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P L Bishop 《Water science and technology》2007,55(1-2):19-26
Biofilms play a major role in many water reclamation and reuse technologies. Normally, wherever there is water, a support surface and nutrients available, a biofilm will form. In some cases, this may result in problems for the water treatment system, due to biofouling or the growth of pathogenic or other unwanted microbes, but more frequently, the biofilm serves a very useful purpose by biodegrading organic contaminants in the water or by converting unwanted inorganic materials into harmless ones. Biofilms are commonly found associated with membrane reactors and filtration systems used in water reclamation and reuse systems, and are often a critical component. They are also found in soils where they may impact water injection or removal systems, or in situ bioremediation. Knowledge of the way biofilms form, how they grow and how to control them is critical for effective design and operation of many water reclamation facilities. This paper explores the modes of formation and growth of biofilms, modern methods for exploring the structure and function of biofilms, and how to control their growth. This paper also presents details on our development of microelectrode sensor arrays for continuous soil pore water quality monitoring. 相似文献
WU Lei LU Chuan-jing HUANG Tao LI Jie 《水动力学研究与进展(B辑)》2006,18(5):537-541
1. INTRODUCTION Since the introduction of the grid fin in the mid- 1980s, it has been indicated that the use of grid fin as an innovative aerodynamic stabilizer and/or a control surface has some advantages when compared with the conventional planar fin [1… 相似文献
从以往对太湖和其他浅水湖泊的研究来看,水流走向主要受湖泊表面的风向支配,主要运动形式是由风驱动而形成的风生流。为了研究浅水湖泊风生流的基本特性,构建了一套模拟风生流的水槽试验装置,模拟了15m/s风速下的风生流,并采用高采样频率PIV系统对风生流水动力特性进行了精细的测量,获得了风生流的垂向流场信息。试验表明该系统测量结果符合风生流的形成规律,具有模拟风生流的能力。通过不同流程处、相同风速下风生流时均流场、水平流速、涡量、紊动切应力和紊动强度垂线分布的对比,分析了风生流的水动力特性。风生流水槽试验的结果可以为今后进一步深入研究浅水湖泊风生流提供基础数据。 相似文献
三维土工网护坡坡面流水动力学特性试验研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
采用室内变坡水槽,通过组合不同坡度(5o、10o、15o、20o、25o和30o)、不同流量(1 m3/h、1.5 m3/h和2 m3/h)室内模拟放水冲刷试验,对三维土工网护坡坡面流水动力学特性进行了研究。结果表明,坡面流流态为紊流,流型为急流;坡面冲刷深度—坡度、阻力系数—坡度及阻力系数—雷诺数呈正相关的幂函数关系;阻力系数—弗汝德数呈负相关的幂函数关系。研究成果对深入揭示三维土工网护坡坡面侵蚀的水动力过程具有重要的理论意义。 相似文献
Leit?o RC Santaellla ST van Haandel AC Zeeman G Lettinga G 《Water science and technology》2011,64(9):1935-1941
This work aims to evaluate the hydrodynamic properties of the sludge bed of Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket (UASB) reactors based on its settleability and expansion characteristics. The methodologies used for the evaluation of the settleability of aerobic activated sludge, and for the expansibility of a sludge bed of Expanded Granular Sludge Bed reactors and Fluidised Bed Reactors were adapted and applied to the particular characteristics of the sludge of UASB reactors. An easy-to-build experimental set-up was developed to assess the parameters necessary for the equations of settleability and of expansibility. The results obtained from the sludges of seven differently operated reactors show that, for the treatment of low strength wastewater, settleability increased and expansibility decreased at decreased hydraulic retention time, from 6 to 1 h, and/or increased influent concentrations, from 136 to approximately 800 mg chemical oxygen demand/L. The results also show that it is useless to design an UASB reactor with a longer hydraulic retention time to cope with hydraulic shock loads, as a more expansible sludge will develop at such condition. 相似文献
对卧倒门在不同工作试上承船厢内的水动力特性及船舶停泊条件进行了物理模型试验,介绍了卧倒门启闭过程中承船厢内的水力特性和动力特性。运用回归分析法,得出了承船厢内水面最大升降值和船舶停泊条件的经验计算式。 相似文献
近年来国内外已有许多城市的极端强降水事件造成了地下空间受淹而导致巨大损失的发生,而地下空间防洪方面的研究成果寥寥无几.本文通过地下空间出入楼梯的水工模型试验,重点将人体所受水流阻力与流量的关系作为一个新的研究角度,研究了入侵洪水的动力特性:当流量达到安全撤离的临界条件0.28 m3/(s·m)时,最大流速到达3.9 m/s.水流对人体的阻力随着流量的增加呈线性增长,双腿站立的阻力与流量关系曲线的斜率较单腿站立的要大;在最不利的着装条件下,单腿受力的最大值为3.93×9.8N,双腿受力的最大值为8.96×9.8N.其结果为防洪设计和疏散指导工作提供理论依据,并为今后地下空间洪水入侵机理的研究提供参考. 相似文献
