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研制长寿稳定电源已经成为微型无线传感网络中亟待解决的关键技术问题,现有的化学电池容量有限,需要不断地逐个更换耗尽的电池,难以满足无线传感网络的实际应用.提出了利用压电材料的机电耦合特性收集环境振动能,设计了一种用来收集环境振动能的压电微悬臂梁结构,介绍了用MEMS工艺制作带质量块的硅基压电悬臂梁微电源的工艺流程.质量块可以降低器件的谐振频率,并提高输出电功率.最后,对制作的微压电悬臂梁进行了固有频率测试以及静态和准静态标定实验.  相似文献   

用于振动能量收集的MEMS压电悬臂梁   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文介绍了一种MEMS悬臂梁器件,将环境中的振动机械能转化为电能.该悬臂梁的主体材料为单晶硅,其上覆盖一层用Sol-Gel法制备的PZT压电材料,利用压电材料的正压电效应实现机电能量的转换.论文给出了悬臂梁式振动能量收集器的一个简单理论模型.器件采用(110)硅基片,有利于通过湿法腐蚀制备质量块.质量块可以用来降低器件的谐振频率,并提高输出电功率.尺寸参数为3600μm×270 μm的器件样品的测试结果表明,在其谐振频率1673Hz,振幅为11nm的振动条件下,该器件的最大输出功率大于1nW,即0.11 μW/cm2.  相似文献   

以线性压电理论为基础,建立了单压电片悬臂梁式压电俘能器的输出功率与压电结构的构型、驱动频率以及外载荷阻抗等物理参数之间的解析关系。数值计算结果表明,优化负载阻抗、金属层厚度以及金属层材料可有效提高俘能器的俘能效率。文中还将单压电片悬臂梁式压电俘能器与双压电片悬臂梁式压电俘能器进行了对比,理论分析结果表明当外界机械振动的频率较稳定时,前者具有更高的俘能效率。  相似文献   

悬臂梁压电发电装置的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:5,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
为了进行压电陶瓷材料发电性能测试与研究,研制了一套悬臂梁压电振子发电系统.设计了悬臂梁压电振子,并对压电振子进行了有限元分析和电导测试.在此基础上,设计了能量存储电路,并在低频下对悬臂梁压电振子发电性能进行了实验研究.研究结果表明,当悬臂梁压电振子处于谐振频率状态下振动时,输出电压和功率达到最大.输出电压随着负载的增大而增大,输出功率并不随着负载的增大而增大;压电振子存在-个最佳阻抗,当负载与最佳阻抗匹配时,此时压电振子的能量转化效率最高且输出功率最大.利用本实验系统进行压电发电实验测试,当负载为50 kΩ时,压电振子输出电压为7 V;当负载电阻为15 kΩ时,此时的输出功率最大可达到1.4 mW,产生的功率可以满足无线传感器等低耗能产品的供能需求.  相似文献   

压电振动能采集器是无线传感节点的一种理想电源,近年来受到广泛关注.考虑质量块和逆压电效应影响,建立了在基础激励作用下的悬臂梁压电振动能采集器的集总参数运动微分方程,得到了采集器固有频率的解析表达式.引入了2个反映压电层连接方式的常数,建立了对单压电层、双压电层并联和双压电层串联的悬臂梁压电振动能采集器均适用的耦合电路方程.求解以上方程,得到了简谐基础激励下的输出电压表达式.实验结果表明,固有频率和输出电压表达式的相对误差分别小于10%和20%.  相似文献   

叶文强  薛春霞 《振动与冲击》2014,33(13):198-203
以压电陶瓷-金属-压电陶瓷对称层合结构为研究对象,基于能量法得到了等截面压电层合对称悬臂梁在横向激振电压下的强迫振动微分方程。用ANSYS软件对建立的相关有限元模型进行模态分析、谐响应分析及瞬态动力学分析,仿真结果与理论值基本吻合,验证了理论的正确性。进一步分析了阻尼对横向位移响应的影响,讨论了速度、加速度随时间的变化规律,分析了压电悬臂梁的最大应力出现位置及最大应力值随时间的关系。所得结论可为压电振子的设计和分析提供必要理论参考。  相似文献   

对硅基锆钛酸铅(PZT)压电薄膜微开关进行了结构和版图设计,根据MEMS加工工艺和标准硅基IC工艺的特点,获得了硅基PZT压电薄膜微悬臂梁结构系统工艺流程中的关键工艺技术和典型工艺条件,对多孔硅的选择性生长进行了较为详细的实验研究,最后成功的制备出硅基PZT压电薄膜微开关样品,这对集成化芯片系统的进一步发展打下了必要的良好的实验基础。  相似文献   

