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廖文 《城乡建设》2004,(12):14-15
猎德村作为"城中村"的问题观察 广州的"城中村"很多,也各具特点.猎德所处之地秦汉时期为珠江水所没,魏晋时期珠江泥沙淤积出露为浅沙洲.从北宋元丰年间李氏始祖诠举家南迁在今石牌东葫芦岗上,围垦沙洲开始.为李、林、梁、麦、钟、罗、林等姓夹猎水聚居形成.经过几百年的开发,猎德成为标准的岭南传统水乡渔村.各姓氏和睦,李、林、梁为三大姓,村落里巷交错,各姓氏宗祠、神庙、书院略有规模,大榕树荫庇错落,青砖石板班驳,村民主要以种植果树及捕鱼为业.猎德杨桃驰名省港.改革开放后,尤其是珠江新城的规划与开发,猎德的许多土地被征用为各种建设用地.三面为高楼所包围,一面临珠江,与国际会展中心相望.  相似文献   

郭燕  周文 《建筑技艺》2014,(4):104-105
猎德旧村改造是广州城中村改造工程的示范项目,该项目以猎德水乡文化为线索,将体现猎德历史、人文的元素融入设计之中,切实改善了猎德村的人居品质和人文环境。保留、传承、发扬猎德文化是我们设计的基本思路。  相似文献   

黎颖  孙礼军  周文 《新建筑》2013,(1):166-169
城中村改造的重点内容就是建构富有地域特色的景观环境,为城市提供充满活力的空间与场所.猎德城中村改造之猎德涌两岸景观工程尝试从传统岭南水乡景观、文化要素取材,复建岭南水乡特色景观意象,以期提升城市开放空间和珠江滨水景观带环境品质.  相似文献   

分析了广州市城中村的社会经济状况,总结和评析了广州“城中村”现状及改造方案,重新审视“城中村”改造中出现的问题与矛盾,认为城中村问题的核心问题是“转制”以后村集体股份制公司的管理以及村民的出路问题和适应外来流动人口需求的城市住房供给问题,最后提出城中村改造的新思路,即:构建“政府—村民—开发商”的利益均衡机制以改造其物质环境,智力支持和教育补偿以改造村村委会及村民,城乡信息沟通渠道的畅通和补偿方式的多样化,以及城中村空间改造及功能重塑的多样化模式。  相似文献   

针对广州市近年频发内涝问题,以猎德涌流域为例,对内涝灾害概况、内涝成因进行了全面、系统分析,并相应提出内涝治理的对策及思路.猎德涌流域内涝问题作为当前城市化进程中的城市排水研究具有典型性,该研究实例也可为城市建设或改造中与排水相关规划和设计提供借鉴.  相似文献   

位于珠江新城东南部的猎德村是城中村改造的典范,之所以称之为典范,因为猎德独有的文化内涵被保留和延续。城中村改造不是简单的推倒重来的物质改造,更重要是要关注人文历史的延续与传承。猎德村改造在文脉传承方面给了我们很多的启示。  相似文献   

“城中村”改造存在问题及反思   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着城市化进程加速发展,城中村的负面影响日益加剧,城中村改造是必然的.但是对于经过不同的改造安置方式,居住到新的居住区中的城中村村民,由于生活区位被动迁移以及生存空间的改变,相应产生了一系列的社会问题.文章从不同安置方式的城中村改造为出发点,分析改造中存在的问题并反思问题的根源,提出城中村改造的理念.  相似文献   

网上评标是电子商务的繁荣背景下招标发展的趋势。本文以广州建设工程交易中心“勘察设计远程评标服务系统”为例,对系统的需求、功能、体系结构进行了较深入的分析,重点介绍了建设网上评标系统的系统接口设计、安全设计及MVC开发模式.并针对勘察设计投标文件产生的大容量文件上传下载及加密处理等技术进行了讨论。最后以“猎德酒店及猎德涌一河两岸古建筑景观工程”项目评标为例阐明了系统实现效果。  相似文献   

落实农业转移人口市民化是构建和谐社会与推进新型城镇化的重要抓手,本文通过对市民化途径的分析研究,认为渐进式市民化是当前实现农业转移人口市民化的有效途径.同时,梳理实施市民化过程中的受阻原因,结合新型城镇化关于“人的城镇化”的发展要求,提出“带地进城”的过渡性发展对策,并分析该对策所具有的优势,着力解决农业现代化与新型城镇化同步发展、农业转移人口落户制度建设、基本公共服务设施建设等问题,以期实现农业转移人口既好又快的渐进式市民化转型.  相似文献   