为开展水流交汇区污染物浓度分布研究,进行水流交汇区水动力学特性的数值模拟,建立适用于水流交汇区的水气两相流数学模型。模型采用Weber试验数据进行验证,验证结果表明模型模拟的自由水面、流场与试验结果吻合较好。针对交汇区浓度分布试验的研究需要,模拟分析了不同交汇角、流量比和动量比对交汇区水动力学特性的影响。研究结果表明:分离区的范围随交汇角、流量比和动量比的减小而逐渐缩小直至分离区消失,交汇角、流量比和动量比越小,交汇口上游水位的壅高及分离区内水位的下降程度越不明显。 相似文献
In a membrane bioreactor (MBR) process containing a variety of bacteria, the bacterial adhesion to the membrane surface, prior to cake formation, causes an increased filtration resistance. In this study, Pseudomonas fluorescens, commonly found in the municipal wastewater treatment process with activated sludge, was used to show the effects of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) on bacterial adhesion to the membrane surface in the MBR. Of the various roles of EPS in promoting membrane fouling, the adhesion of bacteria to the membrane surface was calculated using the specific cake resistance (alpha, m/kg). Although the amount of EPS binding with bacteria was increased by the addition of Ca2+, there was no significant effect on the bacterial growth. The results of the particle size distribution showed that the addition of Ca2+ increased flocculation, allowing the formation of a complex with the bacteria and EPS. In order to identify the effects of the addition of Ca2+ on the hydrophobicity, the contact angle was also measured. The result showed that the addition of Ca2+ showed no significant differences in the hydrophobicity, even though there was an increase in flocculation. With the bacteria containing a higher EPS concentration, a higher specific cake resistance was observed. From the results of the adhesion experiment, which was conducted with various EPS levels, displayed as the COD and TOC concentration, an increased EPS concentration was shown to promote bacterial adhesion to the membrane surface. 相似文献
The hydrodynamic characteristics of the overland flow on a slope with a three-dimensional Geomat are studied for different rainfall intensities and slope gradients. The rainfall intensity is adjusted in the rainfall simulation system. It is shown that the velocity of the overland flow has a strong positive correlation with the slope length and the rainfall intensity, the scour depth decreases with the increase of the slope gradient for a given rainfall intensity, and the scour depth increases with the increase of the rainfall intensity for a given slope gradient, the overland flow starts with a transitional flow on the top and finishes with a turbulent flow on the bottom on the slope with the three-dimensional Geomat for different rainfall intensities and slope gradients, the resistance coefficient and the turbulent flow Reynolds number are in positively related logarithmic functions, the resistance coefficient and the slope gradient are in positively related power functions, and the trend becomes leveled with the increase of the rainfall intensity. This study provides some important theoretical insight for further studies of the hydrodynamic process of the erosion on the slope surface with a three-dimensional Geomat. 相似文献
Waste stabilization pond systems are widely used to treat animal wastes under highly variable hydraulic loading regimes. These systems have received limited research attention with regard to their hydrodynamic behaviour and the potential impact of shock hydraulic loading on their performance. In this study a two-stage dairy shed waste stabilisation pond system was topographically surveyed to determine the physical shape and the theoretical hydraulic retention time (HRT) of each pond, as well as the extent of sludge accumulation in the primary pond. The primary pond was then subjected to a series of drogue tracking runs whereby weighted floating survey targets with submerged 'sails' were tracked during their movement through the pond at times of peak flow in order to characterise the hydrodynamic behaviour of the pond. The full capacity volumes of the primary and secondary ponds were calculated to be 1285 m3 and 2391 m3, respectively. Sludge had been accumulating in the primary pond at a rate of 0.73 m3/d over