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The chemopreventive potential of a selective cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitor, nimesulide (NIM), against the development of rat superficial urinary bladder carcinomas after initiation with N-butyl-N-(4-hydroxybutyl)nitrosamine (BBN) was examined. Six-week-old Fischer 344 male rats were given 0.05% BBN in their drinking water for 8 weeks, followed by diets supplemented with 0, 100, 200, or 400 ppm NIM for 12 weeks, and they were then sacrificed. NIM decreased, in a dose-dependent manner, the incidence of transitional cell carcinoma (TCC) to 12 of 20 (60.0%), 8 of 16 (50.0%), and 5 of 19 (26.3%) and the multiplicity of TCCs to 0.75 +/- 0.79, 0.56 +/- 0.63, and 0.37 +/- 0.78 per rat at 100, 200, and 400 ppm, respectively, as compared with the BBN alone group values of 18 of 20 (90.0%) and 2.35 +/- 1.23. NIM did not significantly affect the cell differentiation or invasiveness of TCCs. These results indicate clear chemopreventive potential of a selective cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitor against postinitiation development of superficial rat urinary bladder carcinomas.  相似文献   

Bladder tumors were induced by N-butyl-N-(4-hydroxybutyl)nitrosamine (BBN) in five Beagles and four mongrel dogs. The tumors were observed for long periods and the tumor progression was traced using histopathological mapping. The results indicated (1) that low-dose BBN over a long period induced multiple low-grade (G1-2) and low-stage (pTa-1) papillary tumors, resembling superficial bladder cancer in humans; (2) that high-dose BBN over a short period induced high-grade (G2-3) and high-stage (pT3b) nonpapillary tumors and carcinoma in situ (CIS) resembling invasive cancer and CIS in humans; (3) that beagle dogs required longer periods and higher total doses of BBN as compared with mongrel dogs; (4) that the tumors induced by low-dose BBN in beagles were observed without BBN as long as the animals lived, and neither increasing numbers of tumors nor malignant features such as deep infiltration and metastasis was observed; and (5) that low-dose BBN seems to induce mild dysplasia, which is followed by Brunn's nest-like proliferation in the lamina propria and nodular change, eventually leading to the development of papillary noninvasive transitional cell carcinoma (TCC); and that high-dose BBN seems to induce severe dysplasia which leads to CIS and nonpapillary invasive TCC. These results may contribute to clarifying the natural history of human bladder cancer.  相似文献   

Although the incidences were relatively low, hyperplasias of the renal pelvis and the urinary bladder have been observed in Fischer-344 (F-344) rats after both sodium aspartate and glycine treatments in long-term 2-yr bioassays. In the present study, the effects of these amino acids on development of N-butyl-N-(4-hydroxybutyl)nitrosamine (BBN)-initiated urinary lesions were investigated in male and female F-344/DuCrj rats. F-344 rats of both sexes, 6 wk old at the commencement, were given 0.05% BBN for 4 wk and then treated with one of the amino acids at a level of 5.0% in the drinking water for the following 36 wk. Proliferative lesions in the renal pelvis often associated with necrosis and mineralization were increased in the group treated with BBN followed by sodium aspartate, but not by glycine, in both sexes. The same group demonstrated higher incidences of urinary bladder tumors with increased urinary pH and sodium concentration and decreased creatinine and uric acid, but not accompanying crystallization. These results showed a clear promoting effect of sodium aspartate for urinary carcinogenesis in rats. The mechanisms of the effect on the renal pelvis and urinary bladder might be different.  相似文献   

