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目的 面向实时、准确、鲁棒的人体运动分析应用需求,从运动分析的特征提取和运动建模问题出发,本文人体运动分析的实例学习方法。方法 在构建人体姿态实例库基础上,首先,采用运动检测方法得到视频每帧的人体轮廓;其次,基于形状上下文轮廓匹配方法,从实例库中检索得到每帧视频的候选姿态集;最后,通过统计建模和转移概率建模实现人体运动分析。结果 对步行、跑步、跳跃等测试视频进行实验,基于轮廓的形状上下文特征表示和匹配方法具有良好的表达能力;本文方法运动分析结果,关节夹角平均误差在5°左右,与其他算法相比,有效提高了运动分析的精度。结论 本文人体运动分析的实例学习方法,能有效分析单目视频中的人体运动,并克服了映射的深度歧义,对运动的视角变化鲁棒,具有良好的计算效率和精度。  相似文献   

Pose estimation and tracking of an articulated structure based on data from multiple cameras has seen numerous applications in recent years. In this paper, a marker-based human pose tracking algorithm from multi view video sequences is proposed. The purpose of the proposed algorithm is to present a low cost motion capture system that can be used as an alternative to high cost available commercial human motion capture systems. The problem is defined as the optimization of 45 parameters which define body pose model and is solved using a modified version of particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm. The objective of this optimization is to maximize a fitness function which formulates how much the body model matches with 2D marker coordinates in video frames. A sampling covariance matrix is used in the first part of the velocity equation of PSO and is annealed with iterations. The sampling covariance matrix is computed adaptively, based on variance of parameters in the swarm. One of the concerns in this algorithm is the high number of parameters to define the model of body pose. To tackle this problem, we partition the optimization state space into six stages that exploit the hierarchical structure of the skeletal model. The first stage optimizes the six parameters that define the global orientation and position of the body. Other stages relate to optimization of right and left hand, right and left leg and head orientation. In the proposed partitioning method previously optimized parameters are allowed some variation in each step that is called soft partitioning. Experimental results on Pose Estimation and Action Recognition (PEAR) database indicate that the proposed algorithm achieves lower estimation error in tracking human motion compared with Annealed Particle Filter (APF) and Parametric Annealing (PA) methods.  相似文献   

目的 目前已有的人体姿态跟踪算法的跟踪精度仍有待提高,特别是对灵活运动的手臂部位的跟踪。为提高人体姿态的跟踪精度,本文首次提出一种将视觉时空信息与深度学习网络相结合的人体姿态跟踪方法。方法 在人体姿态跟踪过程中,利用视频时间信息计算出人体目标区域的运动信息,使用运动信息对人体部位姿态模型在帧间传递;考虑到基于图像空间特征的方法对形态较为固定的人体部位如躯干和头部能够较好地检测,而对手臂的检测效果较差,构造并训练一种轻量级的深度学习网络,用于生成人体手臂部位的附加候选样本;利用深度学习网络生成手臂特征一致性概率图,与视频空间信息结合计算得到最优部位姿态,并将各部位重组为完整人体姿态跟踪结果。结果 使用两个具有挑战性的人体姿态跟踪数据集VideoPose2.0和YouTubePose对本文算法进行验证,得到的手臂关节点平均跟踪精度分别为81.4%和84.5%,与现有方法相比有明显提高;此外,通过在VideoPose2.0数据集上的实验,验证了本文提出的对下臂附加采样的算法和手臂特征一致性计算的算法能够有效提高人体姿态关节点的跟踪精度。结论 提出的结合时空信息与深度学习网络的人体姿态跟踪方法能够有效提高人体姿态跟踪的精度,特别是对灵活运动的人体姿态下臂关节点的跟踪精度有显著提高。  相似文献   

人体姿态估计是指从图像中检测人体各部分的位置并计算其方向和尺度信息,姿态估计的结果分二维和三维两种情况,而估计的方法分基于模型和无模型两种途径。本文首先介绍了人体姿态估计的研究背景和应用方向,然后对姿态估计的相关概念作了阐述,分析了姿态估计的输出表示,接着从人体目标检测和姿态估计两大类进行了详细分析和讨论,从实际应用的角度对各种方法做了理论上的比较和分析。最后,对相关研究还存在的问题和进一步研究的趋势作了归纳和总结。  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a method for human full-body pose estimation from depth data that can be obtained using Time of Flight (ToF) cameras or the Kinect device. Our approach consists of robustly detecting anatomical landmarks in the 3D data and fitting a skeleton body model using constrained inverse kinematics. Instead of relying on appearance-based features for interest point detection that can vary strongly with illumination and pose changes, we build upon a graph-based representation of the depth data that allows us to measure geodesic distances between body parts. As these distances do not change with body movement, we are able to localize anatomical landmarks independent of pose. For differentiation of body parts that occlude each other, we employ motion information, obtained from the optical flow between subsequent intensity images. We provide a qualitative and quantitative evaluation of our pose tracking method on ToF and Kinect sequences containing movements of varying complexity.  相似文献   

