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根据玻璃结构的性质,以及玻璃纤维有较大表面积的特点,采用水解法快速测定绝缘材料中玻璃纤维的 R_2O 含量。这是绝缘材料行业多年来希望解决的问题,本文通过大量测试,并结合对玻璃纤维物化特性的探索,提供简便实用的快速测定方法.玻璃纤维广泛应用于机电工业中,是由于它的电性好、耐热性高、吸湿小、不燃烧等优点,然而玻璃纤维以含碱量的多少可分为:高碱 R_2O12%以上,中碱 R_2O12%以下,无碱 R_2O2%以下。玻璃结构中的硅氧(Si——O)骨架在常温和外电场作用下,几乎没有离子移动能力,只有当 Na、K 离子的存在下,(特别是湿热条件)电流通过它们传  相似文献   

变压器绝缘材料   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王树森 《变压器》2004,41(2):32-35
3.21变压器绑扎用绝缘材料变压器绑扎用的绝缘材料有棉布带、紧缩带、半干稀线带、网状半干无纬带、玻璃布带和涤纶绳等。在过去的一段时间里,一些以棉布、棉纤维管和薄绸为主的材料逐渐被玻璃纤维所替代。虽然布绸比较柔软,但其机械强度低、易吸潮和耐热性差。而玻璃纤维尽管抗张强度高、耐热性好、吸湿性差,但柔软性差。3.21.1玻璃纤维玻璃纤维按其金属氧化物(Na2O、K2O)的含量可分为有碱纱、中碱纱和无碱纱。有碱纱的Na2O和K2O的含量大于1%;中碱纱的Na2O和K2O的含量在1%左右;而无碱纱Na2O和K2O的含量小于0.8%。按拉丝时表面润滑剂…  相似文献   

无碱玻璃纤维白坯套管早在六十年代初期便已广泛应用于电工材料,作为线圈绑扎以及护套保护等方面。代替棉,麻、丝而具有更好的耐热、不燃、不蛀、耐化学、强度高、绝缘等级高的优越性。不过此种材料从拉丝、纺织到套管成型过程中,如果不经过浸漆或变性处理,把它直接用到电机、电器等物件上,仍存在着玻璃本性未变,既硬且  相似文献   

一、前言电工无碱玻璃布及其层压制品,在五十年代世界各先进国家就大量发展,代替一部分纸质和棉布层压板。六十年代出现了短切玻璃纤维毡代替部分玻璃布的趋势,近些年发展更为迅速,日本1979年连续玻璃纤维10万吨产量中,短切玻璃纤维毡占32%,方格  相似文献   

玻璃纤维固化套管(简称玻璃丝管),是由玻璃纤维编织而成的白坯管经脲醛树脂浸渍,在一定温度下固化而成。用于铅酸蓄电池管式正极板。它既是正负极板的隔离物,又是正极板活物质的装具,所以,玻璃纤维固化套管不单是蓄电池的一个主要零部件,同时也对蓄电池的质量有一定的影响。但在我蓄电池生产行业中,对玻璃丝管尚无严格质量控制。建工部标  相似文献   

玻璃纤维是电工产品重要原材料之一,扩大使用绝缘性能好,耐热性高,吸湿性小,强度高的无碱玻璃纤维制品作为电工绝缘材料,能提高电工产品的耐热等级,运行可靠性和使用寿命,对于大型、高压和特殊电工产品,玻璃纤维更是必不可少的关键材料。 电工绝缘要求用无碱玻璃纤维,因为玻璃成分中如果含有碱金属氧化物,将对绝缘材料的电气、机械性能产生不良影响。  相似文献   

玻璃纤维是电工产品重要原材料之一,扩大使用绝缘性能好,耐热性高,吸湿性小,强度高的无碱玻璃纤维制品作为电工绝缘材料,能提高电工产品的耐热等级,运行可靠性和使用寿命,对于大型、高压和特殊电工产品,玻璃纤维更是必不可少的关键材料。电工绝缘要求用无碱玻璃纤维,因为玻璃成分中如果含有碱金属氧化物,将对绝缘材料的电气、机械性能产生不良影响。国际上生产的电工绝缘用无碱纤维称“E”玻璃纤维,其成份20多年来大多与美国专利2334961和2571074相仿,相差甚小,其大致变化范围如下:  相似文献   

