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We generated interleukin-5 receptor alpha chain (IL-5R alpha)-deficient (IL-5R alpha-/-) mice by gene targeting. The IL-5R alpha-/- mice showed decreased numbers of B-1 cells concomitant with low serum concentrations of IgM and IgG3. They showed no IL-5-induced enhancement of B cell responses to T-independent antigens. The number of alpha beta T cell receptor-positive thymocytes tended to decrease in 3-week-old IL-5R alpha-/- mice, returning to normal by 6 weeks of age. The IL-5R alpha-/- mice produced basal levels of eosinophils, while their bone marrow cells failed to form eosinophilic colonies in response to IL-5. Impaired eosinophilopoiesis in IL-5R alpha-/-mice enhanced the survival of Angiostrongylus cantonensis. These results indicate that IL-5-induced eosinophils serve as potent effector cells in the killing of Angiostrongylus cantonensis in mice.  相似文献   

The transmembrane tyrosine phosphatase CD45 is expressed in multiple isoforms on all nucleated hematopoietic cells, resulting from alternative splicing of variable exons. We generated mice with a mutation in the variable CD45 exon 6, using homologous recombination. In mice homozygous for the CD45-exon6 mutation, B cells and most T cells did not express CD45. Development of B cells appeared normal, although Ig mu-induced proliferation was completely abrogated. Thymocyte maturation was blocked at the transitional stage from immature CD4+CD8+ to mature CD4+ or CD8+ cells, and only a few T cells could be detected in peripheral lymphoid organs. Clonal deletion of superantigen-reactive T cells still occurred. Cytotoxic T cell responses to lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus were absent in CD45-exon6-/- mice. These data imply that CD45 is differentially required for the development and function of B and T lymphocytes.  相似文献   

IL-1 has a number of effects on T cell growth but a specific role for IL-1 in T cell responses in vivo has not been elucidated. In this study the role of IL-1 in Th1/Th2 responses was examined in mice deficient for the IL-1 type 1 receptor (IL-1RI-/-) during cutaneous Leishmania major infection or following immunization with keyhole limpet hemocyanin (KLH). After inoculation of L. major stationary phase promastigotes into the hind footpad, both IL-1RI-/- and wild-type (WT) mice developed small lesions which resolved spontaneously. Lymph node cells from infected IL-1RI-/- mice produced significantly more IL-4 and IL-10 than those from WT mice following antigenic stimulation in vitro. Splenocytes from IL-1RI-/- and WT mice showed similar levels of antigen-induced proliferation. In contrast, splenocyte cultures from the IL-1RI-/- mice contained significantly more IL-4 than those from WT mice. Similar results were also obtained after immunization with KLH. While lymph node cells from both IL-1RI-/- and WT mice displayed similar levels of KLH-specific proliferation, those from IL-1RI-/- mice produced significantly more IL-4 than those from WT mice. Conversely, antigen-stimulated lymph node cells from WT mice secreted significantly greater amounts of IFN-gamma as compared with those from IL-1RI-/- mice. These data indicate that while IL-1 is not required for mounting an immune response or antigen-dependent proliferation, it appears to be required for normal regulation of Th1/Th2 responses and may function to negatively regulate IL-4 expression.  相似文献   

By means of a sensitive radio-immunoassay an antibody-like activity against ampicillin was detected in both IgM and IgG immunoglobulin classes of patients with infectious mononucleosis, being fifteen times the level (for IgM) and six and a half times the level (for IgG) of control subjects. Such ampicillin antibody occurred without obvious relation to prior therapy with ampicillin. This antibody which may originate in a similar manner to Paul-Bunnell antibody was nevertheless immunologically unrelated. The possibility is discussed that the ampicillin rash in infectious mononucleosis results from a disseminated reaction of the small blood vessels to circulating ampicillin-antibody complexes.  相似文献   

The transfer of maternal antibodies to the offspring and their inhibitory effects on active infant immunization is an important factor hampering the use of certain vaccines, such as measles or respiratory syncytial virus vaccine, in early infancy. The resulting delay in protection by conventional or novel vaccines may have significant public health consequences. To define immunization approaches which may circumvent this phenomenon, experiments were set up to further elucidate its immunological bases. The influence of maternal antibodies on antibody and T cell responses to measles hemagglutinin (MV-HA) were analyzed following MV-HA immunization of pups born to immune or control BALB/c mothers using four different antigen delivery systems: live or inactivated conventional measles vaccine, a live recombinant canarypox vector and a DNA vaccine. High levels (> 5 log10) of maternal anti-HA antibodies totally inhibited antibody responses to each of the vaccine constructs, whereas normal antibody responses were elicited in presence of lower titers of maternal antibodies. However, even high titers of maternal antibodies affected neither the induction of vaccine-specific Th1/Th2 responses, as assessed by proliferation and levels of IFN-gamma and IL-5 production, nor CTL responses in infant mice. On the basis of these unaltered T cell responses, very early priming and boosting (at 1 and 3 weeks of age, respectively) with live measles vaccine allowed to circumvent maternal antibody inhibition of antibody responses in pups of immune mothers. This was confirmed in another immunization model (tetanus toxoid). It suggests that effective vaccine responses may be obtained earlier in presence of maternal antibodies through the use of appropriate immunization strategies using conventional or novel vaccines for early priming.  相似文献   

