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A dynamic bandwidth allocation strategy to support variable bit rate (VBR) video traffic is proposed. This strategy predicts the bandwidth requirements for future frames using adaptive linear prediction that minimizes the mean square error. The adaptive technique does not require any prior knowledge of the traffic statistics nor assume stationarity. Analyses using six one-half-hour video tracts indicate that prediction errors for the bandwidth required for the next frames and group of pictures (GOP) are almost white noise or short memory. The performance of the strategy is studied using renegotiated constant bit rate (RCBR) network service model and methods that control the tradeoff between the number of renegotiations and network utilization are proposed. Simulation results using MPEG-I video traces for predicting GOP rates show that the queue size is reduced by a factor of 15-160 and the network utilization is increased between 190%-300% as compared to a fixed service rate. Results also show that even when renegotiations occur on the average in tens of seconds, the queue size is reduced by a factor between 16-30  相似文献   

Reservation with Preemption and Acknowledgment (RPA) is a simple, efficient, and flexible queuing discipline and scheduling algorithm for input buffered asynchronous transfer-mode (ATM) switches. This letter describes the RPA algorithms, and presents simulation results to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach  相似文献   

A simple and efficient estimator for hyperbolic location   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
An effective technique in locating a source based on intersections of hyperbolic curves defined by the time differences of arrival of a signal received at a number of sensors is proposed. The approach is noniterative and gives an explicit solution. It is an approximate realization of the maximum-likelihood estimator and is shown to attain the Cramer-Rao lower bound near the small error region. Comparisons of performance with existing techniques of beamformer, spherical-interpolation, divide and conquer, and iterative Taylor-series methods are made. The proposed technique performs significantly better than spherical-interpolation, and has a higher noise threshold than divide and conquer before performance breaks away from the Cramer-Rao lower bound. It provides an explicit solution form that is not available in the beamforming and Taylor-series methods. Computational complexity is comparable to spherical-interpolation but substantially less than the Taylor-series method  相似文献   

Based on an asymptotic analysis of the contraction mapping (CM) method of Li and Kedem (1993), a bandwidth shrinkage rule is proposed for fast and accurate estimation of the frequencies of multiple sinusoids from noisy measurements. The CM frequency estimates are defined as the fixed points of a contractive mapping formed by the lag-one autocorrelation coefficient calculated from the output. of a parametric filter applied to the observed time series. With bandwidth parameters judiciously chosen according to the asymptotic analysis, the algorithm is shown to be able to accommodate possibly poor initial values of precision O(n/sup -1/3/) and converge to a final estimate whose accuracy is arbitrarily close to O(n/sup -3/2/), the optimal error rate for frequency estimation under the Gaussian assumption. The total computational complexity of the algorithm is shown to be O(n log n), which is comparable to that of n-point fast Fourier transform (FFT). A novelty in the asymptotic analysis is that it accommodates closely spaced frequencies by allowing not only the filter bandwidth but also the frequency separation to be functions of the sample size n. This enables an assessment of the accuracy of the frequency estimates for given bandwidths and initial values in situations where some or all of the frequencies are close to each other.  相似文献   

In this article, the authors shall propose a simple and efficient authentication scheme for mobile satellite communication systems. The proposed scheme can achieve the following security requirements: (S1) withstand impersonation attacks; (S2) withstand denial server attacks; (S3) withstand smart card loss attacks; (S4) withstand replay attacks; and (S5) withstand stolen‐verifier attacks, and achieve the following functionality requirements: (F1) freely choose identity; (F2) provide mutual authentication; (F3) provide session key agreement; (F4) provide user anonymity; and (F5) provide perfect forward secrecy. In additional, the proposed scheme does not use the high complex computation, such as public key cryptosystem or secret key cryptosystem, for the mobile users' side. The proposed scheme is only based on hash functions and exclusive‐OR operations. Compared with other schemes, the proposed scheme has a lower computation cost. It is more simple and efficient scheme. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We present simple color space transformations for lossless image compression and compare them with established transformations including RCT, YCoCg-R and with the optimal KLT for 3 sets of test images and for significantly different compression algorithms: JPEG-LS, JPEG2000 and JPEG XR. One of the transformations, RDgDb, which requires just 2 integer subtractions per image pixel, on average results in the best ratios for JPEG2000 and JPEG XR, while for a specific set or in case of JPEG-LS its compression ratios are either the best or within 0.1 bpp from the best. The overall best ratios were obtained with JPEG-LS and the modular-arithmetic variant of RDgDb (mRDgDb). Another transformation (LDgEb), based on analog transformations in human vision system, is with respect to complexity and average ratios better than RCT and YCoCg-R, although worse than RDgDb; for one of the sets it obtains the best ratios.  相似文献   

