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The use of a bioengineered bioluminescent bacterium (Shk1) for monitoring zinc toxicity was evaluated with samples from a municipal activated sludge wastewater treatment plant and in a bench-scale activated sludge system. Bioluminescent measurements were compared with oxygen uptake rates of activated sludge samples. In batch experiments with activated sludge, the Zn EC50 for Shk1 bioluminescence was 16 mg/L, while the Zn EC50 for activated sludge OURs was approximately 58 mg/L. In the bench-scale system, the influent Zn concentrations tested were 50 and 200 mg/L in toxic shock loads of about 4 h duration. Soluble Zn transport through the influent, aeration basin, and clarifier was able to be monitored by the decrease in Shk1 bioluminescence. However, bioluminescence in samples from the aeration basin decreased faster than activated sludge specific oxygen uptake rates. Differences in responses of Shk1 and the activated sludge community may be due to differences in the assay conditions, the growth forms, physiology of the organisms, or previous cultivation conditions.  相似文献   

Color removal from cotton textile processing wastewater by addition of powdered activated carbon (PAC) into a lab-scale activated sludge system was examined. The activated sludge system was continuously operated in different sludge ages (SRTs) and hydraulic retention times (HRTs). SRT = 30?d and HRT = 1.6?d operation resulted in up to 36% color removal and 94% COD removal. PAC was added 100, 200, and 400 mg/L into the activated sludge system under these operating conditions. The results indicated that 100 mg/L PAC was sufficient to remove the maximum color measured (up to 50 m?1) from the wastewater. The addition of PAC did not affect chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal significantly. Oxygen uptake rate (OUR) tests were also performed to investigate the microbial activities controlling the system performance. The average OUR was 74.1 mg/L/h without PAC addition while it was 70 mg/L/h with PAC addition. Adsorbable organic halogens of the effluent wastewater decreased from 400 to 50 μg/L with the addition of PAC. Toxicity dilution factor decreased from 2 to 1.5 with the PAC addition into the activated sludge system.  相似文献   

Models ranging through simple, intermediate, and International Water Association complex activated sludge models (ASMs) were evaluated to compare their ability to describe biomass growth and substrate removal in an activated sludge system. A membrane-activated sludge bench-scale system was used to treat a complex synthetic wastewater over a wide range of operating conditions, ranging from 1 to 15 days solids retention time and 4 to 12 h hydraulic retention time. Total suspended solids, volatile suspended solids (VSSs), and total and soluble chemical oxygen demands (CODs) were monitored in the influent, the reactor, and the effluent. A variety of substrate removal formulations were used with the simple and intermediate models. Although all models provide excellent prediction of biomass growth, the intermediate model was best. Prediction of substrate removal was good with models that incorporated a nonbiodegradable component in the influent. ASM3 was the best model for predicting effluent soluble COD, but overall, the intermediate model was judged best for prediction of mixed liquor VSS and effluent soluble COD.  相似文献   

The Integrated Fixed Film Activated Sludge (IFAS) wastewater treatment systems are activated sludge biological nutrient removal processes that have been enhanced by the addition of biofilm support media into the aerobic zone of the system to obtain year round nitrification in activated sludge systems that otherwise could not support it. The objective of this study was to develop a computer package called “IFAS” that allows steady-state simulation of IFAS wastewater treatment processes based on the International Association Water Quality general model for activated sludge and empirical equations for chemical oxygen demand (COD) uptake and nitrification on integrated fixed film developed at Virginia Tech. The current version of the IFAS program supports only sponge-type media; however, the model could be modified for other media if the appropriate equations and required parameters values are known. Data obtained from IFAS sponge media pilot scale plants treating a weak municipal wastewater supplemented by sodium acetate, urea, sodium bicarbonate, and potassium phosphates and operated at different aerobic mean cells residence times were used to evaluate the model with parameter values for nitrification and COD uptake rates developed in batch studies. The model-generated ammonia and soluble COD profiles were insignificantly different statistically from the experimental data. The IFAS model satisfactorily predicts carbonaceous removal and nitrification, and has the potential to be a useful tool for scientists and engineers seeking to design and optimize either IFAS or conventional biological nutrient removal activated sludge systems.  相似文献   

