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【美国《科学日报》网站10月8日文章】旨在利用太阳能的新技术可能是成功地开发月球、发射比较便宜和重量较轻的卫星的关键。太阳电池将是为未来的月球工业基地提供动力的重要能源。在休斯敦大学得克萨斯超导和先进材料中心工作的物理学教授亚历克斯·弗罗因德利克和资深科学家查尔斯·霍顿正在开发利用月球尘埃在月球上制造巨型太阳电池板的方法。弗罗因德利克对月球物质进行了研究以确定其中是否含有制造太阳电池所需的元素。他说:“月球风化层中含有制造太阳电池所需的原料。”弗罗因德利克、霍顿、得克萨斯超导和先进材料中心主任亚…  相似文献   

日本京都大学日前宣布.其研究人员已建成一座太空太阳能发电实验设施.其用途主要验证通过无线方式远距离输送能量的可行性。太空太阳能发电是指用火箭把太阳能电池板发射到太空,太阳能电池板在太空发电,再将产生的电能转换成微波传回地面.并重新转换成电能。目前完工的实验设施位于京都大学宇治校区内.京都大学设想5至10年后发射携带直径10米的太阳能电池板的实验卫星.达到输出功率10kW的发电能力。  相似文献   

傅黎 《太阳能》2005,(6):55-56
俄罗斯科学家已夸下海口,下一步要把发电厂搬上月球。俄罗斯太空能源机构领导人谢瓦斯季亚诺夫指出,月球含有丰富的“氦3”元素,如果能在月球建造发电厂,将令地球有数千年源源不绝的电力,美国南加爱迪生公司签订了1MW太阳能盘式装置的合同,商业乙醇生产设施采用新技术,美国Solargenix公司在内华达新建造65MW集热器厂,西班牙风力发电业快速发展。[编者按]  相似文献   

国宾 《广西节能》2003,(1):36-36
地球上的能源越来越少,日趋枯竭。于是,科学家们把目光投向了月球。 把太阳能板安装到月球上去 科学家相信,21世纪人类将解决向太空要电力的全部技术问题,并使该技术商业化。2001年12月14日,美国休斯敦大学空间系统研究院的科学家发布研究报告称,人类面临的能源短缺可以通过在月球上修建能源工厂来解决。  相似文献   

钱伯章 《太阳能》2009,(9):12-12
很久以前,人们就认识到太空太阳能发电的优势。不过,由于技术和费用等问题的制约,太空太阳能发电的设想一直以来都被束之高阁,成为一个看似不可能实现的梦想。日本科学家就是对这个“梦想式”的创意产生了兴趣。  相似文献   

针对相关标准建立了一套测试太阳能保证率的评估方法,通过实际测试得出了太阳能保证率长期性能预测公式.  相似文献   

日本打算开发一个耗资2万亿日元(约合210亿美元)的太空太阳能工程.正在筹划的太阳能电站拥有4km2的太阳能阵列,该阵列可以产电10亿W,足以给东京30万个家庭供电。  相似文献   

亚洲最丰富的可再生能源资源分布在哪里?应该怎样对其进行大规模的开发利用?如果在横跨亚洲之间构建一条清洁能源“超级高速公路”,使得分散的可再生能源能够在亚洲统一的市场中进行交易,将为亚洲国家应对气候变化提供长远的收益。  相似文献   

研究与探索1 居住区用电器具、照明和室内制冷能耗的神经网络模拟。M .Aydinalp .Modellingoftheappli ance ,lightingandspacecoolingenergyconsump tionintheresidentialsectorusingneuralnet works .AppliedEnergy ,2 0 0 2 ,71(2 ) :87- 110 .2 巴西圣保罗城阳光漫射相关模型。A .P .Oliver ra.Correlationmodelsofdiffusesolar radiationapp…  相似文献   

为研讨我国太阳能热发电技术商业化发展途径,2007年8月13日~8月15日,在海南省三亚市举办了"太阳能热发电技术发展三亚论坛"。会议以"将太阳能热发电技术推向商业化"为主题,属自由论坛形式。国内外与会代表从技术、经济、政策、法律法规等方面展开了热烈讨论。大家一致认为太阳  相似文献   

The solar energy collection apparatus at the University of Washington has been improved and changed since the original paper on this apparatus was presented by the author in November, 1955. Two different types of collectors are now collecting solar energy, side by side and simultaneously, namely a flat-plate and a parabolic-type collector. Both collectors are attached to a common shaft and fixed so that they will rotate together and track the sun in its travel across the sky. These two collectors can also be changed in inclination to various positions such that the collector surfaces always receive the sun's rays at right angles, for most efficient solar collection. The controls effecting this operation are thoroughly explained in this paper. The efficiency of a collector is the ratio of the energy collected by it to the energy recorded by a pyrheliometer. This efficiency indicates how much of the sun's energy that actually impinges on the earth the collector is capable of absorbing and thus transferring to some medium for future use.