根据当前物联网以及无线传感网络的需求,以MEMS技术为依托,结合压电效应,提出了一种单悬臂梁阵列式压电式能量采集器。在分析压电能量采集器结构力学特性的基础上,详细介绍了两种不同尺寸微结构的设计、加工和测试。采用ANSYS软件仿真,得出两种微结构的谐振频率分别为3.9和4kHz;利用溶胶-凝胶法制备出15和20层的PZT压电功能薄膜,电镜扫描其厚度分别为1 849,2 667nm,AFM对比表面形貌其粗糙度分别为1.8和2.11nm,后者致密更好,颗粒较小,相变温度相对比较高。  相似文献   

本文研究了用于表征微悬臂梁动态特性的高真空系统,研究了用于夹持微悬臂器件的样品台和用于调节真空室内压力的精密可调漏气阀.该阀在不同压力区间下采取机械机构和压电陶瓷驱动器改变阀门开度,具有精度高、适用范围广等优点,利于实验研究和工程测试.模拟分析结果表明该阀能精确调节10-6Pa~103 Pa内压力.系统设置了减振支架和底座,用波纹管连接真空室和抽气系统,对系统振动信号的模拟计算表明所用减振支架和底座能够减小杂质振动信号对微悬臂梁动态特性测定的干扰.采用一般商用漏气阀控压,对微悬臂梁品质因数的测定实验结果表明了表征系统及精密阀的实用前景.  相似文献   

新型压电驱动微流体混合器实验   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
鉴于MEMS技术的工艺复杂性及昂贵的制作成本,对基于MEMS技术的压电驱动微流体混合器的结构进行了改进.利用常规的激光加工方法制作了不同尺寸的混合器,并通过实验对其性能进行了研究.结果显示,新型混合器在雷诺数为6.9、悬臂梁振动频率为200Hz、驱动电压为60V时达到充分混合所需的通道长度仅为1.1mm.这比现有的混合器在性能上有很大的提高。基本可以满足目前大多数微流体系统应用的需要.  相似文献   

High energy density piezoelectric composition corresponding to 0.9Pb(Zr0.56Ti0.44)O3–0.1Pb[(Zn0.8/3Ni0.2/3) Nb2/3]O3 + 2 mol% MnO2 (PZTZNN) and 0.8[Pb(Zr0.52Ti0.48) O3]-0.2[Pb(Zn1/3Nb2/3)O3] (PZTPZN) were synthesized by conventional ceramic processing technique using three different sintering profiles. Plates of the sintered samples were used to fabricate the piezoelectric bimorphs with optimized dimensions to exhibit resonance in the loaded condition in the range of ~200 Hz. An analytical model for energy harvesting from bimorph transducer was developed which was confirmed by experimental measurements. The results of this study clearly show that power density of bimorph transducer can be enhanced by increasing the magnitude of product (d ? g), where d is the piezoelectric strain constant and g is the piezoelectric voltage constant.  相似文献   

In this study, a PZT cantilever with a Si proof mass is designed and fabricated for a low frequency energy harvesting application. A mathematical model of a multi-layer composite beam was derived and applied in a parametric analysis of the piezoelectric cantilever. Finally, the dimensions of the cantilever were determined for the resonant frequency of the cantilever. Our cantilever design was based on MATLAB and ANSYS simulations. For this simulation, the proof mass volumes were varied from 0 to 0.5 mm3 and resonant frequencies were calculated from 833.5 Hz to 125.5 Hz, respectively. Based on simulation, we fabricated a device with beam dimensions of about 4.10 mm x 0.48 mm x 0.012 mm, and an integrated Si proof mass with dimensions of about 0.481 mm x 0.48 mm x 0.45 mm. The resonant frequency, maximum peak voltage, and highest average power of the cantilever device were 224.8 Hz, 4.8 mV, and 2.24 nW, respectively.  相似文献   

传统压电悬臂梁俘能器一般通过其基频与环境中某一激振频率的匹配来收集这个频率上的振动能,为俘获环境中多个激振频率上的能量,提出一种在压电悬臂梁上附加谐振器的多模态换能结构,由该结构组成的俘能器的前两阶共振频率可以被设计在给定的激振频率上,从而有效地收集分布在这两个频率上的能量.实验表明附加谐振器有效地提高了俘能效率,其中一阶模态的俘能效率相对附加等量质量块时提高了71%,二阶模态的俘能效率与原压电悬臂梁的一阶模态相当.  相似文献   

