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The interleukin-6 (IL-6) family of cytokines activates signaling through the formation of either gp130 homodimers, as for IL-6, or gp130-leukemia inhibitory factor receptor (LIFR) heterodimers as for ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF), leukemia inhibitory factor, oncostatinM, and cardiotrophin-1. Recent in vitro studies with IL-6 and CNTF have demonstrated that higher order hexameric receptor complexes are assembled in which signaling chain dimerization is accompanied by the dimerization of both the cytokine molecule and its specific receptor alpha subunits (IL-6Ralpha or CNTFRalpha, respectively). IL-11 is a member of the IL-6 family and known to require gp130 but not LIFR for signaling. In this study we investigate the functional and biochemical composition of the IL-11 receptor complex. The human IL-11 receptor alpha-chain was cloned from a human bone marrow cDNA library. IL-11Ralpha was shown to confer IL-11 responsiveness to human hepatoma cells either by cDNA transfection or by adding a soluble form of the receptor (sIL11Ralpha) expressed in the baculovirus system to the culture medium. In vitro immunoprecipitation experiments showed that sIL11Ralpha specifically binds IL-11 and that binding is enhanced by gp130. Similarly to IL-6 and CNTF, gp130 is able to induce dimerization of the IL-11.IL-11Ralpha subcomplex, the result of which is the formation of a pentameric receptor complex. However, in contrast to the other two cytokines, IL-11 was unable to induce either gp130 homodimerization or gp130/LIFR heterodimerization. These results strongly suggest that an as yet unidentified receptor beta-chain is involved in IL-11 signaling.  相似文献   

Soluble receptors for several cytokines have been detected in body fluids and are believed to modulate the cytokine response by binding the ligand and thereby reducing its bioavailability. In the case of IL-6, the situation is more complex. The receptor consists of two components, including a ligand-binding alpha-subunit (IL-6R, gp80, or CD126), which in its soluble (s) form (sIL-6R) acts agonistically by making the ligand accessible to the second subunit, the signal transducer gp130 (CD130). Soluble forms of both receptor subunits are present in human blood. Gel filtration of iodinated IL-6 that had been incubated with human serum revealed that IL-6 is partially trapped in IL-6/sIL-6R/sgp130 ternary complexes. sgp130 from human plasma was enriched by immunoaffinity chromatography and identified as a 100-kDa protein. Functionally equivalent rsgp130 was produced in baculovirus-infected insect cells to study its antagonistic potential on four different cell types. It was found that in situations in which cells lacking membrane-bound IL-6R were stimulated with IL-6/sIL-6R complexes, sgp130 was a much more potent antagonist than it was on IL-6R-positive cells stimulated with IL-6 alone. In the latter case, the neutralizing activity of sgp130 could be markedly enhanced by addition of sIL-6R. As a consequence of these findings, sIL-6R of human plasma must be regarded as an antagonistic molecule that enhances the inhibitory activity of sgp130. Furthermore, in combination with sIL-6R, sgp130 is a promising candidate for the development of IL-6 antagonists.  相似文献   

The objective of our research was to study the mechanisms of activation of mAb against the gp130 transducer chain common to the IL-6 cytokine family. It has been found that among the 56 anti-gp130 available worldwide, none was able to activate the growth of IL-6-dependent myeloma cell lines. When certain of them were associated in pairs they allowed the cells to grow; alone, they were inhibitory. The same activation was also obtained by cross-linking certain anti-gp130 mAb on the cell membrane with a goat anti-mouse Ig antiserum. A bispecific mAb was prepared by the somatic fusion of two hybridomas secreting two mAb whose association was able to activate gp130 signaling; the bispecific mAb was inactive. The activating mAb were able to support long-term proliferation of the IL-6-dependent myeloma cell lines, which indicates that they are potential valuable growth factors of tumor cells and hematopoietic stem cells. When they were injected into SCID mice, they allowed human IL-6-dependent myeloma cell lines to grow, develop tumors and metastasize. By studying the functional epitopes of the cell membrane gp130 receptors, it was shown that the activating mAb induced gp130 dimerization and STAT3 activation, as did IL-6.  相似文献   

