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<正>工商会大楼外观上是一幢独立式建筑,大楼前方是大型市民广场,大楼建成后,分散在城市各地的不同机构纷纷迁入大楼。大楼同样是斯洛文尼亚转型和新斯洛文尼亚独立的象征。我们最终的设计方案与原先方案不同——修建紧凑型建筑,建筑主体远离街道,前方为大型市民广场。广场选址突出,使其成为重要事件聚集地。大楼设计方案一方面要求提供令市民集会和交流的公共场所(如:  相似文献   

"斯洛文尼亚2004年加入欧盟,人均税前收入为每月1200欧元左右,自从独立以来,斯洛文尼亚就致力于将本国建设成为一个高福利国家。国家政府的生育政策也鼓励年轻家庭尽早孕育下一代,每个准妈妈一旦怀孕,就可以享受免费医疗看护,孩子出生后还可以每月领取相当于本国平均工资的养育补贴,  相似文献   

城市中存在着许多公共建筑集中,人、车流量庞大的特殊地段,这样别有新意的交通岛设计,在缓解交通繁忙的同时还起到为综台区域指示入口方向的作用形成复杂地带的别致一景。  相似文献   

正隐形住宅是一种柔性住宅单元,由预制木结构组成,专门设计用于在任何场地进行一站式安装。最大化的灵活性和空间品质是其开发理念的关键要素。其开放式布局由玻璃罩和湿式隔间组成,构成了三个提供单独使用和设计的空间单元。房间结构和布景以家用木材的使用为特色。房屋单元安装框架和家具均在工厂使用预制元件进行组装。房屋总体规模为14.5m×3.5m,可用卡车轻松装运。内部设计和结构和外立面可由客户从设计目录中自由选择。这不仅为住宅单元提供了定制化设计选择,也为定价提供了灵活性。通过模块化元件结构  相似文献   

生活的意义源于对生命中本质的追求.褪去华丽的外衣.摒弃一切的浮夸后,最终还是回归自我心中的价值.回归生活的真,而”艺术”是人类对生命不停的探索.反复地辩论与反思  相似文献   

有人说,我们斯洛文尼亚人是拥有建筑天赋的。也许这只不过是句俏皮话,但无法否认的事实是.我们在世界建筑图景之中确实占有一席之地。19世纪.还是在哈布斯堡王朝的统洽下,两位在维也纳工作的杰出的斯洛文尼亚建筑师,马克斯·法比亚尼(Max Fabiani)和约热·普列齐尼克(Joze Ptecnik).就出现在人们的视野之中。他们二位都是奥托·瓦格纳(Otto Wagner)的学生,而瓦格纳可能是那个时代最有影响力的欧洲建筑师之一。[第一段]  相似文献   

<正>OFIS工作室/OFISarhitekti是一家由RokOman(1970)和?pelaVide?nik(1971)于1996年创建的建筑实践工作室,两人都毕业于卢布尔雅那建筑学院(1998年10月毕业)和伦敦建筑学会(2000年1月获文学硕士)。截止到1998年,他们的作品已多次荣获业内大奖,如马里博尔足球场和卢布尔雅那城市博物馆。他们的很多项目被提名密斯·凡德罗奖,2009年的足球场获IOC/IAKS银  相似文献   

THE EDITOR RECORDS 不知哪位哲人曾说过:家,就是人生的一个"驿站",的确,人的一生不论贫贱富贵、成功失败,总有一个让人最牵挂的地方--家,不同的时期,这个场景也在不断的变换着,就象人生旅途中不时变换着的驿站。 现代家庭的装饰追求个性,追求与自然的协调,《装饰天地》栏目从本期开始会陆续推出家装实例,希望对您有所借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

在设计大同化的今天,倡导"原创"并不显得老套而是变得尤为重要.一个艺术或设计品牌的成功随之而来的是被伪造,复制,后果就是艺术和设计的本体丧失了生命和含义.面对这个可怕的恶性循环,作为媒体呼吁原创,我们义不容辞.希望中国的创新产业有与制造产业齐头之势,甚至更行先端,将复制的时代走向创新.  相似文献   

