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Tomasz Tarasiuk 《Measurement》2011,44(1):238-247
The measuring and analysing of the quality and efficiency of electrical power usage is an important topic today and in the future. Electrical energy measurement must be synchronised with power frequency to analyse integer cycles and provide accurate power quality analysis. In this paper a new synchronisation method is presented which is realised from the software side without using PLL (Phase-Locked Loop). The paper also deals with real-time data processing, which is achieved with a multi-core personal computer (PC). In this way the power of the modern PC can be exploited in the area of electrical energy measurement. A measuring device was developed to implement the new synchronisation method and exploit the power of multi-core CPUs. 相似文献
In this paper a new recursive adaptive filter based on a fast Gauss–Newton method has been proposed for the estimation of power quality (PQ) indices for time-varying voltage and current signals in an electric power system. The presented algorithm is based on the minimization of a weighted forgetting factor based error cost function by the use of Recursive Gauss–Newton method. Further a Hessian matrix approximation is used to produce a fast recursive algorithm, which is immune to random noise, waveform distortion and increases the speed of convergence and accuracy. The algorithm models the typical time-varying signal and the accompanied distortions due to harmonics and random noise in a manner that will be suitable for real-time PQ indices estimation. Further, the forgetting factor is tuned in accordance with signal error covariance to provide improved performance. Also power system frequency variations are estimated and correction factors are derived. The effects of sub harmonics, and interharmonics in the signal have been considered while estimating the various PQ indices. 相似文献
The paper is to present the new DSP-based device shown in the wake of hitherto development of power quality instrumentation for power quality assessment in ship systems. The motivation of the research is presented and problems of power quality assessment in ship systems is discussed. The basic features of the new power quality estimator–analyser are described. Further, the design of its new commercial, expanded version is shown and discussed. 相似文献
This paper analyzes some issues related to the metrological characterization of instruments for power quality monitoring, in order to move a step toward the definition of a full performance verification protocol. This protocol should include not only the test situations reported in corresponding standards, but also an array of different voltage and current fluctuations – linked to common power quality issues – that may be encountered in actual power systems. This performance analysis is particularly interesting because it can be found that different power quality instruments, fully meeting characteristics prescribed in standard, still may significantly disagree in some actual measurements. This is due for the existence of unresolved technical and theoretical issues related to the metrological characterization through the classical approaches of these instruments. The aim of the discussion carried out in this paper is also the specification of requirements of a test system devoted to calibration and verification of a power quality monitor, such as it is done in type testing. After a preliminary discussion about technical and theoretical issues related to the performance analysis of these instruments, a proposal of test protocol definition, with reference to some power quality phenomena and based on the design of experiment, is presented. 相似文献
张朋 《工业仪表与自动化装置》2003,(2):46-48,56
讨论了DSP器件TMS320F240在电能质量补偿器(SPQC)中的应用,重点介绍用该器件实现物理硬件和控制软件方面的实际开发。 相似文献
电子式多功能电度表的可靠性设计 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
电力工业的快速发展,对电能计量仪表的可靠性提出了更高的要求。本文简要介绍了电子式多功能电度表的工作原理、性能特点;详细从供电、测量、保护、监控四个环节叙述了多功能表的可靠性实现方法。 相似文献
提出一种用双向晶闸管调压的数字移相控制方法,分析了讨论了该方法的工作和设计原理,采用80C196单片机和GAL16V8可编程逻辑器件构成的数字移相触发系统,将该系统用于全数字交流电动机软启动和节能控制的试验结果证明该系统切实可行。 相似文献
Tomasz Tarasiuk 《Measurement》2011,44(1):219-229
The paper presents a method of estimation of frequency groups with 200 Hz bandwidth in the frequency range from the 50th harmonic up to 9 kHz. The method consists of the application of a fast Fourier transform (FFT) for wavelet coefficients after input signal decomposition and partial synthesis for chosen frequency bands. It enables the computational complexity of the algorithm to be reduced and also attenuates influence of the fundamental component and low-frequency harmonics, as required by IEC Standard 61000-4-7. The particulars of this method are shown and analysis for a chosen wavelet family is provided. Further, the algorithm and its implementation in real device for power quality monitoring is presented. Finally, the results of measurements of two testing signals are shown. The required attenuation of fundamental component and required accuracy was obtained. 相似文献
设计一种基于DSP的电能质量在线检测装置。为达到电量采样和分析同步进行。一方面采用TMS320C5509作为处理器。另一方面通过CPLD来完成系统的逻辑控制;为把检测装置的分析结果可靠地传输给远方的控制分析中心,采用了目前工业控制中比较成熟的CAN通讯方式。 相似文献
