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A valuation scenario was designed using a contingent-valuation approach and presented to decision makers in business firms in Kenya’s Lake Naivasha basin to test how applicable a water fund might be as a potential financing mechanism for a payment for water-related ecosystem services scheme. The findings indicate that measuring a firm’s willingness to invest in ecosystem services could help determine whether a firm would invest and engage with other stakeholders to pool their investments in ecosystem services. Linking the institutional decision-making behaviour of a firm and its willingness to invest in a water fund is the novelty of this article.  相似文献   

In the past 26 years the transport of allochthonous matter into Lake Onego has increased. Water brownification in Petrozavodsk Bay, a northwestern bay in Lake Onego, and in the Shuya River, a tributary of the bay, was shown earlier to begin in spring. The goal of this paper was to find out whether brownification spreads from Petrozavodsk Bay to the central part of the lake in summer. Spearman’s correlation coefficient and linear correlation coefficient confirm a significant (p < 0.05) increase in water color in Petrozavodsk Bay in the summers of 1992–2018. A tendency for increasing water color was found in the Central Onego’s epilimnion. Total iron and CO2 concentrations in the epilimnion have increased and pH values have decreased both in Petrozavodsk Bay and in the Central Onego. In the Central Onego’s hypolimnion, only total iron and CO2 concentrations have considerably increased. However, the present lake ecosystem is resistant to the increased effect of allochthonous matter due to long water renewal time and self-purification. In spite of a significant increase in CO2 concentration in the lake water, the bicarbonate buffer system maintains the acid-base equilibrium and the changes revealed are not considered critical for the ecosystem.  相似文献   

Fungi are phylogenetically diverse organisms found in nearly every environment as key contributors to the processes of nutrient cycling and decomposition. To date, most fungal diversity has been documented from terrestrial habitats leaving aquatic habitats underexplored. In particular, comparatively little is known about fungi inhabiting freshwater lakes, particularly the benthic zone, which may serve as an untapped resource for fungal biodiversity. Advances in technology allowing for direct sequencing of DNA from environmental samples provide a new opportunity to investigate freshwater benthic fungi. In this study, we employed both culture-dependent and culture-independent methods to evaluate the diversity of fungi in one of the largest freshwater systems on Earth, the North American Laurentian Great Lakes. This study presents the first comprehensive survey of fungi from sediment from Lake Michigan and Lake Superior, resulting in 465 fungal taxa with only 7% of sequence overlap between these two methods. Additionally, culture-independent analyses of the ITS1 and ITS2 regions revealed 49% and 72%, respectively, of the OTUs did not match a described fungal taxonomic group below kingdom Fungi. The low level of sequence overlap between methods and high percentage of fungal taxa that can only be classified at the kingdom level suggests an immense amount of fungal diversity remains to be studied in these aquatic fungal communities.  相似文献   

We investigated the phytoplankton species composition and abundance in two seasons in Mwanza Gulf, Lake Victoria (Tanzania). Phytoplankton was sampled and chlorophyll a content was measured in the dry and wet seasons of 2010–2011 at three stations, from the southern land-inward end of the Gulf towards the open lake. Cyanobacteria, mostly small colonial and filamentous species (e.g., Aphanocapsa spp., Planktolyngbya spp., Merismopedia spp.) dominated at each station (76–95 %), followed by Chlorophyta (5–21 %), whereas the contribution of Bacillariophyceae was small (0–6 %). Phytoplankton densities were generally higher in the rainy season and strongly increased going land-inward from the open lake. Low abundance of N-fixing phytoplankton species suggests that N-fixation was low. The chlorophyll a content in the mouth of the Gulf was low (mean values 4–6 µg/L) compared to values reported previously. Also, chlorophyll a values (means 11–14 µg/L) at land-inward stations of Mwanza Gulf were much lower than those in the northern gulfs (Napoleon Gulf, Murchison Bay and Nyanza Gulf). Between 2002 and 2009 the phytoplankton composition of Mwanza Gulf changed from a community mostly dominated by Bacillariophyceae into a community dominated by Cyanobacteria. In the open water of Lake Victoria, Bacillariophyceae and Cyanobacteria were both abundant. Cyanobacteria dominated both in the three northern gulfs and Mwanza Gulf, but all four showed substantial differences in species and genus compositions. Phytoplankton composition and abundance in Mwanza Gulf differs in many respects from the open water of Lake Victoria and its three northern gulfs.  相似文献   