等离子体表面改性玻璃纤维增强的环氧树脂性能研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文基于水轮发电机定子绝缘材料的性能,采用介质阻挡放电在空气中大气压下对无碱玻璃纤维进行表面改性实验,考察改性时间对玻璃纤维表面形貌及化学组成成分变化的影响。其次,用不同处理时间下的玻璃纤维掺杂双酚A型环氧树脂,并制备成复合材料,分别测试了复合材料的拉伸、弯曲等力学参数,对比分析低温等离子体改性时间对复合材料力学性能的影响。实验结果表明,经等离子体处理180s后,玻璃纤维表面出现许多刻蚀坑,并且引入了O-C=O含氧官能团,O-C=O基团含量从未处理的0%上升到7.9%,而复合材料的拉伸、弯曲强度也分别提高了30.97%、37.5%。分析表明,低温等离子体的化学刻蚀作用引起的玻璃纤维表面形貌的变化,以及表层极性基团的引入,是玻璃纤维表面活化处理中的主导过程。采用等离子体表面活化后的玻璃纤维增强环氧树脂,可以使复合材料的力学性能得到显著提高。  相似文献   

无碱玻璃纤维及其制品是电工产品重要配套材料之一,随着国民经济的发展,需要量不断增长。目前,由于硼酸供应不足,无碱玻璃纤维制品的产量不能满足需要。南京玻璃纤维工业研究设计院与有关单位在毛主席的“独立自主、自力更生”方针的指引下,打破洋框框,走自己工业发展的道路,研究用天然硼镁石代替部分硼酸生产无碱玻璃球,这种硼镁石在我国资源丰富,既降低成本,又节约硼酸,对目前大量生产玻璃纤维及其制品具有重要意义。  相似文献   

本文介绍了聚酯纤维绑扎材料在发电机制造中的工艺试验并与无碱玻璃纤维制品的性能、价格、工艺操作等进行了比较,指出用聚酯纤维绑扎材料代替无碱玻璃纤维制品的可行性和优越性。  相似文献   

现有的玻璃瓶瓶身质量检测方法中,缺乏对有纹理图案的玻璃瓶的缺陷检测,针对这一问题,提出一了种仅基于相位变换(phase only based transition,POBT)的玻璃瓶纹理区域缺陷检测算法。该算法采用基于灰度投影的方法求取玻璃瓶瓶身中心坐标,利用基于相位的变换方法,通过归一化过程去除玻璃瓶规则纹路区域的低频纹路分量,仅保留下缺陷图像,应用概率修正自适应阈值分割方法对经过POBT变换后去除纹理留下的缺陷的图像进行分割,提取缺陷,并将该分割方法与3种传统型的方法进行对比。实验结果表明,该方法可实现瓶身规则纹路区域的高速高精度缺陷检测。  相似文献   

选择合适的处理剂对玻璃进行离子表面处理后.能在它的表面生成一层牢固的憎水膜,使玻璃在潮湿条件下的泄漏电流减小10倍左右;工频闪络电压提高28%。如再对表面已膜化的玻璃在适当的温度下作加热处理,则在潮湿条件下的闪络电压还能提高46~51%。文中还对玻璃表面膜化的机理进行了分析。  相似文献   

医用玻璃的熔融特性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
医疗废物中有许多低熔点的医用玻璃。医疗废物在回转窑焚烧炉内燃烧时,炉内的高温会将医用玻璃熔化,熔融的玻璃会导致回转窑炉的结渣。用分析纯来代替玻璃组分,研究医用玻璃的熔融特性。实验结果显示,不同化学组分对熔融温度有不同的影响,SiO2能够提高医用玻璃的熔融温度,B2O3和碱金属氧化物(Na2O、K2O)会大幅降低医用玻璃的熔融温度,而碱土金属氧化物(CaO、BaO)和Al2O3会使医用玻璃的软化温度升高,却能使流动温度降低。简化Taylor公式,得出了医用玻璃熔融温度的预测函数。计算结果显示,熔融温度的预测值和实验值吻合较好。  相似文献   

This paper has investigated the possibility of glass insulator breakage by resonance and accelerated degradation based on an analysis of natural frequency characteristics of glass insulators on the KTX overhead line and behavioral characteristics of the overhead line on site. The natural frequencies were formed within the range of 10 kHz, and the largest amplitude was observed at 5.15 kHz. The largest frequency that was imposed on strut tube glass insulators was 80 Hz with 1.13 g of vertical vibration in the viaduct section, the largest vertical vibration (0.38 g) was detected at 103 Hz in the open route section. When site frequency and natural frequency of strut tube glass insulators were compared in terms of characteristics, the resonance was not the same. In both the viaduct and open route sections, it seems that the impact by vertical vibration in strut tube glass insulators is large. Through this study, therefore, it has been confirmed that the failure of the glass insulator has nothing to do with resonance. In addition, no damage was detected in the accelerated degradation test.  相似文献   