提出基于关节外观和关节间空间关系的模型与深层神经网络结构(DCNN)相结合的混合模型,解决人体姿态估计问题.首先,对人体构建图像模型以表示人体关节与肢体.然后,根据标注信息将图像分解为以关节为中心的若干图像块,作为训练输入数据.最后,得到一个可以解决多个分类的DCNN网络,用于人体姿态估计.文中方法对人体表示更灵活,有效提升关节点的检测率及正确检测的比率.  相似文献   

Tracking People on a Torus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We present a framework for monocular 3D kinematic pose tracking and viewpoint estimation of periodic and quasi-periodic human motions from an uncalibrated camera. The approach we introduce here is based on learning both the visual observation manifold and the kinematic manifold of the motion using a joint representation. We show that the visual manifold of the observed shape of a human performing a periodic motion, observed from different viewpoints, is topologically equivalent to a torus manifold. The approach we introduce here is based on the supervised learning of both the visual and kinematic manifolds. Instead of learning an embedding of the manifold, we learn the geometric deformation between an ideal manifold (conceptual equivalent topological structure) and a twisted version of the manifold (the data). Experimental results show accurate estimation of the 3D body posture and the viewpoint from a single uncalibrated camera.  相似文献   

目的 人体姿态估计旨在识别和定位不同场景图像中的人体关节点并优化关节点定位精度。针对由于服装款式多样、背景干扰和着装姿态多变导致人体姿态估计精度较低的问题,本文以着装场景下时尚街拍图像为例,提出一种着装场景下双分支网络的人体姿态估计方法。方法 对输入图像进行人体检测,得到着装人体区域并分别输入姿态表示分支和着装部位分割分支。姿态表示分支通过在堆叠沙漏网络基础上增加多尺度损失和特征融合输出关节点得分图,解决服装款式多样以及复杂背景对关节点特征提取干扰问题,并基于姿态聚类定义姿态类别损失函数,解决着装姿态视角多变问题;着装部位分割分支通过连接残差网络的浅层特征与深层特征进行特征融合得到着装部位得分图。然后使用着装部位分割结果约束人体关节点定位,解决服装对关节点遮挡问题。最后通过姿态优化得到最终的人体姿态估计结果。结果 在构建的着装图像数据集上验证了本文方法。实验结果表明,姿态表示分支有效提高了人体关节点定位准确率,着装部位分割分支能有效避免着装场景中人体关节点误定位。在结合着装部位分割优化后,人体姿态估计精度提高至92.5%。结论 本文提出的人体姿态估计方法能够有效提高着装场景下的人体姿态...  相似文献   

In this paper, we develop a two-dimensional articulated body tracking algorithm based on the particle filtering method using partitioned sampling and model constraints. Particle filtering has been proven to be an effective approach in the object tracking field, especially when dealing with single-object tracking. However, when applying it to human body tracking, we have to face a “particle-explosion” problem. We then introduce partitioned sampling, applied to a new articulated human body model, to solve this problem. Furthermore, we develop a propagating method originated from belief propagation (BP), which enables a set of particles to carry several constraints. The proposed algorithm is then applied to tracking articulated body motion in several testing scenarios. The experimental results indicate that the proposed algorithm is effective and reliable for 2D articulated pose tracking.  相似文献   

A major challenge in applying Bayesian tracking methods for tracking 3D human body pose is the high dimensionality of the pose state space. It has been observed that the 3D human body pose parameters typically can be assumed to lie on a low-dimensional manifold embedded in the high-dimensional space. The goal of this work is to approximate the low-dimensional manifold so that a low-dimensional state vector can be obtained for efficient and effective Bayesian tracking. To achieve this goal, a globally coordinated mixture of factor analyzers is learned from motion capture data. Each factor analyzer in the mixture is a “locally linear dimensionality reducer” that approximates a part of the manifold. The global parametrization of the manifold is obtained by aligning these locally linear pieces in a global coordinate system. To enable automatic and optimal selection of the number of factor analyzers and the dimensionality of the manifold, a variational Bayesian formulation of the globally coordinated mixture of factor analyzers is proposed. The advantages of the proposed model are demonstrated in a multiple hypothesis tracker for tracking 3D human body pose. Quantitative comparisons on benchmark datasets show that the proposed method produces more accurate 3D pose estimates over time than those obtained from two previously proposed Bayesian tracking methods.  相似文献   

