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文章首先通过相关数据的分析,梳理了文化产业政策对北京城市发展的影响,包括统计口径调整以确立新的城市支柱产业、促进文化创意产业和文化创意产业聚集区的发展、城市创新环境的培育等.然后,文章在分析北京未来文化建设的主要影响因素的基础上,探讨了相应的政策应对途径,提出要重视产业政策的有效性、空间资源的有效利用和合理分布,以及自下而上文化发展途径的培育.  相似文献   

董艺  江璐 《时代建筑》2010,(6):70-71
文章由苏州博物馆的免费开放,引申出博物馆作为特殊教育基地的重要意义,对如何转变当下我国博物馆现状,使其更大程度成为创意阶层孵化器、创意城市新引擎提出思考。  相似文献   

自20世纪90年代中期以来,创意城市的概念已经逐渐介入法国城市区域治理和发展的相关讨论中.这种介入也出现在推崇地域性文化特色的论文中.本文有双重目的:首先,基于国际上已出现的大量文献,剖析创意城市的概念;其次,通过里昂、里尔和圣艾蒂安三个中等规模城市中的一系列案例研究,对出现的不同观点进行阐释.  相似文献   

Infrastructure development is a long term process, which cannot easily adapt to sudden change; and infrastructure assets can have long lifetimes. Poor investment choices risk locking in poor policy choices for substantial periods of time. The ‘need’ for a new infrastructure asset arises due to demographic, economic or policy changes. But historically Ireland’s infrastructure investment has also been driven, in part, by the pursuit of political / economic policies which have themselves ‘created’ infrastructure needs; and often decided on an isolated project-by-project basis. In contrast, a systems-of-systems (SoS) approach is a fusion of network modelling, consideration of various policy options, and appraisal of the impact of alternative demographic and economic scenarios on multiple systems. This paper assesses Ireland’s readiness to adopt a SoS approach to infrastructure decision-making, proposes a methodology for its development and implementation. This would enable the demand for new infrastructure to be tested under various policy scenarios, providing evidence for investment decisions.  相似文献   

林玲 《福建建筑》2007,(2):85-86
本文阐述了城市规划档案管理创新和发展的意义,分析了城市规划档案管理创新和发展的制约因素,并提出城市规划档案管理创新和发展的对策。确立了城市规划档案管理服务的主导思想,明确城市规划档案服务目标是全方位地为城市规划服务。  相似文献   

The private rented sector (PRS) in Ireland has grown rapidly over the past decade. A significant element of this growth occurred post-2006 and may be attributed to issues associated with the housing boom and bust. As economic recovery gets underway, severe supply constraints have emerged, putting pressure on the PRS. This paper presents findings of a national survey of landlords undertaken at this time, the first of its kind in Ireland. Despite the current difficulties being experienced in the Irish rental market over 60 per cent of landlords intend to remain in the sector. The survey points to policy changes that could help provide a more stable rental market, for example, the provision of unfurnished accommodation and longer leases. With approximately one-third of landlords expressing the intention to leave, maintaining supply remains a key challenge for the sector.  相似文献   

Joshua Long   《Cities》2009,26(4):210-219
Recently, the popular literature on creative industries and the urban creative landscape has been largely dominated by the work of one scholar, Richard Florida. The popularity of Richard Florida’s work has led to a zealous implementation of his creative class thesis by many city officials, policymakers, and urban planners. Recent studies have investigated the impact of creative city implementation in previously working class and industrial cities, but given Florida’s popularity and influence, it is also necessary to evaluate the sustainability of cities touted as creative success stories by Florida and others. This article examines the case of Austin, Texas, seeking to evaluate Florida’s model city in light of recent empirical research. This research suggests that while Austin has witnessed impressive economic prosperity, the “externalities” or unforeseen challenges associated with creative development are equally evident. Further, this research suggests that previously overlooked socio-cultural challenges (e.g. loss of urban cultural character, sense of detachment, over-commercialization) in Austin threaten to potentially undermine the sustainability of this mode of development.  相似文献   

