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车联网(VANETs)中虚假的共享信息会导致负面影响。针对车辆间的信任缺失现象,提出了一种基于区块链的信任解决方案。通过引入贝叶斯推理,基于先验概率进行信任评估,综合考虑了消息可信度和源节点自身可信度。通过超级账本实现信任管理,路侧单元(RSU)将汇聚车辆提交的评价形成信任值并创建区块,利用智能合约进行信任值初始化、查询和更新操作。仿真结果显示,提出方案能有效进行信任评估,准确识别虚假消息。同时与现有方案对比表明,该方案具有更高吞吐量和更低时延,适用于车联网的轻量级资源消耗环境。  相似文献   

数字证书是实现电子政务和电子商务中实体的信任及信任验证的关键元素.CA实际可能会根据不同的情况而导致证书的意外作废或撤销,那么应使要使用证书的用户尽可能获知最新的证书情况,这对于实现PKI系统的可信性至关重要.通过分析国内外通常采用的CRL和OCSP这两种基本的证书撤销、查询方法,总结了它们的优缺点以及在实际应用过程中遇到的难点.最后提出了相应的改进措施,使用户能及时获得最新的证书状况,为电子政务和电子商务提供更可靠的安全性.  相似文献   

面向稳定性的基于权值的车辆自组网分簇算法——SWBCA   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林磊  肖晓强  徐明  魏李琦 《计算机应用》2010,30(7):1711-1713
分簇技术是提高无线自组网性能的关键技术之一,增强分簇算法的稳定性即减少簇结构的变化可以有效降低其维护开销。针对车辆自组网的特点,提出了一种面向稳定性的基于权值的车辆自组网分簇算法——SWBCA。该算法使用车辆节点的度数与理想度数的差值以及车辆节点相对于邻居节点的移动性两个指标计算车辆节点的综合权值进而选举簇头,并使用蒙特卡洛思想对簇的维护过程进行优化来提高稳定性。通过NS 2模拟实验表明,SWBCA算法较其他算法具有较强的稳定性,并能有效改善车辆自组网的广播性能。  相似文献   

徐成强  朱方金  史清华 《计算机应用》2005,25(12):2770-2771
从证书序列号出发,引用位标识指针将证书序列号缩减,以减少证书撤销列表(Certificate Revocation List,CRL)所需空间,提高CRL的查询速度,并成功构造了一棵新型撤销证书查询树。该树既继承了证书撤销树(Certificate Revocation Tree,CRT)证明一个证书的状态(是否被吊销)不需要整个CRT,而只与其中部分相关路径有关的优点,又克服了CRT在更新时几乎需要对整个树重新计算的缺点。该树在更新时仅需计算相关部分路径的数值,加速了撤销树的更新速度。  相似文献   

在公钥基础设施当中,数字证书有可能在没有到期就要撤销它.PKI主要提供了两种证书撤销方法,就是周期性发布的证书撤销列表CRL和在线证书状态协议OCSP.详细地分析了CRL和OCSP两种证书撤销机制的优点和局限性,结合两者各自的优点,提出了一个高效实用的证书验证机制.给出了该机制的工作原理,并详细地介绍了的实现方法.  相似文献   

Location privacy is one of the main challenges in Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks (VANETs), since weak protection may hinder the public acceptance of this technology. Frequently changing pseudonyms are commonly accepted as a solution to protect the location privacy in VANETs. However, a simple pseudonym change is not enough to provide the required protection. Although many pseudonym changing strategies have been proposed to enhance the location privacy protection provided by this approach, the development of an effective strategy is not yet achieved. In this paper, we propose a new pseudonym changing strategy called Traffic-Aware Pseudonym Changing Strategy (TAPCS). The aim of this strategy is to provide an effective location privacy protection against the different types of pseudonyms linking attacks that can be performed by a strong passive adversary model. TAPCS is a distributed pseudonym changing strategy and is one of the strategies that use the radio silence technique. Unlike the existing distributed pseudonym changing strategies that use this technique, TAPCS aims to provide a high level of location privacy protection without impacting the safety in the VANETs. The analytical evaluation and simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed strategy.  相似文献   