Implications of conventional activated sludge (CAS) process modification to a low sludge production (LSP) process have been studied for treating pulp and paper wastewaters. The activated sludge process is modified to a two-stage design to establish a microbial food chain that would result in reduced sludge production. The return activated sludge in the LSP process bypasses the first (dispersed growth) stage to be received only by the second (predatory) stage. The resulting once-through operation of the dispersed growth (DG) stage makes it potentially susceptible to bacterial washout under hydraulic shock conditions. A sensitivity analysis of the DG stage operation was performed by varying its hydraulic residence time. The experimental data revealed that the optimal DG stage hydraulic residence is between 3 and 5?h, with bacterial washout likely to be initiated within 2?h. Based on laboratory results, it appears that a well-designed LSP system is likely to be able to handle day-to-day variations in hydraulic and organic loading rates. The LSP process produced 36% less sludge than the CAS process while consuming approximately 25% more oxygen. The treatment performance of the two systems was comparable except that the LSP sludge had much better settling and dewatering properties.  相似文献   

A membrane bioreactor (MBR) system treating wastewater containing high molecular weight compounds was operated at solids retention times (SRTs) ranging from 30 to 2 days. Chemical oxygen demand removal efficiencies exceeded 99% and effective nitrification was obtained at SRTs between 30 and 5 days. A significant shift in the biological population structure was observed at the 2 days SRT as the content of gram-negative microorganisms increased and nitrifying bacteria were washed out. At this low SRT, limitations in the biological reaction kinetics resulted in incomplete degradation of the feed protein increasing the presence of soluble organic matter in the effluent. Furthermore, the diluted mixed liquor prevented the formation of a filtration cake on the membrane surface, further deteriorating effluent quality. Biological kinetic data parameters were analyzed using three different representations for biomass: volatile suspended solids, lipid phosphates, and total enzymatic activity. All three indicators exhibited similar trends resulting in very comparable estimates for endogenous decay coefficients, thus demonstrating the reliability of volatile suspended solids as a measure for biological activity in activated sludge. Lower than typical endogenous decay rates in the MBR suggested favorable environmental conditions for respiration and a lower potential for self oxidation and predation. The true yield coefficient was in the range of conventional activated sludge systems, refuting previous suggestions of lower yields in MBRs.  相似文献   

A combined system composed of three sequentially arranged reactors, anaerobic-anoxic-aerobic reactors, was used to treat the wastewater generated in the tuna cookers of a fish canning factory. These wastewaters are characterized by high chemical oxygen demand (COD) and nitrogen concentrations. The anaerobic process was performed in an upflow anaerobic sludge blanket reactor operated in two steps. During Step I different influent COD concentrations were applied and organic loading rates (OLRs) up to 4 g COD/(L?d) were achieved. During Step II hydraulic retention time (HRT) was varied from 0.5 to 0.8 days while COD concentration in the influent was constant at 6 g COD/L. The OLRs treated were up to 15 g COD/(L?d). When HRTs longer than 0.8 days were used, COD removal percentages of 60% were obtained and these values decreased to 40% for a HRT of 0.5 days. The denitrification process carried out in an upflow anoxic filter was clearly influenced by the amount of carbon source supplied. When available carbon was present, the necessary COD/N ratio for complete denitrification was around 4 and denitrification percentages of 80% were obtained. The nitrification process was successful and was almost unaffected by the presence of organic carbon (0.2–0.8 g TOC/L), with ammonia removal percentages of 100%. Three recycling ratios (R/F) between the denitrification and nitrification reactors were applied at 1, 2, and 2.5. The overall balance of the combined system indicated that COD and N removal percentages of 90% and up to 60%, respectively, were achieved when the R/F ratio was between 2 and 2.5.  相似文献   