In this study we ask how the planning process that coordinates the interests of various sectors on a municipal level affects the cultural heritage assets in suburban landscapes. Special attention is paid to the role the cultural heritage management sector plays in the overall planning processes that take place in such semi-urban regions.A case study is carried out in two suburban areas in Norway, Madla and Nannestad. The case-study design includes various methods; historical map overlay, visual methods, discourse analysis based on qualitative interviews and document studies. The case studies have been performed on two levels: a superior landscape analysis covering the total municipality, and a second and more detailed level.The results from this study show that the protection and caretaking of green interests in land-use planning is not necessarily a protection of cultural heritage interests. Cultural heritage is more to be seen as a derivate interest. Cultural heritage management seldom functions as a premise provider in municipal planning. The findings are discussed in conjunction with the need for comprehensive planning across administrative and disciplinary borders as cities grow into regions. There is also a need for the cultural heritage interests to play a stronger role in planning in order to obtain better preservation of the cultural monuments and landscapes.  相似文献   

段进 《规划师》2008,24(1):24-28
为应对将要到来的后工业时代和"非物质产品"需求的逐渐增加,长三角地区应抓住机遇,将创意产业作为城市多元经济中新兴发展的"一元",从生产总值和人口、各工业行业的比重变化和各行业的发展潜力、人才等方面进行比较分析,确定城市集群中每个层次的城市的定位,达到既协同又错位发展的效果,以提高城市和整个长三角的竞争力.同时,城市规划也应关注"创意阶层"需要的多元化空间形态,力求为他们打造理想家园.  相似文献   

城市工业遗产保护更新——一种构建创意城市的重要途径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从工业遗产的文化价值、资源特性以及保护更新模式等层面阐释城市工业遗产保护更新与构建创意城市之间的关系,论述了城市工业遗产保护更新对构建创意城市的内涵、条件及路径三方面的独特作用,从而说明城市工业遗产保护更新正在成为一种构建创意城市的重要途径.  相似文献   

Jenny Muir 《Housing Studies》2013,28(7):1081-1093
Housing policy formation under the United Kingdom's devolution settlement is currently under-researched and insufficiently understood. This article uses the example of social housing policy-making in Northern Ireland to reflect on its impact. Five factors with the potential to influence post-devolution policy-making are identified: common UK citizenship and ideology, policy networks, the political process, the mechanics of devolution and membership of the European Union. A post-devolution review of social housing policy in Northern Ireland is followed by a discussion of three key issues from the 2007 to 2011 administration: governance, procurement of new social housing, and ‘shared space’ and a shared future. Interviews with policy-makers indicate that 2007–2011 marked the beginnings of a trend away from the technocratic domination of officials towards greater intervention and policy ownership by politicians, but that the significance of this should not be overstated. The implications for multi-level and multi-jurisdictional policy-making in devolved and federal states are considered.  相似文献   

This paper examines developments in social housing management, governance and delivery in the Republic of Ireland during the last decade, using evidence from two rounds of research conducted in 1997 and 2007 on seven social rented estates, located in a variety of regions. Among the three most significant developments in this regard, the reconceptualisation of the housing management function has had the most positive impact on the views of tenants. Some aspects of the externalisation of social housing provision, such as the growth of the housing association sector and the use of PPP arrangements for social housing regeneration, have also been positive, but the future of this externalisation agenda is uncertain. The impact of the various reforms to the management of the social housing service, such as advent of strategic policy making and performance monitoring, has been uneven in some cases and uniformly low in others.  相似文献   

城市文化遗产保护是一个动态发展的过程,必将随着社会发展而变化。随着城市化进程的加快,传统静态的保护模式已经不能适应社会环境变化的需要,而动态保护模式能够将文化遗产的保护纳入城市总体环境同步发展的范畴,并根据时代发展变化的情况,积极主动的调整保护规划,使文化遗产既能保持历史的真实性, 又能达到可持续发展的要求。  相似文献   

Since the creative product development task requires the teams to combine and integrate input from multiple other teams, the team’s structure of interaction is an important determinant of their creativity. In this study we investigate different structural aspects of social networks of such team’s and their creativity within two multinational product development programs (PDPs). There are two main results. First, teams with a wider range of informational links are better to realize creative novel and feasible output. Second, in contrast to prior findings our results indicate that network efficiency and the creativity of teams relate negatively. This suggests that direct contacts contribute much more to creativity than open network structures. In managerial terms our investigation indicates that the network structure of teams in PDPs is an important issue to consider when designing such programs and that tools should be available to assist their direct interaction.  相似文献   