PD-1, an Ig superfamily member, contains an immunoreceptor tyrosine-based inhibitory motif in the cytoplasmic tail. It is expressed in a minor fraction of CD4-CD8- normal thymocytes and induced in peripheral lymphocytes following activation. To assess the possible roles of PD-1 in the immune responses, PD-1-deficient (PD-1-/-) mice were generated by a gene-targeting strategy. PD-1-4- mice developed and grew normally. Although the thymus was apparently normal, PD-1-/- mice showed moderate but consistent splenomegaly, which reflected the increased cellularity of both lymphoid and myeloid cells. The proliferative response of B cells by anti-IgM antibodies, but not of T cells by an anti-CD3 (145-2C11) mAb in vitro, was augmented in PD-1-/- mice as compared with control littermates. PD-1-/- mice showed increased serum levels of IgG2b, IgA and most strikingly IgG3, while those of IgM and IgG1 were comparable with control mice. Furthermore, PD-1-/- mice exhibited significantly augmented IgG3 anti-DNP antibody response to a type 2 T-independent antigen, DNP-Ficoll, with comparable IgM and IgG1 antibody responses with littermate controls. In the peritoneal cavity, the B-1 cell population in PD-1-/- mice exhibited significantly reduced expression of CD5, a negative regulator of B-1 cell activation, despite a marginal increase in the number of B-1 cells. Thus, PD-1 was suggested to be involved in the negative regulation for particular aspects of B cell proliferation and differentiation including class switching.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: A phenomenon known as hidden penis has numerous origins, including congenital buried penis and obesity with descent of the escutcheon. No previous report to our knowledge mentions abnormal hypermobility of ventral skin and dartos fascia, which is a major cause of surgical treatment failures. Because the skin and dartos fascia are inadequately attached to Buck's fascia, the corporeal bodies telescope proximally inside the scrotum and pubis. Therefore, the subdermis of the penoscrotal junction must also be tacked to the tunica albuginea ventrally to stabilize the proximal penile skin and prevent the penis from retracting into the scrotum. The surgical technique for correction of the hidden penis in adult and pediatric patients with adequate penile shaft skin is described. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Surgery for hidden penis from multiple causes was performed in 6 adults and 7 children. Tacking sutures were taken from the subdermis of the ventral penoscrotal junction to the tunica albuginea in all cases. A combination procedure with either suprapubic dermatolipectomy, tacking of the penopubic subdermis to the rectus fascia, penoscrotal Z plasty, circumcision revision or lateral penile shaft Z plasty also was performed in some patients. RESULTS: Improvement was noted in all cases. One child requires suprapubic lipectomy for optimal improvement and 3 minor wound problems occurred. CONCLUSIONS: Surgery for hidden penis achieves marked aesthetic and often functional improvement. Surgical failure can be diminished by placing ventral tacking sutures from the tunica albuginea to the subdermis of the penoscrotal junction.  相似文献   

Double contrast arthrography of the knee is the method of choice for visualization of the menisci, while the single positive contrast technique is the preferred method for evaluation of the cruciate ligaments. A technique is described which combines the advantages of these two methods. Following radiography of the menisci, an essentially single positive contrast study of the cruciate ligaments is obtained by positioning the patient in the lateral recumbent position with the knee flexed to about 90degree. The positive contrast medium in this position fills the joint cavity beyond its mid-point and surrounds the cruciate ligaments. Tomographic studies of the midline of the knee joint, made in this position with a polytome unit, demonstrate the cruciate ligaments to best advantage.  相似文献   

The T cell antigen receptor (TCR) transduces signals that mediate different responses depending on the stage of development of the T cell and the nature of the ligand it engages. The presence of multiple signal transducing subunits (CD3-gamma-delta,-epsilon and zeta chain) suggests the potential to control these responses by altering the subunit composition of the TCR. zeta chain represents an especially important signalling molecule as it contains multiple signalling motifs within its cytoplasmic tail. The generation and analysis of zeta deficient (zeta-/-) and zeta-transgenic mice has provided insight into the role of zeta as well as the CD3 subunits in TCR surface expression, T cell activation and thymocyte development. Herein, we discuss the results from such experiments which suggest distinct roles for zeta chain and the CD3 components at different stages of T cell development.  相似文献   