A steady state mathematical model is developed for describing the completely mixed biofilm–activated sludge reactor (hybrid reactor). The model is derived by simultaneously considering Monod kinetics expressions and Fickian’s diffusion theory for substrate in biofilm. In addition, it includes the basic concepts, which describe both culture (suspended and attached) and the competition between them for limiting substrate. By using this model the suspended biomass concentration can be obtained for this system. Subsequently, the other remaining parameters of the system can be computed. Therefore it helps to design and operate the hybrid reactor under different conditions for any given set of kinetic parameters. The utility of the model has been explained for a given set of data and verified by comparing with another solution. It is found that for the same set of data, the model is accurate in the results. The model has been presented in more than one form, each form having an explicit solution of the system. Compared with other solutions of such a system, the model provides a good tool for describing such a system based on fundamental principles.  相似文献   

This paper proposes an algorithm for a robust optimal design of the biological reactor and secondary settling facilities in suspended growth nitrogen and phosphorus removal systems. Robust optimization includes uncertainty in the decision-making procedure and seeks a solution that remains “close” to optimal for all potential operation scenarios. It thus differs fundamentally from the deterministic and stochastic approaches, where uncertainty is ignored or a solution based on either the most likely scenario or the average performance over all potential scenarios is produced. The robust optimization of a suspended growth system is a multiobjective optimization problem concerned with minimization of the global costs and variability of the system’s performance around the optimal. The proposed robust optimization approach uses the ASM3 model, making use of its performance prediction capabilities to produce a powerful tool for designing activated sludge systems. The algorithm was applied to the design of the biological reactor and secondary settling facilities for the Vila Real municipal wastewater treatment plant (Portugal).  相似文献   

The Hsinchu Science-based Industrial Park (HSIP) is the main manufacturing base of “high-tech” commodities of Taiwan. The treatment of wastewater of HSIP produces hard-to-dewater sludge, at a rate of 80 Mg/day, which is resistant to chemical conditioning, whose disposal is costly. The use of chemical flocculation and physical conditioning, including heating and freezing and thawing, on the dewaterability of HSIP sludge was examined in this Note. The dewaterability of the original sludge was poor, and neither chemical flocculation nor thermal heating enhanced its dewatering. However, the freezing and thawing could release up to 83% of moisture from the sludge body; in line with this occurrence, the settleability and filterability of the sludge were considerably enhanced. The ice front developed during freezing, which could destroy the floc network, release the interstitial water, and might correspond to the successful conditioning using freezing and thawing.  相似文献   

Results of mathematical modeling and whole cell 16S ribosomal RNA-targeted fluorescence in situ hybridizations challenge the widely held perception that microbial populations in “steady-state” activated sludge systems share a common net growth rate that is proportional to the inverse of the mean cell residence time. Our results are significant because they encourage bioprocess engineers to appreciate the differences in growth physiology among individual microbial populations in complex mixed microbial communities such as suspended growth activated sludge bioreactor systems.  相似文献   

Suspended solids mean cells residence time (MCRT) and temperature are two key parameters for designing Integrated Fixed Film Activated Sludge (IFAS) wastewater treatment processes, as an alternative for achieving year-round nitrification. It has been demonstrated from both full-scale and bench-scale studies that IFAS can accomplish year-round nitrogen removal and denitrification in aerobic zones in winter when operated with suspended growth MCRTs less than the critical MCRT for nitrifiers, thus avoiding increasing reactor or clarifier volumes. The objective of this study was to investigate the performances of IFAS systems that were operated at relative high MCRT compared to nitrifier washout MCRT and low temperature for biological nutrient removal. The comparison between two IFAS systems with Accuweb media in both the anoxic and aerobic zones, and a conventional three zone biological nutrient nemoval (BNR) system was conducted at 10°C with a 10 day MCRT using the UCT/VIP configuration for both systems and feeding with Blacksburg domestic wastewater. Influent flow was split 50% to the first anaerobic reactor and 50% to the first anoxic reactor to enhance denitrification in one of IFAS systems and the conventional BNR control system whereas 100% of the influent flow was fed to the first anaerobic reactor in the other IFAS system. The data from this investigation indicated that the performances of the control and IFAS systems were insignificantly different under the experimental operating conditions for both biological nitrogen and biological phosphorus removal except for IFAS with integrated fixed film media in the anoxic zone and when 50% of the influent was added directly to the first anoxic reactor.  相似文献   

