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本文阐述软件技术专业人才培养方案的制定与实施过程,提出把软件技术专业人才培养目标划分成层次递进的四个模块——计算机专业文化、网页美工、ASP.NET程序员、软件实施工程师,其中每一个模块融合若干个相关课程,每一个模块采用导师负责制,通过项目化的方式实施教学,从而达到传授知识与技能的目的,培养企业所需要的高素质技能型人才。  相似文献   

Is anything really new in mechatronics education?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Yes, there is something new in the way mechanical engineers are expected to design and in the way professors must now teach design. To illustrate how one institution is helping mechanical engineers to become mechatronics engineers, the article describes the undergraduate program in mechatronics at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, and in particular, the integration of the theory covered in lectures with the laboratory exercises. The hardware systems used in both courses are described. Also discussed are observations from conducting professional training in mechatronics both in industry and for the ASME Professional Development Program  相似文献   

Zeller  A. 《Computer》2001,34(11):26-31
Although software engineers have enjoyed tremendous productivity increases as more of their tasks have become automated, debugging remains as labor-intensive and painful as it. was 50 years ago. An engineer or programmer must still set up hypotheses to use in identifying and correcting a failure's root cause. The author describes a new algorithm that promises to relieve programmers of the hit-or-miss approach to debugging. Delta Debugging uses the results of automated testing to systematically narrow the set of failure-inducing circumstances. Programmers supply a test function for each bug and hardcode it into any imperative language. The test function checks a set of changes to determine if the failure is present or if the outcome is unresolved, then feeds that information to the Delta Debugging code. As we discover more about the structure of these circumstances and the resulting causality chain, we come closer to passing much of the boredom and monotony of debugging onto machines. Debugging can be just as disciplined, systematic, and quantifiable as any other area of software engineering-which means that we should eventually be able to automate at least part of it. Ultimately, debugging may become as automated as testing-not only detecting failures, but also revealing how they came to be  相似文献   

计算机技术以前所未有的速度高速发展,计算机已成为人们生活、学习和工作中必不可少的一门工具。当代大学生不仅要具备扎实的专业知识,而且要有熟练的计算机应用功底的复合型人才。本文有针对的分析了高校在计算机类课程的教学中存在的不足。提出了如何搭建以校园网络为教学平台的前提下,对高校计算机类课程的教学提出了一些中肯的,切实可行的教学建议,旨在提高学生实践动手操作能力,增强就业竞争力。  相似文献   

Bowyer  K.W. Donner  I.H. 《Computer》1996,29(3):114-115
When an engineer teaches a computer science class at a university, and one of his students asks him to do some work for a company where he works, could this pose any legal problems? The 10-point IEEE Code of Ethics contained in the IEEE Policy and Procedures Manual outlines proper professional conduct for engineers. With that as a basis, this article presents a relevant case study  相似文献   

Linux课程是高职计算机网络类专业的一门专业课程,具有较强的理论性和实践性。如何使学生既能掌握Linux的基本概念和基本技能,又能熟练的应用与实际工作,教学体系的构建至关重要。高职院校是培养应用型人才的基地,必须改革传统的教学体系,构建基于工作岗位的课程教学体系,培养高水平的Linux应用型人才。  相似文献   

Few controls available to information security professionals today are more potentially powerful than is encryption. Among the many important benefits of encryption are data confidentiality, integrity of data and system files, protection against repudiation in business and other transactions, assurance of individuals’ identity, protection against cheating in voting and contract signing, and others. Security professionals are required to know at least the basics of cryptography to pass professional certification tests such as the CISSP exam; they must often know much more to be able to be proficient on the job. A number of vendors have produced impressive encryption products for desktop encryption, authentication methods, virtual private networks (VPNs), and digital signatures. Significant advances in cryptography and cryptanalysis research have also occurred over the years.  相似文献   

影视后期制作在专业化的课程培养中成为课程的主体内容,为学生未来个人设计理念的达成提供切实的技术支持和经验积累。《Photoshop》《Flash应用》《影视后期制作》作为动漫与电脑艺术专业的核心课程,是学生学习本专业的软件骨干内容。三门课程互相衔接、互相依存,作为学生未来就业的的主要手段和工具。贯穿在校学生在校学习时间的三分之一。以系培养技法娴熟、并具有完整知识的综合性技能型人才。  相似文献   