The imprinted H19 gene product is an oncofetal RNA molecule in humans. It is expressed in fetal bladder, down-regulated postnatally and is re-expressed in human bladder carcinoma. This study was designed to investigate the dynamics of the expression of H19 in the mouse bladder carcinoma induced by N-butyl-N-(4-hydroxybutyl)nitrosamine (BBN) and its relation to stages of neoplastic transformation. BBN was administered to mice in the drinking water for 26-28 weeks. The bladders were removed at 5-10 week intervals for histopathological examination and for in situ hybridization for H19 RNA, using a 35S-labeled probe. Following BBN administration expression of H19 first appeared after 5 weeks in the lamina propria adjacent to the basement membrane, concomitant with mucosal hyperplasia. At 11 weeks focal expression was noted in epithelial cells. Invasive carcinomas, of the transitional and squamous sub-types, were seen after 20 weeks and more of BBN administration. At this stage H19 expression was observed in scattered tumor cells, in the connective tissue stroma of the tumor and in the lamina propria underlying the remaining hyperplastic/dysplastic mucosa. Abundant expression of H19 was evident in fetal bladder but was absent in normal adult bladder. We conclude that, similar to humans, the H19 gene product is an oncofetal RNA molecule in the experimental mouse model of bladder carcinoma. In this model H19 is expressed in the connective tissue of the lamina propria prior to its expression in epithelial cells, concurrent with preneoplastic changes in the transitional epithelium of the bladder.  相似文献   

The loss of p53 functions is considered to compromise the growth-suppression machinery of the cell and facilitate neoplastic change. In humans, genetic alteration in the p53 gene is one of the most frequently observed molecular changes in tumors, including urinary bladder carcinomas. We have investigated the susceptibility of heterozygote p53 knockout mice to N-butyl-N-(4-hydroxybutyl)nitrosamine (BBN) in terms of urinary bladder tumor induction. Both p53(+/-) knockout mice and C57BL/6 original parent strain were administered 0, 0.002, 0.004, 0.0075 and 0.025% BBN in the drinking water for 20 weeks. As compared with the C57BL/6 strain, greater lesion yields were observed in knockout mice after 20 weeks of treatment. Transitional cell carcinomas were found in 9 (75%) and 12 (100%) of each 12 mice of the 0.0075 and 0.025% BBN treatment groups, respectively, whereas only 1 (11%) and 6 (67%) of each 9 of the C57BL/6 mice demonstrated tumors. Preneoplastic lesions (dysplasia) were also observed more frequently in the lower dose groups in the knockout mice than C57BL/6 mice. PCR single-strand conformation polymorphism analysis followed by DNA direct sequencing of the p53 gene (exons 5-8) extracted from bladder tumors demonstrated mutations in 3 of 11 (27.3%; exon 7) and 8 of 29 (27.6%; exons 5-8) tumors in C57BL/6 and knockout mice, respectively. There was no significant difference in the mutation rates at the residual p53 gene between the two cases. All mutations observed in knockout mice were restricted to the normal allele, and none were present in the gene-targeted null allele. In a separate experiment, 5-bromo-2'-deoxyuridine labeling indices after treatment with BBN for 2 or 4 weeks were significantly higher in knockout mice than wild-type mice. Measurement of the urinary concentration of N-butyl-N-(3-carboxypropyl)nitrosamine, a proximate carcinogenic metabolite, revealed no significant differences between knockout and original parent strain after administration of 0.0075% BBN in the drinking water for 4 weeks. In conclusion, knockout mice are distinctly more sensitive to urinary bladder carcinogenesis induced by BBN than their original parent strain, as evidenced by elevated DNA synthesis during carcinogen administration and an increased tumor yield. The high susceptibility of p53 knockout mice appeared to be related to the high level of cell proliferation rather than that of N-butyl-N-(3-carboxypropyl)nitrosamine in the urine or that of mutations at the p53 gene.  相似文献   

Abscesses in the gastric wall are extremely rare. As the mucosa remains intact in most cases, clear differential diagnosis is required in order to distinguish the condition from the more frequent intramural mesenchymal tumors. Endoscopic ultrasonography provides a valuable tool for imaging intramural tumors, but this approach does not allow a definitive assessment of malignancy. We report about two patients with intramural abscesses in the gastric wall. Endosonography showing eccentric tumors from the gastric wall in the two patients. The endosonographic image was inhomogenous, the wall layer structure of the gastric wall was not preserved. A laparotomy was carried out on the first patient. In the second case, the diagnosis was easy, as pus was emptying from a small opening in the mucosa, which had already been detected at gastroscopy. Endoscopic intervention was carried out based on the endosonographic findings. In one patient, mucosa and submucosa were opened by a needle knife. These cases show that gastric wall abscesses do not have a typical endoscopic ultrasound appearance. However, endosonography is an essential method prior to endoscopic interventional therapy.  相似文献   

