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科学家们预言,21世纪是海洋的世纪。因为海洋不仅可为人类提供生存空间、食品、矿物、运输及水资源等,而且将在新能源开发上扮演重要角色。据估算,全世界海洋总能量约为700多亿kW,仅各国尚未利用的潮汐能就要比目前全世界全部的水力发电量大1倍,因此,海洋被称为未来的“能量之源”。  相似文献   

张艳 《中国水利》2009,(18):160-161
安徽省淠史杭灌区始建于1958年,是新中国成立后兴建的全国最大灌区,也是全国3个特大型灌区之一。50多年来,淠史杭灌区不断完善发展,不仅实现了灌区农业旱涝保收的初级目标,成为安徽省重要的商品粮生产基地,而且实现了灌区水资源的优化配置和综合利用的阶段目标,保障了灌区的防洪安全、粮食安全、饮水安全、经济社会发展用水安全以及生态建设用水安全,被灌区人民誉为“生命之源”“发展之源”“小康之源”。  相似文献   

梁庆新 《陕西水利》2010,(2):164-164
我喜欢水,喜欢它富于形式的存在方式,喜欢它给予我绵绵的遐思和感悟!水,清澈、透明、晶莹,作为生命的源泉,是哺育文明的乳汁,不论是动物、植物,还是我们人类,都离不开它。早在两千多年前,孔子就将山与水分举并论:“智者乐山,仁者乐水。”他那哲人的玄思,启发了后人关于山水审美的智慧。前人所作的《四喜诗》,说人生四大赏心乐事,  相似文献   

沐浴灵魂的西天净土在哪里,在黄河之塬的牛头山。那里是乐园——没有甚嚣尘上的悲哀;那里是圣地——只有繁衍生命的渊源。  相似文献   

在中原,熟视无睹地习惯了大河广阔雄浑的模样,谒拜河源的夙愿便日积月累梦一般长久地编织于意识的温床上。万里不息九曲回转的大河之源是什么模样呢?那广袤无垠的大草原,那洁白如絮的牛羊群,那暮色晚霞里的牧鞭声,那碧泉闪烁的星宿海,那湛蓝无瑕的万里碧空,那清澈晶莹的黄河水……早已在梦中久久地演绎千次百回。  相似文献   

当一江春水向东流去的时候人们总想追溯它的源头同样当一个个生命为到这世界装点人生轨迹的时候我们更应该感谢生命之源——母亲您温玉般的瞳仁里留着我的足印记载着我的成长长大了我才知道诞生时的第一声啼哭其实是对母亲满怀感激的第一声礼赞当我在路上遭受风雨最先想到...  相似文献   

投资的增加可以使一项事业获得量的发展,而观念的转变却可以使一项事业产生质的飞跃。当我们追溯和总结黑龙江省水利改革的发展脉络时,就会注意到这样一种现象:每一次重大改革举措的出台和实施,都缘于观念的深刻变化;每一次观念的深刻变化,都一步步深化着水利改革,带给水利事业以全新的局面。 有一组数字给人印象深刻:1993~1997年,全省水利总投入达51.3亿元,  相似文献   

不应发生的……“兴祥的灵地”不该变成乌鸦的乐园……把长白山天池推到小湖的行列,实在有些委屈。乍看起来,它是个不起眼的小不点儿。全湖的周长仅有13.6公里,这个椭圆形的火山湖,南北长4公里半,东西宽3.3公里,整个面积还不到10平方公里(9.38平方公里)。  相似文献   

白木 《陕西水利》2001,(1):46-47
长江、黄河、澜沧江均发源于青海省玉树藏族自治州,是我国重要的三大河流,通称为“三江源”地区。   本区素有“中华水塔”之称,对我国的生态状况及国民经济发展起着重要作用。保护好分布在“三江源”地区的生态系统、生物物种及其遗传多样性,具有十分重要的意义。最近,笔者随三江源科学探险考察队对长江河源地区进行了实地考察,深感长江河源地区日趋恶化的生态环境不仅危及本地区人民的生存而且给中下游工农业生产及人民生活带来了严重影响。      严酷的自然条件      长江为世界第三大河,中国的第一大河,它发源于青海…  相似文献   

发人深思的数字中国水源总量:28000亿立方米(其中地下8000亿立方米),居世界第6位。人均相当于世界人均的四分之一,列世界第88位;全国380多个城市,每天可供自来水1.14亿吨,享用人口为1.27亿;1985年对全国324个城市调查表明,列入水资源匮乏的城市有183个,有40个城市为贫水危机城市。全国城市每天总共缺水2000万吨,影响工业产值200亿元!使人震惊的数字目前,全国每年废水排放量为369亿吨,每年因水污染造成的经济损失为434亿元!首都北京的年废水排放量高达7亿多吨!  相似文献   

系统地介绍了一维水动力学(运动波)与水文学方法相结合的数学模型的算法原理。利用已知任意雨型的净雨时程分配,可以随之求出洪水流量过程线。文中将一场洪水计算分为坡面流计算及河槽洪水演算两部分,用57次野外实测洪水进行了验证。结果说明:一个概化的一维模式一旦与水文学方法相结合,可以得到与实测过程线相当接近的成果。模型参数比较稳定;有利于工程的安全和经济;可以电算,也可以手算;便于编程接入各地水情信息自动化系统,服务于防灾、减灾。本篇属论述第一部分。  相似文献   

