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Hessler T  Rossi M  Kunz RE  Gale MT 《Applied optics》1998,37(19):4069-4079
The fabrication of continuous-relief diffractive optical elements by direct laser beam writing in photoresist is analyzed. The main limitation and tolerances are identified, and their influence on optical performance is quantified. Fabricated structures show rounded profile steps resulting from the convolution of the desired profile with the writing beam. This leads to a reduction in diffraction efficiency. Optimization techniques are presented to minimize this effect. Scaling the profile depth by a factor of mu > 1 increases the first-order diffraction efficiency for blazed elements. This method is also applied to suppress the zeroth diffraction order in computer-generated holograms. A nonlinear compensation of the exposure data for the Gaussian beam convolution results in an 18% increase of the diffraction efficiency for a blazed grating with a 10-mum period to a value of 79%.  相似文献   

Enhancing the diffraction efficiency of continuous-relief diffractive optical elements fabricated by direct laser writing is discussed. A new method of zone-boundary optimization is proposed to correct exposure data only in narrow areas along the boundaries of diffractive zones. The optimization decreases the loss of diffraction efficiency related to convolution of a desired phase profile with a writing-beam intensity distribution. A simplified stepped transition function that describes optimized exposure data near zone boundaries can be made universal for a wide range of zone periods. The approach permits a similar increase in the diffraction efficiency as an individual-pixel optimization but with fewer computation efforts. Computer simulations demonstrated that the zone-boundary optimization for a 6 microm period grating increases the efficiency by 7% and 14.5% for 0.6 microm and 1.65 microm writing-spot diameters, respectively. The diffraction efficiency of as much as 65%-90% for 4-10 microm zone periods was obtained experimentally with this method.  相似文献   

We present what is to our knowledge a new type of diffractive optical element (DOE), the computer-generated stratified diffractive optical element (SDOE), a hybridization of thin computer-generated DOEs and volume holograms. A model and several algorithms for calculating computer-generated SDOEs are given. Simulations and experimental results are presented that exhibit the properties of computer-generated SDOEs: the strong angular and wavelength selectivity of SDOEs makes it possible to store multiple pages in a computer-generated SDOE, which can be read out separately (multiplexing). The reconstruction of an optimized SDOE has a higher quality than the reconstruction of optimized one-layer DOEs. SDOEs can be calculated to have only one diffraction order.  相似文献   


A novel, to our knowledge, multi-wavelength diffractive optical pickup is presented. The pickup enables multi-focus imaging and increases the data transfer rate considerably. Parallel reading of two or more memory layers is possible. The different spots can be controlled independently. The optical pickup consists of different diffractive optical elements (DOEs). The measured full-width at half-maximum (FWHM) spot intensity for the DOE-pickup is 0.76 μm—close to the diffraction limited predicted value of 0.71 μm—indicating good optical performance. The measured highest diffraction efficiencies of the realized DOEs are about 92%.  相似文献   

Polarization-multiplexed phase-only diffractive optical elements with subwavelength structures are proposed and fabricated. The differences among the phase modulations result from the differences among the effective indices exhibited in the subwavelength structures with various filling factors and surface profiles, and the phase retardations are obtained by the relief depth of the structures. The polarization-selective property is achieved by the polarization dependence of the effective indices exhibited in the one-dimensional subwavelength structures and the polarization independence exhibited in the two-dimensional structures. Additionally, the polarization contrast of our polarization-multiplexed elements, defined as the cross talk between the two polarization incidences, is independent of the relief depth. The principle of the polarization multiplexing by use of the subwavelength structures is described, and the fabrication results for the polarization-multiplexed computer-generated holograms are demonstrated.  相似文献   

Goebel B  Wang LL  Tschudi T 《Applied optics》1996,35(22):4490-4493
The proposed multilayer technology makes it possible to approximate a continuous phase distribution by discrete phase steps. Compared with binary techniques, a higher diffraction efficiency can be achieved. In most known processes a bulk substrate is used and etched directly; therefore it is difficult to control the height of the phase steps. We propose applying layers of a well-known thickness and structuring them with a selective etching process. In this new multilayer process for reflecting elements a system of metal and dielectric layers is used that can easily be produced by standard methods.  相似文献   


