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融合远程量子控制与双向受控隐形传态的思想,率先提出了受控双向远程控制(CBRQC)的一个概念。利用五量子纠缠,提出执行任意单量子算子对的两个CBRQC方案。这两个方案是概率的,而在第一个方案中,增加局域Pauli算子将导致该方案成功概率和内在效率都翻倍。对于双向传送算子的限制集,两个确定的方案被提出,其中一个总体优于其他方案,并且这两个方案的成功概率和效率都可大大提高。从量子及经典资源消耗、必要的操作复杂性、成功概率和内在效率五个方面对这些方案进行了比较,阐明了选择量子通道的原因,指出提出的方案是安全的,并说明了在现有技术的分析下该方案的实验可行性。  相似文献   

Two tripartite schemes for sharing a single-qubit operation on a remote target state are proposed with symmetric and asymmetric W states, respectively. They are treated and compared from the aspects of quantum resource consumption, operation complexity, classical resource consumption, success probability and efficiency. It is found that the first scheme is better than the second one. In particular, the sharing can be achieved probabilistically with the first scheme while deterministically with the second one.  相似文献   

Two qubit-operation-sharing schemes (Zhang and Cheung in J. Phys. B 44:165508, 2011) are generalized to the qutrit ones. Operations to be shared are classified into three different classes in terms of different probabilities (i.e, 1/3, 2/3 and 1). For the latter two classes, ten and three restricted sets of operations are found out, respectively. Moreover, the two generalized schemes are amply compared from four aspects, namely, quantum and classical resource consumption, necessary-operation complexity, success probability and efficiency. It is found that the second scheme is overall more optimal than the first one as far as three restricted sets of operations are concerned. Moreover, the experimental feasibility of our schemes is confirmed with respect to the nowaday technique.  相似文献   

In this paper we propose two schemes for teleportation of a sub-class of tripartite states, the first one with the four-qubit cluster state and the second one with two Bell pairs as entanglement channels. A four-qubit joint measurement in the first case and two Bell measurements in the second are performed by the sender. Appropriate unitary operations on the qubits at the receiver’s end along with an ancilla qubit result in the perfect teleportation of the tripartite state. Analysis of the quantum circuits employed in these schemes reveal that in our technique the desired quantum tasks are achieved with lesser quantum cost, gate count and classical communication bits compared with other similar schemes.  相似文献   

As far as the spectral characteristic of quantum information is concerned, the existing quantum network coding schemes can be looked on as the discrete-variable quantum network coding schemes. Considering the practical advantage of continuous variables, in this paper, we explore two feasible continuous-variable quantum network coding (CVQNC) schemes. Basic operations and CVQNC schemes are both provided. The first scheme is based on Gaussian cloning and ADD/SUB operators and can transmit two coherent states across with a fidelity of 1/2, while the second scheme utilizes continuous-variable quantum teleportation and can transmit two coherent states perfectly. By encoding classical information on quantum states, quantum network coding schemes can be utilized to transmit classical information. Scheme analysis shows that compared with the discrete-variable paradigms, the proposed CVQNC schemes provide better network throughput from the viewpoint of classical information transmission. By modulating the amplitude and phase quadratures of coherent states with classical characters, the first scheme and the second scheme can transmit \(4{\log _2}N\) and \(2{\log _2}N\) bits of information by a single network use, respectively.  相似文献   

We propose two controlled quantum secure communication schemes by entanglement distillation or generalized measurement. The sender Alice, the receiver Bob and the controllers David and Cliff take part in the whole schemes. The supervisors David and Cliff can control the information transmitted from Alice to Bob by adjusting the local measurement angles \(\theta _4\) and \(\theta _3\). Bob can verify his secret information by classical one-way function after communication. The average amount of information is analyzed and compared for these two methods by MATLAB. The generalized measurement is a better scheme. Our schemes are secure against some well-known attacks because classical encryption and decoy states are used to ensure the security of the classical channel and the quantum channel.  相似文献   

In classical computation, a “write-only memory” (WOM) is little more than an oxymoron, and the addition of WOM to a (deterministic or probabilistic) classical computer brings no advantage. We prove that quantum computers that are augmented with WOM can solve problems that neither a classical computer with WOM nor a quantum computer without WOM can solve, when all other resource bounds are equal. We focus on realtime quantum finite automata, and examine the increase in their power effected by the addition of WOMs with different access modes and capacities. Some problems that are unsolvable by two-way probabilistic Turing machines using sublogarithmic amounts of read/write memory are shown to be solvable by these enhanced automata.  相似文献   