In aquatic toxicity testing, no single test species responds appropriately to all toxicants. Therefore test batteries consisting of several individual assays are becoming more common. The species comprising a test battery should be representative of the entire system of interest. Each assay should be complementary to other components in the test battery and the test battery should not include redundant tests. We studied the selection of test battery components for the assessment of the toxicity of organic chemicals to activated sludge. The assays considered were the continuous Shk1, Microtox, Polytox, activated sludge respiration inhibition, Nitrosomonas, and Tetrahymena assays. The correlations between the toxicity data obtained from these assays were analyzed by examining the correlation matrix and by principal component analysis. These statistical methods showed that the Nitrosomonas assay should be included in test batteries plus one of the remaining five assays for assessing toxicity of organic compounds to activated sludge.  相似文献   

A hybrid model which incorporated a biofilm model into the general dynamic model was developed to predict the effluent quality of a combined activated sludge and biofilm process—Taiwan National Central University Process 1. The system was performed under three different dissolved oxygen (DO) conditions in the oxic tank, including 2.0, 1.0, and 0.5 mg/L. When the DO increased from 0.5 to 2.0 mg/L, the soluble biodegradable substrate (SS) and soluble phosphate (PO4) in the effluent were not significantly influenced. Their removal efficiencies were above 92 and 94%. Ammonia–nitrogen (NH3) removal efficiency increased from 36 to 83% and nitrate–nitrogen (NO3) increased from 1.7 to 2.9 mg/L. In biofilm, when the DO was 2.0 mg/L, the active autotrophic biomass (ZA) fraction was 15.7% (surface) to 12.9% (substratum). But when the DO was 0.5 mg/L, the ZA fraction became lower and the fraction was 6.2% (surface) to 3.5% (substratum). The fraction of active nonpoly-P heterotrophic biomass (ZH) in the biofilm did not vary significantly, the values were about 28–35%. ZI decreased as the DO increased. SS in the biofilm did not vary significantly and was maintained at about 2.0 mg/L. When DO increased, NO3 also increased, NH3 decreased from 13.1 to 1.8 mg/L in biofilm.  相似文献   

In this work we investigated the use of a short time, low superheat boiling process to treat biological sludge. The treated sludge would exhibit a deteriorated filterability, and a marked increase in soluble organics content. A large portion of extracellular polymers was released from the solid phase by boiling. The microbial density levels of the total coliform bacteria and the heterotrophic bacteria were reduced after treatment. Dilution in sludge concentration could allow more organic compounds to be hydrolyzed and a greater fraction of microbes to be disinfected when compared with the undiluted samples.  相似文献   

Current activated sludge models consider that the removal of biodegradable organics by suspended growth includes rapid enmeshment of the organic particles in the microbial floc, hydrolysis of the complex organic molecules into readily biodegradable organic substances, and oxidation of dissolved organic substances. All of the models assume hydrolysis is the rate-limiting step, but none consider the role that the kinetics of biological flocculation and the sludge settling characteristics may play in defining the activated sludge operating parameters. Several researchers have studied the kinetic of biological flocculation, and have analyzed its role on the removal of particulate COD in suspended growth reactors. It has been demonstrated that a large proportion of the organic matter present in sewage can be removed by biological flocculation using short hydraulic retention times and subsequent settling. This paper demonstrates that the one-dimensional limiting flux theory may be useful for coupling the sludge settling properties with the aeration tank behavior, and is a reasonable first approximation that can be used for activated sludge system design and operation.  相似文献   

