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An innovative educational methodology adapted to the requirements of a new era with new societal and industrial challenges for electronic engineers is proposed in this paper. This active methodology, known as the Educational Innovation Project (EIP), is being studied in the Electronic Engineering (EE) degree of the Higher Technical School of Design Engineering at the Polytechnic University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain. The main objective of the EIP methodology is to improve the process of teaching and learning in order to increase student success. To accomplish this objective, the EIP method addresses various issues. From an organizational viewpoint, different structural aspects of the EE degree have been adapted, such as balancing and integrating lectures and laboratory sessions, advancing into interdisciplinary studies coordinated among all the subjects of the course, and strengthening the work in teams to tackle real engineer problems. The industrial computer engineering (ICE) subject is taken as a reference to show how these aspects have been applied. Regarding the faculty, lecturers participate in an open and permanent process of further training; attitudes toward cooperation and exchanges of experience among them are promoted; and research and reflection on new methodologies is encouraged. One of the challenges of the implementation of the EIP project is the development of multidisciplinary projects by team workers. The knowledge acquired from all the subjects is put into practice through the development of a common project to undertake real engineering problems.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of SPICE in calculating probabilities, reliability, steady-state availability, and mean time to failure of repairable systems described by Markov models is demonstrated. Two examples are presented. The first example is a two-unit, warm standby, microcomputer system with self-reset function and repair facility. The second example is a robotic system comprising two identical robots and one safety system. In both cases, the results obtained using SPICE are compared with previously published results obtained using the Laplace transform method. Full SPICE listings are included.  相似文献   

基于工控机和热工站通信方式的激励式DCS仿真系统设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结合具体仿真培训装置介绍仿真机系统的硬件配置和主要软件系统,并在此基础上构建了可进行电厂运行人员和热工检修人员培训的多功能火电机组激励式DCS仿真系统。在此仿真系统中设计了2种数据通信方式:基于热工站SEMAPI函数读写Infi90数据环路数据通信方式和工控机硬接线通信方式。在Star-90仿真支撑系统上实现了实际DCS控制系统和仿真控制系统各自单独运行和相互切换运行,达到了同时进行电厂运行人员和热工检修人员培训的目的。  相似文献   

Software models for Si and GaAs pin photodetectors are described, for use in the simulation of optoelectronic integrated circuits (OEICs). These preliminary models, which include the effects of dark current and lumped internal impedance, are completely integrable with PSPICE software, and may be used to study the operating characteristics of independent devices and cascaded components in complex OEICs. Parametric device dependence on applied bias, doping density, and wavelength of incident light are also established. The simulation of more advanced OEICs can be implemented with the subsequent modeling of other passive and active components, including waveguide modulators and light emitting sources. The use of PSPICE simulation software in the study of optoelectronic devices and circuits described should find wide application in upper division core or elective optical electronic courses and laboratories  相似文献   

The authors describe an educational experiment in computer engineering at the University of Washington. Eight senior students work together to design and fabricate a 16-bit general-purpose microprogrammable computer system and support software. The project was developed in a capstone hardware design course in electrical engineering. In parallel with other demands of the course, students collaborated on such tasks as architectural specification and research, design and wirewrapping, and testing of the system  相似文献   

本文分析了当前无氧铜铸杆生产厂家产品质量不稳定 ,铜杆不能细拉到 Φ0 .12 m m以下的现状 ,提出了几种提高无氧铜铸杆质量的简易操作方法 ,并介绍了提高产品质量具体实施的过程  相似文献   

介绍同步关合技术的基本原理,论述用Simulink软件对空载变压器、并联电容器在不同相位角时关合电路的仿真及分析,为同步关合提供理论依据。  相似文献   

周伯儒  杨阳 《家电科技》2021,6(6):116-119,128
基于汽车空调控制器用智能功率模块引脚断裂烧毁的故障问题,采用试验与仿真相结合的方法,开展了车用电子元器件失效机理研究.首先通过汽车空调控制器的振动耐久性试验分析,复现出了智能功率模块引脚断裂故障,且试验失效位置与故障样品失效位置吻合;其次采用动力学试验与CAE仿真相结合的方法,基本智能功率模块引脚断裂主要是由印刷电路板第一阶模态共振引起引脚应力疲劳,并定位了控制器可靠性设计的薄弱点;然后通过在控制器上增加印刷电路板螺钉固定位的方法,优化了印刷电路板的振动响应特性,经仿真验证智能功率模块引脚应力由301.3 MPa降低至51.8 MPa,汽车空调控制器经振动耐久性试验后通电测试功能正常,经X光检查智能功率模块引脚未有损伤;最终采用该优化方案完成了样品改模设计和生产切换,并为后续汽车空调控制器可靠性设计提供了设计指导.  相似文献   

In this paper, the performance analysis of power factor correction (PFC) current control methods is presented for a bridgeless converter operating under continuous conduction mode (CCM). The bridgeless converter has been proposed using proportional-integral control (PIC), average sliding control (ASC) and predictive current control (PCC) methods to obtain unity power factor (PF) and lower total harmonic distortion (THD) of input current. Several PFC methods have been developed to satisfy the international standards such as IEC 61000-3-2 and IEEE 519-1992. The detailed steady-state theoretical analysis of the bridgeless converter is presented, which is verified by simulations and experiments carried out on 600 W and 50 kHz. The performance of the current control methods for the bridgeless converter is investigated by a Matlab/Simulink program. The experiments performed in the laboratory under input voltage and load variation ranges verify the theoretical and simulation studies. The control methods are programmed by the TMS320F2812 DSP microprocessor.  相似文献   

