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A well-established method of constructing hash functions is to base them on non-compressing primitives, such as one-way functions or permutations. In this work, we present \(S^r\), an \(rn\)-to-\(n\)-bit compression function (for \(r\ge 1\)) making \(2r-1\) calls to \(n\)-to-\(n\)-bit primitives (random functions or permutations). \(S^r\) compresses its inputs at a rate (the amount of message blocks per primitive call) up to almost 1/2, and it outperforms all existing schemes with respect to rate and/or the size of underlying primitives. For instance, instantiated with the \(1600\)-bit permutation of NIST’s SHA-3 hash function standard, it offers about \(800\)-bit security at a rate of almost 1/2, while SHA-3-512 itself achieves only \(512\)-bit security at a rate of about \(1/3\). We prove that \(S^r\) achieves asymptotically optimal collision security against semi-adaptive adversaries up to almost \(2^{n/2}\) queries and that it can be made preimage secure up to \(2^n\) queries using a simple tweak.  相似文献   

A unified fast time-stepping method for both fractional integral and derivative operators is proposed. The fractional operator is decomposed into a local part with memory length \(\varDelta T\) and a history part, where the local part is approximated by the direct convolution method and the history part is approximated by a fast memory-saving method. The fast method has \(O(n_0+\sum _{\ell }^L{q}_{\alpha }(N_{\ell }))\) active memory and \(O(n_0n_T+ (n_T-n_0)\sum _{\ell }^L{q}_{\alpha }(N_{\ell }))\) operations, where \(L=\log (n_T-n_0)\), \(n_0={\varDelta T}/\tau ,n_T=T/\tau \), \(\tau \) is the stepsize, T is the final time, and \({q}_{\alpha }{(N_{\ell })}\) is the number of quadrature points used in the truncated Laguerre–Gauss (LG) quadrature. The error bound of the present fast method is analyzed. It is shown that the error from the truncated LG quadrature is independent of the stepsize, and can be made arbitrarily small by choosing suitable parameters that are given explicitly. Numerical examples are presented to verify the effectiveness of the current fast method.  相似文献   

This paper aims to develop new and fast algorithms for recovering a sparse vector from a small number of measurements, which is a fundamental problem in the field of compressive sensing (CS). Currently, CS favors incoherent systems, in which any two measurements are as little correlated as possible. In reality, however, many problems are coherent, and conventional methods such as \(L_1\) minimization do not work well. Recently, the difference of the \(L_1\) and \(L_2\) norms, denoted as \(L_1\)\(L_2\), is shown to have superior performance over the classic \(L_1\) method, but it is computationally expensive. We derive an analytical solution for the proximal operator of the \(L_1\)\(L_2\) metric, and it makes some fast \(L_1\) solvers such as forward–backward splitting (FBS) and alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM) applicable for \(L_1\)\(L_2\). We describe in details how to incorporate the proximal operator into FBS and ADMM and show that the resulting algorithms are convergent under mild conditions. Both algorithms are shown to be much more efficient than the original implementation of \(L_1\)\(L_2\) based on a difference-of-convex approach in the numerical experiments.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study quantum codes over \(F_q\) from cyclic codes over \(F_q+uF_q+vF_q+uvF_q,\) where \(u^2=u,~v^2=v,~uv=vu,~q=p^m\), and p is an odd prime. We give the structure of cyclic codes over \(F_q+uF_q+vF_q+uvF_q\) and obtain self-orthogonal codes over \(F_q\) as Gray images of linear and cyclic codes over \(F_q+uF_q+vF_q+uvF_q\). In particular, we decompose a cyclic code over \(F_q+uF_q+vF_q+uvF_q\) into four cyclic codes over \(F_q\) to determine the parameters of the corresponding quantum code.  相似文献   

