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This study explores risk allocation in Indonesia's public-private partnerships for geothermal energy development. Such activity involves significant upfront investment, but no definitive and transparent risk-sharing mechanisms that suitably incentivise the private sector have emerged in the literature. In the study, we develop an evidence-based framework founded on principal-agency theorising that suggests an optimal allocation of risk between the public and private parties in these arrangements. A Delphi survey is employed to identify the views of a group of experts, with the evidence pointing to a clear pattern in identifying high-risk factors and optimal risk-sharing arrangements. Suggested risk-bearing levels for the Indonesian government range between 100% (for legal and regulatory exposures) to 0% in an operational and maintenance risk context. Risks relating to resource and exploration, finance and credit, as well as field development and construction issues, are viewed as being optimally shared between the parties, with the expert panel suggesting that the public sector should retain more exposure where high criticality risk factors exist. The proposed risk allocations reflect both evidenced outcomes and prior contention regarding the risks around geothermal investments and thereby provide the potential for developing meaningful schematics that enable Indonesia to exploit the resources concerned more fully.  相似文献   

The hook times of mobile cranes are processes that are of non‐linear and discrete nature. Artificial neural network is a data processing technique that lends itself to this kind of problem. Three common artificial neural network architectures – multi‐layer feed‐forward (MLFF), group method of data handling (GMDH) and general regression neural network (GRNN) – are compared. The results show that the GRNN model aided with genetic algorithm (GA) is most promising in describing the non‐linear and discrete nature of the hook times. The MLFF model can also give a moderate level of accuracy in the estimation of hook travelling times of mobile cranes and is ranked second. The GMDH model is outperformed by the former two due to a less promising R‐square.  相似文献   

Modelling TBM performance with artificial neural networks   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Assessing TBM performance is an important parameter for the successful accomplishment of a tunnelling project. This paper presents an attempt to model the advance rate of tunnelling with respect to the geological and geotechnical site conditions. The model developed for this particular task is implemented through the use of an artificial neural network (ANN) that allows the identification and understanding of both the way and the extent that the involved parameters affect the tunnelling process. The model described in the paper is customised for the construction of an interstation section of the Athens metro tunnels, where the ANN generalisations provided precise estimations regarding the anticipated advance rate.  相似文献   

Value for money in a PFI project depends crucially on performance monitoring to provide incentives for improvement and to ensure that service delivery is in accordance with the output specification. However, the effectiveness of performance monitoring and output specification cannot be fully assessed until PFI projects become operational. There is a need to examine the role of the performance monitoring mechanism in ensuring that ‘value for money’ is achieved throughout the delivery of services. Based on semi‐structured interviews with key stakeholders from the public and private sectors, the case studies suggest that there are low levels of performance deductions in PFI projects during the operational phase. However, the complexity of performance measurement, inadequate resources for performance monitoring and the difficulties in the interpretation of the output specification raise questions as to whether the low level of deductions truly reflect the actual level of services delivered. There is also evidence of the public sector forgoing entitled deductions in the ‘spirit of partnership’ and in exchange for minor contract variations in the output specification. Both the public and private sectors are undergoing a learning process which should lead to improvements in future PFI contracts.  相似文献   

Predicting peak pathogen loadings can provide a basis for watershed and water treatment plant management decisions that can minimize microbial risk to the public from contact or ingestion. Artificial neural network models (ANN) have been successfully applied to the complex problem of predicting peak pathogen loadings in surface waters. However, these data-driven models require substantial, multiparameter databases upon which to train, and missing input values for pathogen indicators must often be estimated. In this study, ANN models were evaluated for backfilling values for individual observations of indicator bacterial concentrations in a river from 44 other related physical, chemical, and bacteriological data contained in a multi-year database. The ANN modeling approach provided slightly superior predictions of actual microbial concentrations when compared to conventional imputation and multiple linear regression models. The ANN model provided excellent classification of 300 randomly selected, individual data observations into two defined ranges for fecal coliform concentrations with 97% overall accuracy. The application of the relative strength effect (RSE) concept for selection of input variables for ANN modeling and an approach for identifying anomalous data observations utilizing cross validation with ANN model are also presented.  相似文献   

