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人生光阴,如川流逝去,不舍昼夜。人生取舍,尺壁非宝,寸阴是竞。真理之路,漫漫而远兮,上下而求索,朝闻道,夕死可。择书阅读,是人生魂魄铸造过程。培根曾言:读史使人明智,读诗使人灵秀,数学使人周密,科学使人深刻,伦理学使人庄重,逻辑修辞之学使人善辩,凡有所学者,皆成性格。择书亦如交友,书如其人,孔子曾云:益者三友,友直,友谅,友多闻。择书阅读,慎哉,慎哉!  相似文献   

一般冒泡排序算法用TureBasic语言描述如所附子程序sort。为提高排序速度,本文对其做两点改进。第一[注],由原来的每趟比较只向一个方向(由前向后或由后向前)改为由前至后和由后至前交替进行。这是因为当由前向后比较时,大数向后移动快,而小数向前移动慢;当由后向前比较时,小数向前移动快,而大数向后移动慢。例如,考虑以下各数:2,8,5,4,7,6,3,1,9由前向后比较一趟结果是:2,5,4,7,6,3,1,8,9显然,8向后移动得很快。再由后向前比较一趟结果是:1,2,5,4,7,6,3,8,9显然,1向前移动得很快。考虑几率均等,…  相似文献   

登登  丘震 《数码摄影》2006,(8):112-117
我和我的新娘,是有关爱情的,孤独,抛弃,追求,理解。 我和我的新娘,是有关城市的,权贵,建设,没落,符号。 我和我的新娘,是有关一切的,愤怒,怜悯,无知,怅惘。[编者按]  相似文献   

飘零雪  令狐冲 《微电脑世界》2004,(14):i001-i012
近两年来,垃圾邮件大量泛滥,不断改头换面,以躲避过滤,魔高一尺;反垃圾邮件技术推陈出新,增强智能别技术,道高一丈。令人汗颜的是,垃圾邮件与病毒为伍,让传统反垃圾邮件技术措手不及。随着安全技术介入,垃圾邮件再次败下阵来。但战争并未结束,垃圾邮件时刻积续力量,准备反攻。俗话说,知己知彼,百战不殆。如若防范垃圾邮件,必须知晓垃圾邮件入侵的突破口,以及恰当的过滤手段。事实上,客户端和邮件服务器是垃圾邮件传播和落脚的根据地,如若横扫“垃圾”,必须直击客户端和邮件服务器。客户端主要靠个人用户维护,邮件服务器端则靠网管维护。现在,我们从这两个角度,讲一讲防范垃圾邮件全套攻略。  相似文献   

翁昶宏 《电脑》2005,(11):106-110
第一节前期准备工作 一.工具1曲线锯,用于锯非直线切口。如喇叭孔。2园盘锯,用于锯直线切口。3气泵,气钉枪,用于拼装钉合。4木工锉,用于板材修边等。5磨光机,用于表面修整。6修边机,用于制作凹槽,圆边等。7裁纸刀,剪刀,用于铺设吸音材料,皮革,毡布等的裁剪。8刷子,用于涂刷白胶,万能胶等;  相似文献   

大江向东去,淘尽千古英雄,小溪门前过,阅遍 黎民苍生,古往今来,人分三类:先知先觉者,智慧;后知后觉者,聪明;不知不觉者,愚蠢。以此标准看芸芸众生,不会有错。以此标准看网络中人,也八九不离。 看云,可以看出人生,看云,可以破解网络中人。 “日照香炉生紫烟,遥看瀑布挂前川,飞流直下三千尺,疑是银河落九天。”这是诗人李白浪漫看云; “暮色苍茫看劲松,乱云飞渡仍从容,天生一个仙人洞,无限风光在险峰”这是政治家毛泽东豪放看云; “一群白白的绵羊,团团的围在中央,四周苍老的荒山,好像瘦狮一样。仰头望着天,我替…  相似文献   

