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Identification and selection of Six Sigma projects are one of the most frequently discussed issues in the Six Sigma literatures today. In this paper a two-stage methodology has been proposed based on (i) Real Option Analysis for evaluating the value of the project to improve the managerial flexibility (ii) a zero–one integer linear programming model for selecting and scheduling an optimal project portfolio, based on the organization's objectives and constraints. The methodology is illustrated through a case study from petrochemical industry carried out during 2007. The study contributes to managerial practices by identifying a new way of valuing the Six Sigma projects through Real Option Analysis by considering various kinds of risks. Resource-constrained environment has been chosen to test the proposed approach of selection of project portfolio and the model is validated with a detailed discussion.  相似文献   

In innovation and project management studies incremental development projects are perceived as theoreticlly and organisationally uninteresting. By means of a longitudinal study of product improvement projects at an automobile firm, this paper challenges such views and shows how the cumulative impact of the studied sequence resulted in a competitive repositioning of the company's product portfolio during a financially difficult period. Project managers achieved this by transcending the separation between exploration and exploitation projects; they not only adhered to time, cost and quality goals but also tried out new ways of testing and experimenting with controversial technical ideas. The paper analyzes the intensive inter project learning that generated these ambidextrous capabilities and emphasizes that practices at the project-level need to be buttressed by expanded management learning and capability development also at the sequence level.  相似文献   

Permanent organizations, such as companies, divisions, profit and cost centres, as well as temporary organizations, i.e. projects and programmes, change. Different change types, namely organizational learning, further developing, transforming and radical re-positioning can be described by specific chains of processes. For performing change processes of permanent organizations projects and programmes can be applied.  相似文献   

史玉和  司孝东 《山西建筑》2007,33(23):191-192
通过分析建筑工程项目施工管理中存在的问题,阐述了项目施工管理创新的必然性,提出了创新的原则和方案,以不断深化施工管理体制改革,提高建筑施工企业的经济效益,从而提高企业竞争力。  相似文献   

李四红 《山西建筑》2014,(7):264-265
简述了建筑工程施工管理的定义及其重要性,结合目前现状,总结了建筑工程施工管理中存在的问题,从成本、质量、进度、安全四方面探讨了施工管理的创新模式,通过施工管理的创新、改革,从而满足建筑市场要求。  相似文献   

Diversity of personal values among participants in an information system project is typically considered to create harmful team conflict, as do other forms of personal diversity. However, recent research establishes that information and knowledge diversity among project team members contribute to project success, leading one to question accepted thought regarding diversity of values. We model the impact of value diversity on project performance through theoretical layers of diversity, conflict, and teamwork quality. An empirical test supports hypotheses that value diversity adds to both beneficial and detrimental conflict. Project managers should compose teams with diverse project values but must control for potential detrimental effects.  相似文献   

Although business process outsourcing (BPO) can reduce cost and enhance the competitiveness of firms, the implementation of BPO projects is unsatisfactory. By integrating knowledge management capability theory and risk-based view, we develop a model of how different types of BPO risks affect project satisfaction and how knowledge management capability changes the influences of BPO risks. A survey of 121 BPO projects was conducted among BPO client department manager and project manager through a pairwise design. Empirical evidence reveals that social system, technical system, and project management risks negatively affect BPO project satisfaction. However, cultural, technological, and structural levels of knowledge management capabilities weaken the negative risk effects of social system, technical system, and project management, respectively. Different types of risks and knowledge management capabilities should be matched to achieve effective risk management.  相似文献   

Currently there is considerable debate among practitioners and researchers on the nature of software development agility and conditions under which it is linked to project success. Evidence from practitioner narratives and the agile development literature is inconclusive. This empirical study of successful projects aims to answer the following question: what factors in the project and its environment are indicative of software development agility in successful projects? Members of the PRINCE2, PMI and agile communities of practice were engaged via local interviews and an international survey. The interviews, which employed the card sort technique, provided preliminary answers. Analysis of the survey data revealed that software development agility was indicated by a project environment factor (organizational culture) and a project factor (empowerment of the project team). The contents of these factors may assist practitioners to reflect on their development practices, and to negotiate change to achieve higher rates of project success.  相似文献   