The histological background for multifocal and metachronous development of urothelial carcinomas remains equivocal, although accumulated genetic evidence suggests monoclonal origin of multiple urothelial carcinomas. Clonal development of various preneoplastic and neoplastic urothelial lesions of C3H<-->BALB/c chimeric mice induced by N-butyl-N-(4-hydroxybutyl)nitrosamine (BBN) was immunohistochemically investigated using a C3H strain-specific antibody. All tumor masses induced in the mice treated with 0.05% BBN for 20 weeks were composed of neoplastic cells of a single parental type, which is indicative of monoclonal lesions. Three of 10 animals harbored two or more separate carcinomas of different clonal type, which is indicative of multicentric development applicable in this model. Using DNAs derived from urothelial carcinomas and tumor-adjacent urothelium of chimeric mice, polymerase chain reaction-single strand conformation polymorphism (PCR-SSCP) analysis and direct sequencing were performed for p53 gene exons 5-7. p53 mutations were identified in four of 11 (36%) dysplasias and non-invasive carcinomas (carcinoma in situ and pTa tumor) and 13 of 22 (59%) invasive carcinomas. Only in a single case were identical p53 mutations found in separate urinary bladder carcinomas. In contrast to the random distribution of urothelial proliferating units in chimeric mice without chemical supplement, invasive carcinomas in BBN-treated mice were accompanied by widely-distributed preneoplastic and neoplastic lesions of the same clonality, which occasionally had frequent foci of microinvasion. This is indicative of lateral clonal expansion of the clones, which precedes the bulk of invasive carcinomas. Thus, two aspects of 'field change' of the urothelium became evident in this model: either independent transformation events or lateral clonal expansion might, respectively, result in multicentric and monoclonal carcinoma development in the urinary tract.  相似文献   

Quinupristin-dalfopristin is a streptogramin antibiotic combination with activity against vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecium (VREF), but emergence of resistance has been recently reported. We studied the activity of quinupristin-dalfopristin against two clinical strains of VREF (12311 and 12366) in an in vitro pharmacodynamic model with simulated endocardial vegetations (SEVs) to determine the potential for resistance selection and possible strategies for prevention. Baseline MICs/minimal bactericidal concentrations (microg/ml) for quinupristin-dalfopristin, quinupristin, dalfopristin, and doxycycline were 0.25/2, 64/>512, 4/512, and 0.125/8 for VREF 12311 and 0.25/32, 128/>512, 2/128, and 0.25/16 for VREF 12366, respectively. Quinupristin-dalfopristin regimens had significantly less activity against VREF 12366 than VREF 12311. An 8-microg/ml simulated continuous infusion was the only bactericidal regimen with time to 99.9% killing = 90 hours. The combination of quinupristin-dalfopristin every 8 h with doxycycline resulted in more killing compared to either drug alone. Quinupristin-dalfopristin-resistant mutants (MICs, 4 microg/ml; resistance proportion, approximately 4 x 10(-4)) emerged during the quinupristin-dalfopristin monotherapies for both VREF strains. Resistance was unstable in VREF 12311 and stable in VREF 12366. The 8-microg/ml continuous infusion or addition of doxycycline to quinupristin-dalfopristin prevented the emergence of resistance for both strains over the 96-h test period. These findings replicated the development of resistance reported in humans and emphasized bacterial factors (drug susceptibility, high inoculum, organism growth phase) and infectious conditions (penetration barriers) which could increase chances for clinical resistance. The combination of quinupristin-dalfopristin with doxycycline and the administration of quinupristin-dalfopristin as a high-dose continuous infusion warrant further study to determine their potential clinical utility.  相似文献   

Poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation is a posttranslational modification of nuclear proteins which is catalyzed by poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase and represents an immediate response of eukaryotic cells to oxidative and other types of DNA damage. Previously a strong correlation had been detected between maximal poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase activity in permeabilized mononuclear leukocytes of various mammalian species and species-specific life span. To study a possible relation between longevity and poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation in humans we measured maximal oligonucleotide-stimulated poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase activity in permeabilized, Epstein-Barr virus transformed lymphoblastoid cell lines from a French population of 49 centenarians and 51 controls aged 20-70 years. Maximal enzyme activity was significantly higher in centenarians than in controls [median of controls: 9035 cpm/10(6) cells (lower quartile: 6156; upper quartile: 11,410); median of centenarians: 10,380 cpm/10(6) cells (lower quartile: 7994; upper quartile: 12,991); P=0.031 by Mann-Whitney U test]. In a subset of 16 controls and 24 centenarians, cellular poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase content was determined by quantitative western blotting, thus allowing the calculation of specific enzyme activity. The latter was significantly higher in centenarians (P=0.006), the median value for centenarians being about 1.6-fold that of controls. Specific poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase activity was a more powerful parameter for differentiating between centenarians and controls than enzyme activity relative to cell number. In addition, in a genetic association study we analyzed 437 DNA samples (239 centenarians and 198 controls) by PCR amplification of a polymorphic dinucleotide repeat located in the promoter region of the poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase gene in an attempt to detect an association between this polymorphic marker and variability of enzyme activity or human longevity. However, this genetic analysis revealed no significant enrichment of any of the alleles or genotypes identified among centenarians or controls, but its power was limited by the relatively weak heterozygosity of this polymorphic marker in our population (51%). Viewed together with previous results on poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase activity in various mammalian species, the present data provide further evidence for the notion that longevity is associated with a high poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation capacity.  相似文献   

In a large pig production unit 60 postparturient sows were divided at random into 3 groups, each with 20 sows. Group 1 (20 sows) received 30 g Farmavet Trisulfa per os daily from the beginning of the postfarrowing period for 1 week. Group 2 (20 sows) received 30 g Farmavet Trisulfa per os daily from the beginning of the postfarrowing period for 1 week, and in addition were given 3 mg Gabbrostim 24-48 hours after farrowing in a single i.m. application. Group 3 (20 sows) untreated control. The following parameters were evaluated: A: number of weaned piglets per sow, B: weaning to service interval in days, C: return to oestrus in percent. Both groups 1 and 2 showed better results when compared to the control group. Group 2 was superior to group 1.  相似文献   

Ribonucleotide reductase inhibitors (RRIs) have been recently shown to inhibit retroviral replication. We examined a new series of RRIs, 3,4-dihydroxybenzohydroxamic acid (Didox) and 3,4,5-trihydroxybenzohydroxamidoxime (Trimidox) for their ability to alter disease progression in murine acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (MAIDS), both alone and in combination with 2',3'-dideoxyinosine (ddI). MAIDS disease was induced by inoculation of female C57BL/6 mice with the LP-BM5 murine leukemia virus (MuLV) and disease progression characterized by extensive peripheral lymphadenopathy and splenomegaly. Efficacy of treatment with these drugs was based upon their ability to influence survival and disease pathophysiology by monitoring the development of splenomegaly. Toxicity was determined by changes in body weight, total peripheral white blood cell count and hematocrit. Didox or trimidox monotherapy was associated with increased survival and decreased disease pathophysiology, with no apparent toxicity. Combined with ddI, their ability to reduce development of viral induced splenomegaly was enhanced compared to trimidox, didox or ddI alone. These results demonstrate RRIs have potent activity in reversing the disease manifestations characteristic of MAIDS. Further studies are warranted to determine human clinical efficacy.  相似文献   

For the study 17 patients aged 26-55 years were qualified after ineffective treatment with carbamazepine and/or valproate for simple partial, complex partial or secondary generalized seizures. The criterion of resistance to treatment was the occurrence of four or more seizures monthly. The treatment with lamotrigine was successful in 9 (52%) cases, with reduction of seizures by at least 50%. In 2 cases the seizure activity in EEG became normal. In 8 cases the addition of lamotrigine was ineffective and the drug was discontinued (in one case due to allergic rash and in one the cause was toxic hepatocellular damage).  相似文献   

