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Heat capacity data are reported which confirm as a bulk effect the previously reported superconductivity in LiTi 2 O 4 . These data also establish LiTi2O4 as a weak couplingd-band superconductor with superconducting state properties well described by the Bardeen—Cooper—Schrieffer theory of superconductivity. The properties of LiTi 2 O 4 are compared with those of other superconducting spinel compounds, and the composition dependence ofT c for Li 1+x Ti 2–x O 4 is discussed. The disappearance of superconductivity forx0.1 was found to be correlated with a rapid decrease in the normal-state linear heat capacity coefficient.Research sponsored by the U.S. Energy Research and Development Administration under Contract No. ERDA E(04-3)-34 PA227.Research sponsored by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research, Air Force Systems Command, USAF, under AFOSR Contract Number AFOSR/F-44620-72-C-0017.  相似文献   

The stability field of the Li–Mn–O spinel, Li1 + x Mn2 − x O4 − δ, was investigated as a function of temperature, T, cation composition, n Li/n Mn, and oxygen partial pressure, pO2, by means of in situ X-ray diffraction (XRD) and thermogravimetry (TG). In a T-n Li/n Mn phase diagram, the stability field is described by the upper and lower critical temperatures, T c1 and T cL, respectively. Above Tc1, Li2MnO3 is formed as a second phase, and below T cL Mn2O3 is formed. Both T c1 and T cL decrease continuously with increasing n Li/n Mn and increase with increasing pO2. The single phase region contains lithium-deficient and lithium-excess spinels, and no discontinuous change of the critical temperature curves was found at n Li/n Mn = 0.5, corresponding to LiMn2O4. With the experimental data obtained in this work, a three-dimensional stability field of the Li–Mn–O spinel phase diagram is put forward to describe the relationship between T, n Li/n Mn and pO2. In addition, the upper critical temperature, T c1, was investigated for spinels doped with Ni, Co and Mg. For all three dopants, T c1 decreases with increasing dopant concentration.
Manfred MartinEmail:

The phase relation of Li2O–FeO–P2O5 ternary system under the 95 %Ar + 5 %H2 atmosphere has been systematically investigated by X-ray diffraction (XRD), and there exist 8 binary compounds, 4 ternary compounds, 2 two-phase regions, and 17 three-phase regions. No other new lithium ferrous phosphates can be existed in the Li2O–FeO–P2O5 ternary system under the 95 %Ar + 5 %H2 atmosphere. In this system, the Li1+x Fe1?x PO4 solid solution phase with the homogeneous range of ?0.15 ≤ x ≤ 0.06 is determined. Their corresponding lattice parameters are obtained by the refinement results, and the results show that the lattice parameters (a, b, c, V) vary linearly with the increasing amount of excess Li-ion (x > 0) or with the increasing amount of excess Fe-ion (x < 0). The phase diagram determined in this paper can provide more information about the phase relation of Li2O–FeO–P2O5 ternary system and serve as a guide for the future investigation of lithium iron phosphates in this system.  相似文献   

Dielectric and thermodynamic properties have been investigated for isotopically mixed crystals of K3D1–x Hx(SO4)2, which are composed of structurally isolated dimeric units SO 4 ... H-SO 4 . The critical temperature Tc for the antiferroelectric phase transition decreases with proton concentration (x) and eventually the phase transition vanishes at xc 0.66 ± 0.04. The x-dependent behavior of Tc, the dielectric constant (T) and the specific heat C(T) are well accounted for by the mean-field theory for the transverse Ising model, indicating an important role of the proton tunneling on the phase transition and related properties. These features are compared with conventional hydrogen-bonded dielectrics with infinite networks of the hydrogen bonds.  相似文献   

Measurements of electrical resistivity. X-ray diffraction patterns, magnetic susceptibility and thermoelectric power of the Er1-x Pr x Ba2Cu3O7- system have been made. The superconducting transition temperature was found to decrease monotonically with praseodymium concentration, x. From the susceptibility data, it was determined that the valence of praseodymium lies between +3 and +4. The thermoelectric power was found to increase with x, and the slopes of dS/dT were negative except for the case x= 0. The. tendency of the thermopower to change with increasing praseodymium concentration has been qualitatively explained using the theory for strongly correlated systems.  相似文献   

We report the magnetic properties of Mg x Mn1?x Fe2O4 (0??x??1.0) nanosize compounds with particle sizes between 8?nm and 15?nm. The evolutions of the properties as a function of composition have been investigated by X-ray diffraction, M?ssbauer, and SQUID magnetometry. Pure cubic spinel could be obtained under a low reaction temperature of 200°C in all the samples. Impurity phases have been observed in compounds annealed at above 900°C. Magnetic relaxation is observed in samples with particles of about 8?nm. The spectra with particle sizes larger than 10?nm could be fitted with at least two sextets attributed to Fe3+ ions on tetrahedral (A) and octahedral?(B) sites. The magnetization measurement indicates superparamagnetic behavior in nanosized compounds.  相似文献   