PPP项目大多风险较高,政府与社会资本作为风险的主要承担者,应合理分担风险。在文献梳理的基础上,建立基于shapley值的PPP项目风险分担模型,并通过案例进行分析。研究认为政府与社会资本应共担风险,但风险并不是平均分配,并提出相关建议。  相似文献   

Blasting is still being considered to be one the most important applicable alternatives for conventional tunneling. Ground vibration generated due to blasting is an undesirable phenomenon which is harmful for the nearby habitants and dwellings and should be prevented. In this paper, an attempt has been made to predict blast-induced ground vibration using artificial neural network (ANN) in the Siahbisheh project, Iran. To construct the model maximum charge per delay, distance from blasting face to the monitoring point, stemming and hole depth are taken as input parameters, whereas, peak particle velocity (PPV) is considered as an output parameter. A database consisting of 182 datasets was collected at different strategic and vulnerable locations in and around the project. From the prepared database, 162 datasets were used for the training and testing of the network, whereas 20 randomly selected datasets were used for the validation of the ANN model. A four layer feed-forward back-propagation neural network with topology 4-10-5-1 was found to be optimum. To compare performance of the ANN model with empirical predictors as well as regression analysis, the same database was applied. Superiority of the proposed ANN model over empirical predictors and statistical model was examined by calculating coefficient of determination for predicted and measured PPV. Sensitivity analysis was also performed to get the influence of each parameter on PPV. It was found that distance from blasting face is the most effective and stemming is the least effective parameter on the PPV.  相似文献   

《Urban Water Journal》2013,10(1):21-31
This paper presents research into the application of artificial neural networks (ANNs) for analysis of data from sensors measuring hydraulic parameters (flow and pressure) of the water flow in treated water distribution systems. Two neural architectures (static and time delay) are applied for time series pattern classification from the perspective of detecting leakage. Results are presented using data from an experimental site in a distribution system of a UK water company in which bursts were simulated by hydrant flushing. Field trials have shown how ANNs can be used effectively for a leakage detection task. Both static and time delay ANNs learned patterns of leaks/bursts. The time delay neural network showed improved performance over the static network. It is concluded that the effectiveness of an ANN in discovering relationships within the data is dependent upon two key factors: availability of sufficient exemplars and data quality.  相似文献   

This paper describes an artificial neural network (ANN) approach for the prediction of mean and root-mean-square (rms) pressure coefficients on the gable roofs of low buildings. The ANN models, which employ a backpropagation training algorithm, are capable of generalizing the complex, nonlinear functional relationships between the pressure coefficients and eave height, wind direction and spatial location on the roof. The performance of the ANN is demonstrated by the prediction of the pressure coefficients for roof tap locations in a corner bay. The mean bay uplift can be predicted accurately with an average error less than 2% for three cornering wind directions not seen by the ANN during training. The mean-square errors of all of the individual pressure taps in the corner bay were 12% and 9% for the mean and rms coefficients, respectively. This approach could be used to expand aerodynamic databases to a larger variety of geometries and increase its practical feasibility.  相似文献   

This article aims to investigate the feasibility of incorporating of an artificial neural network (ANN) as an innovative technique for modelling the pavement structural condition, into pavement management systems. For the development of the ANN, strain assessment criteria are set in order to characterise the structural condition of flexible asphalt pavements with regards to fatigue failure. This initial task is directly followed with the development of an ANN model for the prediction of strains primarily based on in situ field gathered data and not through the usage of synthetic databases. For this purpose, falling weight deflectometer (FWD) measurements were systematically conducted on a highway network, with ground-penetrating radar providing the required pavement thickness data. The FWD data (i.e. deflections) were back-analysed in order to assess strains that would be utilised as output data in the process of developing the ANN model. A paper exercise demonstrates how the developed ANN model combined with the suggested conceptual approach for characterising pavement structural condition with regard to strain assessment could make provisions for pavement management activities, categorising network pavement sections according to the need for maintenance or rehabilitation. Preliminary results indicate that the ANN technique could help assist policy decision makers in deriving optimum strategies for the planning of pavement infrastructure maintenance.  相似文献   