A software architecture to engineer complex process control applications must combine into the same paradigm efficient reactive and real-time functionalities and mechanisms to capture dynamic time-pressured intelligent behaviors, and must provide convenient high level tools to free the programmer from having to think at an unappropriate level of detail. We implement such characteristics into a blackboard framework that builds the basic abstract elements of reactive behavior and the blackboard computational model on top of low level real-time operating system functions. Under this approach, the engineer gets a powerful and flexible high level medium to map a complex system design that requires artificial intelligence techniques, like intelligent monitoring, and reactive planning and execution, with fully support for real-time programming. The paper also reviews other alternatives which have been explored in the past recent years for implementing complex reactive planning and execution systems.  相似文献   

如何在计算机教育中培育具有创新能力和创新意识的新型人才是高职计算机专业亟待解决的问题,只传授知识、技能的传统的教学方法已不能满足培养创新型人才的需求。从计算机教学中存在的问题出发,提出支撑创新型人才培养的相关改革措施。  相似文献   

The most popular area of Artificial Intelligence application today is in expert systems. This paper contains a discussion of expert systems, otherwise known as knowledge-based systems and knowledge systems. The principal components of an expert system, and the evolution of expert systems are presented. The suitability of a task to an expert system is proposed. When a task is suitable for an expert system application, the system must be developed by a knowledge engineer. The methodology that the knowledge engineer must go through to develop an expert system is demostrated. Industrial engineers have formal training in many areas which can be useful when assumming the role of knowledge engineer. These areas of industrial engineering and how they are beneficial is discussed. What the future may hold in store is also pondered.  相似文献   

During the last couple of decades, we industrial engineers have typically learned FORTRAN, plus a simulation language or two, gathered together a few optimization programs, and have proclaimed ourselves computer users and, in some cases, even computer experts. Ours has been a somewhat passive expertise, however. That is, with the possible exception of contributions to simulation language development, industrial engineers have not been in the forefront of the wave of computer developments. This has not been entirely our fault. Computers were expensive and hard to justify; utilization was often inconvenient; processing and turnaround was slow; input and output media were few and often unreliable; program development via cards was lengthy, painstaking and cumbersome; and implementation was usually suspect and unpopular.But a funny thing happened in the last few years. Computers, which are so necessary for so many IE-type functions, suddenly became…(a) inexpensive, (b) acceptable, (c) abundant, (d) popular, (e) prominent and most important of all (f) necessary. Industry's key catchword of “profitability” was replaced by “productivity” and suddenly the IE and his stock-in-trade were once more thrust into the forefront. But the tools of days past are no longer enough. The computer will be our constant companion from now on, not as it has been in the past, but as we are innovative enough to make it in the future.This paper is about the computer, computer languages, computer innovations and computer uses, but mostly it is about the new industrial engineer and the environment in which he must exist. It is about the challenges, the opportunities and the direction of the trully modern IE and the role he must play.  相似文献   

软件工程专业教学改革研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为计算机领域迅猛发展的软件工程学科,如何设置并优化专业课程体系与教学计划、改进教学方法,以培养出满足社会即时需求、具有较强动手能力、具有创新意识的实践型软件工程人才,一直是软件工程专业所面临的问题。为此,以社会需求为导向,我们建立了软件工程专业课程多层次体系,建立了新的实践环节多层次体系,课程体系与实践环节体系互为支撑、互为补充,为培养学生自主学习能力和创新性思维能力打下坚实基础;还建立了软件工程专业教育平台,从特色专业教育、专业人才培养、实训平台、精品课程、远程辅导等多方面为本专业学生提供网络学习、实训、就业等资源。  相似文献   

Training in the field of computer graphics usage is important for all engineering courses. Both in design and in production, as well as in technical marketing, graphic representations constitute an important means of expression for the engineer. In connection with the training of engineers, three directions of training can be discerned: basic principles of computer graphics, computer-aided design (CAD) systems with their design and application and employment of CAD systems as a new aid for the designer. Methodical didactic training constitutes a precondition for profitable application of the methods of computer graphics.  相似文献   

Microcomputer prototyping is a systems analysis methodology that enables engineers to place limited scope, working models of manufacturing and information control systems into production without the extensive expertise and involvement of data processing professionals. With a prototype, a design engineer can work directly with the user to develop functions, input screens, and report output that satisfies the user. Changes can be incorporated rapidly and quickly evaluated. This is made possible by the flexible use of microcomputers and the many tools available for development. When a prototype is complete, the resulting system demonstrates much of the function required by a fully implemented system, providing a foundation for the final system specification.  相似文献   

