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Astronomical nebulae are among the most complex and visually appealing phenomena known outside the bounds of the Solar System. However, our fixed vantage point on Earth limits us to a single known view of these objects, and their intricate volumetric structure cannot be recovered directly. Recent approaches to reconstructing a volumetric 3D model use the approximate symmetry inherent to many nebulae, but require several hours of computation time on large multi‐GPU clusters. We present a novel reconstruction algorithm based on group sparsity that reaches or even exceeds the quality of prior results while taking only a fraction of the time on a conventional desktop PC, thereby enabling end users in planetariums or educational facilities to produce high‐quality content without expensive hardware or manual modeling. In principle, our approach can be generalized to other transparent phenomena with arbitrary types of user‐specified symmetries.  相似文献   

Cinemagraphs are a popular new type of visual media that lie in‐between photos and video; some parts of the frame are animated and loop seamlessly, while other parts of the frame remain completely still. Cinemagraphs are especially effective for portraits because they capture the nuances of our dynamic facial expressions. We present a completely automatic algorithm for generating portrait cinemagraphs from a short video captured with a hand‐held camera. Our algorithm uses a combination of face tracking and point tracking to segment face motions into two classes: gross, large‐scale motions that should be removed from the video, and dynamic facial expressions that should be preserved. This segmentation informs a spatially‐varying warp that removes the large‐scale motion, and a graph‐cut segmentation of the frame into dynamic and still regions that preserves the finer‐scale facial expression motions. We demonstrate the success of our method with a variety of results and a comparison to previous work.  相似文献   

A hidden‐picture puzzle contains objects hidden in a background image, in such a way that each object fits closely into a local region of the background. Our system converts image of the background and objects into line drawing, and then finds places in which to hide transformed versions of the objects using rotation‐invariant shape context matching. During the hiding process, each object is subjected to a slight deformation to enhance its similarity to the background. The results were assessed by a panel of puzzle‐solvers.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a method for automatically generating continuous line illustrations, drawings consisting of a single line, from a given input image. Our approach begins by inferring a graph from a set of edges extracted from the image in question and obtaining a path that traverses through all edges of the said graph. The resulting path is then subjected to a series of post‐processing operations to transform it into a continuous line drawing. Moreover, our approach allows us to manipulate the amount of detail portrayed in our line illustrations, which is particularly useful for simplifying the overall illustration while still retaining its most significant features. We also present several experimental results to demonstrate that our approach can automatically synthesize continuous line illustrations comparable to those of some contemporary artists.  相似文献   

There is a vast number of applications that require distance field computation over triangular meshes. State‐of‐the‐art algorithms have quadratic or sub‐quadratic worst‐case complexity, making them impractical for interactive applications. While most of the research on this subject has been focused on reducing the computation complexity of the algorithms, in this work we propose an approximate algorithm that achieves similar results working in lower resolutions of the input meshes. The creation of lower resolution meshes is the essence of our proposal. The idea is to identify regions on the input mesh that can be unfolded into planar regions with minimal area distortion (i.e. quasi‐developable charts). Once charts are computed, their interior is re‐triangulated to reduce the number of triangles, which results in a collection of simplified charts that we call a base mesh. Due to the properties of quasi‐developable regions, we are able to compute distance fields over the base mesh instead of over the input mesh. This reduces the memory footprint and data processed for distance computations, which is the bottleneck of these algorithms. We present results that are one order of magnitude faster than current exact solutions, with low approximation errors.  相似文献   

A QR code is a two‐dimensional barcode that encodes information. A standard QR code contains only regular black and white squares, and thus is unattractive. This paper proposes a novel framework for embellishing a standard QR code, to make it both attractive and recognizable by any human while maintaining its scanability. The proposed method is inspired by artistic methods. A QR code is typically embellished by stylizing the squares and embedding images into it. In the proposed framework, the regular squares are reshaped using a binary examplar, to make their local appearances resemble the example shape. Additionally, an error‐aware warping technique for deforming the embedded image is proposed; it minimizes the error in the QR code that is generated by the embedding of the image to optimize the readability of the code. The proposed algorithm yields lower data error than previous global transformation techniques because the warping can locally deform the embedded image to conform to the squares that surround it. The proposed framework was examined by using it to embellish an extensive set of QR codes and to test the readability with various commercial QR code readers.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a framework that can extract an alpha matte from a single image with Fresnel reflection, and that can composite other objects with the image such that plausible reflections are included. Our method handles reflections in a plane with small undulations, for example, a water surface with waves or a glossy tabletop. During the matting stage, our method first estimates the transmission color, which is assumed to be uniform, and then calculates a reflection image and alpha matte based on user markups. However, accurate extraction of the matte becomes challenging when a plane has small undulations because these create perturbations in the matte. We therefore propose a filter that can refine the matte effectively. In the compositing stage, the reflection of a composited object is synthesized by ray tracing in real time. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method through comparisons with ground‐truth data and results using natural images as inputs.  相似文献   

