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流量放大液压转向系统   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
一、概述在拖拉机、联合收割机、建筑筑路机械,起重运输机械、工程机械等行走机械的转向系统中,广泛应用着摆线转阀式全液压转向器沟成的液压转向系统。这种转向系统结构紧凑,方向盘操纵力矩小,转向有力感,转向缸的移动距离和速度完全跟随方向盘的转角和转速。大型、重型行走机械的转向系统,国内外大致有下列几种方式: 1、助力式转向系统这种系统零部件多,结构不紧凑,布置困难,操纵力大,装拆维修困难,行走时容易出现蛇行现象。  相似文献   

以水为工质,试验研究了3个结构相同但开孔面积不同的分流板的流量分配性能。结果表明:当雷诺数小于2500时,开孔面积对分流板的流量分配均匀性有明显影响,流量分配均匀性最好的是分流板B(开孔面积为150.7mm2),最差的是分流板C(339mm2)。随着雷诺数的增加,分流板A(45.6mm2)和C的均匀性会提高,而B的均匀性几乎不变化。当雷诺数大于2500时,开孔面积和雷诺数的变化对分流效果的影响很小,3个分流板的流量分配均匀性很接近。分流板B的流量分配稳定性最好,安装分流板后试验件的流量分配均匀度比无分流板时提高1倍以上。  相似文献   

微通道作为微流体系统的重要组成部分,是提高微流动性能的关键因素。现有微通道制作材料包括硅、石英和玻璃等无机材料,以及PDMS、PMMA、PC和环氧树脂等有机材料,而加工工艺主要有湿/干法刻蚀、热压成型、微/纳光刻技术、激光微加工和模塑法等类型。根据不同应用领域中微通道的功能需求和空间布置情况,可将微通道网络分为线性、平面和立体三种类型,综述了不同类型微通道网络成形工艺的国内外研究现状,其中线性和平面微通道网络的制作与成形一般是同时完成的,工艺较成熟,而立体微通道网络需分步实现,难度较大。探讨了现有微通道网络成形工艺的不足和发展趋势。简要介绍了玻璃基仿生微通道及其网络成形工艺研究进展。  相似文献   

微通道平板换热器在制冷空调领域的应用近年来呈上升趋势,流体在各平板之间的分配不均导致换热器整体性能的下降,从而制约了其进一步的应用。本文对近年来微通道平板换热器内流体分配不均的国内外文献进行了综述,从理论、试验、数值模拟等几个方面对文献进行了概括和分析。研究可为微通道平板换热器的设计和应用提供参考。  相似文献   

微流体运动的试验研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
微流体运动特性研究是微流量控制系统设计和性能完善的基础。本文对微管道流体运动进行了分析,采用液面图像显微观测研制的微流量测量系统可以对微流体运动的有关参数进行方便、较精确的测量。进行了以去离子水和直径为φ24~8μm直圆管为对象的试验,并对试验结果进行了分析。  相似文献   

利用CATIA软件建立动力电池冷却系统的内部流体域几何模型,通过STAR CCM+软件对乙二醇冷却液的流动情况进行模拟,得出流场的流量分配情况及其压力损失值。理论分析冷却液的流动机理,并结合数值模拟结果对冷却系统流体域的几何结构模型进行优化改进。由于流场的流体分配主要受阻力作用和分流、汇流作用的影响,通过重置管路布置的方式来调节分流、汇流作用,改变进出口五通接头及排出(吸入)Y型三通接头等连接件的结构参数来调整各流道流动阻力,使系统内进行换热的各冷却液流道流量分配达到均匀。系统优化后的流量分配情况良好,各流道内流体的速度趋于一致,故各流道汇流时所产生的湍流混合冲击损失减少,降低了流体阻力损失。  相似文献   

介绍两种流量放大转向系统   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文分析和比较了美国Caterpillar公司和丹麦Danfoss公司生产的两种流量放大转向系统的优缺点,可供叉车生产厂选型时参考。  相似文献   

微纳流量的测量是微纳液相色谱仪研发工作中的关键环节之一,本文利用热分布原理,建立了一种可以实时测量流量的微流量计法。由分流模式获得微纳流量流体,再采用传统测量方法得到实际输出流量,用以校正微流量计测量法的准确性。结果表明:微流量计法测得的数据准确且稳定性好,能够真实反映瞬时流量的变化,可测量μL/min~nL/min范围。该方法的建立,为微纳输液泵研制提供了有效的测试手段。  相似文献   

