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方英 《内燃机工程》1998,19(1):70-76
本文运用文献计量学的基本理论和方法,分析了该刊的平均载文量,作者合作度,文献类型,引文年代和作者分布,以便能作出客观公正的评价。  相似文献   

本文以《内燃机工程》刊载论文所附的引文为统计对象,分析了我国内燃机学科领域科学文献的引证状况,反映出作者的参考习惯;从文献老化、语种与类型分布等方面揭示了该学科文献流的某些内在规律并予以评价。对文献半衰期和核心期刊等作了探讨。  相似文献   

运用文献计量学的原理和方法,对《汽轮机技术》(1999-2001年)的发文和引文情况进行了统计分析。  相似文献   

《太阳能学报》引文定量分析与研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章依据《中国科学引文数据库》对1990-2000年《太阳能学报》被国内科技期刊引用频次及其它指标进行计量统计、分析、归纳和综合评价,旨在从中揭示出该刊在文献交流等方面的基本特点及带有规律性的结论。  相似文献   

核心期刊《太阳能学报》引文定量分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
运用文献计量学方法,通过对中文核心期刊——《太阳能学报》6年来(1998~2004年6月)间所发表论文的引用文献(包括引文的数量、类型、语种和年代分布)的定量分析,得出我国能源科学研究文献引文的一般性特征和特点  相似文献   

运用文献计量学的方法,通过对全国中文核心期刊<太阳能学报>2003~2008年这6年间载文的引文、作者及基金论文的定量分析,客观揭示该刊在我国可再生能源研究领域的整体水平及重要影响.  相似文献   

《燃烧科学与技术》载文,作者群及引文统计分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文依据文献计量学原理,对1995-1998年间《燃烧科学与技术》的载文量、作者群及引文情况进行了统计、分析,旨在客观地揭示我国近几年燃烧学领域的研究成果及该刊的学术价值,并希冀对该学科的发展及本刊未来的发展提供可参考的数据。  相似文献   

<正>《内燃机》杂志是国家科委批准,1985年创刊,由中国内燃机学会主办,国内外公开发行的介绍内燃机及其零配件设计、生产、使用、维修的综合性科技期刊。《内燃机》杂志欢迎以下稿件:国内外内燃机行业现状,市场分析,发展趋势与展望;内燃机及零配件的设计原理与各种研究方法,内燃机强化设计、新结构设计等最新设计研究成果;内燃机冷热加工新工艺、新技术、新设备、新材料以及代用燃料的应用研究;内燃机装配技术、零部件及整机试验及检测技术;内燃机燃烧及排放净化控制技术、电控技术的研  相似文献   

陈秀娥 《内燃机学报》1997,15(3):375-382
本文以《内燃机学报》1990年~1995年6卷24期323篇论文的1818条引文为抽样,通过对其部门、语种、期刊、著者、学科和时间的自引统计与分析,对其自引规律进行探讨,以期从自引出发,定量地考察这一学科领域中的著述动态和征兆,并以此来剖析一些科技领域的发展趋势和规律。  相似文献   

<正>《内燃机》杂志是国家科委批准,1985年创刊,由中国内燃机学会主办,国内外公开发行的介绍内燃机及其零配件设计、生产、使用、维修的综合性科技期刊。《内燃机》杂志欢迎以下稿件:国内外内燃机行业现状,市场分析,发展趋势与展望;内燃机及零配件的设计原理与各种研究方法,内燃机强化设计、新结构设计等最新设计研究成果;内燃机冷热加工  相似文献   

内燃机曲轴强度研究的现状、讨论与展望   总被引:38,自引:1,他引:38  
孙军  桂长林  李震 《内燃机学报》2002,20(2):179-184
从分析计算 (包括应力计算和疲劳强度计算 ,应力计算主要概述目前普遍应用的有限元方法 )和试验研究两方面论述了内燃机曲轴强度研究的现状和进展 ,讨论并展望了在曲轴强度的设计预测中尚待进一步研究的计算边界条件处理、振动作用和疲劳强度计算理论与方法等问题  相似文献   

回顾并分析了内燃机零部件热负荷研究的现状,讨论并展望了尚待进一步研究的问题。  相似文献   

A review is given of contemporary research on the hydrogen-fueled internal combustion engine. The emphasis is on light- to medium-duty engine research. We first describe hydrogen-engine fundamentals by examining the engine-specific properties of hydrogen and surveying the existing literature. Here it will be shown that, due to low volumetric efficiencies and frequent preignition combustion events, the power densities of premixed or port-fuel-injected hydrogen engines are diminished relative to gasoline-fueled engines. Significant progress has been made in the development of advanced hydrogen engines with improved power densities. We discuss several examples and their salient features. Finally, we consider the overall progress made and provide suggestions for future work.  相似文献   