IL-6, its receptor and its transducer protein gp130 mRNAs were analyzed in three cell lines with megakaryocytic properties including CMK, K562, and HEL. Their colony proliferation was also assayed in the methylcellulose medium with or without IL-6. CMK had IL-6, IL-6 receptor and gp130 mRNAs, while the other two cell lines lacked IL-6 receptor mRNA expression. K562 responded to IL-6 indicating that it has an alternative receptor to the so called "IL-6 receptor". HEL was not sensitive to IL-6 suggesting that it proliferates with growth factors other than IL-6 via gp130.  相似文献   

The functional receptor for the inflammatory cytokine IL-6 is composed of the ligand binding IL-6 receptor alpha chain (IL-6R alpha) and the signal transducing chain gp130, which is a shared component of multiple cytokine receptors. We analyzed the surface expression of gp130 and IL-6R alpha in thymocytes and peripheral T cells. While all thymocytes expressed gp130 throughout thymic maturation, they gained expression of IL-6R alpha at the CD4 or CD8 single-positive stage. Approximately 10-30% of the CD4-CD8+ and 40-50% of the CD4+CD8- thymocytes expressed IL-6R alpha. Within the CD4+CD8- population, the IL-6R alpha- subpopulation was cortisone sensitive, appeared immature according to the cell surface markers expressed and failed to proliferate after TCR cross-linking. Peripheral T cells were predominantly gp130+ and IL-6R alpha+, but down-regulated gp130 and IL-6R alpha expression upon TCR engagement in vitro and in vivo. Peripheral gp130low/-IL-6R alphalow/- T cells expressed surface markers characteristic of memory T cells. We show that gp130 and IL-6R alpha are expressed in a regulated manner in T cells, depending on the developmental and functional stage.  相似文献   

This study investigated the psychological impact of HIV infection through assessment of posttraumatic stress disorder in response to HIV infection. Sixty-one HIV-positive homosexual/bisexual men were assessed for posttraumatic stress disorder in response to HIV infection (PTSD-HIV) using a modified PTSD module of the DIS-III-R. Thirty percent met criteria for a syndrome of posttraumatic stress disorder in response to HIV diagnosis (PTSD-HIV). In over one-third of the PTSD cases, the disorder had an onset greater than 6 months after initial HIV infection diagnosis. PTSD-HIV was associated with other psychiatric diagnoses, particularly the development of first episodes of major depression after HIV infection diagnosis. PTSD-HIV was significantly associated with a pre-HIV history of PTSD from other causes, and other pre-HIV psychiatric disorders and neuroticism scores, indicating a similarity with findings in studies of PTSD from other causes. The findings from this preliminary study suggest that a PTSD response to HIV diagnosis has clinical validity and requires further investigation in this population and other medically ill groups. The results support the inclusion of the diagnosis of life-threatening illness as a traumatic incident that may lead to a posttraumatic stress disorder, which is consistent with the DSM-IV criteria.  相似文献   

Stimulation of the gp130 signaling pathway by IL-6 is known to contribute significantly to hematopoietic expansion in vitro, mostly in combination with other cytokines. In the present study we have investigated whether a similar effect can be observed also in vivo using short-term assays in which irradiated mice were analyzed for repopulation of lymphoid organs. Mice were injected with a combination of soluble IL-6Ralpha either with wild-type (wt) human IL-6 or with an IL-6 variant, called K-7/D-6, that shows a 70-fold higher IL-6Ralpha affinity. We observed that while wt IL-6 was able to induce a partial effect only in combination with IL-3, K-7/D-6 bypassed the need for IL-3 and yielded complete recovery. In lethally irradiated mice reconstituted with syngeneic bone marrow cells K-7/D-6 strongly accelerated the repopulation of thymus and spleen and hastened blood neutrophil recovery. These results underscore the potential of the gp130 signaling pathway in hematopoietic reconstitution after myeloablative regimens and open the possibility to fully exploit it with a super-active IL-6 variant.  相似文献   