Since at least the 1940s, multiple anthropogenic disturbances to the Laurentian Great Lakes have had detrimental effects on benthic habitats and biota including decimating the environmentally sensitive burrowing mayfly genus Hexagenia around the mid-1950s. While remediation efforts have facilitated recovery of some populations, benthic surveys in Saginaw Bay, Lake Huron in the last 50 years have only occasionally discovered Hexagenia nymphs. Recently, adult Hexagenia swarms have been reported near the bay; therefore, we corroborated the local presence of Hexagenia adults and evaluated the current status of Saginaw Bay Hexagenia nymphs. We quantified adults during mayfly emergence events in 2010 at three Tawas City, Michigan, USA area locations, and found > 17 Hexagenia/m2/site. We quantified nymphs from Ponar grab samples collected at 57 sites in Saginaw Bay between 2009 and 2012, and found 1.5 nymphs/m2 overall with nymphs present at 15.8% of sites sampled, their greatest documented distribution in Saginaw Bay since 1956. Additionally, we mapped bay sediment composition and related sampling site abiotic conditions with both Hexagenia presence and abundance using Zero-Inflated Poisson regression. Model results indicate that the probability of observed Hexagenia absence being true absence is positively related to both sediment sandiness and surficial dissolved oxygen concentration while Hexagenia abundance is greatest where surficial temperatures are ~ 18.6 °C and is also related to sediment sand content. The documentation of nearby adults and in bay nymphs may indicate the beginning of a Hexagenia return to Saginaw Bay, and, therefore, a possible improvement of the ecosystem's benthic health.  相似文献   

The amphipod Diporeia spp. has historically been an important component of the benthic food web of the Laurentian Great Lakes. The Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement included its population density as an indicator of ecological condition for Lake Superior, with target values of 220–320 m?2 in nearshore areas (≤100 m depth) and 30–160 m?2 in offshore areas (>100 m). To assess the status of Diporeia in Lake Superior, we used a probability-based lake-wide survey design to obtain estimates of Diporeia density and biomass in 2006, 2011 and 2016. A PONAR grab sampler was used to collect Diporeia at 50–53 sites each year, with approximately half in the nearshore (<100 m depth) region of the lake and half in the offshore. The mean area-weighted lake-wide density was 395 ± 56 (SE) m?2 in 2006, 756 ± 129 m?2 in 2011, and 502 ± 60 m?2 in 2016. For all years, both density and biomass were greater in the nearshore than in the offshore stratum. The densities for 2006–2016 were 3–5 times higher than those reported from a lake-wide survey conducted in 1973 by the Canada Centre for Inland Waters. The severe declines in Diporeia populations observed in the other Great Lakes during recent decades have apparently not occurred in Lake Superior. Further research is needed to understand spatial and temporal variability of Diporeia populations in Lake Superior to enhance the utility of Diporeia density as an indicator of benthic condition.  相似文献   

In Lake Superior, almost all embayment and coastal species depend on overwintering stages. Diapausing eggs from sediments provide a long-term record of species presence in addition to furnishing individuals for genetic characterization and experimental studies (resurrection ecology). Here we begin to clarify the historical development of present day species distributions in Lake Superior by examining species composition in time and space around the Keweenaw Peninsula. Keweenaw Bay sediments document the relatively recent increased abundance (perhaps arrival) of Daphnia mendotae and D. retrocurva in coastal assemblages, two species previously assumed to be characteristic of late summer assemblages. Ephippial eggs are confirmed to species by hatching experiments and genetic characterization. The timing of D. mendotae and D. retrocurva appearance coincides roughly with initial ship traffic through the St. Marys River, suggesting colonization from the lower Great Lakes at that time. An alternative hypothesis is that run-off from forest clearance altered coastal waters and encouraged Daphnia development. Eutrophication and increased abundance of planktivorous fishes, particularly perch and smelt, may also have contributed to Daphnia species succession in the Keweenaw Waterway, whereas recent interactions with Bythotrephes in Keweenaw Bay may be pushing assemblages towards dominance of D. mendotae and Holopedium. Contact between D. mendotae and resident D. dentifera in the Keweenaw Waterway led to hybridization. In the waterway, hybrids were more common in the past, yet hybridization continues in small ponds and embayments near regions of species contact.  相似文献   