In the third part of this work, the rolling bearing torque loss model, the lubricant factor extracted from the FZG tests with wind turbine gear oils and the loss factor for helical gears, developed in Part I and Part II of this work, will be applied to predict the power loss in a parallel axis and a planetary gearbox. The numerical results obtained are compared with those from experimental tests. 相似文献
分析了当前质量管理和质量控制的现状 ,针对先进生产模式和信息技术 ,以及相关技术的质量管理和质量控制研究方向进行了详细的探讨。 相似文献
High-penetration renewable energy-based generators (REGs) in distribution systems have increased the importance of impact assessment involving these systems. This assessment focuses on power quality (PQ) and compatibility between REGs and existing system components. Electric vehicle (EV) technology has also recently achieved a substantial market share. This technology requires the development of charging stations similar to current petroleum fuelling stations in the near future. Thus, the effect of EV stations (EVSs) on PQ must also be considered. This study presents a PQ analysis on the effects of high-penetration EVS and REG systems, including wind turbines, grid-connected photovoltaics (PVs), and fuel cell (FC) power generation units on a modified 16-bus distribution system under different loading and weather conditions. All data on EVS, wind farm, PV, and FC units as well as weather conditions presented in this paper were collected from different power companies and the Malaysian Meteorological Department. The system is modelled and simulated using the MATLAB/Simulink software to study the effects of these technologies on system performances at various penetration levels. Simulation results indicated that the presence of high-penetration EVSs and REGs can cause severe PQ problems such as frequency and voltage fluctuations, voltage drop, harmonic distortion and power factor reduction. 相似文献
This paper concerns the problem of reliable assessment of a power quality in naval networks. Two aspects of the problem were discussed. Firstly, the parameters for electric power quality assessment and their permissible levels were presented. Further, the methods of their measurement were analyzed. Especially the critical analysis of relevant IEC standards was presented and proposals for their amendment were laid. These considerations were based on the results of the original author’s research carried out in ship electrical power systems for a few years. Finally, the original and complete methods of signal processing and basic features of newly constructed instrumentation for power quality assessment were shown. Presented paper is a continuation and in some respect the synthesis of the earlier works prepared by the same author completed by new contribution. 相似文献
针对液力自动变速器传动效率低、油耗大、结构复杂的缺陷,提出了一种新型的行星齿轮功率分流式无级变速器,它取消了液力变矩器,在辛普森双行星排变速机构的基础上,通过功率分流并调节发电机输入功率来实现无级变速,该变速器结构简单,传动效率高,具有较高的实用价值。 相似文献
针对高压电力系统发生单相接地时,流经故障点的电流急剧增加,产生很强的间隙弧光接地过电压问题,对电网电容电流外加信号测量控制器的方法进行了详细的分析,充分论证了测量电网电容电流的必要性,对电网电容电流外加信号单频测量控制器的方法进行了研究,将外加信号单频测量法的原理计算分析与其他测量方法进行了比较。研究结果表明,电容电流外加信号单频测量法具有测量准确,特别是电网系统阻尼大,回路Q值低或位移电压很小时,更能显示外加信号单频测量法的优势,为进一步进行优化电网电容电流测量法的设计与应用奠定了基础。 相似文献
A non-linear lumped kineto-elastodynamic model for the prediction of the dynamic behaviour of external gear pumps is presented. It takes into account the most important phenomena involved in the operation of this kind of machines. Two main sources of noise and vibration can be considered: pressure and gear meshing. Fluid pressure distribution on gears, which is time-varying, is computed and included as a resultant external force and torque acting on the gears. Parametric excitations due to time-varying meshing stiffness, the tooth profile errors (obtained by a metrological analysis), the backlash effects between meshing teeth, the lubricant squeeze and the possibility of tooth contact on both lines of action were also included. Finally, the torsional stiffness and damping of the driving shaft and the non-linear behaviour of the hydrodynamic journal bearings were also taken into account. Model validation was carried out on the basis of experimental data concerning case accelerations and force reactions. The model can be used in order to analyse the pump dynamic behaviour and to identify the effects of modifications in design and operation parameters, in terms of vibration and dynamic forces.Part I is devoted to the calculation of the gear eccentricity in the steady-state condition as result of the balancing between mean pressure loads, mean meshing force and bearing reactions, while in Part II the meshing phenomena are fully explained and the main simulation results are presented. 相似文献
The wear of stationary blade diamond tools used to generate a precise and intricate form on the vitreous bond grinding wheel is presented. Two types of blade tools made of rod and particle diamond were used. A method to measure the wear of the blade diamond tool in the μm-scale range using the size difference of two parts ground before and after truing was introduced. Two sets of experiments with four truing feeds and four tool traverse speeds across the grinding wheel were conducted on the rod and particle blade diamond tools, respectively. Experimental results showed the wear rate of blade diamond tools was improved at higher truing feeds and traverse speeds due to the brittle fracture of the abrasive and vitreous bond. 相似文献