The ability of monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) to passively cure an influenza virus pneumonia in the absence of endogenous T- and B-cell responses was investigated by treating C.B-17 mice, homozygous for the severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) mutation, with individual monoclonal antiviral antibodies 1 day after pulmonary infection with influenza virus PR8 [A/PR/8/34 (H1N1)]. Less than 10% of untreated SCID mice survived the infection. By contrast, 100% of infected SCID mice that had been treated with a single intraperitoneal inoculation of at least 175 micrograms of a pool of virus-neutralizing (VN+) antihemagglutinin (anti-HA) MAbs survived, even if antibody treatment was delayed up to 7 days after infection. The use of individual MAbs showed that recovery could be achieved by VN+ anti-HA MAbs of the immunoglobulin G1 (IgG1), IgG2a, IgG2b, and IgG3 isotypes but not by VN+ anti-HA MAbs of the IgA and IgM isotypes, even if the latter were used in a chronic treatment protocol to compensate for their shorter half-lives in vivo. Both IgA and IgM, although ineffective therapeutically, protected against infection when given prophylactically, i.e., before exposure to virus. An Fc gamma-specific effector mechanism was not an absolute requirement for antibody-mediated recovery, as F(ab')2 preparations of IgGs could cure the disease, although with lesser efficacy, than intact IgG. An anti-M2 MAb of the IgG1 isotype, which was VN- but bound well to infected cells and inhibited virus growth in vitro, failed to cure. These observations are consistent with the idea that MAbs of the IgG isotype cure the disease by neutralizing all progeny virus until all productively infected host cells have died. VN+ MAbs of the IgA and IgM isotypes may be ineffective therapeutically because they do not have sufficient access to all tissue sites in which virus is produced during influenza virus pneumonia.  相似文献   

Sera from 258 healthy and sick domestic and feral cats were screened for specific anti-Cryptosporidium antibodies using an indirect immunofluorescence antibody test (IFA). Sera were positive for IgG, IgM and IgA antibodies in 192 (74%), 84 (32%) and 67 (26%) samples, respectively. Antibody was not detected at dilutions of 1:10 and 1:20 or greater in any of eight specific pathogen-free kittens. IgM and IgA antibody classes were more prevalent in sick than in healthy domestic cats. The presence of IgM and/or IgA antibodies indicated early infection. However, these antibody classes were present in sera from cats either positive or negative for Cryptosporidium infection by faecal examination. Pronounced polar fluorescence was observed in the sporozoites in positive samples under fluorescence microscopy. The higher prevalence of specific anti-Cryptosporidium antibodies and the absence of Cryptosporidium oocysts in faecal samples from some IFA-positive animals suggests that detection of these antibodies in sera from cats could be helpful for the diagnosis of feline cryptosporidiosis.  相似文献   

In a search for behavioral, neuroanatomical, and metabolic characteristics of Alzheimer's disease that may result from cholinergic malfunction, we used transgenic mice overexpressing acetylcholinesterase (AChE) mRNA and active enzyme in brain neurons. Mapping by in situ hybridization revealed that transgenic and host AChE mRNAs were distributed similarly. In a Morris water maze working memory paradigm, adult transgenic mice did not display the characteristic improvement found in control mice either between or within test days and spent less time than control mice in the platform zone. In 5-week-old transgenic mice, the basilar dendritic trees of layer 5 pyramidal neurons from the frontoparietal cortex were essentially as developed as in age-matched controls. However, branching totally ceased after this age, whereas in control adults it continued up to at least 7 months. Therefore, dendritic arbors became smaller in adult transgenic mice than those of controls. Furthermore, the average number of spines was significantly lower on dendritic branches of 7-month-old but not 5-week-old transgenics as compared with controls. Binding of tritiated hemicholinium-3, a blocker of the high-affinity choline uptake characteristic of active cholinergic terminals, was over twofold enhanced in the brain of transgenic mice. In contrast, no differences were observed in the mRNA and ligand binding levels of several different subtypes of nicotinic and muscarinic acetylcholine receptors. These findings suggest that three different hallmarks associated with Alzheimer's disease--namely, progressive cognitive failure, cessation of dendrite branching and spine formation, and enhanced high-affinity choline uptake--are outcomes of cholinergic malfunction.  相似文献   

Mice rendered deficient in IL-1 beta by gene targeting in embryonic stem cells develop and grow normally in a protected laboratory environment. Endotoxin-stimulated peritoneal macrophages from IL-1beta-deficient mice showed normal synthesis and cellular release of IL-1alpha after treatment with 5 mM ATP demonstrating that IL-1beta is not necessary for expression and release of the IL-1alpha isoform. Mice deficient in IL-1beta showed unaltered sensitivity to endotoxic shock, with or without pretreatment with D-galactosamine. In contrast, IL-1beta-deficient mice showed defective contact hypersensitivity responses to topically applied trinitrochlorobenzene (TNCB). This defect could be overcome either by application of very high doses of sensitizing antigen, or by local intradermal injection of recombinant IL-1beta immediately before antigen application. These data demonstrate an essential role for IL-1beta in contact hypersensitivity and suggest that IL-1beta acts early during the sensitization phase of response. They suggest an important role for IL-1beta in initiation of the host of response at the epidermal barrier.  相似文献   