We consider the feature dimensions of selected 1D diffractive optical elements (DOE) such that the Fourier transform based Gerchberg-Saxton (GS) iterative scalar phase retrieval algorithm, as calibrated by the results of vector coupled-wave theory, may be used for phase reconstruction. We consider examples only of continuous surface relief and binary (two level, not multi-level) phase-only DOE. Experimental phase distribution for rectangular and blazed gratings with ~ 5λ period agree within experimental limits with scalar theory, and, for the rectangular grating, were shown to agree also with the vector theory. Phase distributions are considered for a continuously varying linear blazed grating with 10λ periodicity, its sampled binary equivalent with minimum feature sizes of 0.1λ and for continuous linear blazed gratings with period varied from ~ 16λ to ~ 2λ. The vector calculations show an average linear dependence of the phase on grating period, but the vector curves are displaced to lower values from the scalar results by an increasing amount as the grating period is reduced. Grating performance is more influenced by the size of the grating period than the subwavelength size of the features in a binary representation. Reasonable equivalence is found in the prediction of correct phase distributions between scalar and vector theory for grating periods > ~ 5λ.  相似文献   

Interference effects in far-field diffractive optical elements   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Waddie AJ  Taghizadeh MR 《Applied optics》1999,38(28):5915-5919
The effects of interference between closely packed diffraction orders in the far field are studied for a number of different scalar-domain diffractive optical elements (DOE's). We demonstrate that there are specific order separations that minimize the observed degradation in the far-field output uniformity. Finally, a DOE that is designed to ensure that the order separation lies near one of these minima is compared with a more general design that produces an equivalent far-field output.  相似文献   

In laser projection systems the observer in the far field of the image points on the screen will recognize serious speckle noise. There are many methods to reduce or eliminate speckles in the near field by reducing or eliminating temporal or spatial coherence of the laser. But for the far field it is hardly possible to change the coherence properties of laser sources so that speckles will disappear. We propose a new method for eliminating speckles in the far field by using a diffractive optical element. The intensity modulation depth in the far-field speckle pattern can be reduced to a few percent while good beam quality is preserved.  相似文献   

Davis JA  Evans GH  Moreno I 《Applied optics》2005,44(19):4049-4052
We show experimental results for programmable polarization multiplexing of diffractive optical elements (DOEs) onto two liquid-crystal displays (LCDs). The first LCD encodes the two multiplexed phase-only diffractive optical elements. The second LCD acts as a pixelated polarization rotator to change the polarization state for each of these two DOEs. Although the system requires precise alignment, the DOE's and polarization angles are fully programmable.  相似文献   

Rockward WS  O'Shea DC 《Applied optics》1998,37(22):5075-5086
Orienting two identical or complementary diffractive gratings with a small angle between the grating grooves allows a new crossed-grating device to be constructed. This device has an effective profile that varies locally. For understanding the effects of this variation and the diffraction efficiency of the gratings, the local profiles were correlated with the moiré period of the crossed-grating system by use of various techniques. Asymmetric intensity behavior in the first order of the crossed gratings was seen. Effectively, the diffraction efficiency of the crossed gratings yielded a response equivalent to that of a grating with variable blaze that could be useful in optical computing as a passive optical switching device. One of several models is described that creates greater asymmetric behavior.  相似文献   

The problem of light diffraction by a micro-optical diffractive element is investigated. The method of stationary phase is applied to obtain approximate values of the integrals in the Kirchhoff approximation. The accuracy of the asymptotic approximation is studied in detail. As an application, the obtained approximate formulas are used to solve a design problem of constructing a diffractive optical element with a desired intensity distribution.  相似文献   

Arieli Y  Noach S  Ozeri S  Eisenberg N 《Applied optics》1998,37(26):6174-6177
A method for producing diffractive optical elements (DOE's) for multiple wavelengths without chromatic aberration is described. These DOE's can be designed for any distinct wavelength. The DOE's are produced from two different optical materials, taking advantage of their different refractive indices and dispersions.  相似文献   

In a recent paper [J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 16, 113 (1999)] a thin-element approximation of diffractive optical elements was used to describe diffraction of oblique incident wave fronts. This expression motivated by a ray optical analysis is shown to be incorrect. I discuss how the thin-element approximation can be generalized to arbitrary diffraction geometries. This includes an intuitive interpretation of the results.  相似文献   