The concentration profiles of the potential endocrine disrupting nonionic alkylphenol ethoxylate (APEO) surfactants in Israel's rivers, groundwaters and coastal water of the eastern Mediterranean Sea, were found to be within the range of 12.5-74.6, trace - 20.2 and 4.2-25.0 microg/L respectively. Determination of the APEO's homologic distribution revealed "skewing" towards the more toxic shorter-chain ethoxylates. Egg production of zebrafish, Danio rerio, exposed to these actually found the environmental concentrations range of the APEOs decreased, after 20 days, to 89.6+/-2.1, 84.7+/-3.9 and 76.9+/-2.2% of the baseline levels, compared with control, in concentrations of 10, 25 and 75 microg/L respectively. These results suggest that, (a) there is a potential health problem, particularly in countries in which the "hard"/environmentally persistent APEOs are still in use; and (b) the related health-risk is seasonally-dependent, particularly in semi-arid regions where the fluctuations in the water quantities in surface- and groundwater are substantial.  相似文献   

Food web theory predicts that one of the consequences of oligotrophication is the decline in fisheries following the establishment of nutrient-deficient conditions and low biogenic production. However, emerging evidence suggests that more complex trophic interactions, induced by plankton composition, dietary diversification, temporal and spatial heterogeneity, variations in fish age and size structure can lead to ecosystem responses that deviate from theoretical predictions; especially in the shallow littoral zone. In this study, two end-to-end modelling strategies are used to characterize potential food web structural shifts and overall ecosystem productivity in response to oligotrophication. Our modelling strategy draws upon empirical and theoretical evidence from the Bay of Quinte, a semi-enclosed embayment in northeastern Lake Ontario that has been subjected to phosphorus (P) abatement strategies in the 1970s. We first show that the role of food abundance has been a primary factor shaping fish production, but the fish community gradually responded to the reduced availability of pelagic staples of their diet by displaying greater reliance upon alternative sources, including benthic and other autochthonous (or even allochthonous) food items. Our analysis further suggests that degree of diet overlap between competing trophic guilds can significantly modulate realized biomass levels. The composition of the autotrophic community is another major confounding factor that can induce significant variations from the predicted food web productivity patterns in response to oligotrophication. Overall, our analysis suggests that the proposed reduction of the ambient total phosphorus levels may not necessarily trigger a significant decline in fish biomass in the Bay of Quinte.  相似文献   

The Great Lakes watersheds have an important influence on the water quality of the nearshore environment, therefore, watershed characteristics can be used to predict what will be observed in the streams. We used novel landscape information describing the forest cover change, along with forest census data and established land cover data to predict total phosphorus and turbidity in Great Lakes streams. In Lake Superior, we modeled increased phosphorus as a function of the increase in the proportion of persisting forest, forest disturbed during 2000–2009, and agricultural land, and we modeled increased turbidity as a function of the increase in the proportion of persisting forest, forest disturbed during 2000–2009, agricultural land, and urban land. In Lake Michigan, we modeled increased phosphorus as a function of ecoregion, decrease in the proportion of forest disturbed during 1984–1999 and watershed storage, and increase in the proportion of urban land, and we modeled increased turbidity as a function of ecoregion, increase in the proportion of forest disturbed during 2000–2009, and decrease in the proportion softwood forest. We used these relationships to identify priority areas for restoration in the Lake Superior basin in the southwestern watersheds, and in west central and southwest watersheds of the Lake Michigan basin. We then used the models to estimate water quality in watersheds without observed instream data to prioritize those areas for management. Prioritizing watersheds will aid effective management of the Great Lakes watershed and result in efficient use of restoration funds, which will lead to improved nearshore water quality.  相似文献   