This paper presents a simple network layer protocol that integrates routing and connectionless transfer of data in a wireless environment. The protocol is specifically geared towards supporting transfer of signalling in mobile networks based on a rooted tree topology. Exploiting the special characteristics of such a topology allows the specification of a very simple and processing efficient routing function. Using the routing function, a connectionless message transport service is implemented. The connectionless transport service is comparable to that of typical network layer protocols of existing data networks. The protocol has originally been specified to carry signalling messages in the control plane of mobile, cellular systems but has the potential to be used also in other environments.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the medium access control (MAC) subsystem which has been implemented in the MEDIAN project (wireless broadband LANs for professional and residential multimedia applications) belonging to the European Union's (EU's) advanced communications technologies and services (ACTS) program. The proposed MAC aims at providing a low complexity and efficient transport for asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) cells from a base station (BS), interfaced with an ATM local exchange (LEX), to ATM portable stations (PSs) and vice versa. A time division duplex (TDD) scheme is adopted in which uplink and downlink frame durations can be varied frame-by-frame, in order to fit the present uplink/downlink traffic mix. Moreover, in the uplink, a contention-free based technique is considered in which the slots are assigned to the calls depending on the present load of the PS uplink buffers  相似文献   

Modern digital cellular telephones and portable computers have created a new platform for distributed information processing. However, the characteristics of wireless telephone links are different from those of wireline links. With standard TCP/IP protocols, this can lead to severe performance problems; some are related to the control of the wireless link, some to the cooperation of the wireless link and the fixed network. One possible solution is to split the end-to-end communication path into two parts, and to establish a separate control for each part. The Mowgli communication architecture is a sophisticated elaboration of this basic idea covering several data communication layers. One of its main components is the Mowgli data channel service (MDCS), which transparently replaces the standard TCP/IP core protocols over the slow wireless link. We discuss how the Mowgli approach, using the MDCS, alleviates the problems encountered with TCP/IP protocols over slow wireless links. The results of our performance tests indicate the merits of the Mowgli approach. The transfer times and the response times become more stable, transfer times for multiple parallel bidirectional transfers are substantially reduced, and response times in interactive work can be kept at a low and predictable level, even when there is other traffic on the wireless link  相似文献   

In this paper, we address the problem of dynamic bandwidth allocation in real-time video transmission. Firstly, a source traffic prediction method is proposed which is based on the rate-distortion relation of source video. This method can detect changes in the source traffic level before encoding by using source information. Secondly, a preventive channel rate decision algorithm, called PCRD, is proposed. The transmission rate bounds are derived from the constraints of the encoder and decoder buffers based on the predicted bit-rate of video frames. From simulation results, the proposed traffic prediction method is shown effective in detecting scene changes and estimating changed traffic levels. Also, the PCRD method is shown to have low renegotiation cost and high channel utilization without violating delay constraints.  相似文献   

The flexibility in structural design of organic semiconductors endows organic solar cells (OSCs) not only great function-tunabilities, but also high potential toward practical application. In this work, four simple and low-cost non-fullerene acceptors with fluorene or carbazole as central cores, 2-(6-oxo-5,6-dihydro-4H-cyclopenta[c] thiophen-4-ylidene)malononitrile (TC) as terminal groups, and thiophene or furan as linkers, named DTC-T-F, DTC-F-F, DTC-T-C and DTC-F-C, are developed through twostep synthesis, and their photophysical properties, electrochemical behavior and photovoltaic performance are systematically and comparatively studied. The results revealed that fluorene-based acceptors exhibited superior photophysical properties and morphology characteristics than carbazole-based counterparts, and thiophene is more suitable as bridging groups. Combining the advantages of both, the BHJ-OSC based on PTB7-Th:DTC-T-F blend film showed a high PCE of 8.8%, with a Voc of 0.78 V, a Jsc of 17.46 mA cm−2, and an FF of 0.65, which is the highest value in the PTB7-Th and fluorene-based acceptors coupled devices, implying its potential application.  相似文献   

