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Maintains that the proper understanding of obesity requires a multifaceted approach and that behavioral considerations of eating and activity patterns do not account for the large between- and within-Ss variance associated with the energy-balance equation. Sources of adaptive and dispositional variance in metabolic rates are suggested to be a likely source of importance for the proper conceptualization and intervention of obesity. Five proposed mechanisms of metabolic variation are reviewed with consideration of the supporting evidence for each mechanism. The generalizability of some of the proposed mechanisms is considered to be limited because of the scope of past research. However, the roles of lipoprotein lipase in fat storage and brown adipose tissue in thermogenesis are possibilities for future research with humans. (103 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The effects of aging on energy requirements and energy balance have been studied by several research groups using the doubly labeled water method. The weight of evidence from these investigations suggests that current recommended dietary allowances underestimate the usual energy needs of adults of all ages, including older adults. In addition, doubly labeled water studies have found a significant negative association between body fatness and energy expenditure for physical activity, and a significant positive association between energy expenditure for physical activity and fat-free mass. Further studies are needed to refine estimates of energy requirements for different population groups and to address the role of physical activity in the prevention and treatment of obesity.  相似文献   

本阐述了电能平衡测试的原理及电能平衡测试在企业节能降耗工作的作用,并介绍了本厂电能平衡测试的实施过程、测试的内容及节能方案的编制。  相似文献   

介绍了三相平衡节电技术概念、地位和作用,并由浅入深地分析了三相平衡节电系统结构、三相平衡技术核心原理,用矢量分析方法分析了三相平衡技术所产生的理论成效。  相似文献   

70tUHP EAF能量平衡分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈延东 《江苏冶金》2001,29(3):26-28
本文用能量平衡的观点分析了淮钢70t UHP EAF实际运行过程中的能量供应、能量消耗、能量损耗和钢水终点温度的控制,以指导电炉炼钢科学合理运行。  相似文献   

Thyroid hormone control of thermogenesis and energy balance   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An extensive analysis was made of receptor specificity and gene usage in the neutralising antibody (mAb) and Class II-restricted T cell responses to influenza haemagglutinin (HA) following natural infection of MHC (H-2(k) or H-2(d)) congenic mice with X31 virus (H3N2 subtype). Despite the diversity of available antigenic sites on the HA1 subunit, there was striking immunodominance in the mAb response as deduced by sequencing the HA genes of escape mutants and the corresponding antibody H and L chain gene rearrangements. Similarly, Class II restricted T cell responses of individual donors focused on a single antigenic site, or immunodominant peptide; and PCR sequence analysis of T cell receptor (alpha beta) gene usage indicated that T cell memory was derived from a single progenitor cell. Focusing of the immune repertoire to limited regions of the HA molecule during a primary viral infection may be a significant factor in immune pressure for antigenic variation.  相似文献   

Alterations in energy metabolism, reduced fatty acid oxidation, and cardiac carnitine content have been implicated in the evolution from compensated to decompensated cardiac hypertrophy. We determined high-energy nucleotide levels in hypertrophied quiescent cardiomyocytes isolated from rat hearts 4 weeks after banding of abdominal aorta. In hypertrophied quiescent cardiomyocytes, a decrease in ATP content (p = 0.03), and ratios of ATP/total adenine nucleotides and of ATP/ADP were observed, together with an increase in ADP. In addition, palmitate, but not glucose oxidation, was markedly reduced in hypertrophied myocytes. In the presence of 25 microM propionyl-L-carnitine (PLC) or L-carnitine (LC), palmitate oxidation was significantly stimulated in hypertrophied myocytes. The ATP/ADP ratio was significantly increased only with PLC. This effect was not due to an enhanced PLC uptake, since total PLC uptake was 50% lower than that of LC. Changes in the energy generating system of quiescent myocytes occur early in pressure overload hypertrophy, and these alterations can be attenuated by PLC.  相似文献   

The current research examined the regulation of synaptic strength by protein phosphorylation during aging. Bath application of the protein phosphatase 1 and 2A (PP1 and PP2A) inhibitor calyculin A (1 microM) enhanced CA3-CA1 synaptic strength in hippocampal slices from aged male (20-24 mo) but not from young adult male (4-6 mo) Fischer 344 rats. Similarly, injection of the PP1 and PP2A inhibitor microcystin-L,R (5 microM) into CA1 cells caused an increase in the intracellular synaptic response only in slices from aged rats. In contrast, bath application of the serine/threonine kinase inhibitor H-7 (10 microM) induced a decrease in synaptic strength only in slices from the young adult group. These results demonstrate that phosphorylation dependent regulation of intrinsic synaptic efficacy changes during aging.  相似文献   