M. Sahin  R. A. Shenoi   《Engineering Structures》2003,25(14):1785-1802
This paper presents a damage detection algorithm using a combination of global (changes in natural frequencies) and local (curvature mode shapes) vibration-based analysis data as input in artificial neural networks (ANNs) for location and severity prediction of damage in beam-like structures. A finite element analysis tool has been used to obtain the dynamic characteristics of intact and damaged cantilever steel beams for the first three natural modes. Different damage scenarios have been introduced by reducing the local thickness of the selected elements at different locations along finite element model (FEM) of the beam structure. The necessary features for damage detection have been selected by performing sensitivity analyses and different input–output sets have been introduced to various ANNs. In order to check the robustness of the input used in the analysis and to simulate the experimental uncertainties, artificial random noise has been generated numerically and added to noise-free data during the training of the ANNs. In the experimental analysis, two steel beams with eight distributed surface-bonded electrical strain gauges and an accelerometer mounted at the tip have been used to obtain modal parameters such as resonant frequencies and strain mode shapes. Finally, trained feed-forward backpropagation ANNs have been tested using the data obtained from the experimental damage case for quantification and localisation of the damage.  相似文献   

The paper presents an alternative approach to the modelling of the mechanical behaviour of steel frame material when exposed to the high temperatures expected in fires. Based on a series of stress-strain curves obtained experimentally for various temperature levels, an artificial neural network (ANN) is employed in the material modelling of steel. Geometrically and materially, a non-linear analysis of plane frame structures subjected to fire is performed by FEM. The numerical results of a simply supported beam are compared with our measurements, and show a good agreement, although the temperature-displacement curves exhibit rather irregular shapes. It can be concluded that ANN is an efficient tool for modelling the material properties of steel frames in fire engineering design studies.  相似文献   

Over the last few years, artificial neural networks (ANNs) have been applied to many geotechnical engineering problems with some degree of success. With respect to the design of pile foundations, the ability to accurately predict pile setup may lead to more economical pile design, resulting in a reduction in pile length, pile section, and size of driving equipment. In this paper, an ANN model was developed for predicting pipe pile setup using 104 data points, obtained from the published literature and the author's own files. In addition, the paper discusses the choice of input and internal network parameters which were examined to obtain the optimum ANN model.Finally, the paper compares the predictions obtained by the ANN with those given by a number of empirical formulas. It is demonstrated that the ANN model satisfactorily predicts the measured pipe pile setup and significantly outperforms the examined empirical formulas.  相似文献   

This study presents an application of artificial neural network(ANN) and Bayesian network(BN) for evaluation of jamming risk of the shielded tunnel boring machines(TBMs) in adverse ground conditions such as squeezing grounds.The analysis is based on database of tunneling cases by numerical modeling to evaluate the ground convergence and possibility of machine entrapment.The results of initial numerical analysis were verified in comparison with some case studies.A dataset was established by performing additional numerical modeling of various scenarios based on variation of the most critical parameters affecting shield jamming.This includes compressive strength and deformation modulus of rock mass,tunnel radius,shield length,shield thickness,in situ stresses,depth of over-excavation,and skin friction between shield and rock.Using the dataset,an ANN was trained to predict the contact pressures from a series of ground properties and machine parameters.Furthermore,the continuous and discretized BNs were used to analyze the risk of shield jamming.The results of these two different BN methods are compared to the field observations and summarized in this paper.The developed risk models can estimate the required thrust force in both cases.The BN models can also be used in the cases with incomplete geological and geomechanical properties.  相似文献   

High performance concrete (HPC) is defined in terms of both strength and durability performance under anticipated environmental conditions. HPC can be manufactured involving up to 10 different ingredients whilst having to consider durability properties in addition to strength. The number of ingredients and the number of properties of HPC, which needs to be considered in its design, are more than those for ordinary concrete. Therefore, it is difficult to predict the mix proportions and other properties of this type of concrete using statistical empirical relationship. An alternative approach is to use an artificial neural network (ANN). Based on the experimentally obtained results, ANN has been used to establish its applicability to the prediction and optimization of mix proportioning for HPC. It was demonstrated that mix proportioning for HPC can be predicted using ANN. However, some trial mixes are necessary for better performance and elimination of material variability factors from place to place. ANN procedure provides guidelines to select appropriate material proportions for required strength and rheology of concrete mixes and will reduce the number of trial mixes.  相似文献   