With increased global interconnectivity and reliance on e-commerce, network services and Internet communication, computer security has become a necessity. Organizations must protect their systems from intrusion and computer virus attacks. Such protection must detect anomalous patterns by exploiting known signatures while monitoring normal computer programs and network usage for abnormalities. Current anti-virus and network intrusion detection (ID) solutions can become overwhelmed by the burden of capturing and classifying new viral strains and intrusion patterns. To overcome this problem, a self-adaptive distributed agent-based defense immune system based on biological strategies is developed within a hierarchical layered architecture. A prototype interactive system is designed, implemented in Java and tested. The results validate the use of a distributed-agent biological system approach toward the computer security problems of virus elimination and ID  相似文献   

An often-cited problem in undergraduate software engineering courses states that some topics are difficult to teach in a university setting and, although laboratory work is a useful supplement to the lectures, it is difficult to make projects realistic and relevant. In recognition of this problem, and based on our past experience, we started preparing a new course by examining the pedagogies and curricular aspects of software engineering that are important for the Net Generation of software engineers.The course project described in this paper concentrates on those aspects that can be dealt with effectively within the environment, i.e., the software lifecycle, system interdependences, teamwork, and realistic yet manageable project dynamics, all supported by various means of communication. The workload per students must be balanced with their lack of knowledge and skills, so that their unpreparedness to deal with complex issues does not abate their motivation.The approach was tested on six large projects over the period of one semester. We believe that the results reflect the students’ strong interest and commitment, and demonstrate their ability to stay focused and work at a level that is well above the obvious.  相似文献   

杜燕 《数字社区&智能家居》2009,5(8):6320-6320,6332
电子技术被广泛应用于各行各业,《电子线路》已成为职业教育的一门专业基础课程。电子技术课程的理论性、技术性、应用性都很强一但职业学校学生普遍存在学生基础差、厌学等现象,对电子专业课堂教学越来越不感兴趣。该文结合电子技术专业课的特点.阐述了电子专业课程中教学内容、方法的几个方面的改革,并以实践结果证明了其改革的可行性。  相似文献   

In January 2003, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology hosted a workshop attended by dynamic mix of computer security professionals, political scientists, economists, engineers, policy wonks, and a few notable government officials (including then-"cyber czar" Richard Clarke). The main topic of discussion was the purpose and scope of a new cross-disciplinary community--the Cyber Conflict Studies Association--which its founders hoped would provide the basis for a professional field of inquiry on cyberconflict. Although the participants hotly debated the analogy’s appropriateness, most agreed that they wanted to build something similar to the academic and policy field of nuclear conflict studies that developed during the Cold War. In the two years since the initial meeting, the community has held numerous research symposia on critical cyberconflict topics, but the field still needs to advance focused and policy-relevant research on the strategic and technical aspects of cyberconflict. This article represents a first cut at a cyberconflict research agenda.  相似文献   

A proper professional lighting design implies in a continuous search for the best compromise between both low power consumption and better lighting quality. This search converts this design into a hard to solve multi-objective optimization problem. Evolutionary algorithms are widely used to attack that type of hard optimization problems. However, professionals could not benefit from that kind of assistance since evolutionary algorithms have been unexplored by several commercial lighting design computer-aided softwares. This work proposes a system based on evolutionary algorithms which implement a computer-automated exterior lighting design both adequate to irregular shaped areas and able to respect lighting pole positioning constraints. The desired lighting design is constructed using a cluster of computers supported by a web client, turning this application into an efficient and easy tool to reduce project cycles, increase quality of results and decrease calculation times. This ELCAutoD-EA system consists in a proposal for a parallel multi-objective evolutionary algorithm to be executed in a cluster of computers with a Java remote client. User must choose lighting pole heights, allowed lamps and fixtures, as well as the simplified blue print of the area to be illuminated, marking the sub-areas with restrictions to pole positioning. The desired average illuminance must also be informed as well as the accepted tolerance. Based on user informed data, the developed application uses a dynamic representation of variable size as a chromosome and the cluster executes the evolutionary algorithm using the Island model paradigm. Achieved solutions comply with the illumination standards requirements and have a strong commitment to lighting quality and power consumption. In the present case study, the evolved design used 37.5% less power than the reference lighting design provided by a professional and at the same time ensured a 227.3% better global lighting uniformity. A better lighting quality is achieved because the proposed system solves multi-objective optimization problems by avoiding power wastes which are often unclear to a professional lighting engineer in charge of a given project.  相似文献   

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