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正2016年4月,魏则西事件引起了全社会的广泛关注,百度竞价排名、部队医院承包科室、莆田系医院以及医疗监管制度等一系列话题成为了全民关注焦点。百度因竞价排名被推上了风口浪尖。由此,国家网信办会同国家工商总局、国家卫生计生委和北京市有关部门成立联合调查组进驻百度,集中围绕百度搜索在魏则西事件中存在的问题、搜索竞价排名机制存在的缺陷进行调查取证。目前,调查结果已公布。它揭  相似文献   

在清史书店见到朋友路东之出版的<问陶之旅>,很是兴奋,首先得向他祝贺!其次觉得应该为东之写点东西,也为他的古陶文明博物馆.  相似文献   

李鹏总理最近指出:“要重视水利的发展,要从战略高度来认识水利的地位和作用,要把水利作为国民经济的基础设施,并在‘八五’计划安排中加以体现。”这一重要指示,对推进我国水利事业的发展将产生深远的影响,对水文化的研究工作也指出正确的方向。水文化是指从事水事活动的人们创造的物质财富和精神财富的总和。它和水利基础产业的关系十分密切。水利基础产业的地位是水文化在一定社会形态下的体现,而水文化必将促进水利基础产业的发展。如何正确理解李鹏总理关于“从战略高度来认识水利的地位和作用”呢?我认为“认识”是属于思想观念或文化的范畴,提高对水利地位作用的认识,就是要求全社会提高水文化的水  相似文献   

从调研成果看淮河流域行蓄洪区社会经济现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
何琦  张淼 《治淮》2005,(11):20-21
为了更好地了解淮河流域行蓄洪区社会经济状况,淮委防办和河海大学组成调研小组,于2004年3月对淮河干流中游安徽淮南市田家庵区石姚段行洪区、淮河干流上的阜南县濛洼蓄洪区、淮河支流上的河南西平县老王坡滞洪区进行实地调研.调研采取县、乡镇、村三级访谈和随机抽样问卷调查相结合的方式进行.本次有效抽样调查共有106户,其中石姚段行洪区安成镇连岗、周庄两村12户居民,涉及家庭人口65人;濛洼蓄洪区王家坝镇金黄村、曹集镇杨台村、老观乡刘楼村、郜台乡刘店村57户居民,涉及家庭人口251人;老王坡滞洪区宋集乡赫朱村、五沟营镇袁村、环城乡李庄铺村37户居民,涉及家庭人口170人.  相似文献   

新世纪金秋时日,当你驻足咸阳古渡,会感到眼前这固若金汤的十里长堤,以欲与天公试比高的巨人形象,忠诚地守护着咸阳这座美丽的城市。城市的节奏依然有条不紊,都市人的脸上依旧挂着幸福的微笑……在这宁静而祥和的背后,谁可曾知道有这样一支队伍为这座大堤的建设而苦斗?这是一只普普通通、平平凡凡但却在防洪保安前沿阵地上日夜拼博的施工队伍———咸阳市水利机械施工队。具有水建施工二级、凿井甲级资质等级的咸阳市水利机械施工队,为市属县级事业单位,现有职工300名。施工队下设凿井、水建、勘探等4个分公司和一个修造厂。近年来…  相似文献   

都江堰枢纽工程完美地解决了自动引水、分水、排沙、泄洪、稳定引水量等问题,都江堰灌区2 000余年来形成了灵活而丰富的管理制度,在灌溉工程运行管理、岁修维护、灌溉分水管理等方面积累了丰富的历史经验,这些都是都江堰工程效益延绵2 000多年而不衰的重要原因。通过对都江堰及灌区工程技术与管理的分析可知,都江堰是一个有机的系统、一个充满生命力的工程体系,表现了我国传统水利科技的智慧,体现了我国古代哲学天人合一的价值观。这种传统水利科技与文化,是我们今天面对日益严峻的人与自然关系时需要重新拾取与学习的宝贵财富。  相似文献   

文章从入海水量率的降低变化程度,来说明流域内水资源量与需要量的矛盾,进而论证“北水南调”工程的紧迫性。  相似文献   

结合小说《圣洁百合》中威尔莫特一家四代人的生活和信仰状况,解读20世纪以来美国宗教出现的信仰危机、宗教世俗化、宗教私人化和邪教现象以及这些宗教问题出现的原因,及其产生的重大社会影响。  相似文献   

从社会水循环的概念入手,提出了社会水循环的概念模型及整体示意,结合苏州市水资源开发利用的3种途径,提出了水资源保护的方法,为整体保护我国的水资源提供了参考。  相似文献   

随着经济社会的发展,世界人口的增长,人类对水资源的需求日益增加.在众多的河流上都修建了水利工程来调节水量,开发利用水资源.这些工程为人们创造了防洪抗旱的有利条件,提供了可靠的供水和洁净的电能,促进了内河航运、水库渔业、水上休闲等事业的发展,效益显著.然而这些工程也会改变河流的自然形态和水文泥沙的天然过程,导致河床冲淤变化、水库泥沙淤积、河道萎缩、生态系统失衡等.建坝既有正面影响,也有负面影响,怎么平衡,需要我们做许多研究和采取必要措施.  相似文献   