X.509数字证书机制是WiMax网络和用户之间进行相互认证的基本手段。基于椭圆曲线加密(ECC)算法对采用RSA算法的X.509证书进行了改进,提出了初步的改进思路和实现方案,并对改进后的证书性能进行了分析。分析表明改进后的X.509证书的在维持其原本的运行机制的基础上,提高了攻击者伪造用户数字证书的难度,进一步提高了IEEE802.16e标准下的双向认证的安全性。  相似文献   

吕红伟  徐蕾 《计算机应用》2013,33(1):160-162
公钥基础设施(PKI)系统中,认证机构(CA)签名不易伪造,对基于证书撤销列表(CRL)的证书撤销系统的入侵通常是破坏系统的可用性和数据的完整性,针对这一特点,设计了入侵容忍CRL服务系统。系统利用冗余的多台服务器存储CRL,在进行多机之间的数据复制和使用时,采取随机选择主服务器的被动复制算法及选择最近更新的CRL简单表决算法。在实验给定的入侵攻击条件下,入侵容忍的CRL系统比无容忍系统的证书撤销查询正确率提高了近20%,但也增加了系统的开销。实验结果表明,适当地增加CRL服务器的数量能够提高证书撤销查询的正确率且控制系统的开销。  相似文献   

Vehicular Ad Hoc Network (VANET) is an emerging type of network which facilitates vehicles on roads to communicate for driving safety. It requires a mechanism to help authenticate messages, identify valid vehicles, and remove malevolent vehicles which do not obey the rules. Most existing solutions either do not have an effective message verification scheme, or use the public key infrastructure (PKI). In this network, vehicles are able to broadcast messages to other vehicles and a group of known vehicles can also communicate securely among themselves. So group communication is necessary for the network. However, most existing solutions either do not consider this or use pairing operation to realize this. They are either not secure or not effective. In this paper, we provide a more comprehensive set of secure schemes with Hash-based Message Authentication Code (HMAC) in VANETs to overcome their shortcomings. Of course, we still need to use Pairing operation in some place. Our scheme is composed of three schemes: (1) Communications between Vehicles and Road-Side Units (RSUs), (2) One to One Communications within a Group, (3) One to One Communications without a Group. Based on our simulation study, we show that our schemes are effective and the delay caused is much lower. The average delay caused by our first scheme is nearly thousands of times lower than prior schemes. The average delay caused by our second scheme is 0.312 ms, while the delay caused by prior scheme is 12.3 ms. Meanwhile the average delay caused by our third scheme is 0.312 ms, and the delay caused by prior scheme is about 9 s.  相似文献   

The Coach system, a computer simulation of a human tutor, was constructed with the goal of obtaining a better understanding of how a tutor interprets the student's behavior, diagnoses difficulties, and gives advice. Coach gives advice to a student who is learning a simple computer programming language. Its intelligence is based on a hierarchy of active schemas that represent the tutor's general concepts and on more specific information represented in a semantic network. The coordination of conceptually guided and data-driven processing enables the Coach system to interpret student behavior, recognize errors, and give advice to the student.  相似文献   

车载网络(Vehicular ad hoc networks,VANETs)是一种特殊形式的网络,具有节点高速移动、拓扑频繁的变化的特性,这些特性为消息的传播带来挑战,路由机制是实现消息传递的关键因素;地理位置路由被广泛地应用于VANETS,要求节点周期广播beacon消息;然而,节点周期地广播beacon消息,降低了路由性能,特别是在城市区域,由于节点密集,每个节点均广播beacon消息,恶化了路由性能;为此,针对城市环境,提出基于beacon控制的路由协议RPBC(Routing protocol with beacon control);在RPBC中,并非每个节点广播beacon消息,而设置有效的机制选择部分节点广播,从而降低了beacon冗余,同时,采用最短路径算法,减少数据传输跳数;仿真结果表明,提出的RBPC在分组投递率、端到端传输时延以及路由开销方面均有较好的性能。  相似文献   