一种测试微通道性能参数的循环换热实验系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出一种用来测试微通道性能参数的循环换热实验系统,介绍了组成该系统的微通道、热电模块、泵、控制检测等元器件。该系统通过检测温度、压力和流量等参数能够得到微通道的传热、摩阻参数。作为实验装置,该系统不仅有助于验证和建立微通道的传热、微流动理论,也为设计、制造微通道循环换热的应用系统提供了参考。  相似文献   

采用FLUENT软件对微通道平行流气冷器流量分配特性进行模拟,通过改变换热器的进口扁管与集流管的组合尺寸T和扁管的长度L,对每根扁管流量分配不均匀度的大小,做出相应的火积耗散分析,由火积耗散的大小,可以得出气冷器流量分配不均匀度对换热的影响。结果表明,上述参数的改变对平行流气冷器内部扁管的流量分配不均匀度和火积耗散有较大的影响,二者在T=0.5时均达到最小,且随着扁管长度的增加而减小,但减小幅度逐渐变小。研究结果为考察平行流气冷器流量分配不均匀度对换热的影响提供参考依据,同时也为优化、评价换热器性能,提出一种新的途径。  相似文献   

Commonly used flow rate measurement systems provide an accurate and stable output value of the quasi-stationary flow rate. In some pump types as e.g. single-blade pumps significant flow rate fluctuations may occur even in steady operation points due to rotor-stator interaction. For the analysis of the time-resolved flow rate a new measurement and evaluation method is presented based on an electromagnetic flow meter. Internal averaging of the flow meter is deactivated and the raw signal is evaluated directly with a sampling rate of 3 kHz. With ensemble-averaging in combination with an impeller position detection, interfering signals acting on the time-resolved measurement signal are filtered out. Accompanying numerical simulations of the pump flow circuit are carried out with a 1D method of characteristics and validated against well-established time-resolved pressure measurements of the pump flow. Experiment and simulation show a resembling trend of pressure as well as flow rate fluctuations over the entire operation range of the pump. Thus, by the combined utilisation of measurement and simulation technique, we assure the validity of the ensemble-averaged flow rate fluctuation results. We find that the flow rate fluctuations show a consistent phase shift to the pressure fluctuations that increases towards overload. The flow rate amplitude is an order of magnitude smaller than the amplitude of the pressure fluctuations.  相似文献   

Multiphase flow rate metering is a challenging problem, specially for flow patterns other than wet-gas. This paper brings forward a new comparative analysis of three differential pressure calibration models suited for liquid dominated two-phase flows, in a total of seven model configurations. First, the models are compared theoretically and classified in terms of the type of input data required. Then, experimental data of over 300 horizontal air–water experiments, for 1” and 2” pipe diameters, supports quantitative analyses of the prediction accuracies and sensitivity of the superficial velocities of gas and liquid to measurement errors in the model input variables. Finally, a method for assessing the decoupled measurement errors for the void fraction and gas velocity is shown, as these variables are typically subject to higher uncertainties. It results that, though the void fraction is shown to be systematically under evaluated in more than 10%, the total mass flow rate is estimated through the Paz et al. (2010) model with an overall root mean squared deviation (RMSD) of 5.75% for the 2” data. Also, the use of gas velocity measurements, even if subject to considerable errors, decreased the RMSD for the gas superficial velocity by more than half for the 1” data.  相似文献   

严仁兴 《阀门》2011,(2):32-33,40
介绍了车用压缩天然气瓶阀标准(GB17926-2009)和气瓶附件安全技术监察规程(TSG RF001-2009)对限流装置流量的规定。分析了限流装置用试验装置的实际测试过程并对其流阻进行了计算。提出了GB 17926-2009中限流装置的进出气口两端压差为10MPa,限流装置流量应不大于500ml/min条款的不合理性和修订标准的建议。  相似文献   