A piezoelectric transducer for harvesting energy from ambient mechanical vibrations/strains under pressure condition was developed. The proposed transducer was made of two ring-type piezoelectric stacks, one pair of bow-shaped elastic plates, and one shaft that pre-compresses them. This transducer works in flex-compressive (F-C) mode, which is different from a conventional flex-tensional (F-T) one, to transfer a transversely applied force F into an amplified longitudinal force N pressing against the two piezo-stacks via the two bowshaped elastic plates, generating a large electric voltage output via piezoelectric effect. Our experimental results show that without an electric load, an F-C mode piezo-transducer could generate a maximum electric voltage output of up to 110 Vpp, and with an electric load of 40 κΩ, it a maximum power output of 14.6 mW under an acceleration excitation of 1 g peak-peak at the resonance frequency of 87 Hz.  相似文献   

针对倒三角直槽型或倒金字塔型能量转换结构的同位素微电池难于加工以及放射性薄膜不均匀等缺陷,设计了一种较为简单的平板型能量转换结构.引入金属区这一结构,增强了放射源薄膜的接触稳定性.63Ni放射源电镀实验最终得到了一组理想的短路电流和开路电压数据.结果表明,该结构与传统的能量转换结构相比有更稳定的功率输出.  相似文献   

振动能量回收技术能够将环境中的机械振动能转换成电能,进而为微功耗装置供电,具有良好的应用前景。设计了一种利用压电材料的新型振动能量收集器,该机电耦合结构由一对非对称压电悬臂梁组成,悬臂梁末端固定有永磁体,利用永磁体产生的非线性力,实现了悬臂梁共振频率与外界激振频率的匹配调节。提出了该结构的理论模型,借助Matlab/Simulink数值分析软件对理论模型进行了仿真分析,并通过实验进行了验证。实验结果表明外界激励加速度幅值为3 m/s~2的时,结构即能实现较大频带范围内的频率匹配调节,频带范围不低于6.5Hz,最大回收功率不低于2 mW。  相似文献   

Laser-machined piezoelectric cantilevers for mechanical energy harvesting   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In this study, we report results on a piezoelectric- material-based mechanical energy-harvesting device that was fabricated by combining laser machining with microelectronics packaging technology. It was found that the laser-machining process did not have significant effect on the electrical properties of piezoelectric material. The fabricated device was tested in the low-frequency regime of 50 to 1000 Hz at constant force of 8 g (where g = 9.8 m/s(2)). The device was found to generate continuous power of 1.13 microW at 870 Hz across a 288.5 kOmega load with a power density of 301.3 microW/cm(3).  相似文献   

压电俘能技术研究现状综述   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
摘要:随着微电子、无线网络和MEMS等低耗能产品的应用日益广泛,以化学电池为其主要供能方式存在着诸多弊端,而压电俘能器具有结构简单、不发热、无电磁干扰、无污染和易于实现机构的微小化、集成化等诸多优点,且能满足此类低耗能产品的供能需求而备受关注。综述了压电俘能技术的国内外研究现状。围绕提高压电俘能效率,从压电振子构成形式、能量存储电路和能量存储元件等方面进行了系统的介绍,并对压电俘能技术的发展方向进行了预测。压电俘能技术可应用于导弹引信,海啸预警、桥梁安全监测、石油输油管道监测等重要领域的安全检测装置的自供能系统中,同时也可为无线网络、嵌入式系统和MEMS等低耗能产品的实现无线供能,展现出了压电俘能技术的良好应用前景。  相似文献   

This paper presents an advanced design concept for a piezoelectric energy harvesting (EH), referred to as multimodal EH skin. This EH design facilitates the use of multimodal vibration and enhances power harvesting efficiency. The multimodal EH skin is an extension of our previous work, EH skin, which was an innovative design paradigm for a piezoelectric energy harvester: a vibrating skin structure and an additional thin piezoelectric layer in one device. A computational (finite element) model of the multilayered assembly - the vibrating skin structure and piezoelectric layer - is constructed and the optimal topology and/or shape of the piezoelectric layer is found for maximum power generation from multiple vibration modes. A design rationale for the multimodal EH skin was proposed: designing a piezoelectric material distribution and external resistors. In the material design step, the piezoelectric material is segmented by inflection lines from multiple vibration modes of interests to minimize voltage cancellation. The inflection lines are detected using the voltage phase. In the external resistor design step, the resistor values are found for each segment to maximize power output. The presented design concept, which can be applied to any engineering system with multimodal harmonic-vibrating skins, was applied to two case studies: an aircraft skin and a power transformer panel. The excellent performance of multimodal EH skin was demonstrated, showing larger power generation than EH skin without segmentation or unimodal EH skin.  相似文献   

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