This paper explores the idea of the exhibition as a living laboratory in the making and curating of interactive art. It suggests that museums can act as living laboratories where curators, artists and audiences collaborate in real-world settings. Such laboratories are shown to be essential for the study of the audience experience of interactive art, a key part of understanding interactivity as a medium. The paper describes Beta_space: an experimental public exhibition venue and research environment for interactive art. It places this initiative within a historical continuum of transversal cultural display and the use of the museum as laboratory. It identifies an emerging phenomenon of hybrid research, production and exhibition spaces, and argues that such initiatives work to overcome the continued distinctions, within traditional cultural institutions, between art, science and technology, object and experience, creation and consumption.  相似文献   

The paper analyses consumer willingness to invest in a smart home and attempts to establish willingness to pay for various smart-home functionalities among Slovenian households in 2013. The estimated results suggest that consumers positively perceive energy and security related smart-home functionalities, though willingness to pay (WTP) for any particular functionality is not found to be very high. In comparison to stated WTP, current market prices are mostly too high to expect higher penetration rates of smart home devices in the very near future. Household income, technology progressiveness, and energy conservation habits are found to positively influence purchases of smart-home functionalities.  相似文献   

During the Soviet era, Slovenia was renowned as an architectural oasis for experimentation on the western borders of eastern European greyness. Miha Desman describes how this small but significant nation has maintained its taste for design innovation, despite the shifting economic and political conditions of the past two decades. He outlines what present-day Slovenia has to offer a greater Europe and the special qualities of its contemporary architecture. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

<正>该项目位于去年竣工的650间公寓的边缘地带,其类型为为社会型住宅,现已出售给斯洛文尼亚住房基金会(Slovenian Housing Fund)。该项目按照城市既定规划设计,建筑整体高4层,长58m,宽15m。为避免因建筑朝向繁忙的高速公路而带来的噪音,每个公寓单元与阳台相连的门窗,均由侧扭30°的南向侧窗代替,使室内更加宁静,为居住者营造一个私密的空间。  相似文献   

东欧对于我们不少人来讲并不是很熟悉,由于历史或者是经济的原因,我们很少关注东欧城市的设计,但事实上这里拥有非常丰富的文化遗产和现代设计作品。本案位于斯洛文尼亚北部城市马里博尔,原建筑是一座建于上世纪60年代的现代派建筑,是这座城市一个标志性的文化建筑。2005年整个大楼被收购,改造成百货大楼。也正是因为这里寄托着市民很多情感,是十分有纪念意义的地方,所以在改造的过程中受到了很多的限带4。  相似文献   

As a new member state of the EU, Slovenia has been required to adopt EU legislation in full. The Slovenian electricity market has been partially opened since 2001. From 1 July 2007, when households became eligible customers, the electricity market opened fully. The electricity reforms carried out so far comprise of market liberalization, unbundling of activities, allowing regulated TPA, formation of an organized power market, adoption of incentive-based price cap regulation and the establishment of an independent regulatory body. The challenge that remains to be addressed is how to enhance competition in an electricity market that has a net importer position with limited cross-border capacity. Envisaged investments in generating and cross-border capacities will partially close the gap between domestic generation and consumption. Furthermore, since Slovenia has one of the largest levels of state ownership in the electricity sector among EU member states, privatization of electricity companies is envisaged in the near future.  相似文献   

Various studies indicate that the elderly are unwilling to move, while health issues are one of the important factors influencing decisions to move. In our study, we tested the willingness of the elderly to accept various housing options based on a large quantitative survey of persons aged 50 and above conducted in 2015 in Slovenia. Our focus was on the respondents’ attitudes to different housing options, especially less-well-known options such as senior cohousing, household groups, family caregiving for elderly people and multigenerational residential buildings. This is relevant for the future development of housing and care policies because in a majority of countries housing markets will need to adapt to the growing elderly populations and their diversified needs. We employ cluster analysis to analyze which housing options are acceptable, how people can be grouped regarding the acceptability of moving house, and the characteristics of these groups.  相似文献   

小时候,奶奶告诉我天上的牛郎和织女每年都要在天河相会,所有的鸟雀也都要到天上去为他们搭桥.从那时起,便不停的想像天堂的生活该是怎样.在漫漫长大的过程中,又有多少次看到和听到关于天堂里幸福生活的故事."住在天堂"应该成为我们很多梦想中的一个吧?!  相似文献   

马晓威 《建筑创作》2009,(10):98-103
小时候,奶奶告诉我天上的牛郎和织女每年都要在天河相会.所有的鸟雀也都要到天上去为他们搭桥。从那时起,便不停的想像天堂的生活该是怎样。  相似文献   

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