陈斯萌 《福建建筑》2013,(3):58-59,43
工程造价控制是一项系统工程,贯穿于项目建设的全过程。本文针对钢铁企业建设单位在工程建设中存在工程造价失控的一些原因,提出了一些有效的控制方法,减少或避免建设资金的浪费,最大限度地提高投资效益。  相似文献   

This paper reports on the research conducted in one of the divisions of Europe's largest IT consultancy. This study aims to investigate (1) the critical elements of managing IT services projects by using Turner's (Handbook of project–based management, 2nd ed, England, McGraw–Hill Publishing, 1999) five-functions model to examine the relationships between project definition and scope, project organisation and the triangle of critical project outcomes and (2) if the project leader's orientation is related to his situational perception of project control. Although the survey has found only partial support for the proposed relationships, it has also identified the importance of personal attributes and contingent experiences on the leader's perception of project success. More significantly, the evidence that time and quality, rather than time and cost, are the two most critical project objectives reflects the industry shift of concern from being contractors to solution-partners.  相似文献   

Open Source Software (OSS) projects are contingent on volunteer developers and voluntary contributions from users, accordingly, traditional performance measures used for software projects, like being on time and budget, and satisfying specifications, may not be relevant for such projects. Although researchers have studied some predictors of OSS project performance, there is a lack of empirical work that studies the impact of project capabilities on the performance of OSS projects. Therefore, this paper studies project capabilities as potential predictors of OSS project performance. The data, gathered from 607 OSS projects over time (in two snap-shots), were consistent with Dynamic Capability Theory (DCT). In other words, the results showed that in order to achieve higher project performance, OSS projects need to have strong capabilities in terms of proactive and efficient defect-removal as well as proactive and efficient functionality-enhancement. The implications of these results for the OSS research community are discussed, followed by recommendations for OSS practitioners.  相似文献   

超高堆石坝工程设计与技术创新   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张宗亮 《岩土工程学报》2007,29(8):1184-1193
重点阐述了坝高178 m的天生桥一级面板堆石坝工程实践、坝高261.5 m的糯扎渡心墙堆石坝工程设计和坝高310 m古水堆石坝技术方案,总结了天生桥一级面板堆石坝和糯扎渡心墙堆石坝工程设计特点与技术创新,提出了古水面板堆石坝技术方案研究的内容和方向。  相似文献   

Call centres are increasingly being utilised in public sector programmes to facilitate and manage communication between numerous stakeholders. Yet, the impact of call centres on projects has not been investigated. This paper reports on a survey with 92 respondents that assessed the impact of a call centre for a repair and maintenance programme. An empirically verified model is presented to illustrate the relationship between call centre communication and project performance. A balance of frequent informal and formal communication is shown to reduce mistrust and conflict of interest resulting from each party trying to maximise his respective economic position in the principal–agency relationship. The data provides evidence that a call centre improves the communication, collaboration and trust in project principal–agency relationships which, in turn, is perceived to contribute to project performance.  相似文献   

This paper presents a framework for characterising project complexity in large engineering projects, which can be used to adapt the front-end development phase of engineering projects to the particular complexity. Recently, a large number of project complexity related papers were published, demonstrating the evident importance of “complexity” in current project management research. However, no generally accepted framework is available to support the characterising and understanding of project complexity that appreciates the richness of project complexity in large engineering projects. Therefore the TOE (Technical, Organizational, and Environmental) framework was developed, based on a literature survey building upon existing work and on new empirical work consisting of eighteen interviews about six projects in the process engineering industry. As a result of an inductive approach, this framework presents the elements that contribute to project complexity from a theoretical as well as a practical perspective. The framework can be used to assess the complexity of engineering projects, and subsequently adapt the front-end development phase of projects in order to better manage the complexity of the project.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to obtain a better understanding of factors that influence Exploration and Production (E&P) project management success and corporate financial performance. The study follows structural equation modeling (SEM) methodology to achieve greater understanding of the intricate network of relationships between variables involved in E&P project management. A comprehensive theoretical framework was needed to formulate the conceptual basis of research. Observation of the real world and practical experiences were also important. To that end, we conducted a case study in a large Brazilian oil company. Field research was essential because of the lack of similar studies in the oil and gas sector. The model developed is a theoretical construct known as a structural and measurement model (set of latent variables, observed variables and hypotheses, depicted in a path diagram). This model contributes significantly to the company because it is a global representation of the main factors for improving E&P project management. However, the findings should be interpreted with caution because adjustment and validation of the theoretical model were not performed.  相似文献   

