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为进一步研究油气水三相流产出剖面测井中光纤持气率计在高含水情况下的响应规律,在大庆油田多相流实验装置上进行了动态实验研究。实验结果表明,当油的流量一定,高含水的情况下,气量在5~10m3/d变化时测量持气率值与实际持气率值之间误差变化较大。气量大于10m3/d时误差变化较小,说明该仪器适合测量气量在10m3/d以上的混合流体。此结果对光纤持气率计的进一步优化设计提供了实验依据。  相似文献   

在深水油气田开发过程中,CO2含量是估测天然气质量的重要参数,需用传感器对其进行测量;然而,天然气还包含有水和油等其他的成分,即需要在多相混合的情况下确定 CO2的浓度。而传统的测量方法无法保证测量结果的实时性;因此,设计了特殊的微流体通道系统,可使其利用微流体管道的表面张力效应对气相和液相进行分离。CO2对红外光的吸收可被用于在线测量,可采用光学传感器对分离后的 CO2浓度进行检测。  相似文献   

为了提高胜利油田含水期和边远区块油田开发效益,降低工程造价,节能降耗,满足集输工艺及注水水质的要求,提高固一液和液一液的分离效率,研究开发出高效压力密闭油、气、水组合式一体化处理装置,使装置具有分离效率高,结构紧凑灵活,出水水质适应性强的多功能以及技术密集的特点,通过现场试验表明对高含水期和边远区块的油、气、水分离和污水处理有极强的实用性。  相似文献   

钻井液重力式气液分离器的分离机理   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
文中应用多流体的概念,从多相流最一般的描述方法出发,对重力式气液分离器内的气侵钻井液进行合理简化。在此基础上,从微观角度对重力分离器内部混合液中的小气泡的运动机理进行探讨、研究,为重力式分离器性能预测分析、结构形式优化提供有效、简便的参考依据。  相似文献   

气液旋流分离装置的研制与可行性试验   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了适应油田高含水后期气液分离的需要,在满足经济性、工况条件和操作压力等前提下,研制出一种新型气液分离装置,其主要特征是小型化、高效率、低成本。与常规容器式气液分离器相比,该气液旋流器装置具有结构简单、体积及占地面积小、重量轻、易安装、易操作及易维护等特点。经过初步试验其可行性得以验证。  相似文献   

由于TURBOLUB油气分配器自身也具有分配油量的作用,因此可以减少系统中分配油量的元件如递进式分配器(活塞)的数量,不仅使一套系统润滑数千个润滑点成为现实,也减少了系统中的运动部件数量,使系统运行更为可靠、故障率更低。在某些场合尤其是润滑点少量的情况下,甚至可以弃用递进式分  相似文献   

综合概述了国内现有的主要油气水三相流实验装置,介绍了国内三相流的研究内容、实验方法和发展现状,对三相流计量技术的总结和发展具有重要意义。  相似文献   

说起来,润滑的原理并不复杂,只要在作相对运动的摩擦面之间建立一层薄薄的油膜,只要这层油膜足够稳固、有足够的承载能力以防止摩擦面之间直接接触,那么润滑作用也就建立起来了。显然,供油量过多会导致过润滑,多余的油量并不真正起润滑作用,反而会导致轴承发热,油气润滑跟稀油润滑大不相同的是  相似文献   

气液两相流体冷却润滑技术-油气润滑   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
1油气润滑技术的发展简史通过润滑来减少摩擦,这在古埃及时代已经开始了。人们利用木棍来运输大石块,并在木棍上洒上水。人们也早就认识到,如果在轴上涂上油脂,车轮就不会吱吱作响,润滑能减少轮轴和轮子之间的磨损。  相似文献   

图1是油气流形成的示意图,单相流体油和单相流体压缩空气混合后就形成了两相油气混合流。两相油气混合流中油和压缩空气并不真正融合,而是在压缩空气的流动作用下,带动润滑油沿管道内壁不断地螺旋状流动并形成一层连续油膜,最后以精细的连续油滴的方式喷到润滑点。也因此,在油气润滑系统中,  相似文献   

Gas/liquid two-phase flow regime identification by ultrasonic tomography   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A gas/liquid two-phase flow is considered as a strongly inhomogeneous medium with respect to high contrast in acoustic impedance distribution. Based upon a binary logic operation and a method of “time-of-propagation along straight path”, an ultrasonic facility for tomographic imaging of gas/liquid two-phase flow was developed. In this paper the principle and construction of this facility are briefly introduced. Emphasis is placed on the evaluation of its performance in flow regime identification and cross-sectional void fraction measurement. Several flow pattern models were used and the corresponding monitoring results given. Finally, limitations and possible future improvements of the system are discussed.  相似文献   