Mixed liquor pH and temperature are two parameters that affect the growth rate of nitrifying bacteria and therefore the minimum solids retention time required to achieve nitrification. The objective of this study was to determine the consequence of low mixed liquor pH, and to determine if pH depression could be alleviated by recovering alkalinity through denitrification in a pure oxygen activated sludge system. The study was conducted at the University of Manitoba using laboratory scale, pure oxygen activated sludge reactors, fed with primary effluent. The results indicated that when denitrification was not included in the process, the concentration of CO2 in the headspace of the pure oxygen reactors increased to as high as 15% due to carbon oxidation and endogenous respiration. The high CO2 concentration in the headspace combined with low alkalinity caused by nitrification resulted in bulk mixed liquor pHs below 5.5. In order to maintain complete nitrification at a temperature of 24°C and a mixed liquor pH of 5.5, a solids retention time (SRT) of 12 days was required. In comparison, when denitrification was included in the process the pH of the mixed liquor was increased to 6.4 allowing for full nitrification at an SRT of 5.6 days at a temperature of 24°C. The increase in pH in the denitrification trains was attributed to three factors: recovery of alkalinity through the denitrification process, the conversion of influent carbon to CO2 in the anoxic reactor allowing the CO2 to escape to the atmosphere, and the recycle of mixed liquor super saturated with CO2 from the pure oxygen reactor to the anoxic reactor allowing the CO2 to escape to the open atmosphere. It was determined that the nitrifier growth rate at 12°C was approximately 50% of the rate measured at 24°C. At mixed liquor pHs between 6.0 and 6.3 at a temperature of 12°C, the specific nitrifier growth rate was between 0.12 and 0.15?d?1, while at 24°C, the specific nitrifier growth rate was between 0.25 and 0.30?d?1 at pHs ranging from 5.0 to 6.1  相似文献   

The submerged membrane bioreactor (SMBR) is a promising technology for wastewater treatment and water reclamation. This paper presents results from two pilot scale SMBR systems operating in parallel on municipal wastewater in San Diego, Calif. The SMBRs were operated to address the limitations and advantages of the SMBR process compared to conventional activated sludge processes. Minimal membrane fouling was observed throughout the year of testing with the exception of the process limitations. Both pilot units provided consistently high quality effluents throughout the study, even when operating at hydraulic retention times as low as 1.5 h. Two sets of experiments were conducted to identify different fouling conditions. The first experiments were conducted to explore operation at high suspended solids concentrations. The SMBR process experienced adverse performance at mixed liquor suspended solids concentrations greater than approximately 20?g/L. The second experiments explored operation at low mean cell residence time (MCRT). At an MCRT of <2 days, membrane fouling was rapid. Chemical cleaning with sodium hypochlorite solution provided full recovery of the membrane permeability.  相似文献   

Modeling the activated sludge wastewater treatment plant plays an important role in improving its performance. However, there are many limitations of the available data for model identification, calibration, and verification, such as the presence of missing values and outliers. Because available data are generally short, these gaps and outliers in data cannot be discarded but must be replaced by more reasonable estimates. The aim of this study is to use the Kohonen self-organizing map (KSOM), unsupervised neural networks, to predict the missing values and replace outliers in time series data for an activated sludge wastewater treatment plant in Edinburgh, U.K. The method is simple, computationally efficient and highly accurate. The results demonstrated that the KSOM is an excellent tool for replacing outliers and missing values from a high-dimensional data set. A comparison of the KSOM with multiple regression analysis and back-propagation artificial neural networks showed that the KSOM is superior in performance to either of the two latter approaches.  相似文献   

Laboratory and pilot tests were conducted to investigate the use of ionizing radiation at an activated sludge wastewater treatment facility with residuals processing. Operational enhancements were investigated with respect to bulking control, thickening enhancement, and anaerobic stabilization processes. Radiation caused permanent effects in measured sludge parameters including solids content, chemical oxygen demand, ammonia-nitrogen, zeta potential, specific surface area, resistance to filtration, sludge volume index, pH, organic acid production, and digester gas evolution. Analysis of beneficial effects from preliminary studies and pilot tests demonstrated that a dose of 2–3 kGy would be potentially successful for bulking control and to a lesser degree, enhanced thickening and radiation-assisted anaerobic digestion. A cost analysis based on preliminary tests determined that a centralized electron beam irradiator could be applied economically in an integrated approach at an estimated annual savings of $0.2–2.7 million depending upon the application. Considering that the annual cost of operating an accelerator unit was estimated at $2.4 million ($2.16/m3), this might translate into an important savings for a large-scale wastewater treatment facility.  相似文献   

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