针对人体姿态估计算法可实施性低以及基于姿态估计的跳绳计数精度不高的问题, 提出了一种基于轻量级人体姿态估计网络的跳绳计数算法. 该算法首先输入跳绳视频, 接着利用帧间差分法提取关键帧图像并送入人体姿态估计网络进行关节点检测; 同时为了解决轻量级网络检测精度不高的问题, 提出优化的LitePose检测模型, 采用自适应感知解码方法对模型的解码部分进行优化从而减少量化误差; 然后采用卡尔曼滤波对坐标数据进行平滑降噪, 以减小坐标抖动误差; 最终通过关键点坐标变化判断跳绳计数. 实验结果表明, 在相同图像分辨率和环境配置下, 本文提出的算法使用优化的LitePose-S网络模型, 不仅未增加模型参数量和运算复杂度, 同时网络检测精度提高了0.7%, 且优于其他对比网络, 而且本算法在跳绳计数时的平均误差率最低可达1.00%, 可以利用人体姿态估计的结果有效地判断人体起跳和落地情况, 最终得出计数结果.  相似文献   

A model-based approach for estimating human 3D poses in static images   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Estimating human body poses in static images is important for many image understanding applications including semantic content extraction and image database query and retrieval. This problem is challenging due to the presence of clutter in the image, ambiguities in image observation, unknown human image boundary, and high-dimensional state space due to the complex articulated structure of the human body. Human pose estimation can be made more robust by integrating the detection of body components such as face and limbs, with the highly constrained structure of the articulated body. In this paper, a data-driven approach based on Markov chain Monte Carlo (DD-MCMC) is used, where component detection results generate state proposals for 3D pose estimation. To translate these observations into pose hypotheses, we introduce the use of "proposal maps," an efficient way of consolidating the evidence and generating 3D pose candidates during the MCMC search. Experimental results on a set of test images show that the method is able to estimate the human pose in static images of real scenes.  相似文献   

现有刚体姿态估计存在数据稀缺、复杂场景下的低鲁棒性及低实时性等问题,为此提出一种基于合成数据的刚体目标位姿追踪网络结构。采用时空间特征融合技术,捕捉时间与空间特征信息,生成具有时空敏感的特征图;利用残差连接学习更为丰富和抽象的优质特征,改善追踪目标的准确性;对稀缺数据进行数据增强,生成符合现实物理特性的复杂合成数据,以此训练深度学习模型,提高模型的泛化性。在YCB-Video数据集中选取7个物体进行实时姿态追踪实验,结果表明,提出的方法相较于同类相关方法,在复杂场景下对刚体姿态估计的更为准确,在实时估计效率上表现最优。  相似文献   

We formulate the problem of 3D human pose estimation and tracking as one of inference in a graphical model. Unlike traditional kinematic tree representations, our model of the body is a collection of loosely-connected body-parts. In particular, we model the body using an undirected graphical model in which nodes correspond to parts and edges to kinematic, penetration, and temporal constraints imposed by the joints and the world. These constraints are encoded using pair-wise statistical distributions, that are learned from motion-capture training data. Human pose and motion estimation is formulated as inference in this graphical model and is solved using Particle Message Passing (PaMPas). PaMPas is a form of non-parametric belief propagation that uses a variation of particle filtering that can be applied over a general graphical model with loops. The loose-limbed model and decentralized graph structure allow us to incorporate information from “bottom-up” visual cues, such as limb and head detectors, into the inference process. These detectors enable automatic initialization and aid recovery from transient tracking failures. We illustrate the method by automatically tracking people in multi-view imagery using a set of calibrated cameras and present quantitative evaluation using the HumanEva dataset.  相似文献   

High dimensional pose state space is the main challenge in articulated human pose tracking which makes pose analysis computationally expensive or even infeasible. In this paper, we propose a novel generative approach in the framework of evolutionary computation, by which we try to widen the bottleneck with effective search strategy embedded in the extracted state subspace. Firstly, we use ISOMAP to learn the low-dimensional latent space of pose state in the aim of both reducing dimensionality and extracting the prior knowledge of human motion simultaneously. Then, we propose a manifold reconstruction method to establish smooth mappings between the latent space and original space, which enables us to perform pose analysis in the latent space. In the search strategy, we adopt a new evolutionary approach, clonal selection algorithm (CSA), for pose optimization. We design a CSA based method to estimate human pose from static image, which can be used for initialization of motion tracking. In order to make CSA suitable for motion tracking, we propose a sequential CSA (S-CSA) algorithm by incorporating the temporal continuity information into the traditional CSA. Actually, in a Bayesian inference view, the sequential CSA algorithm is in essence a multilayer importance sampling based particle filter. Our methods are demonstrated in different motion types and different image sequences. Experimental results show that our CSA based pose estimation method can achieve viewpoint invariant 3D pose reconstruction and the S-CSA based motion tracking method can achieve accurate and stable tracking of 3D human motion.  相似文献   