A quantum Otto heat engine is studied with multilevel identical particles trapped in one-dimensional box potential as working substance. The symmetrical wave function for Bosons and the anti-symmetrical wave function for Fermions are considered. In two-particle case, we focus on the ratios of \(W^i\) (\(i=B,F\)) to \(W_s\), where \(W^\mathrm{B}\) and \(W^\mathrm{F}\) are the work done by two Bosons and Fermions, respectively, and \(W_s\) is the work output of a single particle under the same conditions. Due to the symmetrical of the wave functions, the ratios are not equal to 2. Three different regimes, low-temperature regime, high-temperature regime, and intermediate-temperature regime, are analyzed, and the effects of energy level number and the differences between the two baths are calculated. In the multiparticle case, we calculate the ratios of \(W^i_M/M\) to \(W_s\), where \(W^i_M/M\) can be seen as the average work done by a single particle in multiparticle heat engine. For other working substances whose energy spectrum has the form of \(E_n\sim n^2\), the results are similar. For the case \(E_n\sim n\), two different conclusions are obtained.  相似文献   

We study the Z(2) gauge-invariant neural network which is defined on a partially connected random network and involves Z(2) neuron variables \(S_i\) (\(=\pm \)1) and Z(2) synaptic connection (gauge) variables \(J_{ij}\) (\(=\pm \)1). Its energy consists of the Hopfield term \(-c_1S_iJ_{ij}S_j\), double Hopfield term \(-c_2 S_iJ_{ij}J_{jk} S_k\), and the reverberation (triple Hopfield) term \(-c_3 J_{ij}J_{jk}J_{ki}\) of synaptic self interactions. For the case \(c_2=0\), its phase diagram in the \(c_3-c_1\) plane has been studied both for the symmetric couplings \(J_{ij}=J_{ji}\) and asymmetric couplings (\(J_{ij}\) and \(J_{ji}\) are independent); it consists of the Higgs, Coulomb and confinement phases, each of which is characterized by the ability of learning and/or recalling patterns. In this paper, we consider the phase diagram for the case of nonvanishing \(c_2\), and examine its effect. We find that the \(c_2\) term enlarges the region of Higgs phase and generates a new second-order transition. We also simulate the dynamical process of learning patterns of \(S_i\) and recalling them and measure the performance directly by overlaps of \(S_i\). We discuss the difference in performance for the cases of Z(2) variables and real variables for synaptic connections.  相似文献   

It is known that the n-qubit system has no unextendible product bases (UPBs) of cardinality \(2^n-1\), \(2^n-2\) and \(2^n-3\). On the other hand, the n-qubit UPBs of cardinality \(2^n-4\) exist for all \(n\ge 3\). We prove that they do not exist for cardinality \(2^n-5\).  相似文献   

What is the minimal number of elements in a rank-1 positive operator-valued measure (POVM) which can uniquely determine any pure state in d-dimensional Hilbert space \(\mathcal {H}_d\)? The known result is that the number is no less than \(3d-2\). We show that this lower bound is not tight except for \(d=2\) or 4. Then we give an upper bound \(4d-3\). For \(d=2\), many rank-1 POVMs with four elements can determine any pure states in \(\mathcal {H}_2\). For \(d=3\), we show eight is the minimal number by construction. For \(d=4\), the minimal number is in the set of \(\{10,11,12,13\}\). We show that if this number is greater than 10, an unsettled open problem can be solved that three orthonormal bases cannot distinguish all pure states in \(\mathcal {H}_4\). For any dimension d, we construct \(d+2k-2\) adaptive rank-1 positive operators for the reconstruction of any unknown pure state in \(\mathcal {H}_d\), where \(1\le k \le d\).  相似文献   

In this paper, we construct several new families of quantum codes with good parameters. These new quantum codes are derived from (classical) t-point (\(t\ge 1\)) algebraic geometry (AG) codes by applying the Calderbank–Shor–Steane (CSS) construction. More precisely, we construct two classical AG codes \(C_1\) and \(C_2\) such that \(C_1\subset C_2\), applying after the well-known CSS construction to \(C_1\) and \(C_2\). Many of these new codes have large minimum distances when compared with their code lengths as well as they also have small Singleton defects. As an example, we construct a family \({[[46, 2(t_2 - t_1), d]]}_{25}\) of quantum codes, where \(t_1 , t_2\) are positive integers such that \(1<t_1< t_2 < 23\) and \(d\ge \min \{ 46 - 2t_2 , 2t_1 - 2 \}\), of length \(n=46\), with minimum distance in the range \(2\le d\le 20\), having Singleton defect at most four. Additionally, by applying the CSS construction to sequences of t-point (classical) AG codes constructed in this paper, we generate sequences of asymptotically good quantum codes.  相似文献   