针对相近色干扰、不同光照条件下玻璃绝缘子颜色特征不明显而无法准确识别的问题,提出一种基于联合分量灰度化算法和深度学习的玻璃绝缘子目标识别算法.首先,提出一种联合分量灰度化算法,通过补偿玻璃绝缘子目标区域的颜色特征实现目标增强;然后,在均匀分块的基础上,采用动态分块阈值进行玻璃绝缘子图像粗分割,并结合玻璃绝缘子的颜色和空...  相似文献   

Development of a two‐dimensional (2D) micropowder blasting simulator for microfabrication of a glass substrate with a patterned polymer mask is reported. In order to investigate the effect of mask erosion on a processed glass profile, a cellular automaton simulation in which erosion of the glass and the polymer mask were taken into account was applied to the micropowder blasting process for the first time. From a comparison of the simulation result with the processed glass profile in the experiment, it was demonstrated that the processed glass profile with the mask erosion could be simulated using our simulator. Furthermore, it was confirmed that the processed profile in the glass depended on the mask profile and the ratio of the deformation wear and the cutting wear of a mask. Copyright © 2007 Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan© 2007 Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

复合空心绝缘子的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过水煮试验及吸红试验的测试,优选出了复合空心绝缘子用玻璃钢管的环氧树脂体系及玻纤类型,比较了湿法纤维缠绕管及布带浸渍管的水煮性能,从而确定了适宜复合空心绝缘子玻璃钢管的成型方法。  相似文献   

The measurement of glass temperature is essential to the understanding and control of efficient glass processing operations. The physical principles of temperature measurement using infrared techniques are described. Emphasis is primarily placed on infrared radiation thermometry (pyrometry) for measuring glass surface temperature and the spectral remote sensing method for recovering temperature distribution in glass. The radiation thermometry for measuring glass surface temperature is reviewed, and difficulties caused by the presence of spectrally selective attenuation of radiation by atmospheric constituents or combustion products such as H20, C02, and others are discussed. Criteria for selecting spectral bandwidths appropriate under the circumstances of glass manufacturing are given, with special emphasis on the effects of environmental spectral absorption. A technique for reconstructing the temperature distribution in glass from remotely sensed spectral emission data is presented. The validity and accuracy of the spectral remote sensing method is established by comparing temperature profiles in glass samples under a variety of different physical conditions with independent measurements.  相似文献   

In order to control the charging of insulating glass used in HV vacuum equipment, the effect of H/sub 2/ plasma processing on the glass surface was studied. The electron-beam irradiation method was used to verify the effectiveness of the charging control. Borosilicate glass plates were used as test samples. When the glass was exposed to H/sub 2/ plasma produced by ac (60 Hz) voltage application, the surface resistivity of the glass was decreased, varying with H/sub 2/ plasma processing time. By exposure to H/sub 2/ plasma for 20 min, the surface resistivity was reduced from /spl sim/10/sup 17/ to /spl sim/10/sup 12/ /spl Omega/. Due to the reduction of the surface resistivity, charging of the glass can be controlled to a level below that which could cause surface flashover.  相似文献   

In one of the glass sheet tempering processes in which a glass sheet is submerged in molten metal with electromagnetic force by a linear induction motor (LIM), it is necessary to keep the glass sheet vertical in the center of the molten metal tank, because a glass sheet warps unless both sides are uniformly cooled. This paper describes the concept of the center of the buoyancy force on a glass sheet in molten metal, introduced in order to discuss its stability against tilt. If the center of the buoyancy force of a glass sheet is higher than its center of gravity, it is stable against tilt. Numerical simulation of electromagnetic fluid flow is performed to evaluate the center of the buoyancy force. The stability conditions are the following (where τ is the pole pitch of the LIM): (1) The shortest length of a glass sheet is 2τ/3 shorter than that of the LIM. (2) The lowest limit of the center of gravity of a glass sheet is τ/3 higher than the center of the LIM. © 1999 Scripta Technica, Electr Eng Jpn, 126 (3): 64–72, 1999  相似文献   

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