Simultaneously tracking poses of multiple people is a difficult problem because of inter-person occlusions and self occlusions. This paper presents an approach that circumvents this problem by performing tracking based on observations from multiple wide-baseline cameras. The proposed global occlusion estimation approach can deal with severe inter-person occlusions in one or more views by exploiting information from other views. Image features from non-occluded views are given more weight than image features from occluded views. Self occlusion is handled by local occlusion estimation. The local occlusion estimation is used to update the image likelihood function by sorting body parts as a function of distance to the cameras. The combination of the global and the local occlusion estimation leads to accurate tracking results at much lower computational costs. We evaluate the performance of our approach on a pose estimation data set in which inter-person and self occlusions are present. The results of our experiments show that our approach is able to robustly track multiple people during large movement with severe inter-person occlusions and self occlusions, whilst maintaining near real-time performance.  相似文献   

赵威  李毅 《计算机应用》2022,42(9):2830-2837
为了生成更准确流畅的虚拟人动画,采用Kinect设备捕获三维人体姿态数据的同时,使用单目人体三维姿态估计算法对Kinect的彩色信息进行骨骼点数据推理,从而实时优化人体姿态估计效果,并驱动虚拟人物模型生成动画。首先,提出了一种时空优化的骨骼点数据处理方法,以提高单目估计人体三维姿态的稳定性;其次,提出了一种Kinect和遮挡鲁棒姿势图(ORPM)算法融合的人体姿态估计方法来解决Kinect的遮挡问题;最后,研制了基于四元数向量插值和逆向运动学约束的虚拟人动画系统,其能够进行运动仿真和实时动画生成。与仅利用Kinect捕获人体运动来生成动画的方法相比,所提方法的人体姿态估计数据鲁棒性更强,具备一定的防遮挡能力,而与基于ORPM算法的动画生成方法相比,所提方法生成的动画在帧率上提高了两倍,效果更真实流畅。  相似文献   

人体解析旨在将人体图像分割成多个具有细粒度语义的部件区域,进行形成对人体图像的语义理解.然而由于人体姿态的复杂性,现有的人体解析算法容易对人体四肢部件形成误判,且对于小目标区域的分割不够精确.针对上述问题,本文联合人体姿态估计信息,提出了一种人体精确解析的双分支网络模型.该模型首先使用基干网络表征人体图像,将人体姿态估计模型预测到的姿态先验作为基干网络的注意力信息,进而形成人体结构先验驱动的多尺度特征表达,并将提取的特征分别输入至全卷积网络解析分支与检测解析分支.全卷积网络解析分支获得全局分割结果,检测解析分支更关注小尺度目标的检测与分割,融合两个分支的预测信息可获得更为精确的分割结果.实验结果验证了本文算法的有效性,在当前主流的人体解析数据集LIP和ATR上,本文方法的mIoU评测指标分别为52.19%和68.29%,有效提升了解析精度,在人体四肢部件以及小目标部件区域获得了更为准确的分割结果.  相似文献   

Person localization or segmentation in low resolution crowded scenes is important for person tracking and recognition, action detection and anomaly identification. Due to occlusion and lack of inter-person space, person localization becomes a difficult task. In this work, we propose a novel information fusion framework to integrate a Deep Head Detector and a body pose detector. A more accurate body pose showing limb positions will result in more accurate person localization. We propose a novel Deep Head Detector (DHD) to detect person heads in crowds. The proposed DHD is a fully convolutional neural network and it has shown improved head detection performance in crowds. We modify Deformable Parts Model (DPM) pose detector to detect multiple upper body poses in crowds. We efficiently fuse the information obtained by the proposed DHD and the modified DPM to obtain a more accurate person pose detector. The proposed framework is named as Fusion DPM (FDPM) and it has exhibited improved body pose detection performance on spectator crowds. The detected body poses are then used for more accurate person localization by segmenting each person in the crowd.  相似文献   

RGB-D sensors have become in recent years a product of easy access to general users. They provide both a color image and a depth image of the scene and, besides being used for object modeling, they can also offer important cues for object detection and tracking in real time. In this context, the work presented in this paper investigates the use of consumer RGB-D sensors for object detection and pose estimation from natural features. Two methods based on depth-assisted rectification are proposed, which transform features extracted from the color image to a canonical view using depth data in order to obtain a representation invariant to rotation, scale and perspective distortions. While one method is suitable for textured objects, either planar or non-planar, the other method focuses on texture-less planar objects. Qualitative and quantitative evaluations of the proposed methods are performed, showing that they can obtain better results than some existing methods for object detection and pose estimation, especially when dealing with oblique poses.  相似文献   

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