Statistical shape modeling is a widely used technique for the representation and analysis of the shapes and shape variations present in a population. A statistical shape model models the distribution in a high dimensional shape space, where each shape is represented by a single point. We present a design study on the intuitive exploration and visualization of shape spaces and shape models. Our approach focuses on the dual‐space nature of these spaces. The high‐dimensional shape space represents the population, whereas object space represents the shape of the 3D object associated with a point in shape space. A 3D object view provides local details for a single shape. The high dimensional points in shape space are visualized using a 2D scatter plot projection, the axes of which can be manipulated interactively. This results in a dynamic scatter plot, with the further extension that each point is visualized as a small version of the object shape that it represents. We further enhance the population‐object duality with a new type of view aimed at shape comparison. This new “shape evolution view” visualizes shape variability along a single trajectory in shape space, and serves as a link between the two spaces described above. Our three‐view exploration concept strongly emphasizes linked interaction between all spaces. Moving the cursor over the scatter plot or evolution views, shapes are dynamically interpolated and shown in the object view. Conversely, camera manipulation in the object view affects the object visualizations in the other views. We present a GPU‐accelerated implementation, and show the effectiveness of the three‐view approach using a number of real‐world cases. In these, we demonstrate how this multi‐view approach can be used to visually explore important aspects of a statistical shape model, including specificity, compactness and reconstruction error.  相似文献   

This paper presents a novel example‐based stippling technique that employs a simple and intuitive concept to convert a color image into a pointillism painting. Our method relies on analyzing and imitating the color distributions of Seurat's paintings to obtain a statistical color model. Then, this model can be easily combined with the modified multi‐class blue noise sampling to stylize an input image with characteristics of color composition in Seurat's paintings. The blue noise property of the output image also ensures that the color points are randomly located but remain spatially uniform. In our experiments, the multivariate goodness‐of‐fit tests were adopted to quantitatively analyze the results of the proposed and previous methods, further confirming that the color composition of our results are more similar to Seurat's painting style than that of previous approaches. Additionally, we also conducted a user study participated by artists to qualitatively evaluate the synthesized images of the proposed method.  相似文献   

We describe a simulation‐time random sampling of a large‐scale particle simulation, the RoadRunner Universe MC3 cosmological simulation, for interactive post‐analysis and visualization. Simulation data generation rates will continue to be far greater than storage bandwidth rates by many orders of magnitude. This implies that only a very small fraction of data generated by a simulation can ever be stored and subsequently post‐analyzed. The limiting factors in this situation are similar to the problem in many population surveys: there aren't enough human resources to query a large population. To cope with the lack of resources, statistical sampling techniques are used to create a representative data set of a large population. Following this analogy, we propose to store a simulation‐time random sampling of the particle data for post‐analysis, with level‐of‐detail organization, to cope with the bottlenecks. A sample is stored directly from the simulation in a level‐of‐detail format for post‐visualization and analysis, which amortizes the cost of post‐processing and reduces workflow time. Additionally by sampling during the simulation, we are able to analyze the entire particle population to record full population statistics and quantify sample error.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present an automated system for generating context‐preserving route maps that depict navigation routes as a path between nodes and edges inside a topographic network. Our application identifies relevant context information to support navigation and orientation, and generates customizable route maps according to design principles that communicate all relevant context information clearly visible on one single page. Interactive scaling allows seamless transition between the original undistorted map and our new map design, and supports user‐specified scaling of regions of interest to create personalized driving directions according to the drivers needs.  相似文献   

Studying transformation in a chemical system by considering its energy as a function of coordinates of the system's components provides insight and changes our understanding of this process. Currently, a lack of effective visualization techniques for high‐dimensional energy functions limits chemists to plot energy with respect to one or two coordinates at a time. In some complex systems, developing a comprehensive understanding requires new visualization techniques that show relationships between all coordinates at the same time. We propose a new visualization technique that combines concepts from topological analysis, multi‐dimensional scaling, and graph layout to enable the analysis of energy functions for a wide range of molecular structures. We demonstrate our technique by studying the energy function of a dimer of formic and acetic acids and a LTA zeolite structure, in which we consider diffusion of methane.  相似文献   

We present an interactive design system for designing free‐formed bamboo‐copters, where novices can easily design free‐formed, even asymmetric bamboo‐copters that successfully fly. The designed bamboo‐copters can be fabricated using digital fabrication equipment, such as a laser cutter. Our system provides two useful functions for facilitating this design activity. First, it visualizes a simulated flight trajectory of the current bamboo‐copter design, which is updated in real time during the user's editing. Second, it provides an optimization function that automatically tweaks the current bamboo‐copter design such that the spin quality—how stably it spins—and the flight quality—how high and long it flies—are enhanced. To enable these functions, we present non‐trivial extensions over existing techniques for designing free‐formed model airplanes [ UKSI14 ], including a wing discretization method tailored to free‐formed bamboo‐copters and an optimization scheme for achieving stable bamboo‐copters considering both spin and flight qualities.  相似文献   