Obesity is a multifactorial and complex affectation that is characterized by a long-term excess energy intake (EI) above energy expenditure (EE). Since fat oxidation seems to be dependent on SNS activation and also seems to remain acutely unaffected by fat intake, this macronutrient is certainly partly responsible for this situation. In addition, high-fat intake does not induce as potent satiety signals or a compensation effect on subsequent EI as do diets rich in carbohydrates or proteins. Moreover, since alcohol intake acutely inhibits fat oxidation and does not promote subsequent compensation for its energy content, it should consequently be regarded as a substrate which can induce a positive energy balance under free-living conditions. Thus, in a weight reducing context, each energy substrate should be manipulated while taking into account its specific characteristics. Obesity has also often been associated to a decreased sympathetic nervous system (SNS) activity, hence sympathomimetic agents have been proposed as a possible way to partially correct this situation. Two of these agents are the widely consumed caffeine (CAF) and the pungent principle of hot red pepper, capsaicin (CAP), which acutely increase EE and reduce EI under some circumstances. Furthermore, other factors like dietary fibers, that have been shown to increase satiety and fullness, and reduce EI in some cases, should also be considered.  相似文献   

Factors that affect arc-furnace performance are considered. It is found that multiparametric optimization of furnace operation is required for each melt and also weekly or monthly for the shop as a whole, in order to improve production efficiency.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine typical alterations in acid-base balance and serum electrolyte concentrations in cattle grouped on the basis of age, breed type, hydration status, clinical signs, and underlying disease. DESIGN: Retrospective study. ANIMALS: 632 cattle. PROCEDURE: Information on blood pH, PVO2, PVCO2, HCO3-concentration, and base excess (BE) as well as serum or plasma sodium, potassium, chloride, and total carbon dioxide concentrations was obtained. Values for calves (ie, cattle < 1 month old) were compared with values for cattle > or = 1 month old. Within each age-group, values were compared for cattle grouped on the basis of breed type, previous treatment, and hydration status. Proportions of cattle with various disorders for which values were within, greater than, or less than reference ranges were determined. RESULTS: BE, pH, and HCO3- concentration were significantly higher and PVCO2 and sodium, potassium, and chloride concentrations were significantly lower among cattle > or = 1 month old than calves. Base excess and HCO3- concentration were significantly lower among dairy than beef calves. Sodium and potassium concentrations were significantly lower among dairy than beef cattle > or = 1 month old. A higher proportion of cattle that did not survive had a high anion gap than cattle that did survive. Sodium, potassium, and chloride concentrations were significantly lower among dehydrated cattle than cattle that were not dehydrated. CLINICAL IMPLICATIONS: Because certain alterations were consistently found in some groups of cattle, it may be possible to make reasonable predictions of alterations in acid-base balance and serum electrolyte concentrations when laboratory evaluations are not available.  相似文献   

基于质量和能量守恒原理,对宝山钢铁股份有限公司不锈钢分公司2号烧结机进行了详细的质量和能量平衡测试.通过对测试结果的分析,全面了解本烧结机的质量和能量收支水平.在此基础上对烧结系统的热利用情况进行了研究,并将测试结果与宝山钢铁股份有限公司宝钢分公司3号烧结机的热利用情况进行了对比分析,对影响能耗的问题进行了探讨,提出了相应的改进建议.本次测试的原始数据为今后的节能技术改造提供了重要的参考依据.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Psychotropic drug dosing regimens are often based on the pharmacokinetic elimination half-life of the compound. This implies that the pharmacokinetic half-life of the drug may be the critical or sole determinant of pharmacodynamic half-life. In the present study, we examined the safety and efficacy of once- versus twice-daily dosing regimens of the immediate-release formulation of venlafaxine, a serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake site blocker with a short elimination half-life. METHOD: Forty-eight patients with a diagnosis of DSM-IV major depressive episode were randomly assigned to once-daily (N = 25) versus twice-daily (N = 23) venlafaxine. Venlafaxine was started at 37.5 mg daily with specified increments up to 225 mg daily. Efficacy was rated using the Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression (HAM-D), the Montgomery-Asberg Depression Rating Scale (MADRS), and the Clinical Global Impressions scale (CGI). RESULTS: Twenty-one patients in each group completed 6 weeks of treatment. We observed a significant reduction in mean weekly HAM-D and MADRS scores at weeks 1 through 6 for both dosing groups (p < .001). There were no statistically significant differences in mean HAM-D or MADRS scores between dosing groups at any time point. There was, however, a nonsignificant trend for a more rapid reduction in the mean HAM-D score at week 2 (p < .06) and in the mean MADRS score at week 1 (p < .07) and week 2 (p < .09) in the b.i.d. dosing group. Similarly, there was a significant decrease in the CGI score at week 2 (p < .02) in the b.i.d. dosing group. The rate of adverse events was similar between treatment groups; the most common adverse events were transient nausea and headaches. CONCLUSION: These results indicate that the immediate-release formulation of venlafaxine may be safe and effective in some patients when used in a once-daily dose regimen. Moreover, the present results suggest that the short elimination half-life of immediate-release venlafaxine should not be the sole determinant for multiple daily dosing and that antidepressant activity may be more profoundly influenced by a drug's pharmacodynamic half-life than by its pharmacokinetic half-life.  相似文献   

