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为了进一步深化中美两国的文化交流,开辟中美文化合作的新路径,由中华人民共和国文化部和美国国家人文基金会共同主办、中国艺术研究院和江苏省文化厅共同承办的跨文化双边对话:第三届中美文化论坛于2012年9月6日在北京隆重举行。  相似文献   

2010年12月28日,由中国艺术研究院、中国美术家协会主办,中国艺术研究院中国画院承办的时代心象—中国艺术研究院中国画院第二届院展在北京中国美术馆隆重开展。此后,由中国艺术研究院、中国美术家协会、浙江省文化厅主办,中国艺术研究院中国画院、浙江美术馆承办的时代心象—中国艺术研究院中国画院院展巡回展(浙江)于  相似文献   

郎绍君(中国艺术研究院美术研究所研究员):中国艺术研究院中国画院从各地聘、调画家,还特邀北京及各地的知名画家加盟,成为国家级的中国画研究和创作中心,每三年举办一次有相当规模的院展,使画家有时间从容地准备和创作,展览会产生有力的影响,是可以想见的.我仔细地看了这次展览,深感参展画家都具有自己独特的个性,鲜明的风格,题材与主题多样化,形式探索丰富而新颖.以"时代心象"为展览主题表达了画院的一种集体追求与理想,许多作品确实反映了时代的巨变,表达了画家对这种变化的敏感与态度.从首届院展以"正大气象"为主题,到第二届展览以"时代心象"为主题,都是大主题,具有宏大叙事的特点,下届展览是否可以更具体一些?是否可以更专题化一些?是否可以考虑实行策展人制?即在每一届的展览之后就选择策展人,策划和设计下一届展览的主题,使策划与创作在更高的层面上达到一致.  相似文献   

美国田纳西河流域开发的启示   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张帅 《四川水利》2001,22(2):62-64
美国田纳西河流域开发的经验教训,对于我国西部的水资源开发管理有如下的启示:水资源开发利用是国土资源经济整体规划的重要组成部分;水资源开发利用要重视环保与生态平衡;加强流域机构的统一开发管理;实施有偿投资开发;梯级开发是防洪的最重要工程措施。  相似文献   

2005年2月26日至3月10日随亚行项目防洪信息管理系统考察团对加拿大圣劳伦斯海道、美国内务部地质调查局、胡佛水坝等进行了实地考察。1劳伦斯海道圣劳伦斯河是北美洲东部的大河。它的上源是圣路易斯河,在美国的明尼苏达州,下游在加拿大的东陲,以卡伯特海峡为河口,注入大西洋的  相似文献   


Patterns of water supply and use in Australia and the U.S.A. differ in many ways. This results in different perceptions concerning the nature of drought and policy approaches to its management. This paper discusses the differences and similarities and explores lessons that policy makers in both countries can learn from one another. A key difference between the two countries is that whereas drought is perceived in Australia essentially in terms of its impact on agriculture, in the U.S. both perceptions and policy are also heavily influenced by the impact of drought on urban communities. This has led to different policy emphases. In 1992 Australia established its National Drought Policy; the U.S. is presently considering the adoption of a national drought policy. These policies highlight drought being accepted as part of natural climate variability, rather than as a natural disaster. They also emphasize the protection of the natural resource base.  相似文献   

We describe a unique educational collaboration between the U.S. Coast Guard and Bowling Green State University with the goal of engaging Coast Guard crew members in a monitoring program intended to increase both temporal and spatial resolutions of sampling during winter in Lake Erie, a period where extreme weather conditions and safety considerations challenge our ability to sample.  相似文献   