a period of 2.4 years and this has reduced the active treatment volume of the pond to 657 m3. Based on mean outflow, the HRTs of the ponds were 40 d and 137 d, respectively. The drogue runs revealed a vortex-like mixing pattern within the pond with higher velocities around the perimeter of the pond between the inlet and outlet, and lower velocities in the centre of the pond. In-pond velocities seemed relatively high in comparison with those from other drogue studies of larger ponds and the surging inflow caused the formation of a flow 'jet' that potentially contributed to significant short-circuiting. The range of influence of this flow jet, however, was limited to within 15 m of the inlet, suggesting that short-circuiting would be likely to occur only under certain high inflow conditions. 相似文献
洱海是大理白族人民的母亲湖,具有浅水湖泊的水流特点.受风生湖流形态、环流结构及其空间分布差异性影响,洱海入湖污染物呈现水力停留时间长、输移扩散缓慢、北部湖湾藻类易出现富集等特点,并在自北向南、自西向东输移扩散过程中不断向湖底累积并形成内源污染,同时洱海水质受雨季降雨径流携带大量点面源负荷入湖及湖泊拦蓄雨季雨污水影响显著... 相似文献
牧草对坡面侵蚀动力参数的影响 总被引:28,自引:4,他引:28
通过室内模拟降雨试验,研究了不同盖度草地与裸地坡面的产流产沙过程与坡面流水动力学特性。试验结果表明,与裸地坡面相比,草地坡面的含沙量、平均输沙率、径流量以及坡面流速均有不同程度的降低。草地坡面的平均输沙率及坡面流速随草地盖度的增大而减小,而盖度对草地坡面径流量的影响则不明显。裸地坡面的输沙率随降雨历时呈高一低一高变化,而草地坡面的输沙率则随降雨历时呈幂函数递减。试验中坡面径流的弗劳德Fr数和雷诺Re数均属层流的缓流范畴。草地坡面的Darcv-weisbach和曼宁阻力系数随草地盖度的增大而增大,其值均大于裸地坡面相应的阻力系数。 相似文献
潮流能水轮机日益受到重视,针对其叶轮翼型水动力问题,提出了一种襟翼控制策略,计算不同襟翼翼型的垂直轴潮流能涡轮机水动力学动态特性,对比分析了襟翼控制前、后的垂直轴潮流能涡轮机力矩系数周期性变化规律。结果表明:所提控制策略可在不影响力矩系数均值的情况下,有效降低力矩系数振幅,且非对称襟翼翼型力矩系数振幅小于对称襟翼翼型;通过分析流场结构发现,施加控制策略的翼型尾缘流场较未施加控制策略的尾缘流场细长;襟翼控制叶片转过之后的尾涡贴合于旋转轨迹,对下游流场影响较小,易于耗散;发生大涡分离的方位角范围为160°~260°,叶片内侧涡强增大,而施加控制策略之后,该现象得到很好改善。 相似文献
高负荷螺旋桨水动力性能试验研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
以某大型集装箱船高负荷螺旋桨为研究对象,分别采用大侧斜、反弯扭叶片和毂帽鳍等技术进行螺旋桨优化设计,以改善螺旋桨的空泡和水动力性能.设计了5型螺旋桨,分别在空泡水筒进行了模拟伴流场中的空泡和激振力试验,并在拖曳水池进行了敞水试验.试验结果表明,采用大侧斜可有效减小螺旋桨诱导船艉激振力;反弯扭叶片螺旋桨空泡性能较好,有较低的螺旋桨诱导船艉激振力水平;桨毂帽鳍可改善毂涡空泡,模型试验状态下可提高推进效率2%左右. 相似文献
Subsurface flow wetlands contain gravel or sand substrates through which the wastewater flows vertically or horizontally. The aims of this study were, firstly, to quantify biofilm development associated with different size gravel in sections of a subsurface flow wetland with and without plants, and secondly, to conduct laboratory experiments to examine the role of biofilms in nutrient removal. Techniques to quantify biofilm included: bacterial cell counts, EPS and total protein extraction. Based on comparative gravel sample volume, only EPS was greater on the smaller 5 mm gravel particles. There was no significant difference between biofilm growth in sections with and without plants. Two vertical flow laboratory-scale reactors, one containing fresh wetland gravel, the other containing autoclaved gravel, were constructed to determine nutrient transformations. The autoclaved gravel in the "sterile" reactor rapidly became colonised with biofilm. Both reactors were dosed with two types of influent. Initially the influent contained 7.25 mg/L NO3-N and 0.3 mg/L NH4-N; the biofilm reactor removed most of the ammonium and nitrite but nitrate concentrations were only reduced by 20%. In the "sterile" reactor there was negligible removal of ammonium and nitrite indicating little nitrification, however nitrate was reduced by 72%, possibly due to assimilatory nitrate reduction associated with new biofilm development. When the influent contained 3 mg/L NO3-N and 16 mg/L NH4-N almost 100% removal and transformation of NH4-N occurred in both reactors providing an effluent high in NO3-N. Organic P was reduced but inorganic soluble P increased possibly due to mineralisation. 相似文献
在急流滩地形概化了的试验水槽中,进行了多种水力条件下的船模上滩试验.试验结果表明,滩段的水面比降、水流速度及船舶水深吃水比是船舶上滩的主要影响因素. 相似文献
开孔垂荡板的水动力特性试验研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Spar平台的垂荡板一般会有开孔以安装垂直立管等生产构件。为研究开孔对垂荡板水动力特性的影响,该文采用强迫振动试验方法对不同开孔率的垂荡板的附加质量系数和粘性阻尼系数进行了研究,对相同开孔率不同开孔孔径垂荡板的水动力特性进行了比较分析。通过三块开孔垂荡板的多板试验及与单块开孔垂荡板试验结果的比较,得到了开孔垂荡板水动力系数随板间距的变化情况。研究成果对实际工程中垂荡板的优化设计以及相关数值计算具有一定的指导意义。 相似文献
本文通过模型试验研究了不规则波与均匀流共同作用于小尺度单桩的水动力特征。文中比较了不同工况下直桩与斜桩的受力特性。在频域内采用相关函数法进行了谱分析与互谱分析,得到波面谱与波力谱的相关关系.并给出波向力与波面相位差的变化规律。 相似文献