantly increase the likelihood that the vehicle driver will leave the scene after hitting a pedestrian. Thus, integrating median separation and speed humps into road design and construction and installing street lights will help to curb the problem of pedestrian hit-and-run accidents in Ghana.  相似文献   

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