一种基于量子纠缠态的群签名协议*   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
提出了一个基于打印机管理模型的量子群签名协议。利用量子纠缠特性,打印机群组成员Alice可以代表群组进行签名,打印机管理员Bob可以证实签名来自该群组,但是不能够确定是哪一位成员进行了签名。如果出现了争议,群管理员Trent可以追踪到非法打印者。不同于现存的经典群签名协议和量子签名协议,本协议在实现签名群属性的同时,具有无条件安全性,能够在电子选举和电子商务中得到广泛应用。  相似文献   

Quantum cryptography has become reality nowadays and quantum key distribution systems are already in use. In classical cryptography, key expansion schemes are used to strengthen security. In this paper we present a quantum key expansion scheme, in which the key is expanded using a quantum cellular automaton. We also present the simulation of quantum key expansion using a quantum computer simulator. Using this scheme a 6-qubit key transmitted from the sender to the receiver, using one of the quantum key distribution protocols, can be expanded to a 24-qubit key without any further communication between them.  相似文献   

The effect of noise on various protocols of secure quantum communication has been studied. Specifically, we have investigated the effect of amplitude damping, phase damping, squeezed generalized amplitude damping, Pauli type as well as various collective noise models on the protocols of quantum key distribution, quantum key agreement, quantum secure direct quantum communication and quantum dialogue. From each type of protocol of secure quantum communication, we have chosen two protocols for our comparative study: one based on single-qubit states and the other one on entangled states. The comparative study reported here has revealed that single-qubit-based schemes are generally found to perform better in the presence of amplitude damping, phase damping, squeezed generalized amplitude damping noises, while entanglement-based protocols turn out to be preferable in the presence of collective noises. It is also observed that the effect of noise depends upon the number of rounds of quantum communication involved in a scheme of quantum communication. Further, it is observed that squeezing, a completely quantum mechanical resource present in the squeezed generalized amplitude channel, can be used in a beneficial way as it may yield higher fidelity compared to the corresponding zero squeezing case.  相似文献   

An efficient scheme is proposed for faithful teleportation of an arbitrary unknown multi-particle state via multi-particle quantum states, in which the teleportation is completely deterministic providing that one can successfully construct a group of EPR pairs. Our scheme can effectively avoid possible destruction of the unknown state to be teleported, which however may occur in existing probabilistic teleportation schemes. In addition, we develop a scheme for establishing a faithful quantum channel for both indirect and direct teleportation multi-particle system, which can be applied in a teleportation network where intermediate agents exist between a sender and a receiver. Compared to the indirect construction of the faithful channel, the required auxiliary particle resources, local operations and classical communications in the direct construction scheme are considerably reduced.  相似文献   

In order to realize long-distance and large-scale quantum communication, it is natural to utilize quantum repeater. For a general quantum multiple-unicast network, it is still puzzling how to complete communication tasks perfectly with less resources such as registers. In this paper, we solve this problem. By applying quantum repeaters to multiple-unicast communication problem, we give encoding–decoding schemes for source nodes, internal ones and target ones, respectively. Source-target nodes share EPR pairs by using our encoding–decoding schemes over quantum multiple-unicast network. Furthermore, quantum communication can be accomplished perfectly via teleportation. Compared with existed schemes, our schemes can reduce resource consumption and realize long-distance transmission of quantum information.  相似文献   

Tripartite remote sharing of any single-qubit operation with two asymmetric three-qubit W states is amply treated. Five schemes are put forward with the W states in five different entanglement structures corresponding to five different distributions of two identical qubit trios in three locations. For all schemes, two features about the security and the agent symmetry are analyzed and confirmed. Moreover, resource consumption, necessary-operation complexity, success probability and efficiency are also worked out and compared mutually. For all schemes, quantum resource consumption and necessary-operation complexity are same. The last scheme needs to cost two additional classical bits than the former four schemes. Nonetheless, the last scheme is deterministic and has the highest efficiency in contrast to the other four probabilistic schemes with lower efficiencies. Through some analyses, it is found that both success probability and intrinsic efficiency of each scheme are completely determined by the corresponding entanglement structure of the two W states. The underlying physics of this feature is revealed. In addition, the implementation feasibility of all the schemes is analyzed and thus confirmed according to the current experimental techniques.  相似文献   

In this paper, a novel quantum homomorphic signature scheme based solely on Bell-state measurement is proposed. It allows an aggregator to merge two signature nodes’ signatures of their classical messages into one signature, which is an effective approach to identity authentication for multiple streams to enhance the security of quantum networks. And it is easy to generalize this scheme to multiple nodes. Bell-state measurement has been realized by using only linear optical elements in many experimental measurement-device-independent quantum key distribution schemes, which makes us believe that our scheme can be realized in the near future. It is shown that our scheme is a quantum group homomorphic signature scheme and is secure by the scheme analysis.  相似文献   