水危机的根源,在于贫困、不均衡以及不平等的权利关系,水资源管理上的失误也使水资源的缺乏更加恶化。 ——所谓人类发展,首先,也是最重要的,就是要使人能过一种有价值的生活,使他们能够实现作为人的充分发展。人类发展应该包含什么样的内容,对这个问题的原则性的描述,今天在“千年发展目标”的大视野里得到了体现。  相似文献   

通过对洪水过程特性的分析,提出了利用本站流量(水位)信息进行趋势外推的公式,并用实测洪水资料进行了趋势外推预报验证,预报成果精度较为满意。  相似文献   

This study investigated the adsorption kinetics of dissolved copper(II) and zinc(II) by aerobic granular sludge. Two series of batch experiments were conducted at different initial copper(II), zinc(II) concentrations (Co) and initial granule concentrations (Xo). Results showed that the biosorption kinetics of individual copper(II) and zinc(II) by aerobic granules were closely related to Co and Xo. The maximum biosorption capacity of individual copper(II) and zinc(II) by aerobic granules was 246.1 mg g(-1) and 180 mg g(-1), respectively. In order to theoretically interpret the results obtained, two kinetic models previously developed for biosorption were employed and compared in this study. It was found that the model proposed by Liu et al. (2003) could fit the experimental data very well, but the second-order model failed to fit the data in some cases. It appears that aerobic granules would be potential biosorbent with high efficiency for the removal of dissolved copper(II) and zinc(II) from wastewater.  相似文献   


An aquifer vulnerability study was carried out in the L'Aquila Plain of Central Italy for evaluating changes in groundwater quantity and quality induced by human activities. The L'Aquila Plain, filled with Quaternary clastic deposits, is an intramontane basin encircled by karst massifs characterized by regional groundwater, which is connected with the porous multilayer aquifer of L'Aquila Plain. The study was organized into different steps: (1) geo-lithological characterization; (2) sampling of hydrogeological data and water budget evaluation; and (3) hydrochemical and microbiological monitoring of springs and wells. The latter step made it possible to identify water-rock interaction, groundwater mixing and recharge, and to recognize the different sources of groundwater pollution. The plain aquifer, mainly recharged by the surrounding carbonate massifs, shows centripetal groundwater flowpaths. The hydrochemical features show two groundwater end-members, coming from carbonate aquifers or circulating only in the plain, with intermediate mixed groundwater. The observed ground-water pollution is negligible, but it will probably increase if the strong development of the human activities continues without groundwater protection planning.  相似文献   

Floodplain land cover maps are important tools for river management and ecological assessment. These maps have to be revised regularly due to the dynamic nature of floodplains. Automation of the mapping process cuts the map processing time and can increase overall accuracy. Manual delineation and classification of vegetation is based on colour, contrasts (texture) and often‐stereoscopic view of aerial images. In this study, this is mimicked by the simultaneous use of both structural light detection and ranging (LiDAR) and compact airborne spectral imager (CASI) remote sensing data in an image segmentation routine fractal net evolution approach (FNEA). The segmentation results are tested against manually delineated ecotopes. Ecotope delineation improves when LiDAR and CASI are used simultaneously; the combination significantly lowers the number of segmented objects needed to accurately map ecotopes. Overall map accuracy of the LiDAR and CASI combination is 8–19% higher than single CASI and LiDAR, respectively. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this study, the removal of copper(II) and cadmium(II) ions from aqueous solutions by biosorption onto pine cone was studied. Variables that affect the biosorption process such as pH, biosorbent dosage, initial metal ion concentration, contact time and temperature of solution were optimized. Experimental data were fitted to Langmuir, Freundlich, Dubinin Radushkevich and Temkin isotherm models to investigate the equilibrium isotherms. Pseudo-first-order, pseudo-second-order and intraparticle diffusion kinetic models were used to determine the biosorption mechanism. The thermodynamics of biosorption were studied for predicting the nature of biosorption. Experimental results showed that pine cone could be evaluated as an alternative precursor for removal of heavy metal ions from aqueous solutions, due to its high biosorption capacity, availability, and low cost.  相似文献   

In this work, the displacement effects on the sorption capacities of zinc and cadmium ions of the Eichornia crassipes-type biosorbent in batch binary system has been studied. Preliminary single metal sorption experiments were carried out. An improvement on the Zn(II) and Cd(II) ions removal was achieved by working at 30 °C temperature and with non-uniform biosorbent grain sizes. A 60 min equilibrium time was achieved for both Zn(II) and Cd(II) ions. Furthermore, it was found that the overall kinetic data were best described by the pseudo second-order kinetic model. Classical multi-component adsorption isotherms have been tested as well as a modified extended Langmuir isotherm model, showing good agreement with the equilibrium binary data. Around 0.65 mequiv./g maximum metal uptake associated with the E. crassipes biosorbent was attained and the E. crassipes biosorbent has shown higher adsorption affinity for the zinc ions than for the cadmium ones in the binary system.  相似文献   

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