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研究了一种基于光子晶体光纤参量振荡器的相干反斯托克斯拉曼散射(CARS)成像光源。该光源采用中心波长为1 030nm的皮秒光纤激光器作为泵浦源,以无截止单模光子晶体光纤作为参量增益,通过搭建光参量振荡器,实现平均功率为10mW的参量激光输出。在色散滤波效应的作用下,该光源输出波长可实现连续可调,调谐范围为782~793nm,对应的波数覆盖范围为2 901~3 078cm-1。该光源产生的两束激光脉冲可实现空间自同步、时间自重合,用于CARS成像测量时,无需空间、时间对准,有望推动CARS成像光源向全光纤化、小型化的方向发展。 相似文献
基于相干反斯托克斯拉曼散射的二维温度场扫描测量 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
开展了基于相干反斯托克斯拉曼散射(CARS)技术的二维温度场扫描测量研究。通过同步扫描测量点及信号接收端的方式,实验测量了甲烷/空气预混火焰水平截面离散点的温度,并插值重建了二维温度场;用同步扫描法调节测量点与火焰的位置,实现了在扫描过程中对火焰同一空间位置的温度测量,排除了火焰空间分布不均匀性对扫描测温结果的附加影响。最后分析了提出的扫描CARS测量系统在实验设定状态下的扫描测温A类不确定度。结果显示:在扫描测量同一空间位置的实验中,测得该点平均温度为2074K;测温A类不确定度优于21K。本研究量化了扫描CARS温度测量系统的不确定度,提高了扫描温度测量结果的可信度,为后续稳态火焰温度分布高精度测量、计算机流体动力学(CFD)模拟验证及燃烧基本问题研究奠定了实验基础。 相似文献
Three-dimensional microscopy based on coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (CARS) is a powerful new imaging technique, in which the contrast arises from molecular vibrations. Based on a simple numerical model, it is shown how the CARS interaction volume depends on the focusing parameters and the type of phasematching used. Collinear phasematching yields an ellipsoidal interaction volume, with lateral dimensions that readily cause vignetting of the CARS signal emission at the collection microscope objective. A folded BoxCARS phasematching geometry, on the other hand, results in an almost cylindrical interaction volume — at the cost of a reduced resolution, for which the possible vignetting of the CARS emission is much reduced. In addition, this type of phasematching provides spatial separation of the signal from the input laser beams, permitting simple signal detection of low frequency vibrational modes. Calculations show that when CARS is performed in a microscopic volume, the phasematching restraint on tuning over the vibrational band is strongly relaxed. A first example of CARS imaging using a folded BoxCARS imaging geometry is shown. 相似文献
We demonstrate the application of coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering microscopy for the rapid, label-free chemical imaging of waterborne pathogens. Chemically selective images of cryptosporidium were acquired in just a few seconds using coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering microscopy, demonstrating its capability for the rapid detection of cryptosporidium at the single oocyst level. We discuss the applicability of such a technique in a near-real time automated water testing system. 相似文献
We report in vivo nonlinear optical imaging of mouse sciatic nerve tissue by epidetected coherent anti‐Stokes Raman scattering and second harmonic generation microscopy. Following a minimally invasive surgery to open the skin, coherent anti‐Stokes Raman scattering imaging of myelinated axons and second harmonic generation imaging of the surrounding collagen fibres were demonstrated with high signal‐to‐background ratio, three‐dimensional spatial resolution, and no need for labelling. The underlying contrast mechanisms of in vivo coherent anti‐Stokes Raman scattering were explored by three‐dimensional imaging of fat cells that surround the nerve. The epidetected coherent anti‐Stokes Raman scattering signals from the nerve tissues were found to arise from interfaces as well as back reflection of forward coherent anti‐Stokes Raman scattering. 相似文献
为研究受激布里渊散射(SBS)慢光效应的物理机制,研究了Stokes光与布里渊声场之间的反Stokes散射,以及它与SBS慢光之间的内在联系。理论上证明了在SBS中除了泵浦光外,Stokes散射光与布里渊声场之间也满足散射条件,可发生反Stokes散射。该散射过程是泵浦光的Stokes散射的逆过程,因此泵浦光和Stokes光在布里渊声场中经历往返式散射。在此物理前提下建立了SBS慢光模型,其中Stokes光经历多次散射而光程变大,从而产生了慢光。模型所给出的Stokes脉冲的慢光延迟量与前人得到的结果吻合,表明SBS中存在Stokes光的反Stokes散射,多次散射导致的光程变大是产生SBS慢光效应的物理根源。 相似文献
提出了一种获得径向偏振光中纵向分量激发拉曼信号的方法,用于解决一般偏振拉曼信号无法检测分子取向垂直于样品的问题。首先使用聚焦后的角向偏振光和径向偏振光激发样品,然后用两种激发光产生的拉曼信号进行计算,得到由纯纵向光场激发的拉曼信号。使用Si(0 0 1)样品和Si(1 1 0)样品验证了该方法的可行性。这对于使用拉曼散射信号测量纵向取向的分子,以及纵向的分子振动模式具有一定意义。 相似文献
动态干涉仪是一种高精度的测量仪器,为了研究动态干涉仪的同步移相技术,论文通过建立两束旋向相反的圆偏振光合成的数学模型,更加清晰的表现了合成光束的传播状态,分析了合成光束经过起偏器后其干涉图像相位与起偏器摆放角度的关系.以此为基础,设计动态干涉仪光路并搭建试验台,最终用四个CCD同步采集到四幅相位依次相差90°的干涉图像,实现对被测镜面的动态测量,为提高干涉仪测量结果的准确性奠定了基础. 相似文献