Posterior lenticonus is a protrusion of the posterior capsule and cortex into the vitreous. The etiology is widely debated because of the rare nature of the condition. Lenticonus can present with concurrent ocular conditions, which can disrupt normal visual development. Currently, the only treatment option for posterior lenticonus is lensectomy, which may still have a reduced chance of visual success secondary to the associated disease. Although strabismus and amblyopia are commonly associated, keratoconus has not previously been reported with unilateral posterior lenticonus. Considering treatment of the associated condition may allow the patient to delay or forego surgical intervention.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The study aimed to determine the effectiveness of prophylactic medical intervention in reducing the incidence of cystoid macular edema (CME) and the effectiveness of medical treatment for chronic CME after cataract surgery. DESIGN: The study design was a systematic review and meta-analysis of published reports of randomized clinical trials (RCTs). PARTICIPANTS: Sixteen RCTs involving 2898 eyes examining the effectiveness of medical prophylaxis of CME and 4 RCTs involving 187 eyes testing the effectiveness of medical treatment of chronic CME were used in the study. INTERVENTIONS: Medical prophylaxis of treatment (cyclo-oxygenase inhibitors or corticosteroids) versus control (placebo or active treatment) was performed. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Incidence of angiographically diagnosed CME, incidence of clinically significant CME, and vision were measured. RESULTS: Thirty-six articles reported testing a prophylactic medical intervention for CME after cataract surgery. The incidence of CME varied extensively across studies and was related to the study design used. Summary odds ratios (OR) indicated that prophylactic intervention was effective in reducing the incidence of both angiographic CME (OR = 0.36; 95% confidence interval [CI] = 0.28-0.45) and clinically relevant CME (OR = 0.49; 95% CI = 0.33-0.73). There also was a statistically significant positive effect on improving vision (OR = 1.97; 95% CI = 1.14-3.41). A combination of the results of the four RCTs testing medical therapy for chronic CME indicated a treatment benefit in terms of improving final visual acuity by two or more Snellen lines (OR = 2.67; 95% CI = 1.35-5.30). Assessment of the quality of the 20 RCTs included in the meta-analyses indicated problems in the design, execution, and reporting of a number of trials. CONCLUSION: A combination of the results from RCTs indicates that medical prophylaxis for aphakic and pseudophakic CME and medical treatment for chronic CME are beneficial. Because most of the RCTs performed to date have problems related to quality, a well-designed RCT is needed to confirm this result, using clinical CME and vision as outcomes.  相似文献   

Cisplatin (DDP) is commonly used to treat head and neck tumors. Therapy frequently fails due to development of DDP resistance or toxicities associated with DDP therapy. In this study, effects of ALRT1057 [9-cis retinoic acid (9-cis RA)] on DDP cytotoxicity were studied in a human oral squamous carcinoma xenograft model. Mice bearing xenografts were dosed p.o. daily 5 days/week with 30 mg/kg 9-cis RA and/or i.p. twice weekly with 0.3-0.9 mg/kg DDP. Maximum tolerated doses of 9-cis RA and DDP were approximately 60 and >/=2.9 mg/kg, respectively, under their dosing schedules and routes of administration. Control tumors grew rapidly with mean doubling times of 4 +/- 1 days and reached mean volumes of 1982 +/- 199 (SE) mm3 after 24 days. DDP at doses of 0.3, 0.45, and 0.9 mg/kg inhibited tumor growth by 28, 47, and 86%, respectively, 24 days after tumor cell implantation. Thirty mg/kg 9-cis RA inhibited tumor growth by 25%. In combination, 0.3 mg/kg DDP + 30 mg/kg 9-cis RA inhibited tumor growth by 68%; 0.45 mg/kg DDP + 30 mg/kg 9-cis RA inhibited growth by 78%. These decreases were greater than those that would have been produced by either agent summed separately. Of importance, at doses of 9-cis RA that enhanced DDP cytotoxicity, no change in dose tolerance was observed as compared to tolerances observed for either agent alone, indicating that 9-cis RA increased sensitivity to DDP without altering systemic toxicity. In addition, 9-cis RA profoundly altered squamous cell carcinoma phenotypes by suppressing squamous cell differentiation, resulting in tumors with increased numbers of basal cells. In contrast, DDP selectively depleted proliferating basal cells from carcinomas. In combination, morphological changes produced by 9-cis RA alone predominated, suggesting a possible basis for enhanced DDP sensitivity in tumors exposed to both agents. These data demonstrate that 9-cis RA enhances tumor sensitivity to DDP, and suggest that this combination should be tested in Phase I-II clinical trials for its potential for improving anticancer therapy of squamous cell cancers.  相似文献   

