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Our concern is with how changes in organizational slack affect knowledge creation in product development projects. We operationalize a change in organizational slack as changed possibilities to depart from project deliverables in NPD projects. Through case research in high velocity industries we identify the effect a change in organizational slack has on knowledge creation processes inside product development projects. In particular we highlight the effects on tacit and explicit knowledge. More specifically we find that reduced slack creates a focus on explicit knowledge rather than tacit knowledge, which may reduce the ability to create knowledge creation and ultimately to innovate.  相似文献   

Information Systems Frontiers - Large numbers of incomplete, unclear, and unspecific submissions on idea platforms hinder organizations to exploit the full potential of open innovation initiatives...  相似文献   

This paper challenges the view of employees’ reluctance to share what they know, thus, attributing the ‘stickiness’ of knowledge to motivational factors. The study investigated informal mechanisms for knowledge sharing, taking a community‐of‐practice (CoP) perspective as a point of departure. A large‐sized organisation in the utilities sector provided the context of the research. Existing CoP theory is advanced by surfacing the motivations for participation in CoPs, by eliciting the contributions informal, self‐organising communities achieve in a commercial context and by documenting the process by which informal community activities become absorbed into the formal organisation.  相似文献   

In recent years, we have witnessed the emergence of large-scale centers of command and control that bring together a range of personnel from various services responsible for the management of day-to-day incidents and events. These multicenter control rooms stand in marked contrast to what Suchman termed ‘centers of coordination’ (Suchman 1997), which have typically formed the focus of much research within HCI and Computer supported co-operative work (CSCW). In this paper, we explore the practices and technical resources within one of these very large multicenter control rooms. Staff in this control room do collaborate with colleagues who are copresent, but there is little reliance on the subtle interactional practices found in earlier studies. However, one information system is critical for collaboration and managing incidents that arise: the information system that is used to record incidents. Unlike in previous settings where records were made after an incident had taken place, these records are used for the concurrent management of activities. We consider the practices through which staff assemble these records to serve the demands of different individuals, with differing responsibilities in various organizations within the control room. We consider instances of copresent collaboration and suggest that these are often to ameliorate problems with the records rather than supporting real-time colocated activities. Although staff may be copresent in these multicenter control rooms, they have different kinds of technological resources available to them, and a different ‘division of labor.’ This can undermine the integration of these resources within forms of work. We conclude by discussing the implications for our understanding of copresent work and also for the methods and approaches we can draw upon for understanding these contemporary workplaces.  相似文献   

在业务流程管理中,多数流程间距离计算方法忽略了事件日志的重要作用,并且计算效率较低。为此,通过引入邻接矩阵提出一种新的业务流程间距离计算方法。提取保存在各类信息管理系统中的事件日志,将其转换为仅包含活动执行轨迹的简单事件日志。在此基础上,通过定义活动间的紧邻关系构造活动邻接矩阵,同时借鉴矩阵论中矩阵范数的定义,给出流程间距离的定义,并证明其满足距离度量特性。实验结果表明,该方法能够区分选择结构和并行结构并发现不可见任务,计算效率较高。  相似文献   

An organizational memory information system (OMIS) is a tangible conceptualization of the nebulous concept of knowledge. It combines the attributes of culture, history, business process, human memory, and fact into an integrated business system. Such an integrated system can facilitate a major step in the capture of the knowledge assets.  相似文献   

基于数据库的故障诊断知识库的创建   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文通过对数据库和知识库的分析比较,指出了在关系数据库平台的基础上建立知识库的可行性,结合一个实际专家系统知识库的创建过程,给出了在关系数据库系统中建立知识库的方法,以及如何运用数据库系统良好的数据管理,用户权限设置等实现知识库的管理,维护功能以及知识库的安全保护等。  相似文献   

工业设计概念创意知识模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对工业设计的概念创意主要依赖设计师对产品知识、设计及美学知识、市场知识的把握,以及对事物的观察和经验的积累,认为个人知识的局限将会限制设计思维的广度,计算机辅助概念设计的基础是其知识模型,提出了一个三层结构的知识模型,用以表达构成创意知识的概念及其关系,给出了领域知识和任务知识的表达形式,讨论了知识的应用和推理方法。  相似文献   

For proper knowledge management, organizations must consider how knowledge is kept and reused. The term organizational memory is due for an overhaul. Memory appears to be everywhere in organizations; yet, the term has been limited to only a few uses. Based on an ethnographic study of a telephone hotline group, this paper presents a micro-level, distributed cognition analysis of two hotline calls, the work activity surrounding the calls, and the memory used in the work activity. Drawing on the work of Star, Hutchins, and Strauss, the paper focuses on issues of applying past information for current use. Our work extends Strauss' and Hutchins' trajectories to get at the understanding of potential future use by participants and its role in current information storage. We also note the simultaneously shared provenance and governance of multiple memories – human and technical. This analysis and the theoretical framework we construct should be to be useful in further efforts in describing and analyzing organizational memory within the context of knowledge management efforts.  相似文献   