排气系统是住复式压缩机的一个重要系统,对压缩机的性能,功耗,噪声等各项参数都有较大的影响。如何准确模拟压缩机排气系统的运动过程一直是工程师们的一项技术难题。本文中,作者使用该软件,分析了我厂某型号制冷压缩机的排气系统。此外,作者使用ANSYS APDL语言,开发了一种专门用于模拟压缩机排气系统的计算软件,方便了广大业内技术人员的使用。  相似文献   

Thermoelectric (TE) materials have undergone revolutionary progress over the last 20 years. The thermoelectric figure of merit ZT, which quantifies the ability of a material to convert heat into electricity has more than doubled compared to traditional values of \(ZT\sim 1\), reaching values even beyond \(ZT\sim 2\) in some instances. These improvements are mostly attributed to drastic reductions of the thermal conductivity in nanostructured materials and nanocomposites. However, as thermal conductivities in these structures approach the amorphous limit, any further benefits to ZT must be achieved through the improvement of the thermoelectric power factor. In this work we review two of the most promising avenues to increase the power factor, namely (i) modulation doping and (ii) electron energy filtering, and present a computational framework for analysis of these mechanisms for two example cases: low-dimensional gated Si nanowires (electrostatically achieved doping), and superlattices (energy filtering over potential barriers). In the first case, we show that a material with high charge density, but free of ionized impurities, can provide up to a five-fold thermoelectric power factors increase compared to the power factor of the doped material, which highlights the benefits of modulation doping, or gating of materials. In the second case, we show that optimized construction of energy barriers within a superlattice material geometry can improve the power factor by up to \(\sim 30\,\%\). This paper is intended to be a review of our main findings with regards to efforts to improve the thermoelectric power factor through modulation doping and energy filtering.  相似文献   

冯煜珵  王雷  陈陈 《供用电》2005,22(5):23-26
概述了先进的电力系统仿真软件ETAP的功能和特点。它在在离线计算与实时监控方面都有着较为出色的表现。它可以模拟电力系统中几乎所有的元件,并能进行电力系统中各种仿真计算,而且界面友好便于用户使用。  相似文献   

电力线高频载波通道测试装置上位机软件设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
传统的电力线载波通道测试装置的上位机软件开发过程复杂繁琐,相关的编程技巧较多,软件开发人员不易掌握。提出了一种基于分层思想的软件总体设计的方案,研究了字节流通信、数据包通信和数据的应用,探讨了基于MS Comm控件的串行通信技术和基于MS ACCESS的数据库系统构建技术,并且借助OLE Automation技术实现了Borland C Builder与MS Word的融合。实际工程运行表明,该软件设计功能实用,运行可靠,可作为测试装置计算机软件设计的通用架构,具有较好的工程实用价值。  相似文献   

Information is given on the scientific-methodological, technological, and computer developmental works lying in the heart of a diversified set of software tools used in thermodynamic and thermal engineering calculations, for professional training of specialists in thermal power engineering, and for education of students.  相似文献   

纳米碳纤维导电剂改善锂离子电池性能的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
邓凌峰  陈洪 《电池工业》2009,14(2):79-83
电镜扫描分析结果表明用粒状导电炭黑作为导电剂在正电极中不能形成很好的导电网络造成导电性差、内阻高和电极极化;而采用具有线性结构的导电剂纳米碳纤维在电极中易形成良好的导电网络,表现出较好的导电性,因而减轻电极极化,降低电池内阻及改善电池性能。介绍了用上述两种导电剂的实验电池的电化学性能,测试结果表明,对于尺寸为5mm×20mmmm×25mm的软包装锂离子电池,纳米碳纤维作导电剂的电池的性能明显优于导电炭黑作导电剂的电池。  相似文献   

IGBT结温模拟和探测方法比对研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈明  胡安 《电机与控制学报》2011,15(12):44-49,55
针对适用于电力电子器件结温模拟和探测方法,分别采用RC热网络法、有限元(FEM)数值计算法、热敏电参数法和红外热探测法4种结温分析及探测方法在同样加热电流时对绝缘栅双极型晶体管(IGBT)结温特性进行了深入比对研究.比对研究结果表明在很多对温度分布不要求精确确定的工程应用场合,可用RC热网络模型法和热敏电参数法进行模拟...  相似文献   

The ability to model the effect of non‐negligible levels of white noise superimposed on a carrier is investigated when this signal–noise combination is fed to the input of an MMIC power amplifier. Transient simulation using stochastic differential equations is introduced here to handle large levels of noise of arbitrary frequency characteristics. The effectiveness of the modelling is ascertained by looking at measured gain‐compression plots at the output of the amplifier and comparing these with simulated results. It is found that increasing levels of noise introduce increased compression of the output power characteristic. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

东风发电厂计算机监控系统改造是贵州省水电厂计算机监控新老系统改造的先例,由于现地控制单元改造在后,新系统与老系统在一定时期内并列运行,叙述的改造方案及具体实施改造的步骤和改造后的效果。  相似文献   

The main areas of scientific activities conducted by Academician L.A. Melent’ev are discribed.  相似文献   

GB/T 834 9- 2 0 0 0《金属封闭母线》 ,经国家质量技术监督局批准 ,于 2 0 0 0年 12月 1日实施。该标准是在原国标GB/T 834 9- 1987《离相封闭母线》的基础上修订而成 ,它主要适用于电力系统中发电厂、变电所的输、配电回路 ,用以传输大量而集中的电能。为了宣传并推荐采用新国标 ,今将国标的修订情况和主要内容介绍如后。原国标是 1987年制订的 ,随着时间的流逝、科技的不断进步和封闭母线技术的发展 ,已不能适应我国电力工业发展的需要 ,如厂用电回路、励磁回路用的共箱封闭母线 ,更大容量发电机组配套用的强迫冷却离相封闭母线已…  相似文献   

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