A comparison of the flat-plate and the parabolic collector is made in this paper, along with thorough explanations of all the aspects of the apparatus, illustrated by actual photographs and line drawings. A comparison is also made between fixed collectors and collectors which track the sun. In addition, a comparison is made between the energy that can actually be collected and the energy represented by the total heat loss from an average Seattle home, thus indicating how well the collected solar energy could replace this heat loss, provided the energy could be satisfactorily transferred by an appropriate medium into the house. Finally, mention is made of future research contemplated on solar energy collection and utilization in the Pacific Northwest.  相似文献   

在建筑行业普遍存在一个问题,就是能源和能源替代(包括太阳能的利用)的工作仅围绕着电力问题转.  相似文献   

一全球能源紧缺,人类持续发展面临危机 在人类文明进程跨入21世纪的今天,确保能源供应是人类社会发展中一个十分重要的课题.据各国政府及专家公认统计数字,日前全球石油已知储量可开采约40年,天然气已知可开采约50年,原煤已知可开采约200年;  相似文献   

唐黎标 《太阳能》2004,(1):33-33
1968年,美国的格雷瑟博士首先提出在地球同步轨道上构建发电站的设想。自此,“到太空发电去”成了许多科学家努力的目标。日本科学家在这方面算是先行者,他们最早进行了太空太阳能发电实验和微波输电  相似文献   

庞国军 《太阳能》2007,(9):22-23
十五年时间,中国太阳能热水器产业从一家企业发展到目前的4000多家;从企业一年销售几百台到目前一条生产线日产千台;从简单的闷晒式到既吸热又保温的数字化;从密布城市居民小区到乡村农户到处可见;从烈日当头的南沙群岛到冰天雪地的南极;从国内的普及到遍布世界近百个国家。十五年间,从零平方米到9000万平方米,这就是中国太阳能产业神奇的发展速度。  相似文献   

Almost all technical development efforts in both the developed and the developing nations depend on electrical energy. However, the sources of conventional means of electricity generation are fast depleting. Consequently, most industrialised nations have research on solar energy as a way to avert impending energy crisis.This paper presents the investments in energy generation in Nigeria. The efforts made in solar energy research and utilization are highlighted. The financial investments by the Nigerian government to the development of electrical power industry between 1990 and 1994 are presented and discussed. A case is made for a systematic and coordinated financial investments in solar energy research and adaptation to complement power generation from conventional sources.  相似文献   

From measurements made at the Optical Institute in Madrid, the energy on three specially orientated surfaces is calculated in the wavelength range 0.3 to 1.2 μ, including both the direct and the diffused radiation. Using measurements and observations made by the Astronomical Observatory in Madrid and keeping in mind the actual insolation time, the atmospheric absorption, and the inclination of the solar rays, the total energy coming directly from the sun in all wave lengths is calculated on the same surfaces. The first calculation gave a result, for the best orientated surface, of 1810 kwh per sq m per uear, and the second calculation, a result of 1230 kwh per sq m per year. Therefore, the electrical energy that a silicon cell or a thermocouple with concentrating device could supply per year is 199 kwh per sq m or 37 kwh per sq m, respectively.  相似文献   

Solar energy offers enormous potential for a tropical country like India. There are ongoing programmes to tap the potential both for stand alone and grid connected solar PV systems, and solar thermal systems. TC Malhotra, Indian Correspondent for Refocus reports.  相似文献   

Dale N. Moss 《Solar Energy》1967,11(3-4):173-179
Solar energy provides the reducing power within green leaves to convert CO2 and H2O into sugars. The CO2 is supplied by the atmosphere and enters the leaf by diffusion. Factors affecting the rate of photosynthesis must either change the CO2 diffusive resistances or the CO2 concentration gradient along the diffusion pathways. Therefore, these effects can be described in terms of diffusive control mechanisms.

Light affects CO2 diffusion by initiating photosynthesis, which removes CO2 at the chloroplast and establishes a diffusion gradient. Light also triggers stomatal opening, thereby sharply decreasing the diffusive resistance. However, intense radiation can cause desiccation of stomatal guard cells, a mechanism whereby the diffusive resistance increases.

During illumination, leaf cells have both a source (respiration) and sink (photosynthesis) for CO2. Respiration in some species appears to be greatly stimulated by light. This additional internal CO2 flux is a possible reason for a lower efficiency of energy utilization than in species whose respiration is not enhanced by light.

Physiological growth responses or movements often occur that position leaves in the light. Plants lacking this capability are often excluded in ecological succession in nature.  相似文献   

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