The system Zn1–x Co x Mn1–x Fe x CrO4 is tetragonal in the range 0.0x0.4 and cubic in the range 0.5x1. Electrical resistivity temperature behaviour obeys Wilson's law for all the compounds and thermoelectric coefficient values vary between 135 to 226V K–1. All compounds exhibit P-type semiconductivity and possess low mobility values (10–9 cm2 V–1 sec–1). The infrared spectra show the presence of two strong absorption bands around 500 and 600 cm–1. The probable ionic configuration for the system is suggested to be Zn 1–x 2+ Fe x –y3+ -Co x 2+ [Mn 1–x 3+ Fe y 3+ CO x –y2+ Cr3+]O4.  相似文献   

We report the results of an experimental study of the gapless state (GS) induced inp-type semimetallic alloys Hg 1–x Cd x Te (0<x<0.15) by pressure. Galvanomagnetic effects in weak magnetic fields (2T<300 K) and the Shubnikov-de Haas effect have been investigated in the pressure interval 1p<15 kbar. Direct evidence for the existence inp-type semimetallic alloys of an impurity hole band overlapping with the conduction band by 3–4 me V is obtained. At liquid helium temperatures the Fermi level is located in the impurity band, so that two groups of carriers take part in transport effects: light electrons in the conduction band and heavy holes in the impurity band. The electron Fermi energyE F is proved to be essentially constant during the transition to the GS. A linear dependence of the electron effective mass at the band edgem* (0) upon the gapE g is obtained. A significant role of scattering of electrons into the impurity band at liquid helium temperatures is revealed.  相似文献   

Magnetocaloric effect in nanopowders of Pr0.67Ca0.33Fe x Mn1?x O3 (x=0,0.1,0.3,0.4), in the vicinity of magnetic phase transitions, was investigated. It is shown that Pr0.67Ca0.33MnO3 exhibits the largest magnetic entropy change (ΔS M ) of 0.61 J/kg/K at 208 K upon 0.5 T magnetic field variation. Furthermore, the ΔS M distribution of the Pr0.67Ca0.33Fe x Mn1?x O3 is much more uniform than that of gadolinium. Because of these results, nanopowders of Pr0.67Ca0.33Fe x Mn1?x O3 have some potential applications for magnetic refrigerants in an extended high-temperature range. Moreover, it can be used as a working material of an apparatus based on the active magnetic regenerator cycle that cools hydrogen gas.  相似文献   

The possibility of the formation of a solid solution in the Sr1–x La x Sn1–x Co x O3 system has been explored. Single-phase solid solution forms in the compositions for x0.10. All single-phase solid solution compositions have a cubic structure similar to SrSnO3. The dielectric behaviour of these solid solution compositions has been studied as a function of temperature and frequency. The frequency dependence of dielectric constant and dielectric loss in these materials indicates that space charge polarization contributes significantly to their observed dielectric parameters. Microstructural studies show the presence of well-faceted grains. The average grain size in these samples is small.  相似文献   

Single-phase nickel manganite spinels, Ni x Mn3–x O4, with 0.5 x 1, were prepared by a careful thermal processing of nickel-manganese coprecipitated oxalate precursors. Powder X-ray diffraction analysis of the spinel revealed the presence of cubic single spinel phase with parametera which decreases with nickel content. The lattice parameter variation can be explained in terms of the distribution of Ni2+ ions on the octahedral sites. Therefore, a fine analysis of data shows that some Ni2+ ions (forx>0.56) are located in tetrahedral sites. The percentage of nickel in A-sites increases with nickel content (x) following the relation % Ni2+ in A sites =P = – 82.1x 2+192.4x–81.5 and thus the general formula for cation distribution is

Experimental measurements for the magnetization at various temperatures are analyzed using a mean field model for the purely ferromagnetic spin configuration near the metamagnetic phase transitions in La1?x Nd x Mn2Si2 (x=0.3) at a constant magnetic field (50 mT). By fitting the temperature dependence of the magnetization from the free energy in the mean field model to the experimental data for this compound, the coefficients in the free energy expansion are determined. Our analysis of the magnetization describes a first-order character of the metamagnetic transition in La1?x Nd x Mn2Si2 (x=0) on the basis of the mean field model studied here.  相似文献   

