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动态环境下基于路径规划的机器人同步定位与地图构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对动态环境下随机目标同时为特征点和障碍物的情况,提出一种基于路径规划的同步定位与地图构 建(SLAM)算法.机器人在同步定位与地图构建的同时,基于势场原理来规划机器人下一步的运动控制规律.利用 混合当前统计模型的交互式多模型(IMM)方法预测随机目标的轨迹,采用最近邻数据关联方法将动态随机目标关 联到地图中.算法构建的地图由静态特征点和随机目标的轨迹组成.仿真结果表明,提出的算法解决了动态环境中 存在的随机目标同时为障碍物时机器人的同步定位与地图构建问题,相关性能指标验证了算法的一致性估计.  相似文献   

本文阐述了用势场法进行矩形状机器人全局规划的方法,首先针对凸形障碍物确定了势函数的形式,然后利用最小势谷算法,把机器人的工作空间用图来表示,利用搜索算法到了全局路径,最后在微机上对算法进行了仿真,给出了仿真结果。  相似文献   

对未知观测噪声的机器人同步定位与地图构建问题,提出基于神经网络PID自适应学习观测噪声的机器人同步定位与地图构建算法.已知系统噪声为高斯分布,噪声的方差未知,但其真值是在某个有限集合内.设计一个由神经网络PID控制器、观测噪声调整以及中值滤波构成的噪声在线辨识单元.通过自适应在线辨识观测噪声,并进行新息协方差平均值滤波,迭代修正观测噪声协方差,实现机器人同步定位精度的在线提高.实验表明,该算法可降低观测噪声先验信息不足的影响,减小定位误差.  相似文献   

针对噪声不确定性增大的数据关联问题,提出特征点序列数据关联机器人同步定位与地图构建方法。根据机器人环境特征点的空间几何信息,基于图论建立特征点间的信息相关性。利用相邻两步的特征点观测信息协方差的变化,转化成求解特征点TSP问题和特征序列最大相关函数,以此确定所观测特征点的数据关联。实验证明,提出的方法可在噪声不确定性增大的情况下,保证同步定位与地图构建算法的一致性。  相似文献   

本文主要研究了多机器人同步定位与地图构建(SLAM)的地图实时融合问题.在本文中提出一种混合的SLAM算法(HybridSLAM)算法,可以同时观测和更新多个路标,并根据FastSLAM2.0思想利用选取的最准确的路标观测值来修正机器人位姿.然后,在改进HybridSLAM算法基础上,进一步提出一种改进的多机器人HybridSLAM算法(MR–IHybridSLAM).每个机器人在不同初始位置运行IHybridSLAM算法构建子地图,并将子地图信息实时发送到同一工作站中.根据卡尔曼滤波(KF)原理将每个机器人构建的子地图融合成全局地图.最后,通过仿真实验构建多机器人融合的特征地图并与单一机器人快速的SLAM算法(FastSLAM)和HybridSLAM算法构建的地图进行误差对比,进一步来验证该算法的准确性、快速性和可行性.  相似文献   

基于V距离势场的实时滚动路径规划   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张育  席裕庚 《机器人》1997,19(5):350-355
本文针对移动机器人作业环境中存在的大量未知障碍,而其传感器探测范围有限的特点,采用V距离势场,通过势场的局部增量修改,实现实时滚动路径规划,并通过仿真说明了其 有效性。  相似文献   

朱德良 《微计算机信息》2007,23(26):252-253,78
针对迷宫这一特殊的复杂环境,在分析传统人工势场法的不足的基础上,本文提出离散势场概念,来解决其路径规划问题。在初始化的离散势场基础上,根据传感器信息调整势场值,该算法可以使迷宫机器人的行走路径达到最优化。最后进行了计算机仿真,结果表明,该算法在迷宫这样的复杂环境下能有效地实现路径规划。  相似文献   

