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烟气轮机是催化装置的主要能力回收设备,其作用是利用再生烟气的热能和压力能膨胀做功以带动主风机运行。在现阶段的发展中,我国对催化装置烟机振动问题进行了系统的研究,经过科研人员的不懈努力,在催化装置烟机振动问题上,取得了阶段性的成果,这不仅有利于掌握催化装置烟机的应用,而且可以在相关领域内获得更大的发展,同时能够对催化装置烟机振动的原因有一个比较透彻的了解。  相似文献   

柳振涛 《天津化工》2023,(S1):58-60
介绍了天津石化公司级节能机组电机更新方案,投入运行后发电效果显著。针对公司级关键机组重要性,制订了保长周期运行各项技术措施。  相似文献   

多年以来催化烟机热电阻测量点,在检修开机运转初期(1-5天内)和每次临时停工开机初期,就会有断线故障,由于是埋入式安装,所以直到下一个检修周期才能更换新热电阻。在此期间工艺一直无法看到故障点的温度,给工艺检测带来困难,在温度过高时,不能及时发现,容易给烟机操作带来安全隐患;同时由于每次检修和临时停工都要更换有故障的热电阻也增加了仪表工和钳工的劳动强度,增加了班组材料成本;且更换的热电阻每次都要送计量室检定,鉴定费用多。为此,我们通过催化烟机热电阻测量点改造的研究,来延长热电阻的使用寿命。  相似文献   

分析了烟机改造及安装过程中存在的问题,提出了相应的解决措施.新烟机安装后,振动值降到有史以来的最低值,并且运行平稳,效果显著,表明第一次进行大型机组的安装获得了成功.  相似文献   

以某炼厂催化装置中的烟气轮机轴封泄露现象为例,介绍了该类型号烟机出现轴封泄露现象的处理过程,并结合轴封结构及现场实际,通过深入分析诊断,提出可行的处理措施,最终有效地解决了泄露问题,保证了机组安全平稳运行。  相似文献   

烟机的高效平稳运行是保证催化裂化装置长期平稳运行、降低装置能耗水平的前提。但由于振动高的原因,在我公司的运行情况一直不是很好。本文通过对问题的分析,找出了制约烟机长周期运行的关键因素-结垢,提出了预防结垢的措施。  相似文献   

张亮 《山东化工》2014,(7):115-116
提出了催化装置三机组(主风机+烟机+电动机/发电机)烟机效率的一种计算方法,并对某炼厂3.0×106t/a催化裂化装置烟机进行了计算与分析。催化装置设置烟机的目的是回收烟气能量,而烟机效率表示了烟机的工作状态,装置运行中受到结垢与催化剂磨损的影响。  相似文献   

王宇 《河北化工》2013,(8):121-123
烟机-主风机组是催化裂化装置的关键设备之一,其运行工况的好坏和运行周期的长短,对于保证装置满负荷运行,降低能耗,延长开工周期具有重要作用。石家庄炼化分公司二催化装置原YLⅡ8000B型烟机一、二轮盘之间催化剂堆积较严重,影响了烟机的长周期运行。分析了影响烟机长周期运行的各种因素,找到了停机的关键因素,对烟机进行了改造,并对改造后的运行状态进行分析。改造后解决了催化剂堆积使转子动不平衡的情况。  相似文献   

催化裂化烟机振动原因分析及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
烟气轮机是原料油催化裂化过程中重要的能量回收装置,其运行状况不仅关系到装置整体能耗水平、而且还对整套机组的安全运行有着重要的影响。文章介绍了烟机的原理和功能,并对催化裂化装置运行中引起烟机振动常见原因进行分析。通过控制工艺参数等措施,使榆炼催化裂化装置配套烟机启动初始振动值控制在3μm。  相似文献   

通过对中国石油吉林石化公司炼油厂140万t/a催化装置烟气轮机结垢实例进行详细的数据分析,结果表明铁、钠、钙等金属污染催化剂造成的后果不容忽视。针对催化裂化装置原料中重金属发生变化,导致催化剂骨架强度降低、催化剂破碎、并伴生有低熔点共熔物与催化剂细粉结合导致的烟机结垢,经过优化原料性质、增加系统催化剂置换、监控催化剂粒度及重金属含量等措施可以有效预防,解决烟机结垢问题。  相似文献   

燃煤烟气SO_x/NO_x污染控制技术   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
介绍了有效控制燃煤SO_x和NO_x的排放方法,综述了目前烟气同时脱硫脱硝技术,指出可再生催化氧化还原法是最有应用前景的干法同时脱硫脱硝技术。  相似文献   

