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宋明亮  于佳佳  张路  李宝军  黄潘 《包装工程》2023,44(24):239-246, 257
目的 提高年轻女性驾驶员对汽车导航界面的情感体验满意度,促进年轻女性用户汽车消费意愿的增长。方法 首先采用SD语义差异法建立导航界面典型性样本与感性意象词汇的语义映射关系,其次使用量表法,从布局、色彩、表现和体验四方面获取年轻女性感性意象信息,并建立评价尺度图,进而结合情感层次理论对上述感性要素进行类型划分。结果 提出面向年轻女性需求的汽车导航界面情感化设计策略,得出多级量化目标作为设计策略分析的来源和依据,并通过设计实践和设计评估验证了该方法的可行性。结论 将感性意象设计与情感化设计相结合的方法能够更加准确有效地剖析年轻女性对汽车导航界面的情感偏好,为面向性别需求差异性的情感体验研究提供了可借鉴的思路与方法。  相似文献   

竞争与组合对知觉任务绩效的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用简单的知觉判断任务和复杂的知觉推理任务,考察竞争与组合对知觉任务绩效的影响。结果表明:完成知觉判断任务时,有竞争条件下的正确率显著高于无竞争条件下的正确率,组合因素没有影响;完成知觉推理任务时,组合条件下的正确率显著高于单人条件下的正确率,竞争因素没有影响。  相似文献   

王天赋  徐子豪 《包装工程》2020,40(24):98-103
目的 基于感性工学相关理论,以青年群体为对象,研究汽车驾驶空间内饰的优化设计。方法 以汽车驾驶空间内饰设计现状分析与问卷调研为基础,结合专家论证,完成样本筛选。基于感性意象词汇收集与筛选,采用语义差异分析法和Likert心理量表分析法,从造型、色彩、材质、功能和体验5个方面进行产品感性意象分析。结合MSA多层次方法推导并提取关键设计要素,推导得出汽车驾驶空间内饰设计方案并进行结果验证。结论 整个设计过程较为深入地探讨了设计需求与设计形态之间的关联。基于感性工学理论,研究得出了有利于特定群体汽车驾驶空间内饰优化设计的思路和方法。研究结果有望为感性工学理论在汽车内饰设计中的应用研究提供新思路,为青年群体汽车驾驶空间内饰设计提供新方法。  相似文献   

目的了解化妆品包装设计如何影响消费者对产品的感性认知。方法采用感性工学的方法,以21~31岁中国女性为目标人群,通过调查问卷方式,对15个经过统一LOGO处理的化妆品进行感觉评价,并对数据进行主成分分析和意象尺度法分析。结论中国年轻女性在选购化妆品时,最看重的因素是年轻可爱及好的保湿涂抹感,设计师需要综合考虑色彩、瓶身造型、材料选择及外观处理方式等几个方面,了解包装设计与消费者感受的关系,进行针对性的设计,才有可能设计出受年轻女性消费者喜爱的化妆品。  相似文献   

由于文旅衍生品属于文化创意产品,而这种产品消费多是情感消费,所以在文化创意产品设计的过程中应该赋予产品一定的情感与内涵。本文主要概述了感性消费、感性心理,提出了感性消费者对于文旅衍生品趣味性和创造性、审美价值、文化内涵的需求,继而针对文旅衍生品提出了几种设计思路。希望不同地域能创造出文化底蕴浓厚的极具代表性的文旅衍生品,从而促进文旅衍生品的发展。  相似文献   

Cognitive work analysis is gaining momentum as an approach for the analysis, design and evaluation of complex sociotechnical systems. This paper focuses on control task analysis (ConTA), the second phase of cognitive work analysis. The paper consolidates existing approaches to ConTA and extends the basic concepts, in particular, by asserting that activity in some work systems is better characterized by both work situations and work functions and by introducing a new formative representation for ConTA called the contextual activity template. In addition, the paper proposes a set of methodological guidelines for performing ConTA and presents a case study of a ConTA for a first-of-a-kind military system called Airborne Early Warning and Control. As well as illustrating the conceptual extensions and methodological guidelines for ConTA by example, this case study highlights some of the difficulties of conducting ConTA for first-of-a-kind, complex systems during the early stages of development.  相似文献   

With respect to the design of visual information display (VID) for process control, this study experimentally evaluated the effectiveness of functionally abstracted information in the task of fault diagnosis. The benefits of functional properties of work domain have been emphasized by ecological interface design (EID), a relatively new design framework for human–machine interfaces. According to the concept of EID, multilevel information representation based on abstraction hierarchy of work domain is expected to be advantageous for supporting the operator's problem solving. To investigate the advantage of EID application, an experiment was conducted using a computer-based simulation of the secondary cooling system of nuclear power plants. Three interfaces were compared: the first representing only the physical properties of the process, the second representing purpose-related generalized functions (GFs) in addition to the physical properties, and the third representing abstract functions (AFs) governing the GFs in addition to the physical properties. The results showed that the diagnostic performance was improved by displaying functionally abstracted information at both levels, and that the usefulness of the abstract information was dependent on the complexity of the diagnosis problems.  相似文献   