Ensuring that work practice is compliant to regulations and industrial standards is an increasingly important issue in business systems. Whereas as an understanding of control objectives that stem from various legislative, standard and contractual sources may be found at strategic or tactical levels, an assessment of their effective adoption in operational practices is extremely hard. In this paper, we propose a method for assessing the level of compliance in business work practice. The method builds upon business process management platforms, and provides the ability to objectively measure the compliance distance of existing processes within the organization. This in turn empowers process designers and business analysts to quantify the effort required to achieve a compliant process.  相似文献   

支持创新型组织学习:基于任务情景的知识适用性管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高济 《计算机学报》2007,30(9):1533-1543
面临商务环境的快速变迁和难以预测,创新型组织学习正在成为组织提高生存、适应和竞争能力的关键途径.然而,现有的KM技术对于如何支持创新型组织学习,没有进行深入、系统的研究;导致知识工作者在获取适用性好的信息体(从而促进业务创新)和主动参与OM开放性进化(以促进创新知识的传播和共享)方面缺乏有效的支持.文中提出基于任务情景的知识适用性管理方法KAMTC,旨在以基于应用域本体的任务情景描述模式作为统一的语义基础,去确切、全面和便捷地描述业务工作的查询需求和受检信息体的适用性,以克服这些挑战性问题,进而有效支持知识创新和创新型组织学习的展开.  相似文献   

基于关系数据库的知识库的建立   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
本文通过对知识库和数据库的分析比较,指定在关系数据库平台上建立知识库的可行性,并总结出这类知识库具有管理能力强、可进行混合语言编程以及开发图形用户界面方便快捷等优点。结合知识库和数据库的传统开发方法,以一个实际专家系统的知识库的创建过程为例具体给出了在关系数据库系统中建立知识库的方法,即如何在数据库环境中实现知识获取、知识表示和知识管理。  相似文献   

We argue that practical endeavours towards mobilising and recreating knowledge is an integral part of value increasing activities, and expose how this dependency can be utilised in ameliorating practice. This bridging of knowledge and value creation constitutes organisational activities as knowing. The paper exposes the efforts of Telenor, a large telecom firm, to create an enduring agenda for non‐financial issues in management. We expose the development process and initial use of their new Integrated Management Business Model. This involves identifying financial and non‐financial drivers of future performance within and across several business units, as well as negotiating on appropriate indicators of both status and change. The paper pays special attention to the iterative approach to development in order to highlight a shift from an attempt to enable knowledge in autonomous processes secluded from everyday activities, towards an understanding of knowledge and knowing as intrinsic to the value creating activities performed. By entering the issue of intangibles through the knowing activity perspective, it was evident that the purpose of the management system was not to determine the status of intangibles in the corporation, it was to improve it.  相似文献   

This paper explores how an open approach to new venture creation – purposefully managing knowledge flows across the venture's organizational boundary – can be beneficial for start‐up entrepreneurs. Our inductive case study, of both failure and success, identifies the key attributes of this open approach and how they affect start‐ups' short‐term survival. We find that ecosystem collaboration, user involvement and an open environment directly influence new venture survival, and that their effects were moderated by the entrepreneurs' open mindset. These findings carry a number of implications for entrepreneurship and innovation research and practice, providing some attention points for researchers, entrepreneurs, investors and policy makers interested in developing successful new ventures.  相似文献   

该文从信息时代计算机教学的特点,结合传统的教学,探讨了信息时代计算机教学对学生创新能力的培养。  相似文献   

介绍了操作系统实用技术课程中移动互联技术模块的教学设计,包括课题背景、教学环境、教学参与人员、教学辅助支持、课堂教学和实践环节.  相似文献   

粗糙集的不确定性度量在知识获取中扮演着非常重要的角色。在邻域粗糙集理论中,当前不确定性度量方面的研究工作主要专注于度量单个知识空间的不确定性及其随粒度变化的单调性规律,其仍存在以下缺点:1)邻域粗糙集不确定性来自于邻域粒中属于目标概念的元素和不属于目标概念的元素,当前的方法没有同时考虑每个邻域信息粒的这两部分;2)不能反映不同知识空间对目标概念刻画能力的差异性;3)由于当前的知识距离包含了粒度划分的信息,已有方法在一些应用场合下不够准确,例如属性约简中的知识启发式搜索及其粒度选择。对此,文中首先构建了一种更加直观准确的邻域粗糙集的不确定性度量方法——邻域熵,并证明了不确定性度量随着粒度的细化具有单调性;为了反映不同邻域信息粒对目标概念刻画能力的差异性,提出了一种带近似描述能力的邻域粒距离,称为相对邻域粒距离,并介绍了它的相关性质;针对分层递阶的多粒度知识空间中的粒度选择问题,建立了基于边界域的邻域知识距离度量模型,该知识距离可以反映不同邻域知识空间对目标概念的刻画能力的差异性。  相似文献   

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