足球机器人路径规划的改进型人工势场算法研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
传统人工势场法不能适应复杂动态环境且容易产生局部极小,论文提出了一种改进型的人工势场算法,该算法考虑了机器人和障碍物的速度、加速度等动态特性,对传统人工势场进行了有效的调节,使其能更好地适应动态复杂环境,对局部极小问题进行判定,通过改变斥力场和引力场的影响力来解决局部极小问题,将该优化算法运用到足球机器人仿真比赛中,结果表明基于改进型人工势场优化算法能够在动态对抗性的环境中有效地实现最优路径规划,弥补了传统人工势场的不足。  相似文献   

针对矿井障碍物复杂多变、救灾机器人采用传统人工势场法进行路径规划易陷入局部极小点的问题,提出一种基于改进人工势场法的救灾机器人路径规划方法。该方法通过在引力场中加入扰动场来改变引力场函数,使救灾机器人在陷入局部极小点时自主走出局部极小点;结合障碍填充法,通过对凹障碍物进行虚拟填充,形成新的障碍物并产生相应的斥力场函数,避免救灾机器人再次陷入局部极小点。仿真及测试结果验证了该方法的可行性及有效性。  相似文献   

基于改进势场法的足球机器人避障路径规划   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文
分析了势场法用于移动机器人路径规划中产生目标不可达问题的原因, 提出了改进的斥力势场函数, 将机器人与目标的相对距离考虑在内, 以确保总的势场力在目标位置全局最小. 改进的势场法应用于足球机器人避碰控制. 仿真与应用结果表明, 它能有效地解决在目标附近有障碍物时目标不可达问题.  相似文献   

In this paper, a new network is proposed for automated recognition and classification of the environment information into regions, or nodes. Information is utilized in learning the topological map of an environment. The architecture is based upon a multi-channel Adaptive Resonance Associative Memory (ARAM) that comprises of two layers, input and memory. The input layer is formed using the Multiple Bayesian Adaptive Resonance Theory, which collects sensory data and incrementally clusters the obtained information into a set of nodes. In the memory layer, the clustered information is used as a topological map, where nodes are connected with edges. Nodes in the topological map represent regions of the environment and stores the robot location, while edges connect nodes and stores the robot orientation or direction. The proposed method, a Multi-channel Bayesian Adaptive Resonance Associative Memory (MBARAM) is validated using a number of benchmark datasets. Experimental results indicate that MBARAM is capable of generating topological map online and the map can be used for localization.  相似文献   

Vector field SLAM is a framework for localizing a mobile robot in an unknown environment by learning the spatial distribution of continuous signals such as those emitted by WiFi or active beacons. In our previous work we showed that this approach is capable of keeping a robot localized in small to medium sized areas, e.g. in a living room, where four continuous signals of an active beacon are measured (Gutmann et al., 2012). In this article we extend the method to larger environments up to the size of a complete home by deploying more signal sources for covering the expanded area. We first analyze the complexity of vector field SLAM with respect to area size and number of signals and then describe an approximation that divides the localization map into decoupled sub-maps to keep memory and run-time requirements low. We also describe a method for re-localizing the robot in a vector field previously mapped. This enables a robot to resume its navigation after it has been kidnapped or paused and resumed. The re-localization method is evaluated in a standard test environment and shows an average position accuracy of 10 to 35 cm with a localization success rate of 96 to 99%. Additional experimental results from running the system in houses of up to 125 m2 demonstrate the performance of our approach. The presented methods are suitable for commercial low-cost products including robots for autonomous and systematic floor cleaning.  相似文献   

Most recent robotic systems, capable of exploring unknown environments, use topological structures (graphs) as a spatial representation. Localization can be done by deriving an estimate of the global pose from landmark information. In this case navigation is tightly coupled to metric knowledge, and hence the derived control method is mainly pose-based. Alternative to continuous metric localization, it is also possible to base localization methods on weaker constraints, e.g. the similarity between images capturing the appearance of places or landmarks. In this case navigation can be controlled by a homing algorithm. Similarity based localization can be scaled to continuous metric localization by adding additional constraints, such as alignment of depth estimates. We present a method to scale a similarity based navigation system (the view-graph-model) to continuous metric localization. Instead of changing the landmark model, we embed the graph into the three dimensional pose space. Therefore, recalibration of the path integrator is only possible at discrete locations in the environment. The navigation behavior of the robot is controlled by a homing algorithm which combines three local navigation capabilities, obstacle avoidance, path integration, and scene based homing. This homing scheme allows automated adaptation to the environment. It is further used to compensate for path integration errors, and therefore allows to derive globally consistent pose estimates based on “weak” metric knowledge, i.e. knowledge solely derived from odometry. The system performance is tested with a robotic setup and with a simulated agent which explores a large, open, and cluttered environment. This work is part of the GNOSYS (FP6-003835-GNOSYS) project, supported by the European Commission.  相似文献   

