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一个采用Client/Server方式基于WWW 的多用户交流讨论系统 总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21
文章介绍了一种采有Client/Server方式工作的基于WWW的多用户交流讨论系统,它比一般的基于Telnet方式的BBS,具有通讯效率高,媒体介质丰富,用户界面善等特点,更适合于Internet上交流。 相似文献
基于Web的Client/Server计算 总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5
基于Web技术,Internet/Intranet应用集成的特点和要求,以及ClienServer计算技术的内涵,该文把ClienServer计算技术与Web技术完美结合,提出基于Web的Client/Servert计算技术,并以此指导Internet/Intranet应用集成。 相似文献
CCBAS系统(CommunicationChannelBookingAdministrationSys-tem)是为国外某家大型国际通信管理机构开发的国际通信线路(卫星电视、国际电话等)预约管理系统。整个系统的软硬件按Client/Server方式构成,在系统的设计和开发过程中,采用有关网络通信,数据库分布式应用及Client/Server功能分布的许多最新技术,使整个系统无论在功能上,还是在性能上都满足了用户的严格要求。 相似文献
Client/Server体系结构的发展 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
随着PCLAN发展到90年代,有两个趋势使得文件共享模式最终发展到了Client/Server模式。首先是PCLAN应用的发展及其用户数目的增加,因LAN上传输的是文件而受到了带宽的限制。多用户的Xbase应用只能在用户较少的情况下才能提供较好的性能。其次是GUI界面的出现并在PC机界占据了统治地位,促使原有的字符用户界面向GUI转变。一、两层Clien/Server结构与这种要求相适应,应用软件体系结构和技术发展到了Client/Server模式,也就是两层的Clien/Server结构,它用一个真正的数据库服务器取代了文件服务器,这样网络对于客户请求的响… 相似文献
一个基于Client/Server的分布式工程数据库系统集成框架 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
随着CAD/CAM技术的飞速发展以及计算机支持的协同工作(CSCW)研究的深入,分布式工程数据库管理系统已越来越受到广泛的重视。我们初步实现了一个基于Client/Server的分布式工程数据库系统集成框架。本文介绍了可用于支持协同工作的基于Client/Server的异构的分布式多库多用户工程数据库系统的设计和实现,并讨论了系统的特点及进一步要研究的问题 相似文献
面向对象技术是软件技术的一次革命,在软件开发史上具有里程碑的意义。它将系统的以功能为中心的结构化开发方法改为面向对象编程(OOP)、面向对象设计(OOD)、面向对象分析(OOA)、面向对象的软件开发(OMT),随之就出现了一系列软件。而在Client/Server环境下,面向对象的技术更是得到广泛的发展。在对象模型的建立和自动应用开发方面,刚开始仅以一般的自动代码生成器作为生成模型代码的主要工具,但应用受到限制。后来采用了一种称为“Hypergenericity”的新方法,它在信息管理系统领域特别有用,并且能使关系数据库、图形… 相似文献
《Computer Languages, Systems and Structures》2014,40(2):37-52
JavaScript emerges today as one of the most important programming languages for the development of client-side web applications. Therefore, it is essential that browsers be able to execute JavaScript programs efficiently. However, the dynamic nature of this programming language makes it very challenging to achieve this much needed efficiency. In this paper we propose parameter-based value specialization as a way to improve the quality of the code produced by JIT engines. We have empirically observed that almost 60% of the JavaScript functions found in the world's 100 most popular websites are called only once, or are called with the same parameters. Capitalizing on this observation, we adapt a number of classic compiler optimizations to specialize code based on the runtime values of function's actual parameters. We have implemented the techniques proposed in this paper in IonMonkey, an industrial quality JavaScript JIT compiler developed at the Mozilla Foundation. Our experiments, run across three popular JavaScript benchmarks, SunSpider, V8 and Kraken, show that, in spite of its highly speculative nature, our optimization pays for itself. As an example, we have been able to speed up V8 by 4.83%, and to reduce the size of its generated native code by 18.84%. 相似文献
Drew McDermott 《Artificial Intelligence》2007,171(18):1183-1186
I don't believe that human-level intelligence is a well defined goal. As the cognitive-science community learns more about thinking and computation, the mileposts will keep changing in ways that we can't predict, as will the esteem we assign to past accomplishments. It would be fun to have a computer that could solve brain teasers as well as the average scientist, but focusing on such things, besides being parochial, overlooks the crucial role language plays in everything humans do, a role we understand hardly at all on a computational level. I am optimistic that we will eventually figure language out, but not without new ideas. Plus, when we can talk to machines, will we understand each other? 相似文献