平平圭 《电脑》2002,(7):106-106
我用自己的电脑写文章、听歌曲、上网,常常在不经意间,电脑屏幕跳出来一个“非法操作”框,“XX程序执行了非法操作,即将关闭。”于是,写好一半的文章,得停下,正听得起劲的歌曲,不能再听了,上网呢,免了吧。而常常,碰到这种情况,我是无可奈何的,能处理就处理一下,不能处理,就只有投降了。那种感觉,真是糟透了。懊恼、烦燥、愤怒,可是又无可奈何。有问题就要解决,痛定思痛,我请教了一些朋友,又翻了翻书,终于明白了其中的道理,其实,“非法操作”这种情况并不可怕,只要稍加处理是完全可以避免的。造成“非法操作”的原…  相似文献   

MAES系列通用专家系统的结构及使用方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
叙述一种国内自主开发的专家系统开发工具,可以替代进口的专家系统。它可应用于工业,农业,军事,医疗,交通,旅游,环保,气象,航空等领域,实现诊断,计划,设计,咨询,管理,市场预测,投标等。  相似文献   

日常写作无忧通用版 提供大量日常写作模板。内容涉及到各行各业,包括各行各业的述职报告,竞聘演讲,工作总结,工作计划,心得体会。商业计划书,法律文书,经济文书,礼仪文书,行政文书,新闻信息,讲话致辞,常用演讲稿等,并有党务工作全套样例:包括入党程序。入党申请书,转正申请书,思想汇报,考察材料等。内容极其广泛,并可方便的复制、粘贴、打印,是你日常写作不可缺少的  相似文献   

sl.哈密顿系统最小温液和随机网的形成考虑方程。切,。,,\__令。=:,V—一切,则从写成tuo其中a=wen,k。=。仅几)讣。几.当a一咖乃一z。ql/q时,Ma就会产生于重拟对称的随机网,下面讨论a=z。/q.引人坐标,=V几,在。,v,,坐标下括号前面的系数对问题影响不大,下面一律省去.引入一角坐标。=/灭dnW,。~/灭cosW,以生成函数F二~l-a。灼见变换坐标,在新的变量下哈密顿为取(~,叫作为初始点,kH20.7,经过。26000X41步,映射产生了图1的随机网.本文图中带星号者为观精度q二3和q二6所对应的随机网具。。…  相似文献   

Complexity, complication, contradiction, consumption, confusion, delusion, depression. Opportunity, inspiration, ingenuity, compassion, wisdom. Our world is perplexing, our times are fast moving, and our choices are many. To find an appropriate path is a daunting yet vital challenge that confronts us as individuals, as communities, and as a civilization. How sustainable is our world? How reasonable are our behaviors? The present article is a collection of thoughts on a series of intertwined issues related to the contemporary world, its environmental dimensions, and their present-day problems. The goal is to survey the landscape through a lens of Environmental Design, to provide some perspectives, to raise some questions, and to explore systems, beliefs, and values informing and influencing actions. It is important to consider how people's belief systems influence, inform, and shape actions. This holds true in realms political, spiritual, and cultural. It also proves relevant in the ways in which we imagine, design, develop, and construct our buildings, cities, spaces, and places.

Appropriate solutions to some of our most daunting problems will arise through the concerted efforts, open dialogue, and collective wisdom of the wide array of stakeholders, professionals, politicians, decision makers, and citizens (both engaged and disenfranchised) who have the will and wherewithal to make a difference and to make the world safer, healthier, and better. It seems vital for us to critically examine, and question, our belief systems and their connections to the ways we define, refine, and realize progress. Architecture and Environmental Design, in both a philosophical and a practical sense, reflect as well as form greater aspirations, directions, and events of our times.  相似文献   

This article presents the current status of existing and emerging ISO, ANSI, and FIPS standards for database management, specifically Database Languages NDL and SQL and Remote Database Access (RDA). It describes the general content of each standard and discusses its applicability, availability, completeness, maturity, stability, existing usage, and known limitations. Where appropriate, it also addresses the availability of conformance test suites and future plans for enhancements and follow-on standardization efforts.  相似文献   

