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Jaesung Park Yang Liu Kenneth D. Kihm Lawrence A. Taylor 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》2008,21(4):266-271
The particle size distribution (PSD) of lunar dust, the <20?μm portion of the regolith, was determined as an initial step in the study of the possible toxicological effects it may have on the human respiratory and pulmonary systems. Utilizing scanning electron microscopy, PSDs were determined for Apollo 11 (10084) and 17 (70051) dust samples, as well as lunar dust simulant JSC-1Avf. The novel methodology employed is described in detail. All measured PSDs feature a log-normal distribution having a single mode in a range 100–300?nm for lunar dust samples, but the lunar simulant has a mode at ~ 600?nm. 相似文献
对烘干后的电弧炉干粉尘进行基础特性研究,包括化学成分、XRD(X-ray diffraction)检测、粒度分布。根据铁氧化物、锌氧化物的还原热力学原理,提出了"电弧炉粉尘精细还原"的概念。探讨温度(910~1 010℃)和还原时间(2~4h)对电弧炉粉尘金属化率和脱锌率的影响,并利用SPSS(Statistical Product and Service Solutions)软件对实验结果进行方差分析和相关性分析结果表明,电弧炉粉尘TFe含量为47.26%,Zn含量为8.32%;在910~1010℃,使用纯H2对电弧炉粉尘进行精细还原,能实现铁氧化物和锌氧化物分别向MFe和Zn的转变,金属化率和脱锌率分别达到95%、98%左右;同时电弧炉粉尘精细还原的产物未有烧结现象发生。 相似文献
为了解转炉尘泥球团应用于转炉中的冶炼性能,进行了生产性对比实验。试验表明:应用尘泥球团作为化渣剂可加快初期炉渣的形成,明显提高转炉炉渣的去磷能力,回收一定量的铁元素,降低石灰和氧气消耗。 相似文献
Gianni Bartoli Stefano Contri Claudio Mannini Michele Righi 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》2009,135(8):771-785
This paper presents a short review of the state-of-the-art methods to identify bridge deck flutter derivatives and proposes a new algorithm to simultaneously extract the aeroelastic coefficients from free-vibration section-model tests, which is based on the improvement of the unifying least-squares (ULS) method and is therefore called modified unifying least-squares method. The advantages with respect to ULS are the faster and better convergence and the improvement in accuracy due to the introduction of weighting factors in the unifying error function. The method has been validated through numerically simulated noisy signals and experimental heaving and pitching time histories for two different bridge deck cross sections: a single-box and a multiple-box girder section model. The analysis of the artificial signals shows that a few system parameters are very difficult to be identified due to the fact that the problem is strongly ill-conditioned. Nevertheless, all the diagonal and off-diagonal components of the stiffness and damping matrices which significantly contribute to the output of the system are correctly estimated. The improvement with respect to other methods is extensively discussed. For the wind-tunnel test cases the accuracy of the identification procedure is evaluated through the comparison between measured signals and those simulated through the estimated mechanical and aerodynamic system parameters with very satisfactory results. With respect to many previous attempts of validation, this approach clearly shows the degree of accuracy that can be expected from the identification algorithm. Finally, for the considered test cases the linear model which stands behind the method seems to be an acceptable approximation of the physics of the phenomenon. 相似文献
John F. Rushing Andrew Harrison Jeb S. Tingle Quint Mason Tim McCaffrey 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》2006,20(3):281-286
An evaluation of commercial and experimental dust palliatives was conducted to determine their effectiveness for mitigating fugitive dust on roads in arid climates. Several types of chemicals were tested including polymer emulsions, lignosulfonates, chloride salts, synthetic fluids, an asphalt emulsion, a polysaccharide solution, a polyacrylamide, and a guar gum. Each product was placed in an individual test section at a rate of 3.8?L/m2 using an admix construction method (grade/spray/till/compact/spray). Fourteen test sections were constructed and observed at 30-day intervals to monitor product performance. Data from both stationary and mobile particle collectors were analyzed to determine the ability of each product to suppress dust for extended periods. Several products are recommended for use on roads in arid climates as a result of this evaluation. 相似文献
简要介绍运用控制爆破技术对文氏管洗涤装置喉口所积灰垢进行彻底清除的实践经验与方法,并估算了所产生的经济效益. 相似文献
Jean C?té Marie-Hélène Fillion Jean-Marie Konrad 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》2011,137(9):834-842
This paper presents an experimental study of the effect of porosity and particle size on the hydraulic conductivity and thermal conductivity of sand-sized crushed granite particles with diameters ranging from 0.08–10?mm. The results show that the hydraulic conductivity varies with particle size and porosity, but thermal conductivity varies primarily with porosity. Estimating methods found in the literature are used in an attempt to predict the measured hydraulic and thermal conductivities of the crushed granite materials. The results show that the hydraulic conductivity model of Chapuis generally yields accurate estimated values for d102n3/(1-n)2 larger than 0.01??mm2. Below this critical point, the estimating method progressively yields larger values of hydraulic conductivity. A new set of empirical parameters are proposed to extend the use of this method to crushed granite materials at low d102n3/(1-n)2 values. It is also shown that predicted thermal conductivity values obtained with the C?té and Konrad model agree well with the experimental data. Issues regarding the extension of the models to coarser materials are discussed. 相似文献