冯江  杨颋  张振华 《新建筑》2011,(2):22-29
结合广州历史建筑改造中的荔枝湾、红专厂、片街区更新为背景的历史建筑改造的常见现象和特点,了讨论。猎德村和“穿衣戴帽”等典型案例,概述了广州以成并对其观念因素、制度性因素和技术性细节分别作出.  相似文献   

20世纪90年代以后,在我国经济体制改革深化和全球竞争日益激烈的背景下,我国地方城市普遍采取了将"城市经营"理念引入旧城改建的做法.市场作用在加速推进我国旧城改建进程的同时,也造成了许多严峻的经济社会矛盾与城市空间问题,问题的根源在于地方政府过分追求经济效益造成旧城改建中角色错位和主体间利益不均衡.地方政府应该有序协调近期建设与远期发展的关系,强化高效的公共财政运作机制,优化城市经营,有序引导旧城空间发展,促进城市经营与旧城改建的良性结合.  相似文献   

章征涛  刘勇 《城市规划》2019,43(7):60-66
分析了我国城中村改造中参与主体的联盟、组织和作用机制等问题,指出当前我国城中村改造与城市更新的地方政治结构不同,解释城市更新的“增长联盟”框架不能直接套用到城中村改造中去:一方面,城中村改造突破了“增长联盟”的主体关系,投资方与原有村民结成了紧密的联盟关系,打破了原有政府权力和开发资本的联盟;另一方面,增长与反增长的边界变得模糊,在经济利益的影响下,不同参与主体倾向于选择性增长(介于增长与反增长之间)。以珠海市山场村改造为例,实证了上述研究发现,进一步完善和发展了原有的“增长联盟”理论。  相似文献   

魏立华  闫小培 《城市规划》2005,29(7):9-13,56
分析了“城中村”的浅层涵义及其本质,认为“城中村”已经演化为“为城市流动人口提供廉租房的低收入社区”,仅考虑村民的改造措施是不妥当的。通过“城中村”和贫民窟的比较研究发现,“城中村”是有序的、自组织的“类单位制”的社会经济运行系统,这不同于以非法、无序、暂时性、社会职能缺失为基本特征的贫民窟,因而不能够采取类似于处理贫民窟的改造模式。城市政府主导的“城中村”改造的目的应当是不谋“城中村”的区位利益,只为身为弱势群体的低收入流动人口的居住质量谋福利。在此基础上,“自我原位塑造”,即“在原有区位上由村民或村集体改造自身(但以留存乃至扩大出租屋经济为前提)”是目前的可行性模式。  相似文献   

After decades of internal conflict, Colombia is experiencing economic growth and urbanization. It remains, however, one of the most socially unequal countries in Latin America. Medellín, acclaimed the most innovative city, implemented large-scale transport infrastructures to link socially excluded areas to the city; new educational and cultural facilities; new public spaces and housing projects, rooted in the Barcelona model. This so-called ‘social urbanism’ has shifted local perceptions, though its socio-economic impact has been questioned. This paper focuses on the less analysed transformations in planning policy and management through two instruments: the Land Use Plan (Plan de Ordenamiento Territorial – POT) and the ‘Plan Parcial’. The research, based on a desktop review, interviews and site visits, examines the application of these instruments in Medellín, reflecting on how they contribute to achieving the aims of ‘social urbanism’. The paper explores the differences between ‘rhetoric’ and practice that are reflected in those between the city’s overarching plan (POT) and the implementation of ‘planes parciales’, focusing on redevelopment, urban renewal and urban expansion. Such differences mirror the deficiencies in the adaptation of the ‘urban project’ Barcelona model in Medellín, and provide the basis for a call to develop ‘social urbanism’ that is genuinely more socially, territorially comprehensive and inclusive.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Since the early 1970s, Baltimore has been heralded as a model of how declining, older U.S. cities can be revitalized Baltimore's economic development strategy has hinged on the creation of a “good business climate”; the linchpin of the strategy has been the redevelopment of downtown into the “corporate center” of a new Baltimore economy based on advanced services and tourism. Despite the favorable publicity accorded Baltimore's transformation, systematic analysis of social and economic trends suggests that corporate center-business climate redevelopment has done little to boost aggregate levels of prosperity in the city. Moreover, the Baltimore strategy has generated uneven patterns of growth and exacerbated urban dualism Baltimore has become “two cities”: a city of developers, suburban professionals, and “back-to-the-city gentry who have ridden the downtown revival to handsome profits, good jobs, and conspicuous consumption; and a city of impoverished blacks and displaced manufacturing workers, who continue to suffer from shrinking economic opportunities, declining public services, and neighborhood distress. The article explores three main reasons for these results: (1) business domination of Baltimore's public-private “partnership,” (2) the absence of explicit mechanisms linking downtown redevelopment to the revitalization of low- and moderate-income neighborhoods, and (3) the inherent pitfalls of building an urban economy on downtown-centered corporate services and tourism. The article concludes by briefly examining the implications of the Baltimore case for the general problem of how to generate equitable, sustainable economic development in older U.S. cities.  相似文献   