计算机科学与技术中的系统论与辩证法   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本文探讨了计算机科学与技术中的系统论及辩证法,包括物质和意识、联系与发展、时间和空间、理论和实践等范畴以及对立统一、质量互变、否定之否定等基本规律。应用上述理论阐述计算机软硬件系统、操作系统、程序设计语言与算法、计算机网络、计算机软硬件发展等方面存在的基本哲学问题,并将其应用于计算机教学,取得了较好的效果。  相似文献   

李元    王石荣    于宁波   《智能系统学报》2018,13(3):445-451
移动机器人在各种辅助任务中需具备自主定位、建图、路径规划与运动控制的能力。本文利用RGB-D信息和ORB-SLAM算法进行自主定位,结合点云数据和GMapping算法建立环境栅格地图,基于二次规划方法进行平滑可解析的路径规划,并设计非线性控制器,实现了由一个运动底盘、一个RGB-D传感器和一个运算平台组成的自主移动机器人系统。经实验验证,这一系统实现了复杂室内环境下的实时定位与建图、自主移动和障碍物规避。由此,为移动机器人的推广应用提供了一个硬件结构简单、性能良好、易扩展、经济性好、开发维护方便的解决方案。  相似文献   

基于Web的有机化学多媒体教学系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

陈鹤  吴庆祥    孙宁    杨桐    方勇纯   《智能系统学报》2022,17(4):824-838
随着现代化工业和基础设施建设的飞速发展,面向大尺寸货物运送的吊车系统以其高负载能力、低成本的显著优势广泛应用于集装箱搬运、风机安装、飞机机翼机身移动、水轮发电机转子安装、海上钻井平台搭建等诸多重要领域。然而,相对于传统的点质量单摆吊车系统,面向大尺寸货物运送的吊车系统具有更高的欠驱动程度、更强的状态耦合性和更加复杂的非线性,给大尺寸货物高效、安全的运送控制带来严峻挑战。本文首先简单阐述了面向大尺寸货物运送吊车系统不同吊装形式的建模、优势和缺点;然后,详细介绍了点质量双摆吊车系统、分布式质量双摆吊车系统和多吊车协同运送系统控制的研究现状;最后,对面向大尺寸货物运送吊车系统控制的研究现状进行概括,并对可能存在的关键问题和未来的研究方向进行了讨论和展望。  相似文献   

The National Coal Resources Data System (NCRDS) was designed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) to meet the increasing demands for rapid retrieval of information on coal location, quantity, quality, and accessibility. An interactive conversational query system devised by the USGS retrieves information from the data bank through a standard computer terminal. The system is being developed in two phases.Phase I, which currently is available on a limited basis, contains published areal resource and chemical data. The primary objective of this phase is to retrieve, calculate, and tabulate coal-resource data by area on a local, regional, or national scale. Factors available for retrieval include: state, county, quadrangle, township, coal field, coal bed, formation, geologic age, source and reliability of data, and coal-bed rank, thickness, overburden, and tonnage, or any combinations of variables. In addition, the chemical data items include individual values for proximate and ultimate analyses, BTU value, and several other physical and chemical tests. Information will be validated and deleted or updated as needed.Phase II is being developed to store, retrieve, and manipulate basic point source coal data (e.g., field observations, drill-hole logs), including geodetic location; bed thickness; depth of burial; moisture; ash; sulfur; major-, minor-, and trace-element content; heat value; and characteristics of overburden, roof rocks, and floor rocks. The computer system may be used to generate interactively structure-contour or isoline maps of the physical and chemical characteristics of a coal bed or to calculate coal resources.  相似文献   