Ca doped NiCo2O4 spinel materials were synthesized by conventional solid state reactions at 900 °C. Thermoelectric properties of polycrystalline products were characterized at high temperature range of 800 °C in air. d.c. conductivity of the prepared polycrystalline 5 mol % Ca doped NiCo2O4 was about 60 S m–1 at 300 °C. The value of d.c. conductivity was increased with the temperature increasing. Thermoelectric voltage of polycrystalline Ni1–x Ca x Co2O4 (x=0–0.05) was positive at 300–800 °C, this showed p-type thermoelectric properties. The Seebeck coefficient of 5 mol % Ca doped NiCo2O4 was ca. 300 V/K at 600 °C. The value of the Seebeck coefficient of Ni1–x Ca x Co2O4 polycrystalline products decreased with the increasing temperature. Thermal conductivity of 5 mol % Ca doped NiCo2O4 was ca. 2.2 W m–1 K–1 at 600 °C. The estimated thermoelectric figure-of-merit, Z, of 5 mol % Ca doped NiCo2O4 spinel polycrystalline product was about 3.5×10–5 K–1 at 600 °C.  相似文献   

We report NMR lineshape, spin-lattice relaxation time T 1, and spin-spin relaxation time T 2 data at 17 MHz (8.07 T) for 89Y in the copper-oxide spin-chain compound Ca2+x Y2–x Cu5O10. For x=0, a broad, asymmetric line with width 90 kHz is observed for T=250–300 K. The spectra exhibit an appreciable average shift (H/H+0.7%) and sharpen at lower temperature, possibly due to increasing intrachain ferromagnetic correlations. T 1 and T 2 decrease with decreasing temperature. The Tl data imply a short correlation-time limit, with e=3–5×10–11 s. The T 2 data apparently include a contribution from dipolar interactions with copper nuclei. Relaxation time data for a doped (x=0.5) compound surprisingly show more rapid relaxation.  相似文献   

The solid solutions of the Nd1–x Ca1+x FeO4–y system for compositions ofx=0.000,0.125, 0.250,0.375, and 0.500 are prepared by drip pyrolysis. XRD analysis shows all the solid solutions are tetragonal I4/mmm. The Fe4+ ratio to the total Fe ions or value has a maximum for the compositionx=0.375. From the X-ray powder diffraction analysis and the Mössbauer spectroscopy, the distortion and symmetry change of oxygen octahedra of Fe ions are observed. The structural change of oxygen octahedra of Fe ions strongly affects the physical properties. The solid solution whenx=0.000 shows a weak ferromagnetic behaviour due to the spin canting of the distorted octahedra. The other solid solutions withx=0.125, 0.250, 0.375, and 0.500 show a paramagnetic behaviour over room temperature. The decrease of the magnetic transition temperature is due to the distortion of oxygen octahedra of Fe ions and the existence of the Fe4+ ion. The formation site of oxygen vacancies plays an important role in the conductivity of the Nd1–x Ca1+x FeO4–y system. Although the oxygen vacancies in [Nd, Ca]-O layer have little effect on conductivity, the oxygen vacancies in the FeO2 plane of the perovskite layer act as electron trapping sites and thus increase the activation energy.  相似文献   

《Materials Research Bulletin》2013,48(4):1372-1375
The performance at 300 °C of Li2.9Nb0.9M0.lO4, M = W or Mo, as a solid electrolyte is compared to that reported in 2004 by McLaren et al. for Li2.9Ni0.05NbO4. The Li+ conductivity and activation energy were found to be nearly identical for M = W. Ni in the Li array does not impede Li+ mobility more than aliovalent substitution for Nb, and W(VI) is not reduced before Nb(V). Substitution of Nb(V) by Mo(VI) was not as advantageous.  相似文献   

Structures comprising Si-Si1−x Gex-(Ge2)1−x (InP)x with an intermediate Si1−x Gex buffer layer were grown on silicon substrates. Morphological examinations, scanning patterns and diffraction spectra, and also the electrophysical and luminescence properties of the heterostructures were used to show that the crystal perfection of these structures depends on the choice of liquid-phase epitaxy conditions. Pis’ma Zh. Tekh. Fiz. 25, 37–40 (December 26, 1999)  相似文献   

The thermal stability of the superconducting phase of nominal composition YBa2Cu3O7–x -sintered pellets has been studied with respect to different temperatures (ranging from 300 to 950° C), time (ranging from 1 to 72 h), oxygen partial pressure (from 4 Pa to 1 atm) and carbon dioxide partial pressure (from 10–4 Pa to 1 atm). Annealed samples were characterized by X-ray diffraction analysis, optical microscopy, and resistive measurements of the superconductive transition temperature. A stability field of the orthorhombic and tetragonal phases was obtained, showing a region of coexistance. The decomposition of the 1 2 3 phase is found to be strongly influenced by the presence of a small amount of CO2 (1 p.p.m.) in the sintering atmosphere. A sintering process is proposed to avoid the formation of by-products.  相似文献   

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