This article examines how a creative city project in Yokohama regenerated urban spaces before and during the 2008 financial crisis. Japanese cases can broaden our view of post-crash effects and policies. Japan avoided financial entanglements that plague the US and much of Europe. However, its export-oriented economy, which never recovered from a long period of stagnation, now suffers because of the declining purchasing power of its Western trading partners. Moreover, the direct role of the state in urban policy suggests a different context than that theorized in Western accounts of urban entrepreneurialism (or neo-liberalism): the latter stresses the role of municipal governments and developers in using creative city policies to create sanitized forms of urban redevelopment. To address the gap in knowledge about this sort of process in Japan, I use strategic informants, observations and secondary data to examine how creative city projects helped transform Yokohama’s Kogane-cho neighborhood from an enclave of brothels to an art district. In contrast to Western cases which feature local government and development interests, I show how creative city policies also were influenced by the interactions of neighborhood groups, provincial police and a national economic development policy encouraging quality of life measures, including crime control in entertainment districts. National stimulus funds have sustained the quality of life initiatives, but the art district’s homogeneity raises doubts about its status as a creative milieu.  相似文献   

With the establishment of Guangzhou Urban Renewal Bureau,the first of its kind in China,as the background and the starting point,the paper reviews relevant experiences in the UK,Singapore,and Hong Kong,summarizes the features,responsibilities,and rights of such institutions.Through analyzing three statuses of redevelopment,which are increased,reduced,and retained construction,the paper points out that urban renewal is a process orienting at promoting the comprehensive capacity of the built-up environment.Then the paper summarizes the strength and weakness of the "three olds" reconstruction policy making and implementation in Guangzhou,holding that the strength lies in the effective land consolidation and socially collaboration experiences,while the weakness includes the unclear rights and responsibilities,unsystematic target,and imbalanced interests distribution.It concludes that the goal of urban renewal is to improve the existing built-up environment without damaging the benefits of original stakeholders,to emphasize both fairness and efficiency,and to seek for sustainable city redevelopment with optimized comprehensive capacity.Moreover,the paper clarifies that the primary responsibility of urban renewal is to well maintain the built-up environment and the extended responsibility is to properly coordinate the city redevelopment.Considering that urban renewal is a kind of public administration with distinctive social and processing features,urban renewal should be empowered the necessary implementation priority and administrative permission power via local legislation measures.In addition,an effective social collaboration platform should be established to actively support the urban renewal and to reflect the "new normal" of city redevelopment.  相似文献   

There is growing interest in the transformation of urban citizenship and the changing right to the city of the urban poor under neoliberal restructuring of cities in the Global South. This article examines a ‘squatter settlement transformation project’ in Istanbul that is intended to contribute towards the transformation of Istanbul into a global city. The transformation projects are based on private homeownership, incorporate the urban poor into a new ‘property regime’ and allocate them differentiated access to housing in the city. Using qualitative data, this article traces the unequal outcomes of the project for its displaced residents and demonstrates the emergence of ‘differentiated urban citizenship’. This emergent urban citizenship regime in Turkish cities organizes the distribution of substantive housing rights based on social inequalities among the urban poor, and thus consolidates and perpetuates these inequalities in society.  相似文献   

王慧  吴晓 《城市规划》2020,(4):31-42
职业流动及其相伴的就业迁移是个体社会经济地位获得或改变的重要方式之一,同时也是一个时间、空间和社会多维互动的过程,从“时间-空间-社会”多维视角研究农民工的就业迁移有助于更系统性地探寻其城市生活轨迹和市民化进程。本文借鉴个体行为轨迹分析的相关研究,将农民工就业迁移的空间、时间和社会三要素相结合,构建了“时间-空间-社会”路径分析方法;并进一步以2015年南京市主城农民工问卷调查所获取的回溯数据为基础,分维度探讨了农民工的就业迁移轨迹。结果显示,南京市农民工就业迁移的社会流动过程具备若干生命历程特征和空间依赖特征。这一结论对我国农村劳动力转移和市民化进程中的相关政策制定有着积极意义。  相似文献   

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