基于势场法的移动机器人避障路径规划   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对势场法所固有的几个缺陷,提出了一种基于势场法的移动机器人避障路径规划算法,并成功应用于未知复杂环境下移动机器人的路径规划中。仿真试验表明:提出的方法具有较强的路径规划能力,克服了传统势场法的缺点,具有较强的实用性。  相似文献   

提出了一种静态环境下机器人路径规划的改进蚁群算法.该算法使用栅格法对机器人的工作空间进行建模,通过模拟蚂蚁的觅食行为,采用折返的迭代方式对目标进行搜索;在搜索过程中,以移动方向一定范围内最大信息素和目标引导函数作为启发式因子;此外,根据蚁群算法处理本问题时信息素散播的特点,重构了信息素的更新策略和散播方式.仿真试验结果表明,改进措施使最优路径的寻找快速而高效,即使在障碍物非常复杂的环境下,算法也能迅速地规划出一条最优路径.  相似文献   

In this paper, a new approach is developed for solving the problem of mobile robot path planning in an unknown dynamic environment based on Q-learning. Q-learning algorithms have been used widely for solving real world problems, especially in robotics since it has been proved to give reliable and efficient solutions due to its simple and well developed theory. However, most of the researchers who tried to use Q-learning for solving the mobile robot navigation problem dealt with static environments; they avoided using it for dynamic environments because it is a more complex problem that has infinite number of states. This great number of states makes the training for the intelligent agent very difficult. In this paper, the Q-learning algorithm was applied for solving the mobile robot navigation in dynamic environment problem by limiting the number of states based on a new definition for the states space. This has the effect of reducing the size of the Q-table and hence, increasing the speed of the navigation algorithm. The conducted experimental simulation scenarios indicate the strength of the new proposed approach for mobile robot navigation in dynamic environment. The results show that the new approach has a high Hit rate and that the robot succeeded to reach its target in a collision free path in most cases which is the most desirable feature in any navigation algorithm.  相似文献   

基于量子遗传算法的移动机器人的一种路径规划方法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
以人工势场法和栅格法为基础,考虑到遗传算法的“收敛速度慢”和“早熟收敛”问题,提出了一种基于量子遗传算法的机器人路径规划方法。该方法采用栅格法进行路径规划,利用人工势场法控制移动机器人,利用量子遗传算法选择最优或次优个体,并且引入双适应度评价函数评价进化个体,为最优或次优个体进入下一代提供了保障。仿真实验表明,该方法的寻优能力及稳定性均优于遗传算法和量子遗传算法,且具有更好的收敛性以及更强的连续空间搜索能力,适于求解复杂优化问题。  相似文献   

针对足球机器人在动态环境下的安全路径规划,提出一种将神经网络和遗传算法相结合的路径规划方法.用hopfield神经网络描述存在障碍物的动态环境,然后用遗传算法对代表路径的控制点进行寻优,并把路径安全性和最短路径要求融合为一个适应度函数.通过仿真实验表明该方法具有较高的实时性和有效性.  相似文献   

针对足球机器人在动态环境下的安全路径规划,提出一种将神经网络和遗传算法相结合的路径规划方法。用hopfield神经网络描述存在障碍物的动态环境,然后用遗传算法对代表路径的控制点进行寻优,并把路径安全性和最短路径要求融合为一个适应度函数。通过仿真实验表明该方法具有较高的实时性和有效性。  相似文献   

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