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全国无线电监测技术演练活动已经鸣金收兵,作为江苏省代表队的主力队员参加该次比赛,并取得团体总分第2名的成绩,我们感到无比的荣耀和自豪,于我们而言,这也是人生道路上一次难得的机遇和挑战.  相似文献   

谢彤 《现代音响技术》2005,(11):106-106
爱乐者们向来是倾心于一些超级乐团的,凭借指挥的声望和乐队成员高超的配合水准,票房当然是勿庸置疑的,然而有些特别的声音我们却不得不关注--世界和平管弦乐团,一支与众不同且独一无二的音乐团队其实10年前就已经悄然诞生了,用乐队的创建者乔治·索尔第爵士(Sir.Georg Solti)的话来说"这支独特而又日趋壮大的音乐力量将会成为一个伟大的和平使者!"  相似文献   

今年年初,国家无线电管理办公室将无线电监测技术演练列入2004年工作要点,由此在全国掀起了监测技术演练的热潮。江西、江苏、山东等省积累多年来的经验,举办了新一轮丰富多彩的技术竞赛和实战演练,四川、重庆、海南、广东、广西、吉林等省、市也举办了首届技术演练。四川省为普遍提高全省监测技术水平,在竞赛前分3个片区对全省监测技术人员进行了培训和演练。  相似文献   

2004年全国无线电监测技术演练活动给我们提供了一个很好的学习和锻炼机会,通过强化训练和参加竞赛,使我们的理论和业务水平得到了进一步提高.  相似文献   

2004年全国无线电监测技术演练活动开展在即,各省(区、市)无线电管理部门都在积极"备战",这使得我国无线电管理战线的2004之夏变得更加火热了.  相似文献   

在综合分析2019年江苏省开展的无线电监测技术演练活动基础上,总结了开展技术演练活动的收获与体会,探讨并提出了相关改进措施。  相似文献   

2004年9月10日-11日,作为国家无线电监测中心代表队的一员,我参加了2004年全国无线电监测技术演练.虽然作为东道主队,我们不参加最终的排名,但是作为参赛队员,我们感到压力还是挺大的,因为早就听说各个赛区出线的省代表队是经过了多次选拔淘汰赛脱颖而出的,他们不仅有着丰富的实践经验,更重要的是在赛前都做了充分的甚至长达数月的专门训练.  相似文献   

本刊讯日前,北京奥组委技术部宣布,北京奥运会第二次、也是最后一次技术演练圆满结束。在这次演练中,奥运会无线电管理团队顺利完成了技术演练中的相关场景测试,做好了保障奥运会无线电安全的充分准备。  相似文献   

<正>本刊讯为加强全省无线电管理队伍建设,进一步做好无线电管理技术支撑,全面提升重大活动、重大赛事、重要考试、重要时期的无线电安全保障能力,2021年12月15日至17日,江西省工业和信息化厅在南昌市举办了全省无线电监测技术演练,来自全省5个区域无线电监测中心的35名技术人员参加了本次演练。厅二级巡视员陈军到场指导观摩,他详细了解了演练安排等情况,并对做好演练工作提出了要求。  相似文献   

0前言 无线电监测、测向是无线电管理部门的一项重要的、不可或缺的工作,是无线电行政管理的技术保障。随着无线电通信事业的发展,各种新技术的广泛应用,无线电信号愈发多样和复杂,  相似文献   

A third part is presented of an investigation into a thermomechanical AFM data-storage array with local-rewriting capability. Its ultimate performance is assessed by computer simulation in terms of characteristic read time, energy consumption per heating pulse, and maximum reading sensitivity. To this end, a mathematical model is specifically developed and implemented in software.  相似文献   

《IEE Review》2003,49(3):49-49

从索尼(SONY)Handycam HDR-TG1E 相关消息公布以来,注定就会吸引众多数码玩家和时尚人士的目光,这不仅仅源于它采用超小巧的立式机身,更因为其高清拍摄以及完善的辅助功能。完美一点点,方能更讨人喜欢,这就是爱恋 TG1E 的原因。  相似文献   

今年2月1日,我站干扰投诉中心接到宁波港务局通信站的紧急干扰投诉。该通信站称其水上通信频段在北仑港区域受到强信号干扰,其干扰特征为:早上8点至9点左右有干扰,下午不多;晚上7点至11点偶而有干扰,且没有调制的声音。港务局通信站用MS50型综测仪进行监测显示,干扰频段  相似文献   

最近,我遇见了一个老朋友,他是一位很有经验的模拟电路工程师,从事高可靠服务器用电源子系统的设计工作.他说,他设计的宽度为19英寸的典型机架安装电路板要消耗100A的电流.我对此一点也不感到惊讶.我们都知道,今天的处理器耗电很大,因为芯片上有几百万个有源器件,其耗电累加起来也就不得了.  相似文献   

Ultimate heat-transfer limitations imposed by sonic vapor flow were determined in heat pipes for sodium, potassium, and cesium working fluids. Each fluid was investigated in a heat pipe consisting of an inner porous tube, an annulus for liquid return, and an outer container tube. Thin, rigid tubes with very small pores were obtained by compressing several layers of fine-mesh screen. These tubes allowed large capillary forces to develop so that sonic vapor flow could be achieved at several operating temperatures. The results of the investigation showed that sonic limitations were influenced strongly by the temperature and the working fluid. Reasonable agreement was found between the experimental results and existing theory. It was also found that the theory could be used to predict evaporator pressure and temperature gradients when the heat pipes were operated at various fractions of their ultimate heat-transfer capability.  相似文献   

The lack of understanding, analyzing, and communicating technological ``uncertainties' are presented by the author as seriously undermining the effectiveness of decision-making in both public affairs and industry. Uncertainties are as important to truth as certainties and should be part of all forms of technical communication. ``Technical truth,' it is pointed out, is not developed in the legal process of adversary confrontation. On the other hand, ``adversary truth,' as presented by the contestants, is only part of the truth, for it excludes uncertainties, which are left to the perspicacity of the audience. In the well-publicized ABM controversy, the technical atmosphere had degenerated into that of an adversary confrontation, and technical truth with its uncertainties could not emerge. This basic and typical deficiency of the ABM controversy is not limited to public affairs: it exists strongly in industry and takes its toll in reducing the quality of decision-making in inefficient operations and in unnecessary crises, all carrying a burden of cost. It appears that the damaging effects of inattention to technical uncertainties could be radically reduced under a carefully worked out and nurtured environment.  相似文献   

《Spectrum, IEEE》2009,46(5):24-25
On 14 November 1999, an episode of "Futurama," the animated sci-fi comedy series conceived by "The Simpsons" creator Matt Groening, jolted computer geeks with a display of technological acumen absolutely unprecedented in prime-time entertainment. In the episode, "Fry and the Slurm Factory," a character named Professor Farnsworth points his F-ray at the head of the show's famously ill-tempered robot, Bender. It reveals a little rectangle, apparently a chip, labeled "6502."  相似文献   

多少年过去了,Scott Tallynr经是一位电子游戏的痴迷者,任何种类的电子游戏对他来说都有着特殊的魅力,如今Scott Tally已经是一位专业摄影师,他对于生活的态度是十分积极的,这可以从他最近完成的地下多媒体娱乐房间中找到答案。  相似文献   

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