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水钴矿中选择性提取铜和钴的新工艺   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对某水钴矿的特点,采取还原酸浸旋流电积新工艺选择性提取其中的铜和钴。系统考察初始硫酸浓度、温度、时间、Na2SO3用量、液固比等因素的影响,确定浸出最佳条件如下:初始硫酸浓度为75g/L,Na2SO3用量为7%,液固比L/S=4 mg/L,温度为70℃,时间为0.5 h。对浸出液进行了旋流电积提取铜和钴的探索实验研究,得到纯度分别为99.95%、99.97%的电积铜、钴产品,铜、钴的直收率分别达到98.23%和94.54%。  相似文献   

本文对白银公司低品位废弃氧化铜矿石成分及物相进行了分析,井采用稀硫酸作为溶浸剂进行室内酸浸小型试验研究。试验表明,浸出液完全可满足后续萃取-电积工序的技术要求。  相似文献   

氧压酸浸低品位富银硫化矿富集提取银和锌   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于含有大量的黄铁矿和白铁矿(它们约占原矿的70%,质量分数),以及闪铅矿一定程度上的氧化,云南澜沧铅矿股份有限公司所产的富银硫化矿难以富集.本文通过对该矿在90-170℃下氧压酸浸,以期连同后面的氰化能提取精矿中的银.通过进行2L高压釜的小型试验,考察了温度、酸度、碘化钠用量、氧分压、氧气流速对银和锌回收率的影响.结果表明,银的回收率取决于银是否进入黄钾铁矾渣,或者与碘化钠反应生成碘化银沉淀.在优化的条件下,银和锌的回收率分别达到71.5%和41.29%.  相似文献   

浸铜后渣还原焙烧工艺和试生产实践   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
阜康镍厂针对氧化焙烧-酸浸之后的浸铜后渣采用了氢气还原焙烧-酸浸-除铁-沉铜镍工艺,达到了进一步富集贵金属,除去流程中的铁,有效回收有价金属铜镍的目的.  相似文献   

加压酸浸法从粉煤灰中提取铝(英文)   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
利用加压酸浸法从粉煤灰中提取铝。研究了粉煤灰粒度、硫酸浓度、反应时间、反应温度对铝提取率的影响。通过XRD、SEM、IR对反应前、后的粉煤灰进行物相和形貌分析。确定的最佳工艺条件为粉煤灰粒度74μm,硫酸浓度50%,反应时间4h,反应温度180℃。在最佳工艺条件下,氧化铝的提取率为82.4%。  相似文献   

开发从含铜砷的铜电解黑泥中分离和回收铜的湿法冶金新工艺.该工艺包括黑泥氧化酸浸和浸出液中选择性硫化沉铜两个步骤.研究各种工艺参数对铜和砷的浸出和沉淀的影响.在第一阶段中,最佳工艺条件为:初始H2SO4浓度为1.0 mol/L,液固比为10 mL/g,80℃下连续浸出4 h.此条件下铜浸出率可达95.2%,砷浸出率为97...  相似文献   

在分析低品位红土镍矿成分、物相的基础上,提出一种利用硫酸对红土矿在常压下湿法浸出、分级沉积金属元素并获得高附加值氧化物的方法。利用XRF、XRD和SEM-EDS等表征手段,确定浸出过程中产物的成分,并分析各级产物的物相及尺寸。试验证明,综合回收利用低品位红土镍矿中的多种有价金属,实现从矿物中直接制备纳米粉末是可行的。  相似文献   

进行了硫化锌和含银低品位锰矿联合氧压酸浸的小型试验,以考察影响浸出的各种因素,诸如浸出温度、浸出时间、氧分压和搅拌速度.实验在2L的高压釜内进行.实验结果表明,硫化锌和含银低品位锰矿能相互促进浸出,但这种耦合作用须在一定条件下才会起作用.作者对一些浸出做了探讨.为下一步扩大试验的需要,本文给出了合理的浸出条件:浸出温度, 110℃; 浸出时间,2h; 氧分压, 0.6MPa; 硫酸用量, 1.2倍理论用量.  相似文献   