This review investigates the landscapes of hybrid quantum–classical optimization algorithms that are prevalent in many rapidly developing quantum technologies, where the objective function is computed by either a natural quantum system or an engineered quantum ansatz, but the optimizer is classical. In any particular case, the nature of the underlying control landscape is fundamentally important for systematic optimization of the objective. In early studies on the optimal control of few-body dynamics, the optimizer could take full control of the relatively low-dimensional quantum systems to be manipulated. Stepping into the noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) era, the experimentally growing computational power of the ansatz expressed as quantum hardware may bring quantum advantage over classical computers, but the classical optimizer is often limited by the available control resources. Across these different scales, we will show that the landscape’s geometry experiences morphological changes from favorable trap-free landscapes to easily trapping rugged landscapes, and eventually to barren-plateau landscapes on which the optimizer can hardly move. This unified view provides the basis for understanding classes of systems that may be readily controlled out to those with special consideration, including the difficulties and potential advantages of NISQ technologies, as well as seeking possible ways to escape traps or plateaus, in particular circumstances.  相似文献   

The existing secret sharing schemes of sharing quantum information usually require the resource of entanglements no matter they are based on quantum teleportation or remote state preparation. However, in the practical applications, it is difficult to build faithful and stable entangled channels among many users. We show how the quantum information splitting and reconstruction can be implemented without the assistance of entanglements and give a quantum secret sharing protocol based on the theory of quantum interference. We also discuss its security against the individual attacks and generalize its three-party case into a multiparty case.  相似文献   

Semiquantum communication permits a communication party with only limited quantum ability (i.e., “classical” ability) to communicate securely with a powerful quantum counterpart and will obtain a significant advantage in practice when the completely quantum world has not been built up. At present, various semiquantum schemes for key distribution, secret sharing and secure communication have been proposed. In a quantum dialogue (QD) scenario, two communicants mutually transmit their respective secret messages and may have equal power (such as two classical parties). Based on delegated quantum computation model, this work extends the original semiquantum model to the authenticated semiquantum dialogue (ASQD) protocols, where two “classical” participants can mutually transmit secret messages without any information leakage and quantum operations are securely delegated to a quantum server. To make the proposed ASQD protocols more practical, we assume that the quantum channel is a collective noise channel and the quantum server is untrusted. The security analysis shows that the proposed protocols are robust even when the delegated quantum server is a powerful adversary.  相似文献   

This paper presents a systematic approach for implementing arbitrary unknown multi-qubit state sharing by multiple agents and its generalization to independent state joint sharing collaborated with multi control agents in quantum deterministic and probabilistic networks. To supervise all independent processes of quantum state sharing, each control agent needs to hold and measure only one particle. This scheme can be used in multi-layer quantum networks to monitor the data flow in secured communication. The performance analysis shows that less qubit resources and less amount of classical communication information are required compared with existing schemes.  相似文献   

Based on Bell states, this paper proposes a semi-quantum protocol enabling the limited semi-quantum or “classical” user Bob to transmit the secret message to a fully quantum Alice directly. A classical user is restricted to measure, prepare, reorder and send quantum states only in the classical basis \( \{ \left| 0 \right\rangle ,\left| 1 \right\rangle \} \). The protocol must rely on the quantum Alice to produce Bell states, perform Bell basis measurement and store qubits, but the classical party Bob does not require quantum memory. Security and efficiency of the proposed schemes have been discussed. The analysis results show that the protocol is secure against some eavesdropping attacks and the qubit efficiency of the protocol is higher than the other related semi-quantum protocols.  相似文献   

By exploiting the entanglement correlation in quantum mechanics, two three-party remote state preparation (RSP) schemes are proposed. One is three-party remote preparation of a single-particle quantum state, and the other is three-party remote preparation of a two-particle entangled state. In the proposed schemes, the sender Alice knows the quantum states to be prepared, while the receivers Bob and Charlie do not know the quantum states; Alice performs measurement and unitary operations on her own particles with two three-particle GHZ states as the quantum channel. According to Alice’s measurement results, Bob and Charlie measure their own particles on the corresponding quantum measurement bases and perform unitary operations on the corresponding particles to reconstruct the quantum states, respectively. Compared with multiparty joint remote preparation and two-party RSP of a quantum state, the proposed schemes realize quantum multicast communication successfully, which enables Bob and Charlie to obtain the prepared quantum states simultaneously in the case of just knowing Alice’s measurement results, while Bob and Charlie do not know each other’s prepared quantum states. It is shown that only three classical bits are required for the two proposed RSP schemes when Bob and Alice introduce an auxiliary particle, respectively, and the proposed schemes are secure after the quantum channel authentication.  相似文献   

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