水库移民公众参与研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
水库移民公众参与对于库区经济发展及社会良性运行、协调发展有着重要意义。采用"自下而上"的视角并借鉴"过程-事件"分析模式,在移民安置计划过程、移民搬迁过程、收入恢复过程三大阶段的公众参与内容、形式等层面描述了A水库昌平县移民公众参与的现状。针对水库移民公众参与的未来发展提出:应完善公众参与的相关法律法规,加强公众参与的制度化、程序化建设,重视并发挥非政府组织在公众参与中的作用,使村民自治与公众参与共同发展,合理引导、正确认识移民的公众参与意识。  相似文献   

为了保障水资源开发利用的科学性和合理性,降低水权交易的不透明性,公众参与不可或缺。水权交易中的公众参与贯穿于水权交易前(预备阶段)、水权交易中、水权交易后(监督阶段)的整个过程,水权交易的有效参与必须具备基本的法律支撑体系、配合和愿意接受意见的水权交易主体、有参与意愿和参与能力的公众3个条件,需要从完善公众参与的法律体系、提高参与主体配合度和意见采纳度、增强公众参与积极性及提高参与能力三方面入手,提高公众参与的有效性。  相似文献   

To enhance water quality, environmental groups have challenged regulations that fail to allow them to participate in the development of effluent limitations under US National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permits. The issue involves shielding applicants’ management plans that show how they plan to minimize pollutant discharges from public scrutiny. The absence of public input may be accompanied by less information about addressing pollution, limited dialogue on alternatives, and fewer enforcement actions. In response to a judicial ruling, the US Environmental Protection Agency issued revised NPDES permitting regulations for concentrated animal feeding operations in 2008. The new regulations clearly delineate an opportunity for public participation in the development of effluent limitations in individual permits and in notices of intent under general permits. Permitting regulations for other categories of point-source discharges under NPDES permits lack similar provisions on public participation. An analysis of public participation in the development of effluent limitations for NPDES permits suggests that the public is not accorded as many rights as Europeans are provided under the Aarhus Convention. Greater access to information and the ability for the public to participate in decision making offer mechanisms that may be important in enhancing water quality.  相似文献   

浅谈环境影响评价工作中的公众参与   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
公众参与作为我国环境影响评价工作的一个重要组成部分,在环评及技术评估中发挥着越来越重要的作用。对此描述环境影响评价公众参与的内涵、形式及具体要求,以及公众参与在环境影响评价工作中的现状,提出做好环境影响评价中公众参与部分的建议,并阐述公众参与的意义。  相似文献   

Anna Vári 《国际水》2013,38(3):329-337

The paper reviews the experience of public participation in water management decisions since the political transition in Hungary. Ongoing practices of public participation are examined through the critical analysis of three cases: (i) the Gabcikovo-Nagymaros dam project which has been known as the source of Europe's longest and most complex transboundary environmental conflict; (ii) the development of water quality legislation by the national government; and (iii) an integrated land use planning project in the region of the Szentendrei-island. Based on the above cases, factors promoting and hindering effective public participation are identified. Key promoting factors include the activity and professionalism of civil society organizations, the financial support provided by international funding agencies and other foreign sponsors, the methodological support provided by professional organizations, and the social learning process taking place in the society. Factors hindering effective public participation include the resistance to public participation on the part of several public officials and planners, the lack of methodological knowledge to manage public participation procedures effectively, the lack of interest and passivity on the part of the public, the lack of trust between various stakeholders, and some recent negative trends in the development of civil society. It is concluded that although the existence of a legal framework, which allows for the possibility of public involvement, is a necessary precondition for comprehensive public participation, but it must be supplemented by other elements that facilitate public participation.  相似文献   

移民的公众参与和社会调整是移民管理的重要内容。对于帮助移民缩短在安置区的过渡适应期,忙恢复生产、生活信心举足轻生的作用。从移民决策和管理的需要出发,讨论了公众参与和社会调整的意义及作用。在分析不同移民规划和实施阶段特点的基础上,总结出种个阶段公众参与和协商的有关各方、参与和协商的内容及形式、可能的风险。最后论述了社会调整的主要内容和有关程度。  相似文献   

公众参与实施方案的程度对于方案的科学性和可操作性具有很大的影响,提高公众对项目的理解和认知程度,充分反映项目区公众需求,有利于公众积极主动地与政府共同推进项目的开展,使项目真正落到实处。以富宁县坡房小流域坡耕地水土流失综合治理工程为例,通过分析公众参与坡耕地水土流失综合治理实施方案的途径及其意义,公众参与结果在实施方案中的运用,总结公众参与坡耕地水土流失综合治理实施方案设计的经验并提出建议,为以后的坡耕地实施方案设计提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Poh-Ling Tan 《国际水》2013,38(1):12-22

In the mid-1990s Australia embarked on a program of reforms including the introduction of private property rights in water, the allocation of water for the environment, and increased public participation where new initiatives are proposed. Many of the water allocation and management practices adopted in the country have originated from states in the Murray-Darling Basin. This article considers the different approaches taken in NSW, Queensland; and Victoria. In each of these states, public participation has been an evolving process, giving rise to difficulties of a slightly different nature. The article outlines the policy and theory behind public participation and sets out the legal provisions for its inclusion in water planning. It explores the main issues in the implementation of the legislation. The Australian experience suggests that policy makers and legislators did not initially draw upon the extensive research that was in existence on effective public participation. However, changes were made to make the processes more inclusive. Capacity building of participants, independent scientific support, and access to data were some of the most critical factors in effective public participation. Because the public had the opportunity to participate and influence decision making in water allocation, some potential legal conflict was avoided. Of the states examined, Queensland had the best legislative template for public participation although improvements could be made in many areas.  相似文献   

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