A comparative summary of the literature on parasites reported from lake trout, Salvelinus namaycush, from the Great Lakes is presented. Twenty-four studies on parasites infecting lake trout in these lakes have been published since 1874 with 32 parasite species (1 Monogenea, 3 Digenea, 9 Cestoidea, 6 Nematoda, 6 Acanthocephala, 1 Annelida, 5 Crustacea, 1 Fungi) being reported. The most common parasites are Eubothrium salvelini and Echinorhynchus salmonis in the intestine, and Cystidicola stigmatura in the swim bladder. Most of the parasites occur in the gastrointestinal tract. Twenty (80%) of the 25 helminth species reported from lake trout are represented by adults. The dominance of these helminth species is attributable to the position of lake trout in the food web of the Great Lakes as top predators. Parasitological data from splake, Salvelinus namaycush X Salvelinus fontinalis, from Lake Huron are also presented.  相似文献   

This article analyzes the factors that explain why groundwater can be over-exploited despite the existence of sophisticated water laws, institutions and effective state agencies responsible for water management. The analysis is based on a case study conducted in the Copiapó Valley in northern Chile. Based on an analysis of water use data, policy documents and interviews with a variety of stakeholders, the article highlights the state’s failure to perform some of its key missions and the ineffectiveness of groundwater users’ associations in water management despite a very supportive legal framework. The article concludes with some recommendations on how ensure long-term sustainable groundwater use.  相似文献   

Time-series measurements of current velocity and water temperature made at a station in southwestern Lake Ontario between October 1992 and June 1993 are combined with analyses of material collected in a sequencing sediment trap moored at the same location. The results show that local resuspension of bottom material occurred several times during November and December. Analyses of total PCBs and Mirex concentrations were used to infer the origins of the material collected in the traps. Material collected during the fall has multiples sources; in addition to material already in suspension and bottom material resuspended from the immediate area, some material appears to be derived from the Niagara River delta. This is the first reported instance of bottom resuspension in the Great Lakes at depths below wave base during the unstratified period that has been confirmed by current velocity measurements.  相似文献   

The lake whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) is one of the native Lake Ontario fishes that declined severely over the past century. Recent evidence of larval lake whitefish production in a historic spawning area (Chaumont Bay) might signal a recovery of this species in New York waters. We surveyed coastal and open water areas to evaluate densities and estimate total abundance of larval lake whitefish in Chaumont Bay. Other historic spawning areas and embayments with appropriate spawning and nursery habitat were also surveyed, but only a few larvae were found outside of Chaumont Bay. Lake whitefish larvae were found in every embayment sampled within Chaumont Bay, with larval densities of nearly 600/1000 m2 in some samples. Greatest abundances occurred in the northern sectors and near the mouth of the bay. Open water densities were generally less than half that of nearshore sites. The total bay-wide estimate for 2005 was approximately 644,000 lake whitefish larvae, but dropped to 230,000–400,000 in 2006 and 2007, respectively. Mean larval growth rates (0.36 mm/day) did not differ by year, but were consistently higher in early May than in late April. Lake whitefish production in Chaumont Bay is encouraging for this species, but the cause and persistence of the decline after 2005 can be determined only by continued monitoring. Other possible bottlenecks of survival may exist at juvenile and adult stages and could significantly affect recruitment dynamics. This species is sensitive to normal climatic fluctuations and increased variability associated with global climatic change could make winter nursery conditions unfavorable for this species.  相似文献   

Lake Vättern is Sweden’s second largest lake and faces multiple environmental challenges such as climate change, pollutants and invasive alien species. Since its foundation in 1957, the Lake Vättern Society of Water Conservation (LVSWC) has been a local actor aiming to manage a broad range of environmental issues concerning the lake and its catchment. Stakeholders can be members of LVSWC, which also organises a fisheries co-management group mainly dealing with fisheries issues. Ecosystem-based fisheries management (EBFM) is a widely desired framework shaped to focus on ecosystems, involve stakeholders, and address environmental issues in an adaptive, integrated and holistic manner while also including societal aspects. We have investigated how the management of Lake Vättern relates to 15 central principles for EBFM. The study found that LVSWC and the fisheries co-management group work along and towards the EBFM principles in a locally adapted way. Several environmental improvements have been observed concurrently with LVSWC activity, such as increased water clarity, and a strengthened stock of the Arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus). Long-term commitment by European, national and regional authorities was seen as essential to maintain and improve EBFM functions for Lake Vättern, to ensure continuity in the work, rather than having to depend on short projects. Becasue literature examples of EBFM in lakes are scarce worldwide, this study provides a unique example of the pursuit of EBFM in lake ecosystem management.  相似文献   