Spheroidal harmonics and modified Bessel functions have wide applications in scientific and engineering computing. Recursive methods are developed to compute the logarithmic derivatives, ratios, and products of the prolate spheroidal harmonics (\(P_n^m(x)\), \(Q_n^m(x)\), \(n\ge m\ge 0\), \(x>1\)), the oblate spheroidal harmonics (\(P_n^m(ix)\), \(Q_n^m(ix)\), \(n\ge m\ge 0\), \(x>0\)), and the modified Bessel functions (\(I_n(x)\), \(K_n(x)\), \(n\ge 0\), \(x>0\)) in order to avoid direct evaluation of these functions that may easily cause overflow/underflow for high degree/order and for extreme argument. Stability analysis shows the proposed recursive methods are stable for realistic degree/order and argument values. Physical examples in electrostatics are given to validate the recursive methods.  相似文献   

The work presented in this paper explores the effectiveness of incorporating the excitation source parameters such as strength of excitation and instantaneous fundamental frequency (\(F_0\)) for emotion recognition task from speech and electroglottographic (EGG) signals. The strength of excitation (SoE) is an important parameter indicating the pressure with which glottis closes at the glottal closure instants (GCIs). The SoE is computed by the popular zero frequency filtering (ZFF) method which accurately estimates the glottal signal characteristics by attenuating or removing the high frequency vocaltract interactions in speech. The arbitrary impulse sequence, obtained from the estimated GCIs, is used to derive the instantaneous \(F_0\). The SoE and the instantaneous \(F_0\) parameters are combined with the conventional mel frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCC) to improve the recognition rates of distinct emotions (Anger, Happy and Sad) using Gaussian mixture models as classifier. The performances of the proposed combination of SoE and instantaneous \(F_0\) and their dynamic features with MFCC coefficients are compared with the emotion utterances (4 emotions and neutral) from classical German full blown emotion speech database (EmoDb) having simultaneous speech and EGG signals and Surrey Audio Visual Expressed Emotion database (3 emotions and neutral) for both speaker dependent and speaker independent emotion recognition scenarios. To reinforce the effectiveness of the proposed features and for better statistical consistency of the emotion analysis, a fairly large emotion speech database of 220 utterances per emotion in Tamil language with simultaneous EGG recordings, is used in addition to EmoDb. The effectiveness of SoE and instantaneous \(F_0\) in characterizing different emotions is also confirmed by the improved emotion recognition performance in Tamil speech-EGG emotion database.  相似文献   

The construction of quantum MDS codes has been studied by many authors. We refer to the table in page 1482 of (IEEE Trans Inf Theory 61(3):1474–1484, 2015) for known constructions. However, there have been constructed only a few q-ary quantum MDS \([[n,n-2d+2,d]]_q\) codes with minimum distances \(d>\frac{q}{2}\) for sparse lengths \(n>q+1\). In the case \(n=\frac{q^2-1}{m}\) where \(m|q+1\) or \(m|q-1\) there are complete results. In the case \(n=\frac{q^2-1}{m}\) while \(m|q^2-1\) is neither a factor of \(q-1\) nor \(q+1\), no q-ary quantum MDS code with \(d> \frac{q}{2}\) has been constructed. In this paper we propose a direct approach to construct Hermitian self-orthogonal codes over \(\mathbf{F}_{q^2}\). Then we give some new q-ary quantum codes in this case. Moreover many new q-ary quantum MDS codes with lengths of the form \(\frac{w(q^2-1)}{u}\) and minimum distances \(d > \frac{q}{2}\) are presented.  相似文献   