感性消费下饮料包装的创新设计   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
史江滨  廖丰丰  韦霞 《包装工程》2007,28(11):131-133,153
商品包装是感性营销中极其重要的营销工具,它的成功与否关系着整个产品的推广与销售.文章从包装装潢、包装容器、包装材料与技术3个方面论述了感性消费下饮料包装的创新设计.  相似文献   

Two distinct design problems of information display for process control are information content representation and visual form design. Regarding information content, we experimentally showed the effectiveness of functionally abstracted information without the benefits of sophisticated graphical presentation in various task situations. However, since it is obvious that the effects of the information display are also influenced by display formats (i.e., visual forms) as well as the information content, further research was required to investigate the effectiveness of visualized functionally abstracted information. For this purpose, this study conducted an experiment in complex process control tasks (operation and fault diagnosis). The experimental purposes were to confirm the effectiveness of the functionally abstracted information visualized with emergent features or peculiar geometric forms and to examine the additional effects of the visualization on task performance. The results showed that functionally abstracted information presented with sophisticated visual forms helped operators perform process control tasks in more efficient and safe way. The results also indicated the importance of explicit visualization of goal–means relation between higher and lower abstraction levels. Lastly, this study proposed a framework for designing visual forms for process control display.  相似文献   

周美玉  黄妮  王倩  张俊伟 《包装工程》2011,32(4):62-65,86
以产品感性设计中遇到的矛盾(冲突)问题为起点,论述了TRIZ理论的适用性、不易应用处以及改进的必要。通过分析感性设计的特点,将TRIZ理论中的39项工程参数、40条发明原理、冲突解决矩阵,进行分类、整理、简化,并从产品设计的角度进行专业化改造,以得到适用于产品感性设计的新发明原理和简化的冲突解决矩阵表,最终运用于产品感性设计过程中,解决感性设计中的矛盾冲突。  相似文献   

何人可  王玥虹  马超民 《包装工程》2021,42(6):77-82, 150
目的 研究小型清洁类家用服务机器人,在自然人机交互中,亲密度与用户体验之间的相关性,并探究影响亲密度意象与体验的关键属性.方法 将收集到的17种交互方式作为测试样本,然后将30名被试均分为A和B两组,分别模拟家用服务机器人的主要使用人角色和次要使用人角色,并进行实验.使用语义差异量表获取亲密度数据,借助Emocards测量法获得用户综合体验数据,通过口语报告法描述交互过程中所引发的意象图像.将亲密度与体验数据进行相关性计算,再对语料进行分类统计,最后分析得出影响亲密度意象与体验的关键属性.结果 亲密度与用户体验之间呈高度正相关,其中"平等和尊重"为关键属性.结论 在人机交互设计中加入对亲密度考量可有效增加用户体验,研究结果可为人机情感化交互提供依据和启发.  相似文献   

李淑江  张育辉  窦如宏 《包装工程》2020,41(14):135-142
目的构建游艇设计中的感性意象空间,为游艇的造型设计提供了较为科学的参考依据。方法采用调查问卷的方式筛选出代表游艇感性特征的词汇,广泛收集世界知名船舶游艇公司的官方网站、大型游艇交易网站,游艇杂志及游艇论坛上高端游艇的外观图片,并筛选出具有代表性的游艇样本图片;运用语义差异法对游艇样本图片的感性意象进行定量评价;运用SPSS因子分析法提取了感性意象的公因子;运用SPSS统计分析软件对游艇感性意象词汇之间存在的相关性进行了探究;运用聚类分析法对游艇感性意象进行分类。结果提取了不同类型的游艇感性意象,构建了游艇的感性意象空间。结论通过对游艇感性意象空间的构建,对于游艇设计中把握不同类型的游艇感性意象具有指导意义。  相似文献   

基于感性工学与AHP的老年人电动自行车造型设计   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的针对电动自行车造型设计的审美缺失及对使用人群的感性需求考虑,提出基于感性工学及层次分析法结合的电动自行车造型设计。方法通过资料收集法确定电动自行车的感性词汇及造型特征要素,运用层次分析法确定感性词汇与造型特征的关联性。运用语义差分法得到符合用户喜好的造型特征要素,验证数据分析结果与用户调研结果是否具有相合性。结果数据分析与用户调研结果具有相合性,以此为指导,以老年人群的需求为基础,实现电动自行车造型设计。结论感性工学能够捕捉用户的主观需求,层次分析法将主观性量化表达。两者的结合使用使电动自行车造型在科学、系统的设计过程中,能够最大限度满足用户的情感需要。  相似文献   