A constitutively produced soluble activity, designated tumor-derived recognition factor (TDRF), from L1210, P815 and EL4 tumor targets, was previously shown to synergize with interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) and subactivating concentrations of interleukin-2 (IL-2) to induce murine macrophage production of tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) and nitric oxide (NO) for cytotoxicity of the target of origin. Another study had suggested that TDRF upregulated both TNF-alpha receptor (TNF-alpha R) and IFN-gamma receptor (IFN-gamma R) mRNA synthesis, as well as increased TNF-alpha and IFN-gamma binding to their receptors. In the present study, we have further characterized the concentration-dependent macrophage activating potential of TDRF alone and in synergy with IFN-gamma or IFN-gamma and subactivating concentrations of IL-2. Higher concentrations of TDRF acted independently on inflammatory C3H FeJ mouse macrophage to induce expression of TNF-alpha mRNA and release of TNF-alpha, but failed to induce nitric oxide synthase (NOS) mRNA expression and NO generation. At lower concentrations, TDRF synergized with either IFN-gamma alone or in combination with IL-2 to stimulate a dose-related increase in the expression of TNF-alpha mRNA and secretion of TNF-alpha, as well as increased induction of NOS mRNA and cytotoxic NO generation by macrophage. MCA tumor targets which did not produce TDRF activity were killed by macrophage that had been activated by exogenously added L1210-derived TDRF in synergy with IFN-gamma or in combination with subactivating concentrations of IL-2, but not by TDRF alone. Taken together, our results indicate that TDRF acted independently in a dose-dependent fashion to induce macrophage synthesis and release of TNF-alpha, but in the absence of IFN-gamma or in combination with IL-2 failed to induce the NOS enzyme which was necessary for cytotoxic NO generation. Thus TDRF appears to be a sufficient second signal for IFN-gamma-primed macrophage or alternatively a sufficient third signal for IFN-gamma and IL-2 treated macrophage to culminate the activation process for NOS mRNA synthesis and NO-mediated tumor cytotoxicity.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome is thought to be a congenital disease, however, its exact prevalence is not known. This may be because of the intermittent activity of accessory pathways in some cases and fluctuations in autonomic tone. AIMS: To investigate the prevalence of ventricular preexcitation by electrocardiography and reported symptoms in each school age child in Yamanashi prefecture. METHODS: From 1994 to 1996, answers to a questionnaire, results of physical examination, and electrocardiography were obtained from all schoolchildren in Yamanashi prefecture (n = 92,161; total population 880,000) on admission to elementary school (age 6 to 7 years, n = 28,395), junior high school (age 12 to 13 years, n = 31,206), and high school (age 14 to 15 years, n = 32,837). RESULTS: Elementary and junior high school students had a significantly lower prevalence of preexcitation than high school students (0.073% and 0.070% v 0.174%, p < 0.001). The prevalence of left free wall pathway was highest in high school students (n = 27) compared with elementary (n = 6) and junior high school students (n = 5) (p < 0.005). The only symptom noted in the answers to the questionnaire was palpitations. The symptomatic cases were more frequent in high school (n = 13) than in elementary (n = 1) and junior high school (n = 2) children, but not significantly. No student with preexcitation had associated heart disease or family history of Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome or sudden death. CONCLUSIONS: The prevalence of preexcitation in younger schoolchildren was less frequent than previously reported. The prevalence of preexcitation and left free wall pathways increased with age. The symptoms were few and there was no significant morbidity.  相似文献   

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