Based on spatial conforming and nonconforming mixed finite element methods combined with classical L1 time stepping method, two fully-discrete approximate schemes with unconditional stability are first established for the time-fractional diffusion equation with Caputo derivative of order \(0<\alpha <1\). As to the conforming scheme, the spatial global superconvergence and temporal convergence order of \(O(h^2+\tau ^{2-\alpha })\) for both the original variable u in \(H^1\)-norm and the flux \(\vec {p}=\nabla u\) in \(L^2\)-norm are derived by virtue of properties of bilinear element and interpolation postprocessing operator, where h and \(\tau \) are the step sizes in space and time, respectively. At the same time, the optimal convergence rates in time and space for the nonconforming scheme are also investigated by some special characters of \(\textit{EQ}_1^{\textit{rot}}\) nonconforming element, which manifests that convergence orders of \(O(h+\tau ^{2-\alpha })\) and \(O(h^2+\tau ^{2-\alpha })\) for the original variable u in broken \(H^1\)-norm and \(L^2\)-norm, respectively, and approximation for the flux \(\vec {p}\) converging with order \(O(h+\tau ^{2-\alpha })\) in \(L^2\)-norm. Numerical examples are provided to demonstrate the theoretical analysis.  相似文献   

We study the following energy-efficient scheduling problem. We are given a set of n jobs which have to be scheduled by a single processor whose speed can be varied dynamically. Each job \(J_j\) is characterized by a processing requirement (work) \(p_j\), a release date \(r_j\), and a deadline \(d_j\). We are also given a budget of energy E which must not be exceeded and our objective is to maximize the throughput (i.e., the number of jobs which are completed on time). We show that the problem can be solved optimally via dynamic programming in \(O(n^4 \log n \log P)\) time when all jobs have the same release date, where P is the sum of the processing requirements of the jobs. For the more general case with agreeable deadlines where the jobs can be ordered so that, for every \(i < j\), it holds that \(r_i \le r_j\) and \(d_i \le d_j\), we propose an optimal dynamic programming algorithm which runs in \(O(n^6 \log n \log P)\) time. In addition, we consider the weighted case where every job \(J_j\) is also associated with a weight \(w_j\) and we are interested in maximizing the weighted throughput (i.e., the total weight of the jobs which are completed on time). For this case, we show that the problem becomes \(\mathcal{NP}\)-hard in the ordinary sense even when all jobs have the same release date and we propose a pseudo-polynomial time algorithm for agreeable instances.  相似文献   

New hybridized discontinuous Galerkin (HDG) methods for the interface problem for elliptic equations are proposed. Unknown functions of our schemes are \(u_h\) in elements and \(\hat{u}_h\) on inter-element edges. That is, we formulate our schemes without introducing the flux variable. We assume that subdomains \(\Omega _1\) and \(\Omega _2\) are polyhedral domains and that the interface \(\Gamma =\partial \Omega _1\cap \partial \Omega _2\) is polyhedral surface or polygon. Moreover, \(\Gamma \) is assumed to be expressed as the union of edges of some elements. We deal with the case where the interface is transversely connected with the boundary of the whole domain \(\overline{\Omega }=\overline{\Omega _1\cap \Omega _2}\). Consequently, the solution u of the interface problem may not have a sufficient regularity, say \(u\in H^2(\Omega )\) or \(u|_{\Omega _1}\in H^2(\Omega _1)\), \(u|_{\Omega _2}\in H^2(\Omega _2)\). We succeed in deriving optimal order error estimates in an HDG norm and the \(L^2\) norm under low regularity assumptions of solutions, say \(u|_{\Omega _1}\in H^{1+s}(\Omega _1)\) and \(u|_{\Omega _2}\in H^{1+s}(\Omega _2)\) for some \(s\in (1/2,1]\), where \(H^{1+s}\) denotes the fractional order Sobolev space. Numerical examples to validate our results are also presented.  相似文献   