The potential of air classification of dusts from dry off‐gas cleaning for improved recycling of these dusts is investigated. By air classification, a dust can be separated into a coarse fraction and a fine fraction. Some components which are usually unwanted in recycled dust like alkali chlorides and Zn and Pb are often enriched in the fine dust fraction. Thus, air classification of dust before recycling will allow recycling of an increased amount of dust and, thereby reduce the amount of dust which has to be sent to landfill. The feasibility of such treatment is studied on the basis of estimated investment costs and operating costs. The main factors affecting the feasibility of such a treatment are the capacity of the unit, the cost of landfill of the respective dust, and the fraction of dust which can additionally be recycled after the treatment. The investigation of classification of BF dusts and sinter plant dust shows that economic operation can be reached under the assumed conditions at landfill costs above 35–60 EUR/t for BF dust and 90 EUR/t for sinter plant dry desulfurization and de‐dusting residue. The integration of air classification into EAF dust in‐plant recycling can be feasible, too. 相似文献
Dong-Guan Seol Tirtharaj Bhaumik Christian Bergmann Scott A. Socolofsky 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》2007,133(6):665-676
A direct measurement method for the velocity field in multiphase flows using the particle image velocimetry (PIV) and particle tracking velocimetry (PTV) methods is developed to study the flow characteristics of an unbounded bubble plume in quiescent, unstratified ambient conditions. A single camera is used to obtain images containing both bubbles and fluid tracer particles. Using gray-scale thresholding, phase-separated images of the bubbles are produced, and bubble velocities are obtained from these images using the standard PTV method. Regular PIV is applied to the mixed fluid images, and bubble vectors are removed using a velocity threshold and vector median filter that is calibrated to the PTV result. From the separate velocity fields, the time-averaged flow characteristics of a bubble plume are studied. Gaussian velocity profiles match the entrained fluid velocity, and top-hat velocity profiles match the bubble velocity. Time-averaged values are also presented of velocity, plume width, entrained fluid volume flux, and void fraction as a function of height. From these data, the entrainment coefficient for the entrained ambient fluid is calculated and lies between 0.08 near the plume source and 0.05 in the upper reaches. The results for the entrainment coefficient, together with those from the literature, are correlated to a nondimensional velocity, given by the ratio of the bubble slip velocity us to a characteristic velocity in the plume (B/z)1/3, where B = kinematic buoyancy flux and z is the height above the source. 相似文献
Hui-ning ZHANG Jian-li LI An-jun XU Qi-xing YANG Dong-feng HE Nai-yuan TIAN 《钢铁研究学报(英文版)》2014,21(4):427-432
The reduction of zinc and iron oxides from electric arc furnace dust(EAFD)by carbon was investigated at temperatures between 800and 1 300℃.The analytic technique employed includes chemical analysis,X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy(XRF),X-ray powder diffraction(XRD),scanning electron microscopy(SEM)equipped with X-ray energy dispersive spectrometry(EDS),and thermodynamic database FactSage 6.2.It was found that the reduction of zinc and iron oxides depends largely on Boudouad reaction.At 900 ℃,zinc exists in tested samples as ZnO,which is reduced in the temperature range of 1 000-1 100℃.At 1 100℃,99.11% of the zinc is evaporated.The metallization ratio of Fe is 79.19% at 1 300℃,as the content of Fe2+ is still 9.40%.A higher temperature is thus required for a higher reduction degree of Fe oxides by solid or gaseous carbon. 相似文献
设计了处理能力为100t/d的回转窑,开展低品位锌冶炼废水处理污泥还原焙烧回收氧化锌烟尘的试验。结果表明,污泥含锌品位对回转窑挥发获得氧化锌烟尘的效果有显著影响;当污泥的锌品位为5.04%和8.34%时,表冷收尘系统回收烟尘含锌分别为19.4%和21.4%,对应的布袋收尘系统回收烟尘的含锌量高达50.2%和51.6%。水淬渣浸出液中重金属浓度均低于GB5085.3-2007危险废物的各项限值,可直接用于生产或堆存。 相似文献
本文在前人对无外力场作用时颗粒在凝固界面前受力分析的基础上,地电磁力场作用下颗粒在凝固界面前沿的迁移特性进行了理论上的分析讨论,分别推导了一定电磁力作用下水平和垂直凝固界面前沿颗粒推斥/在没转变的临界凝固速度,以及一定凝固速度睛,水平和垂直凝固界面前沿颗粒推斥/吞油转变的临界电磁力。 相似文献
Iron oxide dust generated during oxygen blowing in the BOF process contains a high content of iron. This iron oxide dust can be used as a material of iron source in the BOF slag reduction process or as de‐siliconisation flux or dephosphorization flux of hot metal pretreatment. One of the most practical uses of iron oxide dust is recycling as a form of pellets in the BOF considering easy application and the amount that can be recycled. In the process of making iron dust pellets cement is used as a binder that contains a lot of calcium sulfate. This calcium sulfate is reduced and dissolved in the molten metal during refining in the BOF. If the oxygen content in slag and molten steel is high enough, the reduced sulfate cannot be dissolved into molten metal and it can be removed as SOx gas. The behaviour of calcium sulfate has been studied using of 50kg high frequency induction furnace and industrial‐scale plant tests were carried out at a 300ton BOF. The results show that for low carbon steels the evaporation of decomposed sulfate increases with increasing oxygen content in the slag while for high carbon steels the decomposed sulfate is reduced into the molten metal. 相似文献
正态分析方法在矿山样本分析中的应用 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
通过导入正态分布函数,证明标准化后的样本化验数据服从标准正态分布,完成了对化验室数据从定性评价到定量分析的转变,并用具体计算举例说明了该方法对化验数据进行甄别的显著作用。 相似文献