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Consideration was given to the problem of optimal pursuit of one object by multiple objects. The player’s moves obey the ordinary differential equations. Geometrical constraints are imposed on the player controls. Sufficient conditions were obtained for optimality of the pursuit time, and the optimal player strategies were constructed.  相似文献   

The pursuit of one evader by a group of controlled pursuers is considered for the case of simple motion of the players in nonempty compact sets. Sufficient solvability conditions are derived. These conditions are sometimes also necessary.Translated from Kibernetika i Sistemnyi Analiz, No. 3, pp. 131–137, May–June, 1992.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider the surveillance problem of tracking a moving evader by a nonholonomic mobile pursuer. We deal specifically with the situation in which the only constraint on the evader’s velocity is a bound on speed (i.e., the evader is able to move omnidirectionally), and the pursuer is a nonholonomic, differential drive system having bounded speed.  相似文献   

An approach is considered that allows generating a suboptimal strategy for the evader in a nonlinear feedback position control problem that can be implemented in real time. The evader does not know exactly what actions the pursuer will take up, and the evader’s strategy is selected from the known functionality of both players and worse possible actions of the pursuer. __________ Translated from Kibernetika i Sistemnyi Analiz, No. 3, pp. 156–167, May–June 2006.  相似文献   

The paper presents two new definitions of equilibrium for arbitrary game problems. The new definitions allow finding a unique solution for a significantly wider class of problems.  相似文献   

Methods for processing weak signals in a complex interference situation are considered. A new class of adaptive methods of direction finding with supression of power interfering signals, which generalizes the Capon method and the thermal noise method, is proposed. The method of adaptive filtration of a set of signals is developed. The results of numerical modeling are given. The advantages and the prospects of the proposed approach are determined.  相似文献   

Self-organizing networks such as wireless ad hoc networks present a number of problems and paradoxes towards trustworthiness and consistency of the network. Lack of cooperation between nodes drastically brings down the throughput of the network. Selfish behavior of the nodes is one of the issues, which deter the trust among them. This paper explores the multiple modes to build trust and proposes an effective, dynamic and distributed framework using evolutionary game theory. Strategic, non-cooperative and evolutionary game theory has been utilized to model the dynamic behavior of selfish nodes in a self-policing ad hoc network. AODV routing assisted by the proposed game model enlightens a cogent scenario, which demonstrates that it can stimulate cooperation among selfish nodes, albeit without negotiations. The proposed model encompasses two distinct modes to learn and predict the behavior of neighbors namely deterministic and random. Deterministic mode is a generic one which helps to analyze the behavior of the network for standard strategic patterns whereas the random strategy profiles are explored using randomized analysis based on genetic algorithm. This paper investigates the simulated results for the two methods and asserts that if nodes use evolved strategies and trust evaluation mechanism, then the model supports in accomplishing the cooperation level to reach the maximum possible.  相似文献   

For the generalized Pontryagin example, sufficient conditions of caption of one evader by a group of pursuers are obtained under the condition that the pursuers use impulse strategies.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the resilient control under denial-of-service attack launched by the intelligent attacker. The resilient control system is modelled as a multi-stage hierarchical game with a corresponding hierarchy of decisions made at cyber and physical layer, respectively. Specifically, the interaction in the cyber layer between different security agents is modelled as a static infinite Stackelberg game, while in the underlying physical layer the full-information H minimax control with package drops is modelled as a different Stackelberg game. Both games are solved sequentially, which is consistent with the actual situations. Finally, the proposed method is applied to the load frequency control of the power system, which demonstrates its effectiveness.  相似文献   

In this paper we show a new method for calculating the nucleolus by solving a unique minimization linear program with O(4n)O(4n) constraints whose coefficients belong to {−1,0,1}{1,0,1}. We discuss the need of having all these constraints and empirically prove that they can be reduced to O(kmax2n)O(kmax2n), where kmax is a positive integer comparable with the number of players. A computational experience shows the applicability of our method over (pseudo)random transferable utility cooperative games with up to 18 players.  相似文献   

Operator constructions are applied to analyze the structure of differential-difference games. Player strategies based on these constructions are derived. Sets of good initial positions for each player are described.Translated from Kibernetika i Sistemnyi Analiz, No. 4, pp. 54–61, July–August, 1992.  相似文献   

Inspired by recent algorithms for electing a leader in a distributed system, we study the following game in a directed graph: each vertex selects one of its outgoing arcs (if any) and eliminates the other endpoint of this arc; the remaining vertices play on until no arcs remain. We call a directed graph lethal if the game must end with all vertices eliminated and mortal if it is possible that the game ends with all vertices eliminated. We show that lethal graphs are precisely collections of vertex-disjoint cycles, and that the problem of deciding whether or not a given directed graph is mortal is NP-complete (and hence it is likely that no “nice” characterization of mortal graphs exists).  相似文献   

研究单台批处理机生产与生产前运输的协调调度问题,目标函数为最小化与完成时间相关的生产总成本.以工件为博弈方,以联盟的最大成本节省为特征函数,将调度问题转换为合作博弈模型.针对相同运输时间与加工时间的情形,证明该合作博弈具有非空核,beta规则可得一个核分配.针对一般问题,设计Q-learning算法求解联盟最优调度,并利用beta规则对节省的成本进行分配.数值算例验证了合作博弈模型的可行性以及Q-learning算法与beta规则对节省成本分配的有效性.  相似文献   

This paper introduces an extension of the vehicle routing problem by involving several decision makers in competition. Each customer is characterized by demand and distance to the warehouse. The problem is described in form of a cooperative transportation game (CTG). We consider customers as players in the game. Their strategies are the routes for a vehicle they should rent in a coalition to deliver goods subject to their demand with minimal transportation costs, under the assumption that transportation costs are allocated between the players according to the Nash arbitration scheme. For each profile in coalitional strategies, we define a coalitional structure of players and the costs of each player. A strong equilibrium is found for the cooperative transportation game. In addition, we develop a procedure to calculate the strong equilibrium. This procedure is illustrated by a numerical example.  相似文献   

This paper presents our research initiatives around new user experiences in the area of pervasive mixed reality crossmedia gaming. In a prototypical game, The Epidemic Menace, we combined static and interactive story telling elements to create a mixed reality experience. As part of this research initiative we also investigated how elements of the real world and virtual worlds could produce a new environment where physical and digital objects can co-exist and interact with each other, we wanted to evaluate how linear stories could be integrated into a game flow and how they could be used to extend game experiences. A new form of interactive entertainment that is not limited to hardware based games or linear storylines but includes a truly interactive TV experience was one of our goals.  相似文献   

Coping with uncertainty in a location-based game   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
With location-based games, how you manage uncertainty can make the difference between fun and fiasco. Game designers should know what uncertainties to hide and what to reveal to create an engaging experience. This article describes our experiences, focusing on uncertainty, in publicly deploying an experimental, mobile mixed-reality game called Can You See Me Now?.  相似文献   

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