Database-assisted design (DAD) is emerging as an important tool to design buildings for wind effects. However, there is a need for robust interpolation methods for pressure coefficients to extend the range of conditions beyond those in the aerodynamic database from wind tunnel experiments. An interpolation methodology, using artificial neural networks (ANN), was developed to include variable plan dimensions and roof slopes in the set of parameters considered in earlier interpolation studies. In addition to expanding the capabilities for interpolation, the new models improved predictions in the lee of the ridges for gable-roofed and low-rise buildings.  相似文献   

A case study for the use of an artificial neural network (ANN) model for landslide susceptibility mapping in Koyulhisar (Sivas-Turkey) is presented. Digital elevation model (DEM) was first constructed using ArcGIS software. Relevant parameter maps were created, including geology, faults, drainage system, topographical elevation, slope angle, slope aspect, topographic wetness index, stream power index, normalized difference vegetation index and distance from roads. Finally, a landslide susceptibility map was constructed using the neural networks. The drawbacks of the method are discussed but as the validation procedures used confirmed the quality of the map produced, it is recommended the use of ANN may be helpful for planners and engineers in the initial assessment of landslide susceptibility.   相似文献   

Many models have previously been developed for predicting specific cutting energy (SE), being the measure of rock cuttability, from intact rock properties employing conventional multiple linear or nonlinear regression techniques. Artificial neural networks (ANN) also have a great potential in building such models. This paper is concerned with the application of ANN for the prediction of cuttability of rocks from their intact properties. For that purpose, data obtained from three different projects were subjected to statistical analyses using MATLAB. Principal components analysis together with the scatterplots of SE against intact rock properties were employed to select the predictors for SE models. Results of the principal components analysis have shown that the most of the variance in the data set can be explained by three principal components. Principal component with the highest variance is weighted mainly on the uniaxial compressive strength (UCS), Brazilian tensile strength (BTS), static modulus of elasticity (Elasticity), and cone indenter hardness (CI), which were regarded as the independent variables driving the data set. Three predictive models for SE were developed employing above independent variables by multiple nonlinear regression with forward stepwise method and ANN, respectively. Neural networks were developed for two different numbers of hidden neurons in the hidden layer. Goodness of the fit measures revealed that ANN models fitted the data as accurately as multiple nonlinear regression model, indicating the usefulness of artificial neural networks in predicting rock cuttability.  相似文献   

Artificial neural networks (ANN) were constructed to predict prevalence of building-related symptoms (BRS) of office building occupants. Six indoor air pollutants and four indoor comfort variables were used as input variables to the networks. A symptom metric was used as the measure of BRS prevalence, and employed as the output variable. Pollutant concentration, comfort variable, and occupant symptom data were obtained from the Building Assessment and Survey Evaluation study conducted by the US Environmental Protection Agency, in which all were measured concurrently. Feed-forward networks that employ back-propagation algorithm with momentum term and variable learning rate were used in ANN modeling. Root mean square error and R2R2 value of the simple linear regression between observed and predicted output were used as performance measures. Among the constructed networks, the best prediction performance was observed in a one-hidden-layered network with an R2R2 value of 0.56 for the test set. All constructed networks except one showed a better performance than the multiple linear regression analysis.  相似文献   

A prediction model was developed to determine daylight illuminance for the office buildings by using artificial neural networks (ANNs). Illuminance data were collected for 3 months by applying a field measuring method. Utilizing weather data from the local weather station and building parameters from the architectural drawings, a three-layer ANN model of feed-forward type (with one output node) was constructed. Two variables for time (date, hour), 5 weather determinants (outdoor temperature, solar radiation, humidity, UV index and UV dose) and 6 building parameters (distance to windows, number of windows, orientation of rooms, floor identification, room dimensions and point identification) were considered as input variables. Illuminance was used as the output variable. In ANN modeling, the data were divided into two groups; the first 80 of these data sets were used for training and the remaining 20 for testing. Microsoft Excel Solver used simplex optimization method for the optimal weights. The model's performance was then measured by using the illuminance percentage error. As the prediction power of the model was almost 98%, predicted data had close matches with the measured data. The prediction results were successful within the sample measurements. The model was then subjected to sensitivity analysis to determine the relationship between the input and output variables. NeuroSolutions Software by NeuroDimensions Inc., was adopted for this application. Researchers and designers will benefit from this model in daylighting performance assessment of buildings by making predictions and comparisons and in the daylighting design process by determining illuminance.  相似文献   

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