In the present study, high data rate measurements were obtained for the streamwise and vertical velocity components using 2D Laser Doppler Velocimeter. The turbulent field in a straight compound-channel flow was characterized for three different uniform flow water depths, corresponding to “deep flows”, “intermediate flows” and “shallow flows” conditions. Several methodologies were studied to process the data and to obtain autocorrelation functions, integral length scale and turbulence kinetic energy (TKE) dissipation rate. The Sample and Hold method was adopted to interpolate the unevenly spaced record and calculate the autocorrelation function; the integral-stop-value 1/e was used to estimate the integral length scale; and the TKE dissipation rate was estimated through the velocity energy spectrum. A double shear layer composed of two counter-rotating vertical oriented vortices, interacting with the secondary currents, is observed in the interface region for deep flow conditions. By decreasing the water depth, the interface region becomes dominated by a strong mixing layer of vertical oriented vortices with high TKE dissipation rate and large integral length scale, acting as a vertical wall to the weak secondary currents that develop at the main channel. The determination of the integral length scale permits to confirm the existence and the strength of these turbulence structures, unveiling the strong mixing layer as the origin of the largest integral length scales, even larger than the flow depth, and as the most efficient mechanism to redistribute turbulence generated at the bottom towards upper flow regions. Despite the high complexity of turbulence structures present in the flow, for all water depths, a linear dependence is depicted between integral length scale, TKE dissipation rate, and streamwise turbulence intensity.  相似文献   

根据工程实施经验,介绍了在DCS控制方案设计与组态时的天然气流量补偿计算,饱和蒸汽流量补偿计算和空气流量补偿计算方法和公式,对广大自动化工程师和用户维护人员提供了十分有益的参考和指导作用。  相似文献   

An instrument has been developed for instantaneous flow rate measurements of anaesthetic liquids. For periodically time-varying flows, the instantaneous flow rate is reconstructed from the axial velocity time series measured on the centre-line of a pipe. The theoretical background for the method is given and it is demonstrated that fast variations of flow rate can be measured. The instrument is based on a laser Doppler anemometer (LDA) to record the instantaneous velocity on the axis of a capillary; an ultraviolet laser permits velocity measurements with good signal-to-noise ratio from tracer particles in the submicrometer range present in anaesthetic liquids.  相似文献   

The measurement of multiphase flow parameters is essential for the online monitoring of industrial production and energy metering. In this paper, a multi-sensor experimental measurement device is designed based on NIR, acoustic emission sensors, and throated Venturi. The measurement information is decomposed using modal decomposition, and the characteristic variables of the gas volume fraction are extracted by flow noise decoupling and light attenuation analysis. A new gas volume fraction model is proposed based on Gradient Boosting Decision Tree (GBDT) through feature-level fusion, and the Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE) of the gas volume fraction prediction models is within 4% for the three flow patterns. A new flow rate model is established based on the Homogeneous and Collins models. Laboratory results indicate that the MAPE of the flow rate model is 1.56%, and 98.61% relative deviations are within ±20% error band. The study provides a new method for online measurement of multiphase fluid motion and a theoretical basis for sensing mechanism and measurement of multiphase flow.  相似文献   

It is shown that small density changes can give rise to misinterpretation of flow rate signals in unsteady (reciprocating) flows. Basically a flow rate measured at some point A cannot simply be assigned to a remote point B. Depending on the way of plotting a hysteresis appears which, in fact, does not exist. Unsteady conservation of mass is applied to a volume and orifice flow system to obtain an equation which explains and predicts the apparent hysteresis. The equation in dimensionless form contains a key parameter β which holds the flow determining quantities. Experiments are conducted with respect to a wide spread of β. It is shown that the equation predicts reality quite well.  相似文献   

科里奥利颗粒料质量流量计流量公式理论分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过对科里奥利固体颗粒料质量流量计的结构分析,认为该流量计无法获取实时的质量流量,并对公开的瞬时流量计算公式进行了理论分析,说明其理论上的缺陷,给出了详细的推证过程和更为精确的理论计算方法和措施。  相似文献   

The paper presents a generalized method for measuring the flow rate of multicomponent flows, which is based on the principle of multichannelling. The paper presents the structure and method of implementing invariant systems for measuring the flow rate and quantity of multicomponent flows. The General Law of transformation of filtration coefficients that are used to measure individual components of the flow is found. The estimation of uncertainty of flow rate measurement results for individual flow components is performed. The results of the study of an invariant system for measuring the flow rate of a four-component flow are presented.  相似文献   

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