Bragg-type gratings were prepared by irradiation inside a series of optical polymers with femtosecond laser pulses and the preparation conditions of the grating were examined. Repeated scanning irradiation with femtosecond laser pulses formed gratings due to refractive index changes inside polymers. Among the polymers examined in the present study, polymethylpentene (PMP) showed the highest diffraction efficiency, which was an order of magnitude higher than those of other optical polymers. The density of PMP was the lowest among the polymers evaluated in the present study, and the large volume contraction based on its low density was responsible for the larger refractive index change of PMP. Furthermore, we fabricated large-area diffractive optical elements (DOEs) in PMP measuring 15 × 25 mm2 by widening the scanning area.  相似文献   

Lu CY  Liao HZ  Lee CK  Wang JS 《Applied optics》1997,36(20):4702-4712
In general, as diffractive optical elements formed by use of self-repeating patterns possess beneficial characteristics such as scratch resistance, low design effort, ease of fabrication, and natural formation of large panels, an efficient design methodology that was developed with a modified preserving-the-best strategy of genetic algorithms is presented. Both genetic algorithms and simulated annealing are examined by the Markov-chain stochastic process to create the insight needed to use these two heuristic algorithms efficiently. It was found that adding the preserving-the-best strategy to traditional genetic algorithms guarantees the possibility of locating the global optimum. Combining this sufficient and necessary condition for locating a global optimum for genetic algorithms with the built-in chromosome crossover searching mechanism and its neighborhood identification makes this newly developed genetic algorithm an effective method for designing diffractive optical elements. In our study, a prototype was fabricated based on our case study with the modified genetic algorithm. The performance of this prototype was measured and analyzed. Experimental results are shown to agree well with theoretical predictions.  相似文献   

Makki S  Wang Z  Leger JR 《Applied optics》1997,36(20):4749-4755
A diffractive optical element is used to relay complex laser beam profiles by phase conjugation. It has the advantage over a conventional afocal system of avoiding light concentration at the intermediate focal point. Theoretical and experimental results show that the image quality is a function of alignment errors and mode-size changes. When the optical system is within the calculated tolerances, the diffractive optic reproduces images of high quality.  相似文献   

Sohn JS  Lee MB  Kim WC  Cho EH  Kim TW  Yoon CY  Park NC  Park YP 《Applied optics》2005,44(4):506-511
Diffractive optical elements (DOEs) are key components in the miniaturization of optical systems because of their planarity and extreme thinness. We demonstrate the fabrication of DOEs by use of gray-scale photolithography with a high-energy-beam sensitive glass photomask. We obtained DOE lenses with continuous phase profiles as small as 800 microm in diameter and 5.9 microm in the outermost grating pitch by selecting a suitable optical density for each height level and optimizing the process variables. Microlenses patterned with eight levels and replicated by UV embossing with the polymer master mold showed a diffraction efficiency of 81.5%, which was sufficiently high for the devices to be used as optical pickups. The effects of deviations in diffraction efficiency between the DOE height and profile design were analyzed.  相似文献   

Analytic approach for optimal quantization of diffractive optical elements   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Levy U  Cohen N  Mendlovic D 《Applied optics》1999,38(26):5527-5532
One of the most important factors that limit the performance of diffractive optical elements (DOE's) is the depth accuracy of the relief structure. A common procedure for fabricating DOE's is the binary optics procedure, in which binary masks are used for the fabrication of a multilevel relief structure. Here an analytic procedure for calculating the optimal depth levels of DOE's, the phase bias, and the decision levels is presented. This approach is based on the minimization of the mean-squared error caused by the quantization of the continuous profile. As a result of the minimization an optimal value for the etching depth of each photolithographic mask is determined. The obtained depth values are, in general, different from the depth values used by the conventional multilevel approach. Comprehensive mathematical analysis is given, followed by several computer simulations that demonstrate the advantages of the proposed procedure.  相似文献   

We propose an improved version of the earlier developed optical arrangement for generating inhomogeneously polarized laser light modes with the aid of a diffractive optical element (DOE) with carrier frequency. By eliminating lenses from the optical arrangement, we achieve the miniaturization, reduced light losses, a smaller number of parameters being matched, and a simpler system adjustment procedure. Note that all the capabilities of the previous version, namely, the universality and simple readjustment to different polarization types, are fully retained. The numerical modeling of the polarization mode combiner has made it possible to analyze its performance and capabilities. In the experiments, the quality of the resulting beams is shown to be improved. For generating higher-order cylindrical beams, a lower-order mode at the output of the polarization mode combiner is additionally transformed with a DOE that operates in the zero diffraction order, introducing radial phase changes.  相似文献   

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