Remote sensing of soil salinity: potentials and constraints   总被引:39,自引:0,他引:39  
Soil salinity caused by natural or human-induced processes is a major environmental hazard. The global extent of primary salt-affected soils is about 955 M ha, while secondary salinization affects some 77 M ha, with 58% of these in irrigated areas. Nearly 20% of all irrigated land is salt-affected, and this proportion tends to increase in spite of considerable efforts dedicated to land reclamation. This requires careful monitoring of the soil salinity status and variation to curb degradation trends, and secure sustainable land use and management. Multitemporal optical and microwave remote sensing can significantly contribute to detecting temporal changes of salt-related surface features. Airborne geophysics and ground-based electromagnetic induction meters, combined with ground data, have shown potential for mapping depth of salinity occurrence. This paper reviews various sensors (e.g. aerial photographs, satellite- and airborne multispectral sensors, microwave sensors, video imagery, airborne geophysics, hyperspectral sensors, and electromagnetic induction meters) and approaches used for remote identification and mapping of salt-affected areas. Constraints on the use of remote sensing data for mapping salt-affected areas are shown related to the spectral behaviour of salt types, spatial distribution of salts on the terrain surface, temporal changes on salinity, interference of vegetation, and spectral confusions with other terrain surfaces.As raw remote sensing data need substantial transformation for proper feature recognition and mapping, techniques such as spectral unmixing, maximum likelihood classification, fuzzy classification, band ratioing, principal components analysis, and correlation equations are discussed. Lastly, the paper presents modelling of temporal and spatial changes of salinity using combined approaches that incorporate different data fusion and data integration techniques.  相似文献   

企业在产品更新迭代及创新的过程中,对相关领域技术的需求非常巨大,企业从业者也有众多问题得不到解决,而高校与研究机构在相关领域有众多专家,希望将技术推广并解决从业者的问题。通过搭建一个平台,促成企业、企业从业者和专家三者之间的交流与合作。平台采用ISM模型,基于Android平台,采用分布式架构,依赖Django服务器、MySQL数据库。系统功能包括发布需求、智能推荐、提供线索、专家约谈等功能,为企业从业者、专家、企业提供线上支持及服务。  相似文献   

This paper proposes a method for robust reduced-order H filter design for polytopic uncertain systems, using linear matrix inequalities (LMIs). Sufficient LMI conditions for both robust full- and reduced-order H filter design are derived. Convex optimization problems are formulated and solved to obtain optimal H filters by using the resulting LMI conditions. The resulting conditions do not involve any non-convex rank constraints, and thus the proposed method for H filter design guarantees global optimum solutions. Numerical examples are presented to show the effectiveness of the proposed method. Recommended by Editorial Board member Huanshui Zhang under the direction of Editor Young Il Lee. This work was supported by the Brain Korea 21 Project and the Basic Research Program of the Korea Science and Engineering Foundation under grant R01-2006-000-11373-0. Hyoun-Chul Choi received the B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in Control and Instrumentation Engineering from Ajou University, Suwon, Korea, in 1995, 1997, and 2006, respectively. He was a Visiting Researcher at Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia, from 2001 to 2002, and a Postdoctoral researcher at Ajou University, Suwon, Korea, from 2006 to 2007. Since 2008, he has been with ASRI, School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea, where he is currently a Postdoctoral Researcher. His research interests include LMI-based control, optimal and robust control, network-based control, and mechatronics. Dongkyoung Chwa received the B.S. and M.S. degrees from the Department of Control and Instrumentation Engineering in 1995 and 1997, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree from the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering in 2001, all from Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea. From 2001 to 2003, he was a Postdoctoral Researcher with Seoul National University. In 2003, he was a Visiting Research Fellow at The University of New South Wales, Australian Defence Force Academy, and was the Honorary Visiting Academic at the University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia. In 2004, he was a BK21 Assistant Professor with Seoul National University. Since 2005, he has been an Assistant Professor with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Ajou University, Suwon, Korea. His research interests are nonlinear, robust, and adaptive control theories and their applications to the robotics, underactuated systems including wheeled mobile robots, underactuated ships, cranes, and guidance and control of flight systems. Suk-Kyo Hong received the B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering from Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea, in 1971, 1973, and 1981, respectively. His major graduate research works were centered on speed control of induction motors. He was an Exchange Professor at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY, from 1982 to 1983, and at the Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique, France, from 1988 to 1989. He has been with the faculty of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Ajou University, Suwon, Korea, since 1976, and was a Visiting Professor at Griffith University, Australia, in 2001 and 2002. His current research interests include robust robot control, microprocessor applications, factory automation, and computer integrated manufacturing.  相似文献   

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