Future applications are envisioned in which a single human operator manages multiple heterogeneous unmanned vehicles (UVs) by working together with an autonomy teammate that consists of several intelligent decision-aiding agents/services. This article describes recent advancements in developing a new interface paradigm that will support human-autonomy teaming for air, ground, and surface (sea craft) UVs in defence of a military base. Several concise and integrated candidate control station interfaces are described by which the operator determines the role of autonomy in UV management using an adaptable automation control scheme. An extended play calling based control approach is used to support human-autonomy communication and teaming in managing how UV assets respond to potential threats (e.g. asset allocation, routing, and execution details). The design process for the interfaces is also described including: analysis of a base defence scenario used to guide this effort, consideration of ecological interface design constructs, and generation of UV and task-related pictorial symbology.  相似文献   

The operational control of complex systems such as power control and air traffic control is increasingly relegated to advanced technology devices with the expectation that operations controllers will maintain oversight of system and intervene where appropriate. Moreover, the centralisation of operations control has resulted in the oversight of systems remotely, typically through a human–machine interface. This article discusses the principles that underlie the design of interfaces for remote systems, drawing on theories of skill acquisition to address the needs of less experienced operators who are increasingly being engaged as operations controllers. Specifically, adaptive interfaces are advocated that are designed to facilitate the progression to expertise. Using cue utilisation as an underlying theoretical perspective, interfaces can be designed to extract and emphasise the relationship between features and events that eventually form the basis of the cues employed by expert practitioners.  相似文献   

冯志宏  霍睿 《振动与冲击》2011,30(6):181-184
基于加速度&;#61485;时滞闭环反馈控制策略,建立压电耦合柔性悬臂梁的动力学模型,通过运用模态分析和对系统自由振动的平凡解的分析,建立了在考虑压电耦合作用和反馈时滞条件下的系统稳定性条件和分析方法,并给出了具体算例;进一步的算例分析表明,时滞的不合理忽略有可能导致系统响应发散,而合理的时滞量也可用以提高振动控制的效率  相似文献   

支锦亦  杜洋  冯纾 《包装工程》2020,41(10):62-70
目的在智能化发展的大背景下,以用户为中心的车载信息系统界面(IVIS)设计正在成为目前的研究重点。界面设计需要考虑与用户视觉搜索、视知觉及其认知有关的生理和心理因素,设计人员通过优化用户界面以达到更为友好的用户体验。方法进行文献搜集和整理,分析驾驶界面布局和图文设计的研究现状,从界面布局、元素编码对司机的视知觉与认知影响研究入手,对相关研究成果进行综述。结论分析界面设计对用户客观辨识效率和主观偏好的影响,探讨了驾驶显示界面图文编码与布局类型、界面信息对司机视认知的影响研究现状。  相似文献   

Food packaging plays an important role in attracting consumers' attention and generating expectations in the consumer that in turn affect their product perception and buying behaviour. In the present study, ‘categorizing’ and ‘perceptual mapping’—diametrically opposed methods (predefined criteria vs consumer criteria)—were used to study the influence of packaging design on consumer perceptions of dairy products. Eighty‐nine images of milk, yoghurt and yoghurt drink with different graphical designs, sizes, shapes and materials were presented to the participants. The participants were randomly divided in two groups, each of which evaluated the samples using one method: categorizing or perceptual mapping. Both categorizing and perceptual mapping have been demonstrated to be useful, simple and user‐friendly methods to determine the packaging design cues that influence the perception of dairy products. However, perceptual mapping provided more subconscious perceptions than the categorizing task. The results of perceptual mapping are objective and provide representative information. Furthermore, it fosters better understanding of the potential for product packaging to be misinterpreted and supports packaging designers in developing packages that better align with consumer perception. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to illustrate the interconnections between the different phases (or tools) within the cognitive work analysis framework; the benefits of extending an analysis across each of the five phases are highlighted through these interconnections. The paper uses a command and control micro-world example to describe how each of the five phases can be used to describe the constraints within the micro-world domain from a different perspective. Based upon the social organisation and cooperation analysis, design requirements are extracted in order to develop role specific customisable interfaces for use within the micro-world. The interfaces have been specifically developed to communicate real time reconfiguration of the network through each of the individual interfaces; the reallocations of functions or roles are communicated to the actors through changes to the interface.  相似文献   

认知心理学在UI界面设计中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
陈昭霓 《包装工程》2017,38(16):30-33
目的研究认知心理学在UI数码媒体界面设计中的应用。方法通过对认知心理学规律的科学分析,来对UI数码媒体界面设计的现状进行研究。结论信息传达的方式各式各样,在UI界面设计中,常见的信息传达要素有文字、图形图标、颜色、影像、语言、声音等,无论用哪种信息传达手段,都应该将抽象的信息转换为直观、形象、准确的符号语言,使用户能够按照符号线索搜寻或接收到所要了解的信息,这个过程越简单容易,UI界面用户受到的挫败感越低,获得信息的满足感就越强烈。UI界面设计除了考虑人的生理和行为机能之外,还要使产品的设计符合用户的心理认知,甚至需要尽一步地满足用户的高层次需求,即情感互动、审美品味、文化归属和附加价值需求等。  相似文献   

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