车载自组网是传统的移动自组织网络在交通道路上的应用。在车载自组网中,最远转发机制[1]能够有效降低数据传播跳数,减少冗余发送,但最远转发机制的可靠性将因最远节点失效而受到影响。在分析和实验验证节点高速运动将导致严重的最远节点失效问题的基础上,提出了两种对最远转发机制进行改进的方法:安全距离法和失效预测法。安全距离法选择最接近计算出的安全距离的邻居作为转发节点;失效预测法通过邻居的状态参数对其位置进行预测,进而避免选择那些可能已经脱离通信半径的邻居作为转发节点。多个仿真实验表明,两种改进方法都能不同程度地降低转发节点失效的比例,提高消息传播的可靠性。  相似文献   

随着车联网VANETs(Vehicular Ad hoc Networks)应用日益受到关注,研究者对VANETs路由协议进行了深入研究.为此,首先总结VANETs的特点及应用,再介绍了基于位置的、基于拓扑以及基于广播路由的概念,并着重分析和总结了近期路由协议的核心思想以及特点,此外,还从应用场景、前提条件、虚拟设备要求、电子地图需求、路由恢复策略以及转发模式六个方面对路由协议进行全面比较,最后,展望了VANETs路由技术的未来研究方向.  相似文献   

演进图能够反映一段时间间隔内网络拓扑的变化情况,被用来研究具有高度动态变化网络拓扑的车载网的路由机制。提出基于增强型演进图的车载网路由算法,构建适用于不同场景的增强型演进图,基于增强型演进图研究车载网络路由算法,保证所建路由的可靠度。仿真结果表明,所提算法在数据到达率、路由请求率和端到端时延方面具有更好的性能。  相似文献   

徐会彬  王琦 《计算机科学》2013,40(1):103-106
由于VANETs的车辆的快速移动,基于地理位置的路由协议广泛应用于VANETs。车辆周期广播位置信息来建立路由,导致车辆的位置信息容易遭受泄露。为此,提出基于伪距离的位置隐私保护(false-based location pri-vacy protection,FLPP)路由协议。在FLPP中,通过转发节点到目标节点的伪距离而不是真实距离来建立路由,通过巧妙地设置节点的定时器来保护节点的位置信息,同时采用别名策略隐藏身份信息。仿真结果表明,FLPP具有较高的数据传输率以及位置隐私保护力度。  相似文献   

In this paper we introduce a novel Network Coding-based Medium Access Control (MAC) protocol for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANETs) that use cooperative Automatic Repeat reQuest (ARQ) techniques. Our protocol coordinates the channel access among a set of relays capable of using network coding in order to minimize the number of the total transmissions, thus enhancing the performance of the network in terms of Quality of Service (QoS) metrics. The proposed solution is compared to other cooperative schemes, while analytical and simulation results are provided to evaluate our protocol.  相似文献   

为降低车辆自组织网络VANET (vehicle ad hoc network)数据传输中的丢包率和数据延迟,提出一种基于分段机制改进的地理路由算法RSAR (real-time segment aware routing)。通过将道路状态量化为道路车辆密度、网络连通性、通信负载等参数进行路由规划,设计网络有效期机制,控制路由更新的频率。实验结果表明,RASR较公开的地理路由算法在VANET城市环境中有更好的表现。  相似文献   

有效的数据传输是车联网(vehicular Ad Hoc networks,VANETs)应用的基本要求,为此,针对VANETs城市场景,提出基于路径权值的路由算法PWRA(path weight based routing algorithm)。从可用路径中选择最可靠的路径,利用网关车辆辅助不同路段间的连通;利用路径连通寿命、平均邻居数以及路径跳数3个参数估计路径权值,选择权值最大的路径传输数据包。仿真结果表明,相比基于贪婪边界转发路由GPSR(greedy perimeter stateless routing)和按需距离矢量路由(Ad Hoc on demand distance vector routing,AODV),PWRA算法的数据包传输率、端到端传输时延性能得到了有效提高。  相似文献   

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