High-radix switches are desirable building blocks for large computer interconnection networks, because they are more suitable to convert chip I/O bandwidth into low latency and low cost than low-radix switches [J. Kim, W.J. Dally, B. Towles, A.K. Gupta, Microarchitecture of a high-radix router, in: Proc. ISCA 2005, Madison, WI, 2005]. Unfortunately, most existing switch architectures do not scale well to a large number of ports, for example, the complexity of the buffered crossbar architecture scales quadratically with the number of ports. Compounded with support for long round-trip times and many virtual channels, the overall buffer requirements limit the feasibility of such switches to modest port counts. Compromising on the buffer sizing leads to a drastic increase in latency and reduction in throughput, as long as traditional credit flow control is employed at the link level. We propose a novel link-level flow control protocol that enables high-performance scalable switches that are based on the increasingly popular buffered crossbar architecture, to scale to higher port counts without sacrificing performance. By combining credited and speculative transmission, this scheme achieves reliable delivery, low latency, and high throughput, even with crosspoint buffers that are significantly smaller than the round-trip time. The proposed scheme substantially reduces message latency and improves throughput of partially buffered crossbar switches loaded with synthetic uniform and non-uniform bursty traffic. Moreover, simulations replaying traces of several typical MPI applications demonstrate communication speedup factors of 2 to 10 times. 相似文献
The core of current-generation high-performance multiprocessor systems is out-of-order execution processors with aggressive branch prediction. Despite their relatively high branch prediction accuracy, these processors still execute many memory instructions down mispredicted paths. Previous work that focused on uniprocessors showed that these wrong-path (WP) memory references may pollute the caches and increase the amount of cache and memory traffic. On the positive side, however, they may prefetch data into the caches for memory references on the correct-path. While computer architects have thoroughly studied the impact of WP effects in uniprocessor systems, there is no comparable work for multiprocessor systems. In this paper, we explore the effects of WP memory references on the memory system behavior of shared-memory multiprocessor (SMP) systems for both broadcast and directory-based cache coherence. Our results show that these WP memory references can increase the amount of cache-to-cache transfers by 32%, invalidations by 8% and 20% for broadcast and directory-based SMPs, respectively, and the number of writebacks by up to 67% for both systems. In addition to the extra coherence traffic, WP memory references also increase the number of cache line state transitions by 21% and 32% for broadcast and directory-based SMPs, respectively. In order to reduce the performance impact of these WP memory references, we introduce two simple mechanisms—filtering WP blocks that are not likely-to-be-used and WP aware cache replacement—that yield speedups of up to 37%. 相似文献
在介绍数据挖掘、空间数据挖掘、Agent技术的概念和特点的基础上,将Agent技术引入分布式空间数据挖掘.提出了基于Agent的分布式空间数据挖掘系统结构图,并介绍了基于Agent的分布式空间数据挖掘过程. 相似文献
Mobile Agent技术是一种新型Agent技术,具有移动性、智能性和异步计算等特点.文中针对Mobile Agent技术进行了系统的概述和探讨,提出了把Mobile Agent技术应用于分布式查询系统中的思想,并给出了基于Mobile Agent技术的分布式查询系统模型和体系结构,最后描述了Agent间的通讯方法. 相似文献
徐小红 《数字社区&智能家居》2007,1(1):263-264
移动agent的概念是20世纪90年代初提出的。由于其自身所具有的优异特性。移动agent技术已成为继CORBA、EJB后。新一代分布处理的关键技术,并且在很多新兴领域得到了广泛的应用。本文简单扼要地阐述了agent技术的基本理论和应用 相似文献
多主体系统的可视化是一个非常复杂的工作,它将多个主体复杂的协作和交互活动过程可视化,以便用户对其进行监控。该文主要从这一复杂问题入手,分析多主体系统可视化需要研究的内容和亟待解决的技术难点,然后从多主体系统的结构、主体的通信语言出发,结合多主体系统的任务和目标,提出了一种多主体系统可视化的解决方案。 相似文献
多Agent系统的组织结构是Agent个体之间交互的框架。对分布式多Agent系统的组织方式、协作机制进行了简要讨论,提出了Agent域及Agent图的概念。根据不同Agent之间的地理位置和通信代价,由Agent个体、Agent组及Agent域三级组织结构形成一个Agent图,并借鉴计算机网络的分布式自适应路由选择策略进行多Agent系统的协作组织。分析表明,该模型具有高效、健壮、通信开销较小等优点。 相似文献