将氨法脱硫废液用于烟气脱硫系统进行工业化试验。结果表明,新工艺可以增加电厂脱硫溢流液的碱性,提高烟气中SO2的脱除效率,取得较好的应用效果,并且为焦化厂氨法脱硫废液的处理提供了新的途径。  相似文献   

在催化裂化装置配套的烟气脱硫系统投产并平稳运行半年后,对烟气脱硫系统进行了全面的标定分析,从烟气二氧化硫脱除率、指标分析和节能降耗等方面进行了数据统计与分析,提出了催化裂化装置配套的烟气脱硫系统运行中存在的问题,给后续烟气脱硫装置大修提供了参考依据。  相似文献   

根据石灰预热器加料室的工作原理,建立了不同结构形式的加料室有限元模型,利用计算流体动力学软件Fluent对不同结构的加料室进行仿真模拟,得到了不同加料室内部烟气的分布状况,同时分析了不同加料室结构对烟气流场的影响,从而为优化出相对合理、节能的加料室提供数据依据。  相似文献   

介绍了挥发窑烟气、烟尘的性质 ,分析了烟气收尘工艺存在的缺陷。新建挥发窑系统用废热锅炉代替U型表面冷却器 ,用电收尘器代替布袋收尘器 ,使进入收尘器的烟气温度得以提高 ,系统阻力减少 5 0 % ,风机功率消耗降低。  相似文献   

燃煤锅炉烟气氨法脱硫技术概况   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了氨法脱硫的原理、主要的脱硫工艺以及实际应用情况。实践表明,大型锅炉采用氨法脱硫效率高,投资省,用电量少,可生产硫酸或硫酸铵。烟气即使不降温,直接进入脱硫塔,也可达到较高的脱硫效率。通过对多种工艺的比较,为燃煤烟气脱硫技术的选择提供参考。  相似文献   

Effects of the method of burning and addition of catalysts in the chimney of civil-used stove on emission of air pollutants were studied. Alumina-supported copper and manganese oxides and palladium catalysts were used to purify the flue gas emitted from the civil-used stoves. The results show that, in upper burning case, both Cu–Mn–O/Al2O3 and Pd/CuO/Al2O3 catalysts can decrease the ratio of CO/CO2 to <0.01, and remove SO2 and volatile organic chemicals (VOC) from the flue gas to some extent. Deactivation of the catalyst results from the accumulation of sulfate groups on catalyst support. The life of the catalyst can be extended by adding a honeycomb of lime before the catalyst.  相似文献   

Under the Paris agreement, China has committed to reducing CO2 emissions by 60%–65% per unit of GDP by 2030. Since CO2 emissions from coal-fired power plants currently account for over 30% of the total carbon emissions in China, it will be necessary to mitigate at least some of these emissions to achieve this goal. Studies by the International Energy Agency (IEA) indicate CCS technology has the potential to contribute 14% of global emission reductions, followed by 40% of higher energy efficiency and 35% of renewable energy, which is considered as the most promising technology to significantly reduce carbon emissions for current coal-fired power plants. Moreover, the announcement of a Chinese national carbon trading market in late 2017 signals an opportunity for the commercial deployment of CO2 capture technologies.Currently, the only commercially demonstrated technology for post-combustion CO2 capture technology from power plants is solvent-based absorption. While commercially viable, the costs of deploying this technology are high. This has motivated efforts to develop more affordable alternatives, including advanced solvents, membranes, and sorbent capture systems. Of these approaches, advanced solvents have received the most attention in terms of research and demonstration. In contrast, sorbent capture technology has less attention, despite its potential for much lower energy consumption due to the absence of water in the sorbent. This paper reviews recent progress in the development of sorbent materials modified by amine functionalities with an emphasis on material characterization methods and the effects of operating conditions on performance. The main problems and challenges that need to be overcome to improve the competitiveness of sorbent-based capture technologies are discussed.  相似文献   

Particulates in pilot-scale flue gas desulfurization (FGD) scrubber water were characterized by powder X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive spectroscopy, and size analysis based on Stokes’ Law after settling in an equalization basin of a pilot-scale constructed wetland treatment system. Three sources were interpreted for specific particle types identified in samples analyzed: FGD wet scrubbing processes, coal combustion byproducts, and uncombusted material from coal. Gypsum (CaSO4 · 2H2O) from the FGD scrubbing process comprises ∼95% of the particulates. Iron oxide particles and cenospheres in the particulate samples are interpreted as coal combustion products. Particles interpreted as originating from unburned coal contain carbon and metals including Zn and Fe. The most abundant elements in the particulates analyzed are O, C, Ca, S, Fe, and Si, with maximum mean content of individual elements ranging from 13% to 70% among particle types. Less abundant elements include Al, K, Mg, Ti, and Mo, with maximum mean content from 0.1% to 3.8%.  相似文献   

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