The merging of telephone and computer networks is introducing multiple resources into networks, and information is becoming increasingly distributed across the network. Related services are being integrated onto a single network rather than being offered on separate uncoordinated networks. The authors focus upon communication networks that integrate multiple services using multiple resources. In particular, they look at the decision of whether to accept or deny service requests in such a system. They prove a conjecture for the optimal policy for a related system introduced in Foschini and Gopinath (1983) and characterize the optimal coordinate convex policy for the present multiple service, multiple resource system  相似文献   

The present paper provides an efficient approach to multiple criteria redundancy optimization problems, often encountered in reliability design of engineering systems. A search technique introduced earlier [10,11] in combination with the multicriteria optimization methods, based on min-max concept for finding Pareto optimal solution of multicriteria optimization problems, provides an efficient and excellent approach for solving redundancy optimization problems. The approach is illustrated through several numerical examples. Further, based on this approach, a very general computer code called ESMOP (Efficient Search Multi-Objective Programming) has also been developed. It is capable of considering any type of redundancy, constraint or individual cost function and thus offers to solve many reliability design problems.  相似文献   

We propose a simple direction-of-arrival (DOA) tracking scheme involving the projection approximation subspace tracking with deflation (PASTd)-algorithm and a Kalman filter. The DOAs are obtained via a Newton-type method initialized with the DOAs predicted by the Kalman filter. The data association is then avoided. The tracking capability of the proposed algorithm is demonstrated by computer simulations in scenarios involving targets with crossing trajectories  相似文献   

Based on the linear prediction property of sinusoidal signals, two constrained weighted least squares frequency estimators for multiple real sinusoids embedded in white noise are proposed. In order to achieve accurate frequency estimation, the first algorithm uses a generalized unit-norm constraint, while the second method employs a monic constraint. The weighting matrices in both methods are a function of the frequency parameters and are obtained in an iterative manner. For the case of a single real tone with sufficiently large data samples, both estimators provide nearly identical frequency estimates and their performance approaches Crame/spl acute/r-Rao lower bound (CRLB) for white Gaussian noise before the threshold effect occurs. Algorithms for closed-form single-tone frequency estimation are also devised. Computer simulations are included to corroborate the theoretical development and to contrast the estimator performance with the CRLB for different frequencies, observation lengths and signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) conditions.  相似文献   

Extensive research activities have been observed on network-based intrusion detection systems (IDSs). However, there are always some attacks that penetrate trafficprofiling- based network IDSs. These attacks often cause very serious damages such as modifying host critical files. A host-based anomaly IDS is an effective complement to the network IDS in addressing this issue. This article proposes a simple data preprocessing approach to speed up a hidden Markov model (HMM) training for system-call-based anomaly intrusion detection. Experiments based on a public database demonstrate that this data preprocessing approach can reduce training time by up to 50 percent with unnoticeable intrusion detection performance degradation, compared to a conventional batch HMM training scheme. More than 58 percent data reduction has been observed compared to our prior incremental HMM training scheme. Although this maximum gain incurs more degradation of false alarm rate performance, the resulting performance is still reasonable.  相似文献   

This paper presents a fast self-limiting erase scheme for split-gate flash EEPROMs. In this technique the conventional erasing is rapidly followed by an efficient soft programming to correct for over-erase within the given voltage pulsewidth. The typical erasing time is about 400 ms and the final erased threshold voltage is accurately controlled via the base level read mode voltage within 0.3 V. The proposed scheme can he used for high throughput erasing in low voltage, high density, multilevel operation split-gate flash memory cells  相似文献   

A simple dynamic biasing scheme to extend the input/output range of cascode amplifiers is introduced. It requires minimum extra hardware and no additional power consumption. A dynamic biased telescopic op-amp is discussed as an application example. Experimental results of a fabricated test chip in 0.5 μm CMOS technology are presented that verify the proposed technique.  相似文献   

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