In many parallel and distributed multiprocessor systems, the processors are connected based on different types of interconnection networks. The topological structure of an interconnection network is typically modeled as a graph. Among the many kinds of network topologies, the crossed cube is one of the most popular. In this paper, we investigate the panpositionable panconnectedness problem with respect to the crossed cube. A graph G is r-panpositionably panconnected if for any three distinct vertices x, y, z of G and for any integer \(l_1\) satisfying \(r \le l_1 \le |V(G)| - r - 1\), there exists a path \(P = [x, P_1, y, P_2, z]\) in G such that (i) \(P_1\) joins x and y with \(l(P_1) = l_1\) and (ii) \(P_2\) joins y and z with \(l(P_2) = l_2\) for any integer \(l_2\) satisfying \(r \le l_2 \le |V(G)| - l_1 - 1\), where |V(G)| is the total number of vertices in G and \(l(P_1)\) (respectively, \(l(P_2)\)) is the length of path \(P_1\) (respectively, \(P_2\)). By mathematical induction, we demonstrate that the n-dimensional crossed cube \(CQ_n\) is n-panpositionably panconnected. This result indicates that the path embedding of joining x and z with a mediate vertex y in \(CQ_n\) is extremely flexible. Moreover, applying our result, crossed cube problems such as panpositionable pancyclicity, panpositionably Hamiltonian connectedness, and panpositionable Hamiltonicity can be solved.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a new vocal-based emotion recognition method using random forests, where pairs of the features on the whole speech signal, namely, pitch, intensity, the first four formants, the first four formants bandwidths, mean autocorrelation, mean noise-to-harmonics ratio and standard deviation, are used in order to recognize the emotional state of a speaker. The proposed technique adopts random forests to represent the speech signals, along with the decision-trees approach, in order to classify them into different categories. The emotions are broadly categorised into the six groups, which are happiness, fear, sadness, neutral, surprise, and disgust. The Surrey Audio-Visual Expressed Emotion database is used. According to the experimental results using leave-one-out cross-validation, by means of combining the most significant prosodic features, the proposed method has an average recognition rate of \(66.28\%\), and at the highest level, the recognition rate of \(78\%\) has been obtained, which belongs to the happiness voice signals. The proposed method has \(13.78\%\) higher average recognition rate and \(28.1\%\) higher best recognition rate compared to the linear discriminant analysis as well as \(6.58\%\) higher average recognition rate than the deep neural networks results, both of which have been implemented on the same database.  相似文献   

We study the problem of non-preemptively scheduling n jobs, each job j with a release time \(t_j\), a deadline \(d_j\), and a processing time \(p_j\), on m parallel identical machines. Cieliebak et al. (2004) considered the two constraints \(|d_j-t_j|\le \lambda {}p_j\) and \(|d_j-t_j|\le p_j +\sigma \) and showed the problem to be NP-hard for any \(\lambda >1\) and for any \(\sigma \ge 2\). We complement their results by parameterized complexity studies: we show that, for any \(\lambda >1\), the problem remains weakly NP-hard even for \(m=2\) and strongly W[1]-hard parameterized by m. We present a pseudo-polynomial-time algorithm for constant m and \(\lambda \) and a fixed-parameter tractability result for the parameter m combined with \(\sigma \).  相似文献   

Forecasting air-pollutant levels is an important issue, due to their adverse effects on public health, and often a legislative necessity. The advantage of Bayesian methods is their ability to provide density predictions which can easily be transformed into ordinal or binary predictions given a set of thresholds. We develop a Bayesian approach to forecasting PM\(_{10}\) and O\(_3\) levels that efficiently deals with extensive amounts of input parameters, and test whether it outperforms classical models and experts. The new approach is used to fit models for PM\(_{10}\) and O\(_3\) level forecasting that can be used in daily practice. We also introduce a novel approach for comparing models to experts based on estimated cost matrices. The results for diverse air quality monitoring sites across Slovenia show that Bayesian models outperform classical models in both PM\(_{10}\) and O\(_3\) predictions. The proposed models perform better than experts in PM\(_{10}\) and are on par with experts in O\(_3\) predictions—where experts already base their predictions on predictions from a statistical model. A Bayesian approach—especially using Gaussian processes—offers several advantages: superior performance, robustness to overfitting, more information, and the ability to efficiently adapt to different cost matrices.  相似文献   

We construct two sets of incomplete and extendible quantum pure orthogonal product states (POPS) in general bipartite high-dimensional quantum systems, which are all indistinguishable by local operations and classical communication. The first set of POPS is composed of two parts which are \(\mathcal {C}^m\otimes \mathcal {C}^{n_1}\) with \(5\le m\le n_1\) and \(\mathcal {C}^m\otimes \mathcal {C}^{n_2}\) with \(5\le m \le n_2\), where \(n_1\) is odd and \(n_2\) is even. The second one is in \(\mathcal {C}^m\otimes \mathcal {C}^n\) \((m, n\ge 4)\). Some subsets of these two sets can be extended into complete sets that local indistinguishability can be decided by noncommutativity which quantifies the quantumness of a quantum ensemble. Our study shows quantum nonlocality without entanglement.  相似文献   

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