We present a probe‐based interface for the exploration of the results of a geospatial simulation of urban growth. Because our interface allows the user great freedom in how they choose to define regions‐of‐interest to examine and compare, the classic geospatial analytic issue known as the modifiable areal unit problem (MAUP) quickly arises. The user may delineate regions with unseen differences that can affect the fairness of the comparisons made between them. To alleviate this problem, our interface first alerts the user if it detects any potential unfairness between regions when they are selected for comparison. It then presents the dimensions with potential problematic outliers to the user for evaluation. Finally, it provides a number of semi‐automated tools to assist the user in correcting their regions' boundaries to minimize the inequalities they feel could significantly impact their comparisons.  相似文献   

Defocus Magnification   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A blurry background due to shallow depth of field is often desired for photographs such as portraits, but, unfortunately, small point-and-shoot cameras do not permit enough defocus because of the small diameter of their lenses. We present an image-processing technique that increases the defocus in an image to simulate the shallow depth of field of a lens with a larger aperture. Our technique estimates the spatially-varying amount of blur over the image, and then uses a simple image-based technique to increase defocus. We first estimate the size of the blur kernel at edges and then propagate this defocus measure over the image. Using our defocus map, we magnify the existing blurriness, which means that we blur blurry regions and keep sharp regions sharp. In contrast to more difficult problems such as depth from defocus, we do not require precise depth estimation and do not need to disambiguate textureless regions.  相似文献   

We propose a new method for automatic construction of inlays and onlays. Mesh models from a small tooth library are adapted to the remaining healthy surface of the patient's tooth. In the area above the cavity, the general morphology of the model tooth (fissures, cusp tips, etc) is preserved, but precisely adjusted to the intra‐oral situation. Our approach uses iterative Laplacian Surface Editing to deform the model tooth. This allows the automatic generation of highly individual, functional and anatomically correct inlays/onlays, without having to resort to a large library of different tooth shapes.  相似文献   

Although understanding of shape features in the context of shape matching and retrieval has made considerable progress in recent years, the case for partial and incomplete models in presence of pose variations still begs a robust and efficient solution. A signature that encodes features at multi‐scales in a pose invariant manner is more appropriate for this case. The Heat Kernel Signature function from spectral theory exhibits this multi‐scale property. We show how this concept can be merged with the persistent homology to design a novel efficient pose‐oblivious matching algorithm for all models, be they partial, incomplete, or complete. We make the algorithm scalable so that it can handle large data sets. Several test results show the robustness of our approach.  相似文献   

We introduce an optimization framework for the reduction of support structures required by 3D printers based on Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) technology. The printers need to connect overhangs with the lower parts of the object or the ground in order to print them. Since the support material needs to be printed first and discarded later, optimizing its volume can lead to material and printing time savings. We present a novel, geometry‐based approach that minimizes the support material while providing sufficient support. Using our approach, the input 3D model is first oriented into a position with minimal area that requires support. Then the points in this area that require support are detected. For these points the supporting structure is progressively built while attempting to minimize the overall length of the support structure. The resulting structure has a tree‐like shape that effectively supports the overhangs. We have tested our algorithm on the MakerBot® Replicator? 2 printer and we compared our solution to the embedded software solution in this printer and to Autodesk® Meshmixer? software. Our solution reduced printing time by an average of 29.4% (ranging from 13.9% to 49.5%) and the amount of material by 40.5% (ranging from 24.5% to 68.1%).  相似文献   

We present GEMSe, an interactive tool for exploring and analyzing the parameter space of multi‐channel segmentation algorithms. Our targeted user group are domain experts who are not necessarily segmentation specialists. GEMSe allows the exploration of the space of possible parameter combinations for a segmentation framework and its ensemble of results. Users start with sampling the parameter space and computing the corresponding segmentations. A hierarchically clustered image tree provides an overview of variations in the resulting space of label images. Details are provided through exemplary images from the selected cluster and histograms visualizing the parameters and the derived output in the selected cluster. The correlation between parameters and derived output as well as the effect of parameter changes can be explored through interactive filtering and scatter plots. We evaluate the usefulness of GEMSe through expert reviews and case studies based on three different kinds of datasets: A synthetic dataset emulating the combination of 3D X‐ray computed tomography with data from K‐Edge spectroscopy, a three‐channel scan of a rock crystal acquired by a Talbot‐Lau grating interferometer X‐ray computed tomography device, as well as a hyperspectral image.  相似文献   

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