An increasing number of change processes and initiatives are organized and implemented as projects, often through the formation of ‘large-scale transformation projects’ (LST), involving a great number of specialists, departments, partners, development work, and knowledge bases. The theoretical foundation that supports the choice of managing change as projects and, in effect, the role of project management has received surprisingly little attention in the current literature. In this paper, we present a model where the success of change initiatives is explained by the quality of project management, which in turn is determined by the quality of knowledge integration. The outlined model highlights knowledge integration as a process determined by the scope and speed of change, which typically result in problems with synchronization of activities within an LST project. Our model draws on the idea of ‘knowledge entrainment’ to explain the fact that different parts (organizations, teams, individuals) tend to develop different time orientations and hence rely on different cycles of knowledge processes. This has important effects on the absorptive capacity of the involved parts of the project and the amount of information and knowledge that the project can digest. This paper discusses different knowledge-entrainment mechanisms and their effects on the role and practice of project management. Empirical data from an LST project in Posten, one of Northern Europe’s largest messaging and logistics operators, illustrate the model. The paper contributes to the analysis of the relationships between knowledge integration and time, particularly in LST projects.  相似文献   

PPP项目商业模式创新很大程度上依赖于社会资本的尽善履约行为,而承诺是触发该行为的关键。通过文献分析将承诺划分为经济性承诺与情感性承诺,将商业模式创新绩效划分为创新效率与创新有效性,在此基础上建立以承诺为前因、尽善履约为中介、PPP项目商业模式创新绩效为结果的概念模型;采用情境模拟结合问卷调查的方式采集到116组有效试验数据,并运用分层回归分析的方法进行实证检验。研究结果表明:①尽善履约行为在承诺与PPP项目商业模式创新绩效之间起到完全中介作用;②承诺对尽善履约行为具有显著正向影响,且经济性承诺的影响要大于情感性承诺;③尽善履约行为对创新绩效具有显著正向影响,且对创新效率的影响要大于创新有效性。在此基础上,为我国政府改善PPP项目商业模式创新绩效提出了3点策略建议。  相似文献   

This research addresses management control in the front end of innovation projects. We conceptualize and analyze PMOs more broadly than just as a specialized project-focused organizational unit. Building on theories of management control, organization design, and innovation front end literature, we assess the role of PMO as an integrative arrangement. The empirical material is derived from four companies. The results show a variety of management control mechanisms that can be considered as integrative organizational arrangements. Such organizational arrangements can be considered as an alternative to a non-existent PMO, or to complement a (non-existent) PMO's tasks. The paper also contrasts prior literature by emphasizing the desirability of a highly organic or embedded matrix structure in the organization. Finally, we propose that the development path of the management approach proceeds by first emphasizing diagnostic and boundary systems (with mechanistic management approaches) followed by intensive use of interactive and belief systems (with value-based management approaches). The major contribution of this paper is in the organizational and managerial mechanisms of a firm that is managing multiple innovation projects. This research also expands upon the existing PMO research to include a broader management control approach for managing projects in companies.  相似文献   

The importance of trust in projects that involve multiple project partners is widely acknowledged. This research analyzes both outcomes and antecedents of trust in inter-organizational projects. On the outcome side, the findings show that trust between project team members working on an inter-organizational project positively impacts the acquisition of external knowledge which, in turn, promotes product innovation. With respect to the antecedents of trust data reveal that a stable pool of project team members and objective project reward criteria facilitate the formation of inter-organizational trust.  相似文献   

李军吉 《城市勘测》2011,(5):170-172
许多城市开展了地下管线普查,但普查管理方法却不尽相同。本文基于笔者从项目调研到项目竣工验收全过程参与绍兴市地下管线普查建设与管理的经验,从不同的角度介绍了绍兴市管线普查管理与项目运作过程,重点阐述了管线普查的质量管理及项目管理的特色,希望对其他城市地下管线普查有所借鉴。  相似文献   

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