A sample of UK consumers (N = 311) was interviewed in order to identify the attitudinal, cognitive and involvement characteristics of probable early adopters of polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) fed fish. Attitude to fish significantly influenced PUFA fish, premium price PUFA fish, PUFA salmon, PUFA eel and PUFA sturgeon purchase. Involvement in healthy eating influenced PUFA fish, premium price PUFA fish and PUFA salmon purchase. Cognitive style did not influence PUFA fish and premium price PUFA fish purchase; nor, contrary to earlier research, did cognitive style and involvement interact to influence intended PUFA fish purchases.  相似文献   

The type 1 metabotropic glutamate receptor (mGluR1) is through to act via the phosphoinositide (PI) system with the associated formation of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3) and Ca2+ release. Utilizing immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridization, we have localized protein and mRNA, respectively, for the mGluR1 and the IP3 receptor (IP3R). We have also localized glutamate-linked PI turnover by autoradiography with 3H-cytidine. We observe a striking contrast in localizations of mGluR1 and IP3R both for protein and mRNA. For instance, mGluR1 occurs in the apparent absence of IP3R in neurons of the stratum oriens of the CA1 hippocampus, islands of Calleja, anterodorsal nucleus of thalamus, lateral nucleus of hypothalamus, and the granular cell layer and the deep nuclei of cerebellum. mGluR1 actions in these brain regions may primarily be mediated through the protein kinase C limb of the PI system, as they contain moderate amounts of 3H-phorbol ester binding. The subthalamic nucleus, red nucleus, and Darkshevich's nucleus, which possess high levels of mGluR1, are devoid of both IP3R immunoreactivity and 3H-phorbol ester binding. These reciprocal localizations suggest that mGluR1 actions in many brain areas may not primarily involve IP3, reflecting instead influences on protein kinase C or other second messengers.  相似文献   

Interleukin-6 (IL-6) belongs to the family of the "four-helix bundle" cytokines. The extracellular parts of their receptors consist of several Ig- and fibronectin type III-like domains. Characteristic of these receptors is a cytokine-binding module consisting of two such fibronectin domains defined by a set of four conserved cysteines and a tryptophan-serine-X-tryptophan-serine (WSXWS) sequence motif. On target cells, IL-6 binds to a specific IL-6 receptor (IL-6R), and the complex of IL-6.IL-6R associates with the signal transducing protein gp130. The IL-6R consists of three extracellular domains. The NH2-terminal Ig-like domain is not needed for ligand binding and signal initiation. Here we have investigated the properties and functional role of the third membrane proximal domain. The protein can be efficiently expressed in bacteria, and the refolded domain is shown to be sufficient for IL-6 binding. When complexed with IL-6, however, it fails to associate with the gp130 protein. Since the second and the third domain together with IL-6 can bind to gp130 and induce signaling, our data demonstrate the ligand binding function of the third domain and point to an important role of the second domain in complex formation with gp130 and signaling.  相似文献   

gp130 is a common signal-transducing receptor component for the interleukin-6 (IL-6) family of cytokines. To investigate the expression of gp130 in T-cell subsets and its regulation, anti-murine gp130 monoclonal antibody (MoAb) was used for flow cytometric analysis. In normal mice, gp130 was differentially expressed in thymocyte and splenic T-cell subpopulations defined by CD4/CD8 expression. In aged MRL/lpr mice, although gp130 expression was detectable in splenic CD4(+) or CD8(+) T cells, gp130 expression was significantly downregulated. Because serum levels of IL-6 and soluble IL-6 receptor (sIL-6R) are elevated in these mice, we examined the possibility that the downregulation of gp130 expression on splenic T cells might be produced in response to continuous activation of gp130 by high levels of serum IL-6. In transgenic mice overexpressing IL-6, gp130 expression in the splenic T cells was significantly decreased. After stimulation with IL-6 in vitro, the level of gp130 on CD4(+) or CD8(+) splenic T cells from normal mice was significantly decreased. These results suggest that the expression of gp130 in splenic T cells could be downregulated by the IL-6 stimulation under physiological or pathological circumstances.  相似文献   