Logframes are fundamental to contemporary development. However, there are ongoing debates about their efficacy. This paper pinpoints the limitations of the logframe approach in a water project in Central Asia. Issues surrounding logframes are identified. These include addressing internal risks; the use of baseline studies for the accuracy of assumptions; the ability to adapt under an inflexible budget; and linking the logframe and contract. Findings show that rigid planning may constrain effective project implementation. Greater flexibility through embedded learning and adaptation, adjustable budgets and meaningful mainstreaming of risks may equip projects to cope with uncertainties to achieve sustainability.  相似文献   


This article discusses the bias of the growing constituency of civil society activists in India against conventional water management solutions implemented by the government, and the ‘alternatives’ they champion, which force the government to enter into an endless debate with these groups. The article goes into the fundamental reasons for this bias, and identifies four types of civil society activist: ‘professional’, ‘ideologue’, ‘romantic’ and ‘doomsday prophet’. The article also argues that water bureaucracies in India should adopt evidence-based policy making, subjecting the ‘alternatives’ to the same degree of scrutiny as the conventional ones, to end the policy dilemma, while enhancing the overall quality of design, execution and management of projects for better outcomes.  相似文献   

Lake trout stocked in the Great Lakes appear to spawn primarily on shallow reefs (< 16 m deep), particularly on breakwaters or water intake lines. Shallow water substrates are being rapidly colonized by zebra mussels, potentially resulting in degraded substrate and interstitial water quality. The attraction of spawning lake trout to new substrate and the effect of zebra mussels on spawning success was examined. Lake trout eggs and fry were collected on clean cobble and cobble fouled with zebra mussels at the Port of Indiana in southern Lake Michigan, and on each of three recently constructed submerged reefs. Egg deposition was similar among all sites except on new, unfouled cobble, where deposition was 11 to 29 times higher, depending on the collection device used. The ratio of empty egg chorions to intact eggs was similar among all sites except the fouled substrate, where the ratio was 129× higher (P < 0.001). Fry catches were similar on fouled and unfouled substrate, but 6.5 × higher on one of the new reefs (P < 0.01). In laboratory incubators, egg hatching rates were similar in cobble with and without zebra mussels. Lake trout were attracted to spawn on newly constructed artificial reefs, but the presence of zebra mussels appeared to reduce egg deposition and increase damage to eggs. Artificial reefs may successfully increase the amount of spawning substrate available for lake trout, but if they are constructed in shallow water they may not be productive areas for egg incubation and fry hatch due to the presence of zebra mussels, shallow-water egg and fry predators, and storm surge.  相似文献   

In Côte d’Ivoire, most of the reservoirs built to improve water supply, electricity, agriculture and cattle no longer work because of silt deposits and euthrophication. This study aims at modeling the hydro-sedimentary functioning of Lake Taabo in order to understand the sedimentation phenomena taking place. In this survey, 204 water samples and 31 bottom sediment samples were taken, during different hydrological seasons, to estimate suspended sediment concentrations and characterize the bottom sediments of Lake Taabo. The study showed that suspended solid variations are related to hydrological seasons. During dry seasons, the lake is lightly loaded; the average concentration is 7.89 mg/L. At the other end of the scale, during rainy seasons, suspended sediment concentrations increase and the average concentration is around 16.30 mg/L. The bottom of the reservoir mostly consists of mud. Sands are found near the islands and the dam. Sand size varies from medium grain to coarse. The average grain size is 451.48 μm. The hydro-sedimentary environment of Lake Taabo was simulated by a transport model, coupled with a hydrodynamic model. The various simulation scenarios indicated that Lake Taabo is subject to 20 to 60 mm of annual deposits. The greater thicknesses were observed near the spillway and the power intake.  相似文献   

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