本文首先介绍了西方后现代空间理论的两个代表人物的主要观点和分析方法—亨利·列斐伏尔的空间的生产,以及大卫哈维的后资本主义的全球都市现象。第二部分利用上述理论对正在经历全球化和后工业化的中国城市北京进行分析,试图从空间再造的角度解释798艺术区从工厂到文化消费区的转变过程,并讨论了其产生和发展的必然性和中国特色。文章指出,艺术区空间是后工业社会城市产业升级和空间再造的产物,它丰富了城市文化生活,但也难逃资本消费对空间的同质化。北京798十年间的蜕变,从根本上符合北京城市发展主流方向,并且是政治和资本合谋的结果。在全国文化大发展的背景下,后工业时代的城市规划要不断适应城市和社会发展的需要,并把文化艺术空间作为城市规划的一项重要议程。  相似文献   

The field of civic design is a relatively unexplored domain within British cultural, political and planning history, despite its implementation by public authorities and its acknowledged significance to formative town planning.1 S.M. Gaskell, ‘The Suburb Salubrious: Town Planning in Practice’, in British Town Planning: The Formative Years, ed. A. Sutcliffe (Leicester, England: Leicester University Press, 1981), 50. What is more, given the determined moves circa 1900 within a number of British-controlled territories to obtain governmental independence, art was manipulated, on the one hand, to be an authoritative force to help maintain control over native populations and, for those seeking to remove British sovereignty, to express local pride and notions of nationhood. This article examines the design of the Royal College of Science and Government Buildings in Dublin, Ireland. In doing so, it reads British–Irish opposition into the built environment. The aim is to broaden the understanding that historians and planners have as to how cultural, political, artistic and environmental forces interrelated with each other during an age when, significantly, urban planning was being professionalized and diffused across the globe and the understanding of national identity in towns and cities under British jurisdiction was being recast.  相似文献   

The ‘sense of place’ that relates human beings to their environment is under threat from the rising tide of ‘placelessness’ which can result from potentially positive forces such as urban regeneration as well as negative ones such as incremental degradation. The concept of ‘sense of place’, and the need to protect and enhance ‘special places’, has underpinned UK conservation legislation and policy in the post-war era. In Northern Ireland, due to its distinctive settlement tradition, its troubled political circumstances and its centralised administrative system, a unique hierarchy of ‘special places’ has evolved, involving ‘areas of townscape and village character’ as well as conventional ‘conservation areas’. For the first time a comprehensive comparative survey of the townscape quality of most of these areas has been carried out in order to test the hypothesis that too many conservation area designations may ‘devalue the conservation coinage’. It also assesses the contribution that ‘areas of townscape character’ can make in this situation, as potential conservation areas or as second-level local amenity designations. Its findings support the initial hypothesis: assessment of townscape quality on the basis of consistent criteria demonstrates a decline in the quality of more recent conservation area designations, and hence some ‘devaluation of the coinage’. However, the need for local discretion in the protection of local amenity supports the concept of ‘areas of townscape and village character’ as an additional and distinct designation. This contradicts recent policy recommendations from the Northern Ireland Planning Commission and contains valuable lessons for conservation policy and practice in other parts of the UK.  相似文献   

近年来,我国历史文化名城保护规划得到广泛推行,但是缺乏在文化遗产视角下对小城镇历史文化名城保护规划的特定研究。本文以粤西小城德庆为例,通过对其进行历史文化名城保护规划编制,指出德庆名城保护过程中出现的城市高度失衡、原真性建筑缺失、非物质物化遗产保护不足等问题,在此基础上结合当地文化遗产的特点,提出德庆历史文化名城保护规划的编制策略,并得出改进建议,最后提出管理标准,将名城保护规划落实到管理层面,推进小城镇名城保护的进程,进而更好地实现对小城镇文化遗产的保护。  相似文献   

本文梳理了 1990年代以来闽南地区地域建筑设计的发展过程.借由美国文化人类学家玛格丽特?米德的"三喻"理论,将这一过程分为受闽南文化影响较深、表现出更多前喻性的厝格时期,以及受自然及技术影响较深、表现出更多并喻性的海韵时期,并分析在每一时期,文化与环境的力量如何作用于建筑.  相似文献   


In recent decades, there has been a significant revival of interest and growth in numbers of public memorials – sculptures and structures in public spaces that convey information and social attitudes about past persons, events and ideas. This renaissance has been most marked in national capital cities. To better understand this recent revival of interest in memorials, and their potential to reproduce or transform social and spatial relationships within cities, this paper examines the historical evolution of the role and form of memorials within the overall planning and development of Western capital cities, both existing and new, from their origins in Ancient Rome and through their later development from the Renaissance to the beginning of Modernism. It charts memorials’ ongoing contribution to the role of the capital city as a diagram that defines and communicates national history, identity and politics, contrasting this to ways that memorials have adapted to changing technological and political realities of land development and management.  相似文献   

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