Interleukin-6 (IL-6), a pleiotropic cytokine, is postulated to be involved in the pathogenesis of sick euthyroid syndrome, although the direct in vitro effects of IL-6 on human thyroid function are controversial. Because IL-6 signal can be transduced when the complex of IL-6 and soluble IL-6 receptor (sIL-6R) binds to gp 130, an IL-6 signal transducer, we studied the effects of IL-6 and sIL-6R on thyroid function, using human thyroid follicles obtained from patients with Graves' disease. IL-6 alone had no inhibitory effect on TSH-induced thyroid function (125I incorporation and organic 125I release), even at supraphysiological concentrations. However, in the presence of physiological concentrations of sIL-6R (100 ng/ml), IL-6 inhibited thyroid function dose dependently and completely, accompanied with the decreased ratio of 125I-T3/125I-T4 not only in the thyroid follicles but also in the culture medium. Thyroid follicles did not secrete sIL-6R but produced IL-6 constitutively. Consistent with these findings, sIL-6R inhibited thyroid function slightly at high concentrations. Furthermore, RT-PCR analyses revealed that human thyroid follicles expressed the messenger RNAs for IL-6 and gp130 but scarcely messenger RNA for IL-6R. These in vitro findings suggest that IL-6 alone hardly affects thyroid function in thyroid follicles in which IL-6R gene is scarcely expressed. However, because sIL-6R is present abundantly in serum, IL-6 in vivo would be capable of inhibiting the synthesis and release of T4 and, to a greater extent, T3 from the thyroid gland. These in vitro findings are at least partly related to the development of sick euthyroid syndrome.  相似文献   

The biological actions of somatostatin are mediated via a family of G protein-coupled receptors named sst1 to sst5. We used an affinity-purified polyclonal antibody AS-65, directed against a specific N-terminal peptide sequence of sst1 to determine the immunohistochemical distribution of N-terminal sst1 immunoreactivity in the rat brain. The specificity of the antibody was shown by western blotting experiments using an N-terminal sst1 fusion protein. Enzymatic deglycosylation experiments were combined with blotting experiments on a sst1-transfected cell line and rat brain membrane proteins and with immunocytochemistry on an sst1-transfected cell line. These studies showed that the antibody detected the deglycosylated sst1 receptor protein. Immunohistochemical staining showed that sst1 immunoreactivity (presumably the deglycosylated receptor) recognised by this N-terminal antiserum was widely distributed throughout the brain with cells and processes labelled in the cerebral cortex, regions of the limbic system (including the hippocampal formation and some basal ganglia nuclei), the epithalamus, the thalamus, different subthalamic structures (subthalamic nucleus, zona incerta), the colliculi, the hypothalamus, the reticular formation, the cerebellum and regions of the trigeminal nerve complex. The distribution of immunoreactivity was in good general agreement with that predicted from the localization of sst1 messenger RNA and radioligand binding studies. This study on the immunohistochemical distribution of the sst1 receptor in the brain will provide a better understanding of the central actions of somatostatin at its receptor types.  相似文献   