The Msx1 homeobox gene is expressed at diverse sites of epithelial-mesenchymal interaction during vertebrate embryogenesis, and has been implicated in signalling processes between tissue layers. To determine the phenotypic consequences of its deficiency, we prepared mice lacking Msx1 function. All Msx1- homozygotes manifest a cleft secondary palate, a deficiency of alveolar mandible and maxilla and a failure of tooth development. These mice also exhibit abnormalities of the nasal, frontal and parietal bones, and of the malleus in the middle ear. Msx1 thus has a critical role in mediating epithelial-mesenchymal interactions during craniofacial bone and tooth development. The Msx1-/Msx1- phenotype is similar to human cleft palate, and provides a genetic model for cleft palate and oligodontia in which the defective gene is known.  相似文献   

Corticotropin releasing factor (CRF) is a major integrator of adaptive responses to stress. Two biochemically and pharmacologically distinct CRF receptor subtypes (CRFR1 and CRFR2) have been described. We have generated mice null for the CRFR1 gene to elucidate the specific developmental and physiological roles of CRF receptor mediated pathways. Behavioral analyses revealed that mice lacking CRFR1 displayed markedly reduced anxiety. Mutant mice also failed to exhibit the characteristic hormonal response to stress due to a disruption of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis. Homozygous mutant mice derived from crossing heterozygotes displayed low plasma corticosterone concentrations resulting from a marked agenesis of the zona fasciculata region of the adrenal gland. The offspring from homozygote crosses died within 48 hr after birth due to a pronounced lung dysplasia. The adrenal agenesis in mutant animals was attributed to insufficient adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) production during the neonatal period and was rescued by ACTH replacement. These results suggest that CRFR1 plays an important role both in the development of a functional HPA axis and in mediating behavioral changes associated with anxiety.  相似文献   

Clonal characteristics of ABO antibodies in 18 paired samples of serum and breast milk were analyzed by isoelectric focusing and affinity immunoblotting. Anti-A and/or -B (anti-A/B) IgM showed a uniform, polyclonal spectrotype with more than 20 bands and only minimal interindividual differences. In contrast, IgG spectrotypes were oligoclonal ( < 12 bands) and individually distinct. IgA of serum as well as of breast milk showed oligoclonal motifs of up to 15 bands, but with more interindividual variance in intensity than IgM. The bands did not appear at an identical pH in milk and serum samples. The uniformity of IgM spectrotypes could be due to an absence of somatic mutations and thus reflect the use of unmutated germline genes. The greater clonal heterogeneity of IgG as compared to IgA indicates a difference in isotype-switch regulation. Somatic hypermutation may be less active during the switch from IgM to IgA than during the switch to IgG, or the latter switch may be accompanied by a repertoire shift. Alternatively, the anti-A/B IgA and IgG antibody populations could be derived from different clonal precursors.  相似文献   

Antiviral immune responses of mice lacking interleukin-2 (IL-2) or IL-4 or both IL-2 and IL-4 (IL-2/4) were compared by using different viruses. Primary cytotoxic T-lymphocyte (CTL) responses against lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) were only moderately reduced in mice lacking IL-2 and were normal in mice lacking IL-4. Mice deficient in both interleukins exhibited variable and more strongly reduced but nevertheless in vivo protective LCMV-specific CTL responses. Similar results were obtained with vaccinia virus. Upon virus-specific restimulation in vitro, spleen cells from IL-2- and IL-2/4-deficient mice failed to generate CTL responses against virus-infected target cells, whereas the response of mice deficient in only IL-4 was comparable to that of control mice. The addition of IL-2 during in vitro restimulation completely restored the responses of both IL-2 and IL-2/4-deficient mice. T-helper-cell-independent immunoglobulin M and T-helper-cell-dependent immunoglobulin G antibody responses against vesicular stomatitis virus glycoprotein were within normal ranges for the various mutant mice. After LCMV infection, specific antibody responses against LCMV nucleoprotein were reduced four- to eightfold. These results show that mice lacking IL-2/4 have an overall tendency to exhibit more severely reduced CTL responses than IL-2- or IL-4-deficient mice. Nevertheless, and surprisingly, in vivo protective immune responses were mounted in the absence of IL-2/4, suggesting that besides a minor contribution from IL-4, other interleukins compensate in vivo for the lack of IL-2 in IL-2-deficient mice.  相似文献   

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