还原熔炼法从谦比希铜冶炼厂转炉渣中回收钴(英文)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究从赞比亚谦比希铜冶炼厂转炉渣中回收钴的还原熔炼过程。实验考察还原剂用量、熔炼温度、保温时间及渣型改善剂CaO和TiO2的添加对还原熔炼金属回收率的影响。采用X射线衍射、扫描电子显微镜及能谱分析对所得贫化渣和含钴合金进行表征。结果表明,在优化条件下,转炉渣中钴、铜、铁的回收率分别为94.02%,95.76%和小于18%;贫化渣的主要物相组成为铁橄榄石和铁尖晶石,含钴合金中主要含有金属铜、含钴铜的铁合金和少量的硫化物。  相似文献   

活化焙烧-酸浸法富集中低品位富钛料   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
采用还原磨选法制得的富钛料TiO2品位低,不适合直接作生产氯化法钛白和海绵钛的原料.热力学分析表明,采取添加Na2CO3进行焙烧处理后,可破坏富钛料中主要矿物组分黑钛石(Me3O5型固溶体,Me=Ti、Fe、Mg、Mn等)的固溶体结构,使固溶于其中的杂质元素铁和镁等转变为易溶于稀盐酸的物质.结果表明,用稀盐酸浸出活化富钛料可使浸出产物TiO2品位提高到90%以上,比直接用稀盐酸浸取未经活化的富钛料浸出产物TiO2的品位提高了近10%.  相似文献   

低品位氧化铜矿氨-硫酸铵体系过硫酸铵氧化浸出   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以过硫酸铵为氧化剂,研究低品位氧化铜矿在氨-硫酸铵体系氧化浸出工艺。讨论氨/铵离子摩尔比、总氨浓度,氨、硫酸铵和过硫酸铵的浓度,反应温度,液固比,反应时间和搅拌速度等操作条件对铜浸出的影响。结果表明:在92.8%的矿样粒径小于0.045 mm,氨、硫酸铵和过硫酸铵浓度分别为2.4、1.8和0.100 mol/L,浸出时间为90 min,温度为30℃,液固比(mL/g)为5:1,搅拌速度为500 r/min时的优化条件下,低品位铜矿的铜浸出率达87.7%。  相似文献   

Hydrazine sulfate was used as a reducing agent for the leaching of Li, Ni, Co and Mn from spent lithium-ion batteries. The effects of the reaction conditions on the leaching mechanism and kinetics were characterized and examined. 97% of the available Li, 96% of the available Ni, 95% of the available Co, and 86% of the available Mn are extracted under the following optimized conditions: sulfuric acid concentration of 2.0 mol/L, hydrazine sulfate dosage of 30 g/L, solid-to-liquid ratio of 50 g/L, temperature of 80 °C, and leaching time of 60 min. The activation energies of the leaching are determined to be 44.32, 59.37 and 55.62 kJ/mol for Li, Ni and Co, respectively. By performing X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy in conjunction with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, it is confirmed that the main phase in the leaching residue is MnO2. The results show that hydrazine sulfate is an effective reducing agent in the acid leaching process for spent lithium-ion batteries.  相似文献   

研究Tunceli孔雀石矿物在硝酸溶液中的溶出行为,以评估各种实验参数的影响.研究为分两个阶段.在第一步中,确定浸出过程的最佳条件,而在第二步中,对该过程进行动力学评估.在优化实验中,以硝酸浓度、温度、搅拌速度和固液比为自变量,采用中心组合设计法(CCD)获得实验数据.确定硝酸浓度、温度、固液比和搅拌速度的最佳值分别为...  相似文献   