The association between adherence to medical recommendations and health outcomes (physical, role, and social functioning, energy/fatigue, pain, emotional well-being, general health perceptions, diastolic blood pressure, and glycohemoglobin) was examined in a 4-year longitudinal, observational study of 2125 adult patients with chronic medical conditions (hypertension, diabetes, recent myocardial infarction, congestive heart failure) and/or depression. Change score models were evaluated, controlling for disease and comorbidity. Patient adherence was associated minimally with improvement in health outcomes in this study. Only 11 of 132 comparisons showed statistically significant positive effects of adherence on health outcomes. We conclude that the relationship between adherence and health outcomes is much more complex than has often been assumed.  相似文献   

Three patients developed different nail color alterations after they had received chemotherapy for cancer. Many anticancer drug combinations are associated with similar findings. Transverse pigmented bands are most common, and these changes should not be confused with those attributable to systemic disease.  相似文献   

Conducted 6 experiments to investigate the existence of a fat-feeding diurnal cycle in normal and hyperphagic male and female Wistar rats. Such a cycle was found in normal but not in hyperphagic Ss. By using 14C-labeled food eaten either at night or day, it was directly shown that metabolites eaten and stored at night were mobilized during the subsequent day and predominantly used during the hours preceding the onset of each meal. From other results on relationships between fat synthesis and overeating at night, and lipolysis and undereating in the day, diurnal is concluded that a lipostatic mechanism modulates-both within the diurnal cycle and from day to day-the glucosensitive short-term control system of food intake. Disruption of this lipostatic mechanism in ventromedial hypothalamus (VMH) lesioned Ss suggests that VMH nuclei are key sites for the neuroendocrine basis of the lipostatic control of food intake. (49 ref.) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Caloric intake, resting metabolic rate (RMR), leisure-time physical activity, and sensitivity and preference for sweet taste were prospectively examined in 7 female smokers across 3 weeks during periods of normal smoking (Week 1), complete cessation (Week 2), and resumption of smoking (Week 3). Energy balance changed significantly across weeks, as caloric intake increased (largely as a result of alcohol consumption) and RMR decreased during cessation, followed by decreased caloric intake and increased RMR with resumption of smoking. Activity and taste sensitivity and preference remained unchanged. Smoking cessation may thus cause rapid change in energy balance, which is quickly reversed on resumption of smoking. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reports on 2 experiments with 114 adult male Sprague-Dawley rats. Ss were made obese either by tube feeding varying fractions (34, 47, 68, or 75%) of their normal food intake or by offering them a varied and palatable diet (cafeteria diet). After 17–30 days of these regimens, the treatments were withdrawn, and Ss were allowed free access to the normal stock diet. Tube-fed Ss precisely adjusted voluntary food intake to compensate for the energy delivered by tube but nevertheless became obese as a result of an increased metabolic efficiency. Cafeteria-fed Ss were hyperphagic and became obese without any apparent change in metabolic efficiency. Recovery from obesity was more rapid in cafeteria Ss and was due to a pronounced increase in heat production as well as concomitant hypophagia. Ss previously made obese by tube feeding exhibited hypophagia and returned to normal weight without any change in heat production. The relevance of these results to the concept of lipostasis and the relative roles of energy intake and expenditure in the regulation of energy balance are discussed. (17 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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