内燃机配气与喷油泵凸轮型线数控磨削成型的理论分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
摘要本文涉及的教控凸轮轴磨床系统,可以摆脱凸轮靠模,提高加工精度,便于磨制多种凸轮和开发新的凸轮型线,而且还可以实现高生产率,便于改造现有的凸轮轴磨床.文中计算分析了该数控磨床系统的曲线拟合、摇架运动规律,凸轮成形随砂轮直径变化的自动校正与丝杠—摇架传动比等问题.  相似文献   

内燃机燃烧噪声的研究与发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文概述了内燃机燃烧噪声的特性及其研究与发展,阐述了燃烧过程参数、结构参数、工况参数以及其它参数影响燃烧噪声的机理,论述了近年来降低燃烧噪声、内燃机燃烧噪声机理和内燃机瞬态工况燃烧噪声的研究状况。通过对燃烧噪声与内燃机工作过程中激发燃烧噪声特征因素关系的描述,为了解燃烧噪声特性和降低燃烧噪声提供全面的技术支撑。  相似文献   

This study presents experimental results of engine performance, combustion and emissions in an SI engine fueled by gasoline-ethanol-hydrogen blends. In the experimental studies, engine performance and emission values were analyzed fueled by gasoline, gasoline-ethanol and gasoline-ethanol-hydrogen blends, respectively. When ethanol has been added volumetrically to gasoline 20% of ethanol (G80E20), engine performance and emissions have been worsened. However, the engine performance and emission values have been improved with the adding of hydrogen to blend. The results showed that the addition of hydrogen to the gasoline-ethanol blend improved the combustion process and improved the combustion efficiency, expanded the combustibility range of the gasoline-ethanol blend, reduced emissions. But, nitrogen oxide emission values increased with the adding of hydrogen.  相似文献   

介绍了一种纯机械式的连续可变气门驱动机构.该机构通过对一对摆杆摆动的角度和初始位置的控制,构成一个变速摆系统,并实现气门的持续开启时间的连续可调,且同时保持气门升程不变.此技术称作机械式FVVT(全可变气门正时)技术.  相似文献   

研究直喷式柴油机瞬态工况对燃烧噪声影响机理。开展内燃机瞬态工况测试技术和测试方法研究,找出瞬态工况下燃烧噪声相对于同转速、同负荷的稳态工况燃烧噪声差异的规律,并从瞬念与稳态工况下燃烧过程的差异对试验结果进行分析。瞬态工况擘面温度、喷油爪力、针阀升程最大值和针阀外启持续时问均高于同负荷同转速的稳态工况,导致瞬态工况滞燃期、燃烧始点和喷油最与稳态工况相比产生差异。结果表明,瞬态工况下动力负荷和压力高频振荡相对于同负荷同转速的稳态工况发生改变是引起燃烧噪声产生差异的根本原因。  相似文献   

A hydrogen fueled internal combustion engine has great advantages on exhaust emissions including carbon dioxide (CO2) emission in comparison with a conventional engine fueling fossil fuel. In addition, if it is compared with a hydrogen fuel cell, the hydrogen engine has some advantages on price, power density, and required purity of hydrogen. Therefore, they expect that hydrogen will be utilized for several applications, especially for a combined heat and power (CHP) system which currently uses diesel or natural gas as a fuel.A final goal of this study is to develop combustion technologies of hydrogen in an internal combustion engine with high efficiency and clean emission. This study especially focuses on a diesel dual fuel (DDF) combustion technology. The DDF combustion technology uses two different fuels. One of them is diesel fuel, and the other one is hydrogen in this study. Because the DDF engine is not customized for hydrogen which has significant flammability, it is concerned that serious problems occur in the hydrogen DDF engine such as abnormal combustion, worse emission and thermal efficiency.In this study, a single cylinder diesel engine is used with gas injectors at an intake port to evaluate performance swung the hydrogen DDF engine with changing conditions of amount of hydrogen injected, engine speed, and engine loads. The engine experiments show that the hydrogen DDF operation could achieve higher thermal efficiency than a conventional diesel operation at relatively high engine load conditions. However, it is also shown that pre-ignition with relatively high input energy fraction of hydrogen occurred before diesel fuel injection and its ignition. Therefore, such abnormal combustion limited amount of hydrogen injected. Fire-deck temperature was measured to investigate causal relationship between fire-deck temperature and occurrence of pre-ignition with changing operative conditions of the hydrogen DDF engine.  相似文献   

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