The cathode materials of spent lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) were recovered via reductive roasting, Na2CO3 leaching, and ammonia leaching. The effects of roasting parameters, Na2CO3 leaching parameters, and ammonia leaching parameters on the leaching efficiencies of metals were explored. The results show that the mineral phase of spent LIBs is reconstructed during reductive roasting, and more than 99% of Li can be preferentially leached via Na2CO3 leaching. Ni (99.7%) and Co (99.9%) can be leached via one-step ammonia leaching, and Mn cannot be leached. Thus, good leaching selectivity is achieved. The kinetic study shows that the leaching of Ni and Co conforms to chemical reaction control.  相似文献   

连建肖  张秀玲  杨桥  贾晓鸣 《硬质合金》2011,28(1):24-28,37
选用几种工业上常用的酸类润滑添加剂与三乙醇胺进行酯化反应生成不同润滑剂,将反应产物配成一定浓度的溶液对纯钴片和硬质合金刀具在常温下做浸泡实验,用纯钴片做电极与饱和甘汞电极组成原电池测定电动势,根据电动势的大小结合电镜扫描分析判断不同润滑剂溶液使金属Co浸出的情况,优选出抑制金属Co浸出效果好的润滑剂。实验结果表明:油酸三乙醇胺和油酸硼酸三乙醇胺对Co的浸出有抑制作用。  相似文献   

The artificial neural network (ANN) and hybrid of artificial neural network and genetic algorithm (GANN) were applied to predict the optimized conditions of column leaching of copper oxide ore with relations of input and output data. The leaching experiments were performed in three columns with the heights of 2, 4 and 6 m and in particle size of <25.4 and <50.8 mm. The effects of different operating parameters such as column height, particle size, acid flow rate and leaching time were studied to optimize the conditions to achieve the maximum recovery of copper using column leaching in pilot scale. It was found that the recovery increased with increasing the acid flow rate and leaching time and decreasing particle size and column height. The efficiency of GANN and ANN algorithms was compared with each other. The results showed that GANN is more efficient than ANN in predicting copper recovery. The proposed model can be used to predict the Cu recovery with a reasonable error.  相似文献   

对湿法炼锌净化渣的浸出动力学进行了研究,并探讨了硫酸浓度、反应温度、粒度等对钴、锌浸出率的影响规律。从动力学的角度分析了整个浸出过程,得到优化条件:液固比50:1(mL/g),硫酸浓度100 g/L,反应温度70°C,粒度75~80μm,反应时间20 min。在此优化条件下钴的浸出率为99.8%,锌的浸出率为91.97%。结果表明:在硫酸体系中钴的浸出符合不生成固体产物层的“未反应收缩核”模型。通过 Arrhenius 经验公式求得钴和锌表观反应活化能分别为11.693 kJ/mol和6.6894 kJ/mol,这表明浸出过程受边界层扩散控制。  相似文献   

Bioleaching of low-grade copper sulphides   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The bioleaching behavior of low-grade copper sulphides under the condition of preferential solution flow was investigated through experiments. ,The experiment of bioleaching was conducted within the multifunction autocontrol bioleaching apparatus. The results show that the concentrations of Cu^2+ and total Fe increase slowly at the beginning. The recovery rate decreases with the increase of depth of dump. The preferential solution happens within the fine region when the application rate is low, and the recovery rate of the fine region is higher than that of the coarse region. The content of fine ore particles within both fine and coarse regions increases during the leaching period, and the preferential solution flow shifts from fine region to coarse region. The surface of the ores at the top of dump is attacked seriously, and the ores in the middle is attacked slightly. There are plenty of crackles on the surface of bottom ores because of the precipitation layer on the surface.  相似文献   

The bioleaching of low-grade copper sulfide ore and the selective extraction of copper were investigated. Lix984 dissolved in kerosene was used as extractant. The results show that it is possible to selectively leach copper from the ores by heap leaching. The copper concentration of leaching liquor after 250 d is 2.17 g/L, and the copper concentration is 0.27 g/L after solvent extraction. The leach liquor was subjected to solvent extraction, scrubbing and selective stripping for the enrichment of copper and the removal of impurities. The pregnant copper sulfate solution produced from the stripping cycle is suitable for copper electro-winning.  相似文献   

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