为了设计光轴一致性检测中用于基准光轴空间角监测的液浮空间角靶标,确定了液浮靶板选择原则。首先,利用流体力学对靶板在浮液中的横摇固有周期进行了分析;然后,结合谐振等相关知识,分析了靶板横摇固有周期与浮液震荡周期不同比值下,靶板的稳定情况;最后,确定了靶板横摇固有周期应大于浮液震荡周期的靶板选择原则。通过对不同厚度的圆柱形靶板及半球形靶板的分析,选择横摇固有周期较大的半球形靶板,并通过实验验证了所确定的靶板选择原则的正确性。  相似文献   

重力式气液分离器的内流场CFD模拟   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
介绍重力分离的分离器.用CFD数值模拟方法,采用多相流模型中的欧拉-欧拉(Euler-Euler)的particle(Inhomogeneous)模型,且与实验结果吻合较好,说明该湍流模型和算法可行.同时用正交实验法设置模拟步骤,就分离因素之于分离效果进行统计对比,初步揭示分离因素的影响规律,可为进一步研究重力式气液分离器的结构优化提供参考.  相似文献   

气固两相流流速测量系统的传感器设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍一种用于测量气固两相流流速的传感器,阐述了其工作原理,对传感器的结构和随机噪声提取电路进行设计和分析,试验证明该传感器能够检测微弱的随机流动信号。  相似文献   

The most common method to predict the gas and liquid flow rates in a wet gas flow simultaneously is to use dual pressure drops (dual-DPs) from two or even one single DP meter. In this paper, the metering mechanism of applying dual-DPs were overviewed. To fully understand the response of DP meters to wet gas flows, the pressure drops of wet gas flow with ultra-low liquid loading through three typical DP meters were experimentally investigated, including an orifice plate meter, a cone meter and a Venturi meter. The equivalent diameter ratio is 0.45. The experimental fluids are air and tap water. The pressure is in the range of 0.1–0.3 MPa and the Lockhart-Martinelli parameter (XLM) is less than approximately 0.02. The results show that the upstream-throat pressure drop, the downstream-throat pressure drop and the permanent pressure loss of individual DP meters have unique response to liquid loading. The upstream-throat pressure drop of the orifice plate meter decreases at first and then increases as the liquid loading increases, while that of the cone meter and the Venturi meter increase monotonically. The non-monotonicity of the pressure drop for the orifice plate meter can be attributed to the flow modulation of trace liquid. The downstream-throat pressure drops of all the three test sections decrease at first and then increase. The reason is that the liquid presence in a gas flow increases the downstream friction and vortex dissipation. The permanent pressure loss of the orifice plate meter also shows non-monotonicity. To avoid non-monotonicity, the pressure loss ratio is introduced, which is defined as the ratio of the permanent pressure loss to the upstream-throat pressure drop. Results show that the pressure loss ratio of the Venturi meter has the highest sensitivity to the liquid loading.  相似文献   

The imaging of microscopic structures at nanometre-scale spatial resolution in a liquid environment is of interest for a wide range of studies. Recently, a liquid flow transmission electron microscopy (TEM) holder equipped with a microfluidic cell has been developed and shown to exhibit flow of nanoparticles through an electron transparent viewing window. Here we demonstrate the application of the flow cell system for both scanning and conventional transmission electron microscopy imaging of immobilized nanoparticles with a resolution of a few nanometres in liquid water of micrometre thickness. The spatial resolution of conventional TEM bright field imaging is shown to be limited by chromatic aberration due to multiple inelastic scattering in the water, and we demonstrate that the liquid in the cell can be displaced by a gas phase that forms under intense electron irradiation. Our data suggest that under appropriate conditions, TEM imaging with a liquid flow cell is a promising method for understanding the in situ behaviour of nanoscale structures in a prescribed and dynamically changing chemical environment.  相似文献   

为提高汽车发电机的绕组性能,以96槽16极爪极电机定子绕组为例,分析和设计了一种由两组三相波绕组构成的定子绕组。通过Ansoft有限元分析软件,对该绕组通入三相对称电流产生的气隙磁场和总谐波畸变率值(THD)进行了计算分析,并与传统三相波绕组的整距和短距接法的结果进行了比较。分析比较结果表明,采用该方法生成的三相定子绕组产生的磁场波形和谐波含量都满足设计要求。按该设计方案生产的汽车发电机绕组实物图验证了该设计方法能满足大功率和结构紧凑的要求。  相似文献   

针对组合式水下航行器的对接/分离问题,提出了一种新型的结构设计[1],并详细论述了其机械结构的工作原理和设计过程。该方案有很多突出优点:结构简单、对接/分离非常方便和易于控制、并且密封性能好,所以适合用于在水下作业的组合式水下航行器。  相似文献   

孙轩  马皓 《机电工程》2010,27(4):97-99,107
针对工业用三相开关电源的宽输入电压范围要求,给出了一款利用LM5021-1实现的超宽输入电压范围的三相开关电源的设计和优化过程,其输入电压范围为线电压有效值40 VAC~450 VAC,提供了9 V/100 mA和12 V/4 W两路直流输出。实验结果表明,该电源具有输入电压范围宽,输入/输出隔离度高、效率较高等优点,可应用于三相电表等电源中。  相似文献   

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