Leukaemia inhibitory factor (LIF) is a cytokine that displays multiple activities in various tissues and is essential for blastocyst implantation in mice. In the human uterus, LIF is expressed in endometrial tissue and the decidua. To elucidate the role it plays, the mRNA levels for two LIF receptor (R) subunits, LIF-R and gp130, were examined in human endometrium, placenta and decidua by Northern blot hybridization. The expression of LIF-R gene was detected in the chorionic villus during the first trimester, in term placenta, and at lower levels in the decidua. The expression of LIF-R gene was not detectable in non-pregnant endometrium. The expression of the gp130 gene was detected in all tissues examined. During pregnancy, there was no significant change in the mRNA concentration of LIF-R in the placenta, while that of gp130 increased after the second trimester. The human choriocarcinoma cell line, BeWo, was found to express LIF-R and gp130. LIF inhibited forskolin-induced human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG)-beta production by BeWo in a dose-dependent manner, and it ameliorated forskolin-induced growth suppression. These findings suggest that LIF plays a regulatory role in trophoblast growth and differentiation during pregnancy in human placenta.  相似文献   

Adjuvant-induced arthritis (AA) in specific strains of rats is an immunologically mediated inflammatory disease which is also characterised by activation of the endocrine system. To further investigate the effects of AA on processing of the pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC) precursor in rat immune tissues, we utilised radioimmunoassays for adrenocorticotrophin (ACTH), beta-endorphin and alpha-melanocyte-stimulating hormone (alpha-MSH) to measure these peptides in the spleen and thymus. 14 days following adjuvant injection, spleen levels of ACTH were elevated in the AA group (4.47 +/- 1.04 ng/g tissue, n = 9) compared to controls (2.42 +/- 0.4 ng/g) and exacerbation of the disease by removal of circulating glucocorticoids through bilateral adrenalectomy (ADX) resulted in further elevation of spleen ACTH (5.11 +/- 1.22 ng/g). beta-Endorphin levels in both the AA (10.60 +/- 1.61 ng/g) and AA/ADX (13.37 +/- 2.36 ng/g) groups were higher than controls (5.57 +/- 0.65 ng/g). Conversely, alpha-MSH spleen levels were decreased in the AA (2.89 +/- 0.22 ng/g) and AA/ADX (2.22 +/- 0.33 ng/g) groups compared to controls (4.62 +/- 0.45 ng/g) and were also decreased following adrenalectomy. In the thymus, ACTH levels were elevated in the AA group (8.95 +/- 1.41 ng/g) compared to controls (5.79 +/- 0.63 ng/g), and the same pattern was evident for thymic alpha-MSH (0.64 +/- 0.08 ng/g in AA animals compared to control levels of 0.35 +/- 0.03 ng/g). Following G50 gel filtration, ACTH and beta-endorphin immunoreactivities (ir) were present in both spleen and thymus as two peaks, one which eluted near the void volume and one which eluted in a lower molecular mass position than the standards.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Cytokines interact not only with membrane anchored receptors, but also with specific soluble receptors which circulate in the bloodstream. In general, soluble cytokine receptors such as soluble tumor necrosis factor receptor, soluble interleukin 1 receptor, and soluble interleukin 4 receptor compete with their membrane-bound counterparts for the ligands and therefore act as antagonists. In contrast, soluble receptors for cytokines of the interleukin-6 (IL-6) family complex with their ligands act agonistically. Interestingly, the complex of IL-6 and the soluble interleukin 6 receptor (sIL-6R) activates target cells that do not express the membrane-bound IL-6R and therefore cannot respond to IL-6. To identify cellular responses that are due to IL-6/sIL-6R but not to IL-6 alone, IL-6/sIL-6R double-transgenic mice were generated and compared with IL-6 single-transgenic mice. IL-6/sIL-6R transgenic mice develop a severe phenotype showing 1) marked hepatocellular hyperplasia frequently surrounded by peliosis and necrosis, 2) significant acceleration and aggravation of plasmacytoma formation, and 3) excessive activation of extramedullary hematopoiesis in spleen and liver followed by a subsequent increase of all cellular components in the peripheral blood. These in vivo data suggest that the sIL-6R recruits primarily unresponsive cell populations such as hematopoietic progenitor cells and hepatocytes to IL-6-induced proliferation, but also enhances the known mitogenic effect of IL-6 on plasma cells and thereby contributes to plasmacytoma formation.  相似文献   

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