赴美国灌区用水管理考察的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了美国灌区采用的建设、管理方法和用水管理制度。对浙江省的灌区建设有很好的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Joint Airborne Lidar Bathymetry Technical Center of Expertise (JALBTCX) collected its first airborne coastal mapping data on the Great Lakes in 1995. Since then, the JALBTCX has collected nearly 5 billion elevation and depth measurements and created over 2000 geographic information system (GIS) products for the shorelines of the Great Lakes. With improvements in airborne coastal mapping technology and the introduction of regional management for the USACE, surveys expanded into the regional scale, multi-sensor National Coastal Mapping Program (NCMP). The NCMP was initiated in 2004 to produce recurrent, regional, high-resolution light detection and ranging (lidar) elevation data and hyperspectral and aerial imagery to support regional sediment management, regulatory functions, flood damage reduction, asset management, emergency operations, and environmental stewardship. The JALBTCX is a collaboration among the USACE, the U.S. Naval Oceanographic Office (NAVOCEANO), and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). The partners have worked together on airborne coastal mapping and charting since the late 1980s with the goal of advancing airborne lidar bathymetry and associated technologies. The collaboration has fielded three generations of airborne sensors and has transferred this technology to the commercial sector, supporting an expanding market for bathymetric lidar. The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of the history of USACE survey efforts in the Great Lakes (1995–2012), an in-depth review of the resulting imagery and lidar data products, and new information product developments and applications to support environmental and coastal engineering throughout the Great Lakes region.  相似文献   

Major changes in hydrologic regime and morphology of channels of the Platte River and its major tributaries, the South Platte River and North Platte River in Colorado, Wyoming, and Nebraska have occurred since about 1860, when the water resources of the basin began to be developed for agriculture, municipal, and industrial uses. The extent of this water development, which continues to increase with growth in population and land use, has affected the timing of streamflow and transport of fluvial sediment in the Platte River through diversions, reservoir storage, and increased use of groundwater. Changes in flow regime, such as increase in low-flow magnitudes and abatement of peak-flow magnitudes, have made the riverine environment conducive to vegetative growth while reducing channel scour. These factors, in turn, contribute to morphologic changes of decreased channel width and channel area and increased island formation. This paper will focus on these trends over the last several decades in the study area on the Platte River in Nebraska.  相似文献   

Benthic macroinvertebrates were examined over a two-year period in nonregulated, regulated, and semiregulated reaches of the Clearwater River in northern Idaho. Macroinvertebrate communities in the nonregulated reach above Dworshak Reservoir were taxonomically diverse at all stations. In contrast, the macroinvertebrate community in the regulated reach of the North Fork of the Clearwater River (NFCR) was severely altered with high macroinvertebrate abundance and low taxa richness (2 to 8 taxa). Orthoclad chironomids dominated this reach composing between 68 and 99 per cent of total benthic invertebrate numbers. The mayfly Ephemerella infrequens was the only other macroinvertebrate to be abundant in the regulated reach. The major factors contributing to the simplified macroinvertebrate community are reduced habitat diversity, fluctuating water levels, altered thermal regime, and possibly an altered food supply. The effects of the dam were mitigated in the semiregulated Mainstem of the Clearwater River (MSCR) due to the merger of a nonregulated fork entering 2.5 km downstream from the dam. The macroinvertebrate community in the semiregulated MSCR was more complex than the regulated reach with a community structure resembling that found above the reservoir.  相似文献   

This paper examines the tributary monitoring network currently in place for sampling the amount of phosphorus entering the U.S. Great Lakes, focusing on the challenges faced by the agencies and organizations responsible for maintaining the network. The tributaries that are monitored vary in terms of flow, the size and terrain of the watershed being drained, and patterns of land use. Data generated by this network are used by researchers to compute lake-wide phosphorus loads. In this work, the primary drivers and challenges associated with operating an effective phosphorus tributary monitoring program were investigated through interviews with stakeholders responsible for managing a portion of the existing network. Based on these interviews, the authors identify three recommendations that policy makers interested in maintaining an effective phosphorus monitoring network in the Great Lakes should consider. The first is to provide states with incentives to support the long-term monitoring that is required to estimate phosphorus loads in tributaries to the Great Lakes; currently, most states design their programs to meet the requirements of the Clean Water Act, which results in patterns of sampling that are not necessarily useful for computing loads. The second recommendation is to facilitate the creation of a monitoring protocol that generates enough samples to identify trends and quantify loads at a level of certainty necessary for use in statistical models and load control programs. Finally, funding mechanisms capable of supporting long-term monitoring programs need to be established, with programs in Michigan and Minnesota serving as potential models.  相似文献   

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